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Welcome to Goldfinch Class. 

Our teacher is Miss McGee and we are supported by Miss Reynolds


September - December 2024 Notices

  • Our P:E Day is on Wednesday.
    Please make sure your child has the correct P:E uniform on this day. This term will be both outside and inside P:E lessons.


  • Please make sure your child has a raincoat in school everyday.
  • Please make sure  your child brings a water bottle in school each day. 
  • We will be doing outdoor learning this term, so all children will need wellies in school.


Expected Homework:

  • 10 Minutes a day of Reading from your AR/Phonic Book.
    Reading Records need to be in on Friday with five, 10-minute reads written in and signed.
  • 30 games on TTRS weekly. (Completed by Monday)
    (Paper copies are available for children who cannot access TTRS)

A Guide to Accelerated Reader, Please click the link: A Parent's Guide to Accelerated Reader (AR)


Writing suggestion homework:

  • Write your own version of the three little pigs where the wolf is innocent. 
  • Write a poem about the autumn months. You can write about the weather, autumn activities or the change in season.
  • Write a set of instructions (computing algorithm) to make the most disgusting smoothie. 
  • Write a non-chronological report about a sea animal of your choice. You could include subheadings about the animals diet, habitat, features.
  • 100 Word Challenge
    Write a small piece of writing.
    It must be around 100 words, be about anything you want, be imaginative, be any type of text, a diary, letter, poem. BONUS - have the phrase …it wasn't that shape earlier…

History Off The Page - Egyptian's

In science we enjoyed making model hands with a mechanism which showed how muscles work. 

We also used AI to help us understand what different parts of the skeleton do. 

Previous Goldfinch class pages below.

Goldfinch Class 2022-2023

A fantastic day in Wagtail and Goldfinch class for World Book Day! We have had an amazing day celebrating reading, illustrating and theatre.

NSPCC Number Day 2023

On Friday 3rd February, it was NSPCC Number Day. Year 3 became entrepreneurs and opened their own pizza restaurant! They calculated seating plans, created tasty new pizza combinations using fractions, took orders, processed payments and analysed data!

They had fun outside on a number scavenger hunt for products of the 3,4 & 8 times tables and had to communicate carefully so that they could draw snowmen with their partners!

Science: Testing Friction

In Science, the children have learnt about forces. They have learnt that a force can be identified as a push or a pull and the difference between balanced and unbalanced force. For their investigation, the children tested friction acting on a moving toy car on different surfaces.

Reward Day - Silent Disco

On Wednesday 7th December, Year 3 took part in an archaeology workshop from the Museum of London Archaeology Team, in partnership with Highways England. The children had an amazing experience looking at artefacts and designing one of their own. The children were given the opportunity to hold and view some of the finds that the archaeologists had found in the local area, including: pottery from the Roman period, arrow heads from the Stone Age, and a horses' bone from nearly 10,000 years ago. The archaeologist talked about the importance of their work and how it takes time to unearth the items, and discover what the item was potentially used for. Also, Year 3 learnt about the importance of brooches, to symbolise which tribe you belonged to, and then designed and created one of their own. 

A massive well done to both Goldfinch and Wagtail for their amazing efforts at the Year 3 sports morning at Winhills. They participated in football, netball and dodgeball and showed good sportsmanship throughout. 

Week Commencing 6th September

Goldfinch Class have had a fantastic first week back to school! The children have completed lots of fun activities including adapting a biscuit recipe and exploring archaeology!

Goldfinch Class 2021-2022

Summer Term 2022

We are on our last part of our year 3 journey. Let's do it!



  • Our P:E Day is on Thursday. Please make sure your child has the correct P:E uniform on this day. 
  • As the weather starts to get warmer, please make sure your child has a sunhat in school each day. They are welcome to bring sun cream but this must be for them to use only.  
  • We will still be doing outdoor learning, so all children will need wellies in school. 


Homework Expectations:

  • 10 Minutes a day of Reading. Reading Records in on Friday with five, 10 minute reads. 
  • 30 Minutes on TTRS weekly. (Paper copies are available for children who cannot access TTRS) 


Optional Homework:


  • Writing suggestion homework


  1. Write a persuasive letter to your teacher explaining why we should or should not extend your lunch times. 
  2. Create your own Mr Penguin adventure story. If you were Mr Penguin, adventurer and penguin, what adventure would you like to do? 
  3. Write a small poem about summer. Can you make it rhyme? Can you make it rhyme, but the sounds have different spellings?  (light and white,   Spain and rain)  
  4. Write a description of what would make the best holiday and why. 
  5. 100 Word Challenge. 

Write a small piece of writing. It must: 

  • be around 100 words. 
  • be about anything you want, be imaginative. 
  • be any type of text, a diary, letter, poem. 
  • BONUS - have the phrase "But I didn't mean to hit it that hard?" 


Victory for the Year 3 & 4 Dodgeball Team

Huge Congratulations to the Year 3 and 4 Dodgeball Team for winning the trust tournament today. Well Done to all players!

Amazing Day at the Year 3 Commonwealth Games

Year 3 Goldfinch and Wagtail class had an amazing day at the Year 3 Commonwealth Sports Event. The pupils participated in rounders, athletics and netball. Well done to everyone for their hard work and team spirit. Well done everyone!

Congratulations to our Year 3 Bowling Team, who won the inter-sports competition today at Eat 'N' Bowl. Super teamwork and enthusiasm! Including the prize for the top individual score!

Year 3 & 4 Production

Goldfinch Class have completed a brilliant performance this term. They have worked extremely learning all the songs and their dance. Super proud of you Goldfinch!

Our Fishkeeper Fry Project: 

Goldfinch and Wagtail have been working hard this term being fish keepers. With special thanks to Maidenhead Aquatics, The Round House are now the owners of a beautiful aquarium which is home to many different types of fish. Year 3 followed an eight-week journey of fishkeeping learning about how to care for fish, how to clean the tank and what fish need to survive? Each week, a new variety of fish was added to the tank and the pupils learnt exciting facts about the fish. We are very happy to be keeping the tank in school and offering other year groups the chance to maintain the aquarium. 


29th March 

Year 3 and 4 had an amazing Minecraft session today from Highways England. The children were tasked in helping construct the new A428 road from the Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet in Minecraft. They learnt about how to safely build without disrupting local ecosystems and managing noise levels as well.

Well done Year 3 and 4.


Week Commencing: 3rd January 2022


Year 3 have had an amazing first week back after our Christmas holidays. In English, we have started our new book, Mr Penguin and the lost treasure' we have written and persuasive avert telling people to use Mr Penguin's investigative services. Also, we have written a setting description of the Mr Penguin's untidy office. Goldfinch and Wagtail have revisited their writing techniques such as subordinating conjunctions and expanded noun phrases in their writing. In Maths, we are starting to look at multiplication and division. We have used cubes and food items to understand multiplication is about equal groups, such as 5 groups with 6 eggs in each. We have also looked at how multiplication, is the same as repeated addition. In History, we have started our new topic on Anglo-Saxons and The Vikings. We have started our History lesson by learning about Who the Anglo-Saxons were and how they divided England into seven kingdoms. 


Well done Goldfinch and Wagtail. 

Week commencing 8th November. 


It has been another great week in Year 3. In English, we have been writing a non-chronological report about one of the three sea creatures Erin saw when she was in the water. The children wrote about jellyfish, koi carp and angler fish. In Maths, we have been continuing to develop our knowledge of addition and subtraction by adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers. In Science, we have started our new topic Forces and Magnets. The children investigated this week the forces needed and acting upon a toy car travelling on different surfaces. 


In the Ice Zone this week, the children have been learning to annotate, and draw inference from different pictures of Art. The children wrote about their opinion and views on the art David Hockney: My Parents.


Well done Wagtails and Goldfinches! 

Week commencing 1st November. 


It has been lovely to welcome back Goldfinch and Wagtail class from their half term break. We started the week of by cooking our vegetable tarts. The children prepared and cooked their vegetable tart and enjoyed the most important bit of eating the vegetable tart. We learnt about what makes these foods healthy and the importance of kitchen safety and hygiene. 


We celebrated National Outdoor Learning Day by writing a poem about autumn, taking our maths outside and drawing place value grids on the playground, and in the afternoon we created nature faces and leaf rubbing pictures. 


Well done Wagtails and Goldfinches! 

Week Commencing - 11th October 


This week in Year 3, we have started our new English book, 'The Secret of Black Rock'. We have taken on the role of a fisherman or fisherwoman and we have described to Erin (the main character) our journey into the sea, and us seeing black rock. We have used descriptive language and expanded noun phrases to describe how horrible and gruesome black rock is and our journey through the rough waters. In Maths, we have continued to develop our knowledge of addition and subtraction. This week we have been looking at adding and subtracting ones and tens from a 3-digit number. We have looked at exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten and 10 tens for 1 hundred. 

In science we have started to prepare our experiment to test pulse rate. We have looked at the different variables when carrying out a fair test. In Design and Technology, we have finished, raced and evaluated our sling shot cars. 


Well done Goldfinch and Wagtail for another super week! 

Week Commencing - 4th October 


This week in Year 3, we have been learning about speech marks in English. Goldfinch and Wagtail took on the role of the author and have written two new sections of the book 'Into the Forest' by Anthony Browne. We pretended that the boy met the Big Bad Wolf and Sleeping Beauty. In Maths, we have started to develop our addition and subtraction knowledge from Year 2. We have been adding ones to 3-digit numbers and learning to exchange. In Design and Technology, we have continued to build our sling shot cars, ready for the testing of them next week. Year 3 have learnt how they can make their car more aerodynamic to make it go faster. 


Well done Goldfinch and Wagtail for an amazing week! 

4th October

Autumn Term Notices:

Our P.E. day is Monday Afternoon
Please make sure you have a P.E kit in school every day, and earrings are removed on P.E. days. Please ensure your kit is suitable for an outside lesson, in particular footwear. Please arrive in school uniform as you will change in school.



  • 5 lots of 10 minute reads a week from your AR / Colour band book.

(Reading Records in every Friday please)


  • 10 games on Times Table Rock Star.


Optional homework:


Spelling Shed:
We will continue to put the spelling words onto Spelling Shed if children would like to complete these games.


Writing Suggestions:

Write a diary entry pretending to be a Roman child in the city of Rome. Tell us about your day, what is happening around you? What might happen tomorrow? 

Write a set of instructions to make the most fabulous, delicious and scrumptious sandwich. Think about what you will need and how someone would make it? (Imagine a robot is making your sandwich so, your writing will need to have specific and precise instructions.) 

Write the story of Jack and the Beanstalk from the giant's point of view.

How would the giant be feeling when Jack arrived?
Is the giant the one villain? Or is it Jack?

Create a fact file about a topic that you find interesting. This could be your favourite sport, hobby or food, a country in the world or a period in time. Make it informative so readers can learn about your chosen topic. 


Can you write a creative piece of writing? It must:

    • be around 100 words. 
    • be about anything you want, be imaginative. 
    • be any type of text, a diary, letter, poem. 
    • BONUS - have the phrase '...suddenly, darkness enveloped the room...' 


Monday 6th September 2021. 


We are going back in time to the Romans in Britain. Year 3 are invited to spend the day learning and experiencing about the Romans. 

We encourage children to wear a costume to help them feel part of the day.


Preparing the pupils – Boy’s Roman costume:

No Weapons Please!


It is easy to think of Roman costume just in terms of togas, but a glance at an encyclopaedia of fashion will show very many styles. It is intended that this illustration should simplify matters in order to give children the opportunity to wear something, which is approximately correct and begin to make the imaginative leap, which is so valuable when studying the past.

  • Simplest version. Just wear a knee length sleeveless tunic with belt. Any colour. You could even get away with a plain large T-shirt with a belt or a plain night-shirt.
  • Half hour version - Simple shift (chiton). Rectangle of any colour but preferably not too bright. Cut hole in the middle for the head. Fold-in half. Stitch side seams, leaving gaps for arms. Tie around waist with belt.
  • Any style could have a cloak fixed on both shoulders.


Preparing the Pupils – Girl’s Roman Costume:

No Weapons Please!


It is easy to think of Roman costume just in terms of togas, but a glance at an encyclopaedia of fashion will show very many styles as there are today. It is intended that this sheet should simplify matter in order to give children the opportunity to wear something, which is approximately correct and begin to make the imaginative leap, which is so valuable when studying the past. There are a number of possibilities depending on how much time you have to spend.

  • Simplest version. Just wear a knee length sleeveless tunic with belt. Any colour. You could even get away with a plain large T-shirt with a belt or a plain night-shirt.
  • Half hour version Simple shift (chiton). Rectangle of any colour but preferably not too bright. Cut hole in the middle for the head. Fold-in half. Stitch side seams, leaving gaps for arms. Tie around waist with belt. Use firmly fixed brooches or safely pins to gather shoulders.
  • Any style could have a draped mantle/shawl (Palla) on top.

June 8th

Great start to the 2nd summer half term. It has been SO hot in the first 2 days but the children have been fantastic. We are continuing our Iron Man book, with some very strange things going on now to do with a space-bat-angel-thing!

In maths we are revising place value, and have learnt how to multiply and divide any number by 10 and 100. Keep practising times tables at home, and hopefully we will get even more awards. It would be great if everyone could get their bronze by the end of the year.

Science is all about ROCKS this half term, and we spent this afternoon describing their appearance and properties, as well as finding out what the big 3 rock categories are.

May 26th

Don't forget to bring in your TOP 100 books EVERY Friday to be checked. If you haven't finished reading them they can go back home again, but we really need to keep a track of every book each week.

May 2021




We are currently looking at the artist Arcimboldo, a painter who lived during the Tudor period, and is famous for creating portraits using food! Through collage we have been creating faces from food cut out of magazines, and pictures we have sketched ourselves.



We have been having a lot of fun playing pentatonic (5 note) scales on the  glockenspiel. We then created our own pentatonic melodies and next week will have a go at playing each others.



We have been learning about Shakespeare, his plays, and the Globe Theatre. We have also had a go at acting out some of the famous scenes that Shakespeare wrote.




Summer Term Notes:

Our P.E. day is Monday Afternoon
Please make sure you have a P.E kit in school every day, and earrings are removed on P.E. days. Please ensure your kit is suitable for an outside lesson, in particular footwear. Please arrive in school uniform as you will change in school.


We are going to be continuing The Tudors topic up until Half Term. Then we will be completing our Europe topic.


This term we will also be doing Spelling Homework on paper copies. All children are expected to complete the paper copy.



  • 5 lots of 10 minute reads a week from your AR / Colour band book.

(Reading Records in every Friday please)


  • Complete the week’s spelling rule on a paper copy, handed out on Tuesday, to be back in the following Monday. .  
  • 10 games on Times Table Rock Star.


Optional homework:

Spelling Shed:
We will continue to put the spelling words onto Spelling Shed if children would like to complete these games.


Writing Suggestions:

  • Write a narrative of Jack and the Beanstalk from the giant’s point of view.
  • Make a comic strip about the Tudors. It could be about the Battle or Bosworth, or about Henry VIII’s wives.
  • Write a letter to the school, persuading them to build a new adventure playground.

100 Word Challenge, Write a creative piece of writing. It must be around 100 words and contain the prompt:
… it came down the drainpipe… 

19th March


It has been so lovely to see everyone back in school, and everyone has done so well in their assessments!


Please can the children who were learning at home bring in their personal projects next Tuesday. I am not promising that it will be Tuesday they are shown, but we plan to have a few presentations Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

If you have created a powerpoint please can your parents email me or the office instead of bringing it in on a memory stick. Thank you.

Return to School Information: Monday 8th March.

  • We will continue to have P.E on Monday Afternoons - This will be outside P.E so please have outdoor kits. On Monday's please attend school in your P.E kit for the whole day. 
  • Reading Records to still be brought in and we will resume checking everyone's 5 reads on Friday.
  • Homework will continue with 10 Games on TTRockStar, 10 Games on Spelling Shed and 5 Reads.
  • Outdoor Learning will still continue.  
  • Please bring any reading books and packs back to school.

See you all Monday! 

Thank you. 

Mrs Rodgers and Mrs Hunt

The Midnight Gang with Miss Hicks

Here is chapter 50 

Here is chapter 51 & 52

Chapter 53   

Chapter 54  

The final chapter of The Midnight Gang.

Useful Home Learning Links:

1st - 5th March

Some helpful ways to help children struggling during lockdown. 

Home Learning | The Round House Primary School 

Non-screen Activity Grid

22nd - 26th February

8th - 12th February

Newspaper Report Word Mat

1st - 5th February

25th - 29th January

18th - 22nd January

                                                  11th-15th January

Friday 8th January 2020

Hello Year 3, 

Well done for all your hard work yesterday, you're all superhero learners! 


Here is the outline for Thursday's home learning. 

Wednesday 6th January 

Have a great day, remember you can blog us any questions if you want to, or if you want to show your amazing work! Pupil login | The Round House Primary School ( 



Mr Thomas, Mrs Rodgers and Mrs Hunt.  


Thursday 7th January 2020

Hello Year 3, 

Well done for all your hard work yesterday, you're all superhero learners! 


Here is the outline for Thursday's home learning. 

Wednesday 6th January 

Have a great day, remember you can blog us any questions if you want to, or if you want to show your amazing work! Pupil login | The Round House Primary School ( 



Mrs Rodgers, Mrs Hunt and Mr Thomas

Home Learning - Wednesday 6th January to Friday 8th January. 


Hello Year 3, and a Happy New Year! We hope you all had a happy and safe holiday. 


Below is the overview for the next three days of home learning, and each day we will post the daily tasks from the sheet on this class page. 


Remember to try your best and give it a go. Remember what we always say "It's not 'I can't do it', it is 'I can't do it yet'". If you need any help, you can contact us through the class blog and we will be happy to answer. We are in school so it may not be straight away. 


Last little thing, we have made small packs for you all, with a book, pencil, and few other little things. We will be delivering these to you as soon as possible. 


Have a great day, take your time and take learning breaks.


Mrs Rodgers, Mrs Hunt, and Mr Thomas. 


Wednesday 6th January 

Autumn Term 2020

10th December


Fantastic week in Goldfinch class. Busy, busy, busy as always. We have been showing off all our Ancient Egypt knowledge in our topic essay and our handwriting is amazing! I love the way nearly everyone is now including conjunctions in their work. We keep talking about how important it is to read our work aloud so we can hear our own mistakes. Maths has seen us grouping and dividing and we are getting really good at showing our workings out. In science we made compasses which links nicely to our work in geography and also our orienteering in PE. Something very exciting in history tomorrow, then we can all rest over the weekend ready for our last week before Christmas.



8th December

Goldfinch and Wagtail parents. Please can you ensure that any TOP 100 BOOKS are brought in for our Christmas stock take THIS FRIDAY. If the children have not read them yet they can take them away again for the holidays, but we need to check on all books.

Thank you.

Year 3 Team.




Super proud of our Golden Pupils. Both Bethany and Josh have worked hard recently and fully deserve to be congratulated. Bethany for her super spelling assessment and the care she takes in her writing. Josh for an amazing exciting write where he used correct punctuation, a variety of conjunctions, and joined writing throughout. Well done you two!

25th November

Gallery time ! Golden pupil assembly, Ancient Egyptian top trumps, playing with magnets and a few of our first decoration afternoon.



17th November


For Year 3 and 4 Parents -

This year we are decorating the school with sustainable Christmas decorations.

We would really appreciate donations of

newspapers and magazines

plastic lids of all sizes

old Christmas paper, cards and unwanted decorations

yogurt pots

pine cones

wire coat hangers

egg boxes

lolly sticks or small sticks/twigs

jute string

any unwanted LED lights




Thank you.

12th November

Another packed week in Goldfinch class. We never stop!!

English explanation texts about volcanoes using technical vocabulary, prepositions, time adverbials and diagrams; continuing our work adding and subtracting with 3 digit numbers in maths - with and without exchange; and science has seen us investigating friction by rolling a car down a ramp onto different surfaces.

We have also been designing castles in DT, using previous and new knowledge about castle features, and 3D shapes. Don't forget to keep bringing in those kitchen rolls and cuboid boxes - like toothpaste boxes - so together with the 3D shapes we are going to create from nets, we can make them in the next couple of weeks.

4th November


Lots going on in Goldfinch class this week. We have been writing newspaper reports about how Erin saves Black Rock. We have looked at headings, orientation paragraphs, quotes from Barney and a conclusion paragraph.

In maths we have been adding and subtracting tens from 3 digit numbers. We have used number lines, bar models and column method, and are getting pretty good!

Science has been an introduction to forces and magnets, and discussing pushes and pulls.

In topic we have been finding out about the Ancient Egyptian Gods. There was a God for nearly everything!

Outdoor education has been about fossil hunting and creating leaf bouquets. If your child has not got wellies in school yet PLEASE make sure you send them in, or there are going to be some VERY muddy school shoes!

Please make sure all PE kits are back by Monday as we start our new PE topics of Lacrosse and orienteering. We will be outside ALL afternoon so please ensure joggers and jumpers are included in their PE bag.

Half term.


 I hope you are SMASHING TT Rock Stars this week!!!!

Year 3 Writing Suggestions. 


Writing Suggestions (September – December):
(This is optional homework, please hand in when completed.) 

  • Write a set of instructions (computing algorithm) to make the most delicious sandwich.
  • Pretend you have just arrived in the Stone Age, just like the book Stone Age Boy, write a small diary entry of your first week.
  • Write a different version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears from the point of view of Goldilocks.

100 Word Challenge (
Can you write your own creative piece of writing using no more than 100 words, and including the following:  … suddenly they froze with nothing to say…

October 16th

Every Goldfinch has come home with their knowledge organiser for this term. Some bits they have already covered, some they will do after half term. Just something for you to look through with your child and learn together.

This week in science we were trying to find our pulse to investigate what happens after we perform certain exercises. An interesting lesson with a few children unable to find their pulse - we tried too!!!!- and counting their pulse over a minute led to a few unexpected totals!!!!!!

English has involved writing a non-chronological report about jellyfish, angler fish, or koi carp. We ALL learnt some interesting facts.

In maths we have been using a number line to add to a 3 digit number, and the column method has been introduced. We tested a few times tables this week, but as I have explained to the children we are being extra strict and used this week as a warm up ready for successful testing next week we hope.

Don't forget we are battling out with Doves this week. Quite a few siblings in competition, so get on TT Rock Stars as much as you can over the weekend to lead us to victory!!!

It was lovely to talk to so many of you over zoom this week, and I look forward to catching up with everyone else very soon.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

 October 8th


Another wonderful week with Goldfinch Class. Our oracy work is going amazingly well - ask the children to put plethora, devour or even dwindle in a sentence!!!!

I know lots of the children are getting excited about their times tables (today we even had a go at the 50 times table!!). We will set up specific times when they can be tested, which they will sign up for, so make sure the cards stay in their school bags for us to sign and date if they are successful. Hopefully practising them will ensure that scores improve on TT Rockstars as well.

The children are going out on the field for lunchtimes and during the week for outdoor learning come rain or shine, so if you have not done so already, please can you bring in a named pair of wellies for your child asap.

Thank you.

October 6th


The children in Goldfinch have been buzzing today. It all started with our BIG maths, then finding 1,10 and 100 more and less than numbers. Then we compared numbers using more than, less than and equals. This week we will be bringing our timetables cards home with us. If we learn our times tables we can get special badges!

In English we wrote poems about Erin's observations and feelings when she fell into the sea. We were using some very powerful language!

This afternoon we put on some calming music and created abstract marks to represent words and feelings. We were using charcoal which we enjoyed immensely.

Outdoor learning saw us evaluating our tools and jewellery that we made last week.

What a brilliant day!

Homework Reminder: 

Just a reminder about Homework in Year 3. We expect at least 10 completed garage games on TTRock Star and 10 completed games on Spelling Shed. This is set on Monday and is due in the following Monday.

Remember your 5 reads a week from your colour band or AR Book. Reading Records in on Friday.

Paper copies of both spelling and maths are available if needed.

Thank You,


September 28th


We are getting very excited about our English lessons using the book The Secret of Black Rock. Today we were hot seating, pretending to be the main character Erin, trying to persuade her Mum to let her go out to sea.

In maths we continue to work on place value, finding out about 3 digit numbers, what each digit represents, and how we can create addition number sentences when we partition the numbers.

Science has been all about healthy eating, the food plate, and how much sugar is in food. Did you know there are 9 teaspoons of sugar in a can of coke!!!!! This has linked nicely into our PE fitness lessons, and today we discussed the importance of drinking enough water to stay hydrated.

I hope everyone managed to get all their TT Rockstars and Spelling Sheds done now. I had to give out a few reminders today! Remember, if you have any issues please contact the office who will let us know.

We are all working so hard in class but keeping a smile on our faces!! Well done Goldfinch crew!

22nd September

Yesterday was World Gratitude Day, so today in our outdoor learning session we lay on the grass thinking about what we are all grateful for. Then we went on a scavenger hunt looking for things that are useful, make us happy, calm us down, etc.

In art we have been looking at stone age paintings and you may have noticed a few 'cave paintings' on the playground and wall outside the classroom.

Don't forget to do all your spelling shed and TT Rockstars homework ready for next Monday. If you have any specific problems PLEASE email the office to let us know. If it is an on-going IT or log-in issue, we can give you paper copies to ensure your child does not have to catch up at break times.




21st September

Hello Goldfinch Families!

Well done to everyone who got through their TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed homework. Just a couple of children who need to catch up. There have been a few issues with TT Rockstars and us not being able to see how many games they have done, but that should all be resolved now.

If you would still like to order Christmas cards from your child's design, PLEASE could you bring back the sheet and money this week.

Reading is becoming a lot smoother. Just a reminder that it is 5 reads a week, not necessarily 5 entire books!!!

Great fitness and tennis session in PE today. I couldn't believe how much they have come in in just 2 weeks!! I promise to put photos on as soon as I can. Don't be surprised if swingball is on a few Christmas lists!!

15th September

Another fantastic day Goldfinch class. Great to get outdoors and make our paintbrushes from natural resources.

You will be pleased to know that Spelling Shed is now up and running. Apologies for it being a bit late. PLEASE let me know if you encounter any problems.

Also, don't forget that we are counting reads this week so it is really important to get your 5 reads in before Friday. Children on AR reading books are starting to find their way around quizzing, and colour band readers are doing really well too.

11th September

Wow! What a fantastic first week back at school for Goldfinch Class. All the children have settled in really well and didn't bat an eyelid at the new seating arrangements and extra handwashing. We have started looking at The Stone Age as well as Oliver Jeffers book 'Here We Are' which has led to discussions about how we can look after the environment and ourselves. Next week we will be doing some baseline assessments, but we will also be having PE and outdoor learning. So please make sure that PE kits are all in on Monday, along with a pair of wellies.

Have a great weekend everyone.

             smiley Welcome to the page for all our

              Goldfinch Gold Stars 2020-2021!! smiley

     Let's make this school year THE BEST year ever!yes

We are already so proud of the start you have made. Remember, Mrs Rodgers will be with you Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, then Ms Hunt will teach you on Fridays. You are lucky to have Mrs Peters ALL week, and soon Miss Hicks will be joining us.

We will be doing lots of exciting things this year. Some of these experiences will be outside, so don't forget to bring in your wellies as soon as you can, as you know we go out in all weathers. You also need your PE kit for Mondays, but must come to school in your school uniform.

You should all have your reading book now, so we will start checking your 5 reads a week next Friday. Some of you have gone down a reading level, but don't worry, a few 100% AR tests or perfect reading to an adult, and we will be able to move you up. Now that you are in year 3 we are really going to be checking your understanding of what you are reading, so make sure you get an adult to ask you some questions about what you have read after each read.

Most of you know your 2,5,and 10 times tables. Now is the time to get practising on some others. TT Rockstars can be so much fun. Soon you will be doing a quick tables test on TT Rockstars challenge and then you can start playing at home.















Welcome To the Glorious Goldfinch Webpage

Here you will find our fantastic Year 3 learning.

Our Teachers are Mrs Voce and Miss Knox

Good morning all Wagtails and Goldfinches!


It is that exciting time of year when you get to find out who your teacher will be in September. In Year 4 next year (September 2020), Miss Parker will be teaching Warbler Class and Mr Hills will be teaching Puffin Class.


You will find out exactly who you will have on Friday but please have a watch of the following video from them both, which just gives a little bit of information about them, what next year looks like and what they would like you to do for September.


Please do get in touch with them via the blog if you would like as they are happy to help and are looking forward to getting to know you and starting in September!

Tuesday 21st July

Congratulations Goldfinch! You have made it to the end of Year 3! Today is the last day of the school year. Well done for everything you have done, not only this term, but in the last year! You have all worked so hard, being resilient in your learning. You have adapted brilliantly to learning virtually and overcome so many challenges. You should all be incredibly proud! 


Today, you are free to complete the online grids but please know there is no pressure to do all of these.


Most importantly, I hope that you all have a brilliant, restful and well-deserved summer holiday. We cannot wait to hear all about it when we are back at school. We are all looking forward to seeing you all in September.


Have a fantastic summer!


Enjoy & stay safe,

Miss Parker

Monday 20th July

Good morning Goldfinch! Well done for getting to, not only the last two days of the term, but nearly the end of the school year! You have all worked so hard! I am so pleased with how well you have all adapted whilst learning at home. You should all be incredibly proud of yourselves. 


Today and tomorrow's activities are a bit different as there are a range of activities for you to choose from. You could maybe do 4 today and 4 tomorrow! It does not matter which order you complete these in or if you only choose a certain few to complete.
Click on the link to find an exciting, adventurous grid of indoor and outdoor learning tasks for you to dip into.


I hope you all have a fantastic last few days of home learning. Please post about your last two days on the blog- we would all love to see this before the summer holidays.


After Tuesday, you all deserve a long, restful break for working so hard. All of the teachers and myself hope that you have a wonderful summer holiday and we cannot wait to see you in September when we are all back. 


Stay safe, be kind and keep smiling!


Miss Parker & Year 3/4 Team

Friday 17th July

Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope that you are all well and have enjoyed this week of learning. Today is your last day of online home learning with virtual lessons. Next week will be a creative week in the style of a newsletter. How exciting! 

I hope you especially enjoy the maths activities today- it was a lot of fun to create! 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Quiz day!

Begin your day with a new Early Morning Activity today!


  • Maths- To practise problem solving: Puzzles or an Escape Room!
  • English- To create a detailed wanted poster
  • Creative- Art: To learn about Henri Rousseau's jungle-themed artwork


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- Virtual Tours: National Museum of Natural History
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Have an amazing day and enjoy your weekend of rest! I look forward to reading your blogs later today.



Miss Parker

Thursday 16th July

Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope you all had a great day yesterday. The activities for today are outlined below. I hope that you enjoy them! Today and tomorrow are our last few days of official Diamond Online 'lessons' with Monday and Tuesday next week being creative days (very exciting!). 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and spell words ending 'sion'- quiz on Friday!

Try a new Early Morning Activity today!


  • Maths- To be able to subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number (with exchange)
  • English- To plan and write my own cracking contraption/ To redraft one paragraph of my writing
  • Creative- Geography: To learn about threats from deforestation


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- Story Time: The Fox and the Star
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Have a wonderful day, everyone! Please post a blog to let us know what you have been doing.


Enjoy and keep smiling! 


Miss Parker

Wednesday 15th July

Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope that you are enjoying your week of virtual learning. Today's learning is outlined below. Please make sure you watch the mindset video as this will really help you in preparation for your day and even for September! Also, Helene Tame has recorded  her final virtual assembly so please watch this by clicking this link: 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and spell words ending 'sion'- quiz on Friday!

Start your day with a new Early Morning Activity!


  • Maths- To be able to add two 3-digit numbers (with exchange)
  • English- To plan and write my own cracking contraption
  • Creative- To explain my likes and dislikes


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- How to develop a positive mindset
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


I hope you all have a fantastic day of learning and I look forward to reading the blogs later today!


Have a wonderful day!

Keep smiling!


Miss Parker

Tuesday 14th July

Good morning, everyone! I hope you had a marvellous Monday! If you haven't already, please post a blog to let us know what activities you took part in. Let's see how many blogs we can achieve this week as our last full week of school!

Here are today's lessons- we hope that you enjoy them and learn lots. I would recommend watching the mindfulness video for more information about what mindfulness is and how you can use it. It can be very effective! 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and spell words ending 'sion'- quiz on Friday!

Start your day with a new Early Morning Activity!


  • Maths- To be able to subtract 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers (with exchange)
  • English- To design a cracking contraption
  • Creative- Geography: To describe and understand the layers of a tropical rainforest


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- Mindfulness Video: What is Mindfulness and how do we do it?
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


I hope you have a brilliant day today! I look forward to reading the blogs later.


Keep smiling!

Miss Parker


Monday 13th July

Good morning, Year 3 & 4! I hope that you are all well and happy. Hopefully, you all had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather that we received this weekend! This is our last full week of online learning. Well done to everyone for their hard work, determination and resilience during this challenging time. Keep going for just one more week!


With your parents, please have a look at the Summer Reading Challenge. This looks incredibly exciting! Post a blog if you are going to start this! 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and spell words ending 'sion'- quiz on Friday!

Start your day with a new Early Morning Activity!


  • Maths- To be able to add two-digit and three-digit numbers (with exchange)
  • English- To begin to understand the key features of an explanation text
  • Science- To build and test your own mini-raft 


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New & Final- End of Year Assembly with Mrs Turner
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Please take the time to watch today's assembly- it is very important. I hope you all have a brilliant day today! Make sure you take lots of learning breaks, drink lots of water and get lots of exercise during your day. Mostly, I hope that you enjoy the learning and have a happy, positive day!


Keep smiling!

Miss Parker

Friday 10th July

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope that you are all happy, safe and well.


Well done for making it to the end of another week. You only have one full week left to go until the summer holidays begin! Wow! Keep up the hard work! You are all doing so well. Remember, try to blog your work when you can so your teacher and class can see what you have been doing. 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Quiz!

Try a new Early Morning Activity today!


  • Maths- To be able to add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers (no exchange)
  • English- To describe a rainforest
  • Creative- To report (commentate) on an event


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- Whipsnade Zoo Virtual tour!
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Make sure you take lots of breaks throughout the day, get some fresh air and do some exercise. I look forward to reading your thrilling blogs later today.


Have a brilliant day- hopefully we will start to see some sunshine too! 


Take care,

Miss Parker

Thursday 9th July

Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope that you are all having a great week and enjoying your home learning. Keep working hard for the last few weeks as the summer holidays are in the horizon!

Today's activities are outlined below. I look forward to reading the blogs later to see what you have all been doing! 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and spell words with 'sc'

Begin your day with an Early Morning Activity!


  • Maths- To be able to spot patterns with addition and subtraction
  • English- To research rainforests (for writing on Friday)
  • Creative- To plan and design a mascot


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- Story Time!
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Please remember to blog about your day at some point. Your teachers and myself would love to hear how you are and what you have learnt. 

Have a fantastic day of learning!


Keep smiling!
Miss Parker

Wednesday 8th July

Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope that you are all well and safe. Today's learning is below. If you haven't already, make sure that you try a new Outdoor Learning activity some time this week. They are available on your year group page under 'Additional Activities'. These are updated weekly so please have a peek into them! 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and spell words with 'sc'

Begin your day with an Early Morning Activity!


  • Maths- To be able to add and subtract hundreds. 
  • English- To answer questions about a text
  • Creative- To create Top Trump cards for the Rio Olympics


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- PSHE: What is a good mistake?
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


I hope that you all have a fantastic day. Let us know what you have been up to today by posting a blog!


Enjoy and be safe!

Miss Parker


Tuesday 7th July

Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope that you are all well and enjoying this beautiful blue sky and sunshine! Well done for your excellent work yesterday. Did you know that we are nearly at the end of the term? I cannot believe it! You are all working so hard so keep this up! 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and spell words with 'sc'

Begin your day with an Early Morning Activity!


  • Maths- To be able to subtract 10s from a 3-digit number with exchange
  • English- To illustrate and describe my ideas
  • Creative- Geography: To create a bar chart to show climate data


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- PSHE: Mindfulness, Thought bubbles
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


I hope that you enjoy the tasks that we have set you today. Remember, you do not have to do everything so please just try to complete what you can. I would recommend spending 5 minutes participating in today's mindfulness as this may really help you to focus for the day.


It would be great for you to continue taking AR quizzes so make sure when you finish a book (or e-book via Oxford Owl website) that you check for a quiz and complete this when you can.


Have a brilliant day today! I look forward to reading what you have been up to on the blogs. 


Enjoy and keep smiling!

Miss Parker

Monday 6th July

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I was so glad to see some blue skies and sun on my long walks and runs this weekend. What did you all get up to?

Post something on the blog today to fill us in about your exciting weekends. 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and spell words with 'sc'

Start your Monday with a new Early Morning Activity!


  • Maths- To be able to add 10s to a 3-digit number with exchange
  • English-To make predictions from pictures
  • Creative- Science: To create a flow chart for animal classification


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- Assembly: 'Kindness' with the Duchess of Cambridge
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


I hope you all have a brilliant day. Please make sure you take many breaks throughout the day. Today would be a lovely day to go outside and enjoy the sunshine as part of a learning break.


Have a fabulous day!


Keep smiling!

Miss Parker

Friday 3rd July

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have all had a spectacular week! It has been brilliant to hear some great feedback about the Diamond Online, that a lot of you are learning so much and really enjoying this. If you haven't already had a look at the different opportunities on the Diamond Online learning, please make sure you have a look so you don't miss any valuable opportunities.


Remember, there is no pressure for you to do everything so please just try to complete what you can. Blogging your work is a great way for teacher's to see what you have been up to and to reply to this so try posting a blog about your week, today. 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Quiz day! Let us know how you get on!

Try a new Early Morning Activity to begin your day!


  • Maths- To add and subtract tens from a 3-digit number (no exchange)
  • English- To write a chapter in the story
  • Creative- DT: To follow a South American recipe Note: You will need an adult's help with this


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- World Tours: Rio beyond the map! 
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


I hope you have a brilliant Friday- there are so many exciting activities for you to complete! I look forward to hearing all about them. 


Enjoy! Have a great weekend too!


Take care,

Miss Parker

Thursday 2nd July

Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope that you are well and safe. What a beautiful day it is! Let's hope it stays this way and the rain goes away. 


Today's learning schedule is written below. I hope that you are enjoying the tasks that we are setting for you. Remember, we really appreciate hearing your feedback so please blog to let us know what you enjoyed or maybe we could improve.


Don't forget to watch today's story time, where we will finish reading The Truth Pixie together. (If you haven't watched the first reading last Thursday, have a look on the archives WB 22.6.20 or click here to watch the first reading  I really liked this book as it has a lot of important messages that we can think about. Let me know what your thoughts are by posting on the blog. 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and use words that end in -ous- practise these spellings for a quiz on Friday!

Start your day with an Early Morning Activity!


  • Maths- To be able to subtract ones from a 3-digit number with exchange
  • English- To plan a chapter in the story
  • Creative- Geography: To compare daily life with another setting


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- Story Time: finishing 'The Truth Pixie' by Matt Haig, read by Miss Parker
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Remember that you do not have to do everything. Just try to do what you can. Maybe try something new today such as an 'outdoor learning activity', if you haven't already. Try to get some fresh air during the day and drink lots to keep hydrated.


I hope you all have a brilliant day!


Take care,

Miss Parker

Wednesday 1st July

Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope that you are well and safe. We are half way through our week and so close to our summer holidays! Well done for working so hard. Keep going until the end of the week! You can do it!


Today's learning is written below- make sure you try today's PSHE activity. We would all love to see what you have completed so please write a blog post towards the end of the day. 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and use words that end in -ous- practise these spellings for a quiz on Friday!

To wake you up, start your day with an Early Morning Activity!


  • Maths- To be able to add ones to a 3-digit number with exchange
  • English- To write a character description 
  • Creative- Geography: To gather information and make notes


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- PSHE: Story Creators Challenge
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


I hope you enjoy your exciting day of learning. I look forward to reading your insightful blog posts later today. Enjoy!


Keep smiling!

Miss Parker

Tuesday 30th June

Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope you all had a fantastic start to the week. Today's schedule is as written below. I would recommend taking part in the Mindfulness video which is only a few minutes long. 


I hope you all enjoy today's learning- let us know how you find today's work by writing on the blog! Please remember that we love seeing what work you have completed, so feel free to post an image of your work on the blog. 

Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and use words that end in -ous- practise these spellings for a quiz on Friday!

Before you start any of the lessons, try an Early Morning Activity!


  • Maths- To be able to add and subtract ones from a 3-digit number
  • English- To write my own disgusting recipe
  • Creative- Geography: To understand symbols and a key when using a map


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- Mindfulness: How to beat nerves
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Have a wonderful day today. Take lots of learning breaks to rest your busy brains!



Miss Parker

Monday 29th June

Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope you all had a great weekend. What have you all been up to? Let us know by posting on the blog. 

Today's activities are written below. This week, everything is now created and videoed by Diamond Online Teachers so hopefully you all can benefit from this. Also, you should now be able to click on your correct year group for everything and have a 'support' or 'challenge' set of tasks. We hope this really helps you with your home learning. Remember, any feedback is helpful for us to improve so post a blog to let us know how your learning is going. 


If you have completed any work and would like to send it to us, you can blog your work and your teacher would be delighted to see this.

However, if you would like to send it to the Diamond Online Year 3 team for feedback, please send it to: 


Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- To understand and use words that end in -ous

Begin your day with an Early Morning Activity


  • Maths- To be able to add and subtract multiples of 100
  • English- To answer questions based on a text providing evidence 
  • Science- To describe a habitat


  • P.E: Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
  • New- Assembly: Responsibility
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


I hope you all have a spectacular Monday and learn lots! Remember to take lots of breaks and get some fresh air. 



Miss Parker

Friday 26th June

Happy Friday, Goldfinch! You have completed another week of brilliant home learning- well done! Thank you for all of your hard work and effort this week. We are all so impressed. Today's schedule of work is outlined below. Try to take some time to virtually visit the National History Museum. This looks incredible! Let us know what you discover by posting a blog. 


Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Prefix 'inter' - Spelling quiz

Try a new Early Morning Activity to begin your day!


  • Maths- To revise fractions
  • English- To create a dialogue that uses accurate speech punctuation
  • New- Creative- Art: To create a collage based on Beatriz Milhazes' work


  • P.E: Zumba!
  • New- Museum Tour: The National History Museum!
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


I hope you have a fantastic day today and enjoy your weekend. Make sure you seek plenty of fresh air to fuel your growing brains.


Enjoy and keep smiling!

Miss Parker

Thursday 25th June


Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope you are all well and joyful. We are nearly at the end of this week's online learning and we are also nearly half way through our year (6 months exactly until Christmas Day!) I hope you are learning lots and enjoying the online learning. I look forward to reading how today has been on the blogs. 


Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Prefix 'inter' - practise these spellings for a quiz on Friday!

Why not have a go at a new Early Morning Activity to start your day?


  • Maths- To subtract fractions with the same denominator
  • English- To understand how to write and punctuate direct speech
  • Creative- P.E- Dance: To dance with increasing control and precision


  • P.E: Zumba!
  • New- Story time with Miss Parker
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Try your best with today's lessons and activities. Maybe try some of the tasks outside if you can today? Keep well hydrated and take lots of rests and breaks in the shade.


Have a fantastic day!


Stay safe in the heat and keep positive!


Miss Parker

Wednesday 24th June


Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope you all made the most of the lovely sunny weather yesterday! Please let us know what you have done by writing on the blogs. Keep up the brilliant work today and try to challenge yourself if you can! 


Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Prefix 'inter' - practise these spellings for a quiz on Friday!

Why not have a go at a new Early Morning Activity to start your day?


  • Maths- Adding fractions with the same denominator
  • English- To explore the characters of Roald Dahl and create your own
  • Creative- New- Music: To repeat and maintain rhythmic patterns


  • New- P.E: Zumba!
  • New- PSHE: Making connections challenge!
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Make sure that you get lots of fresh air and exercise throughout your day by maybe going for a walk or skip. I hope you enjoy today's lessons. Let us know how you find them by blogging.




Stay smiling!

Miss Parker

Tuesday 23rd June

Good morning, Goldfinch! I hope you all had a brilliant Monday. Make sure you take some time outside today to appreciate this fabulous weather. 


Well done to everyone for putting so much effort into your home learning. I am so pleased to see so many of you working so hard and creating fantastic pieces of work. Please continue to feedback how you are finding the Diamond Online by posting a blog. 


Today, Helene Tame has recorded an assembly for you to watch. Follow this link to view: 


Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Prefix 'inter' - practise these spellings for a quiz on Friday!

Why not have a go at a new Early Morning Activity to start your day?


  • Maths- Finding equivalent fractions part 2
  • English- To create my own information text using the appropriate features
  • Creative- Design and Technology: To design and follow a step by step plan


  • New- P.E: Zumba!
  • New- Cosmic Zen Den Mindfulness Video
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Remember to take lots of learning breaks to give your mind a rest. Get lots of fresh air and drink lots of water to fuel your buzzy brains!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and learn lots.


Stay safe, kind and smiling!

Miss Parker


Monday 22nd June


Good morning Goldfinch! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. It would be lovely to hear what you have done during the wonderful weekend. Try blogging about this as part of your activities today!


As the Diamond Online progresses, you will find that some of the lessons will have different activities for Year 3 and Year 4. When you finish watching your lesson, please take care in choosing the correct activity (Year 3 support or Year 3 challenge, or Year 4 support or Year 4 challenge). We are aiming to do this for Maths as well as English so keep an eye out!


Try your best today- don't be afraid to challenge yourself! Please blog to let us know what you have done and how you have found the work.



Your schedule for today is written below. Remember to click on the correct year group as these are separate from today. 


Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Prefix 'inter' - practise these spellings for a quiz on Friday!

To begin the week, try a new Early Morning Activity to start your day!


  • Maths- Finding equivalent fractions
  • English- To research the author Roald Dahl
  • Creative- Science: To describe and construct a food chain


  • New- P.E: Zumba!
  • New- Assembly: Nurtured
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


In addition to this, we have launched a new feedback service. If you wish to, you and your parents can email your work into this email and we will try to feedback about your work within 2 days. Don't forget to blog as well, if you can!


I hope you all have a fantastic day. I look forward to seeing/hearing about your brilliant work and your busy days.



Miss Parker

Friday 19th June

Happy Friday Warblers, Puffins, Goldfinch and Wagtails! Well done on completing another week of home learning with the Diamond Online. You have all been fantastic! I know so many of you have been working so hard so I wanted to just say a big well done. Today's activities are outlined below- I hope you enjoy your day!


If you haven't already, make sure you watch Mrs Bryden's assembly about Simba's Lockdown! 


Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Homophones- Spelling Quiz

Today, try a new Early Morning Activity to wake yourself up for the day!


  • Maths- Compare and order unit fractions
  • English- Poetry: Write a repetitive poem
  • Creative- History: To describe the effects the Conquistadors had on the Inca civilisation


  • P.E- Joe Wicks workout
  • New- Museum Tour- Metropolitan Museum of Art!
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Please try your best with today's activities. It has been brilliant to see so much of your work on the blogs so please continue this! I look forward to hearing what you have enjoyed in today's home learning. 

I hope you have a great weekend. Make sure you rest and recharge this weekend so you can be ready for another set of excellent lessons next week.




Stay kind, happy and keep smiling!

Miss Parker

Thursday 18th June

Good morning, Year 3 and 4! What a crazy week of weather! Did you all see the terrific thunderstorm?


I hope that you are all well, safe and keeping positive during this time at home. Remember, if you wish, to take a minute to practise mindful, relaxation breathing as this will help you take care of your mental well-being. If you wish to, there are more mindfulness videos on the Cosmic Zen Den YouTube channel e.g.   but please choose a video with your parent's supervision. 


How are you all finding the Diamond Online? Please blog any positive (and negative) feedback as this really helps us improve the virtual learning for you. 


Today's learning schedule is below. Don't miss out on  today's story time- this is a book called Arnie the Doughnut read by Chris O'Dowd. I hope you enjoy this! 


Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Homophones- practise your spellings for Friday!

Before you start any of the lessons, have a go at one or two of the Early Morning Activities to get your brain working, ready for the day ahead! 


  • Maths- Comparing fractions with the same denominator
  • English- SPaG focus: Expanded noun phrases
  • Creative- Art: To use complimentary and contrasting colour for effect (based on South America topic)


  • P.E- Joe Wicks workout
  • Story Time: Arnie the Doughnut read by Chris O'Dowd
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Please continue with your excellent blog posts as we all thoroughly enjoy reading them. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I hope you all have a lovely day and that it isn't too wet and soggy outside. 



Stay safe, kind and happy!


Miss Parker

Wednesday 17th June

Good morning, Year 3 & 4! We are half way through our week now! I am so impressed with the excellent work I have been seeing on the blogs. It is great to hear what exciting new things you are learning- please continue to share this with everyone. 


Today you will be learning: 

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Homophones- practise your spellings for Friday!

Before you start any of the lessons, have a go at one or two of the Early Morning Activities to get your brain working, ready for the day ahead! 


  • Maths- Consolidating Finding non-unit fractions of quantities
  • English- Poetry- Features of poetry
  • Creative- Geography: To gather information from different sources- based around Machu Picchu


  • P.E- Joe Wicks workout
  • PSHE- My Memories challenge
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Try your best with the lessons today. Remember if you are finding it a bit tricky, access the 'Support' tasks and video (note-only for maths today). If you are finding it a bit easy, try the challenges! If you wanted to challenge yourself further in maths, look at the range of additional websites on the Year 3/4 page-the NRich website has a range of excellent activities for you to complete that will test your mathematical thinking.


Please remember to blog about your day and the work you have completed. Your teachers will really appreciate this and will respond as quickly as they can. 

I hope you all have a great day. Enjoy!


Keep safe, smiling and stay kind!

Miss Parker


Tuesday 16th June

Good morning, Year 3 & 4. I hope you all had a brilliant day yesterday!


The outline of today's work is below with a 'Challenge lesson' for English. For Maths, there is a 'Support lesson' where a teacher from the trust will be helping you with your tasks today. Let us know if you have tried any of these videos to help you with you learning by posting a blog!


It would be brilliant for you to share your work with your class and teachers by writing on the blog to spread positivity and enthusiasm! You could start this by discussing maybe one exciting fact you have learnt today or explaining something you have enjoyed doing. 


Today you will be learning:

  • PSHE- Cosmic Zen Den Mindfulness: Superpower Listening
  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Spellings- Homophones- practise your spellings for Friday!


  • Maths- Finding non-unit fractions of quantities
  • English- Poetry- Reading Comprehension: Language
  • Creative- Geography: Describe the differences between people in the Inca Civilization.
  • P.E- Joe Wicks workout
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Attempt some of the Early Morning Activities to fire your brain up for learning! Share what you have completed on the blog.


I am hearing many positive comments about this way of learning so please keep sharing with us what you are enjoying or maybe finding difficult. Remember to take lots of breaks and to try and get outside in the fresh air to give your brain a break. Please do not feel that you have to complete everything each day but just try your best to do what you can.


I hope you have a fantastic day.


Stay safe, kind and positive!

Miss Parker




Monday 15th June


Good morning Year 3 and Year 4! I hope you all had a fantastic, restful weekend with this beautiful weather. Welcome to a new week of home learning. Well done for being so patient and adapting to the new Diamond Online. If you have any questions, please post these on the blog and we will try to respond as quickly as possible. Remember, it would be excellent if you could blog your work/about your work so your teacher and class can see what you have been doing. 


Today you will be learning:

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Maths- To identify and describe non-unit fractions. 
  • English- Poetry- Reading Comprehension: Word Meaning
  • Spellings- Homophones
  • Creative- Science: To investigate what makes a good rocket
  • P.E- Joe Wicks workout
  • PSHE- NSPCC Speak out. Stay safe Assembly
  • Additional Activities- Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Have a go at any of the Early Morning Activities to wake your brain up, ready for a wonderful day of learning!


There are so many new and exciting lessons for you today- I hope you all have a brilliant day! Try your best but remember to have lots of breaks and fresh air to help you learn the best you can.


Keep positive and smiling!

Miss Parker



Friday 12th June


Happy Friday! Well done Year 3 & Year 4- we have made it to the end of another week of home learning. Thank you for all of your hard work and perseverance this week. 

I am so happy with how many of you have been resilient in adapting to this new way of learning. Please continue the amazing work today and blog what you have completed to share with other Year 3 and Year 4 pupils and teachers. 


Today you will be learning:

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Maths- To describe unit and non-unit fractions
  • English- Instructions- Write a set of instructions
  • Creative- Geography:  To learn about the Amazon river and rainforest
  • P.E- Joe Wicks workout
  • New- Museum Tour: British Museum
  • Additional Activities: Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)


Please try any of the Early Morning Activities to get your brain thinking for the day ahead. 


If there are any questions, please ask on the blog. Do not feel any pressure to complete everything- just try what you can. 


Make sure you take lots of learning breaks and get some fresh air during the day- this will help your brain to rest and as a consequence, learn more effectively!


I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend to rest. 


Keep positive and smiling!

Miss Parker

Thursday 11th June

Good morning, Year 3 & 4! I hope you all had fun splashing in puddles yesterday! Thank you for being so patient with the new virtual learning platform. It has been helpful to see what you have all thought about this so we can further improve it. I am glad to hear that many of your children are enjoying the new way of learning. 


Please continue to blog work that has been completed - this is a great way to spread enthusiasm! 


Today you will be learning:

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Maths- To find unit fractions of a given quantity
  • English- Instructions- SPaG focus- Adverbs
  • Creative- Geography: Identify a number of significant human and physical features of South America 
  • P.E- Joe Wicks workout
  • New Story Time: Oliver Jeffers - Stuck
  • Additional Activities: Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)

Try a few of the Early Morning Activities to start your day!


Try to complete what you can. Do not feel any pressure to complete everything every day. It is important to ensure learning breaks are taken, along with fresh air and physical exercise to help maintain good wellbeing and aid learning.


I hope you have a lovely day learning many new things! Remember, it would be great if you could share your work with your peers and teachers at the end of the day. 


Keep smiling!

Miss Parker


Wednesday 10th June

Good morning, Year 3 & Year 4. We are nearly half way through the week! I hope you all enjoyed yesterday's work on the Diamond Online. Please ask if you have any questions on the blog. It would be excellent to see or hear what work you have completed and what you have learnt by posting on the blogs. 


Today you will be learning:

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Maths- To recognise, identify and describe unit fractions
  • English- Identify and understanding the features of a text
  • Creative- Geography (this subject will change each week) : To locate capital cities and landmarks
  • P.E- Joe Wicks workout
  • PSHE- Handwashing challenge
  • Additional Activities: Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)

Take a look at the Early Morning Activities to start your day!


Remember to just try to do what you can. If you find something difficult, persevere by trying a different way. Don't forget to take learning breaks to rest your brain. 


I hope you enjoy today's lessons and learn something new! Share what you have learnt on our blogs so we can learn even more. Have a fantastic day (even though it is a bit rainy!)


Keep smiling!

Miss Parker


Tuesday 9th June

Good Morning Year 3 & 4!


What a beautiful day it is today! I hope you are all well. Thank you for persevering with the new way of home learning, Diamond Online. There have been some technical issues with the website but we are trying our best to sort these as quickly as possible so you can learn many new things! 


Today you will be learning:

  • Reading- 20 minutes daily
  • Maths- Recognising equal and unequal parts
  • English- Reading comprehension, word meaning
  • Creative- Geography: Locate South American Countries using digital maps
  • P.E- Joe Wicks workout
  • PSHE- Squish the Fish Yoga 
  • Additional Activities: Outdoor Learning (look here for the outdoor learning grid)

Please also see Early Morning activities to start your day by exercising your brain!


If you find that there are any difficulties with Diamond Online, please blog to let me know. Remember, there are some videos here to help you use the website confidently. 


Try your best to be resilient in your learning and please persevere. If you find you cannot do one activity, try something else. Please remember that your teachers, even if they are in school, would love to see what you have been doing at home. Try your best to blog about your day, or the work you have done. 


I hope you all have a successful day of learning. Remember to just try and do what you can.


Stay positive, kind and keep smiling!


Miss Parker

Monday 8th June 2020

Good Morning, Year 3 & 4! 


Well done for completing another week of home learning! We hope you had a great weekend.


This week we are very happy to announce that the Diamond Online School has launched the online virtual learning platform for Year 3 & 4. This means that you can click on this link and follow the work for the day.


There are about 3 hours of learning for your child. Every day there will be an English, Maths and Creative lesson. If you search around the website, you may find extra curricular activities to complete! At the minute, we have grouped Year 3 and 4 together. However, once your child has watched the lesson linked, please encourage them to access the 'Support' or 'Challenge' as required. Please support your child to continue reading daily as well as participating in physical exercise. 



To access guidance with navigating the Diamond Online website, please follow this link.


There is some excellent advice with how to work well from home and support your child.  


Remember to just try and do what you can. Please continue to post work and messages to your child's Class Teacher on the blog as we really enjoy seeing this.


We hope this is a successful way of learning and that your child enjoys this!

Have a fantastic day!


Miss Parker, Mr Hall, Mrs Knox, Mrs Voce & Mr Thomas


Good Morning Year 3 & 4. Welcome to the new half term! We hope you have all had a restful but exciting break.


As there are some pupils and teachers back at school now, the home learning is looking a bit different this week. 

Eventually, all of this learning will be on our new online learning platform but whilst this is being set up, here are some independent activities for your child to complete. Attached is a newsletter that outlines what your child could do each day for their home learning. For example:



  • Reading for 15 minutes
  • Maths activity
  • English activity
  • Other curriculum subject activity eg. Computing, Geography, History etc.
  • Spellings
  • P.E- Joe Wick's workout


Please feel free to use the rest of the indoor and outdoor learning grids from last term. Your child may continue with TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed as they wish. 


We hope that your child continues to blog as we would love to hear what they are doing, but know that their teacher may not be able to respond as quickly as before due to the fact that they could be teaching in school.


If there are any questions, please feel free to ask by posting the blog. Remember to just try and do what you can- do not feel like you have to do everything. We hope you enjoy this week of learning and stay happy and safe!


Take care,

Miss Parker, Mr Hall, Mr Thomas, Mrs Voce and Mrs Knox

Monday 6th June
Hi everyone,
We hope you have had a lovely half term break and welcome to the final half term of learning before the summer holidays. For this week, you can either choose to continue with the activities on the indoor and outdoor grids set before half term or you can begin using the Diamond Online work set by the virtual school.
Please make sure that you continue to read everyday and also send us messages on the blog so we know what you have been up to and how you have been getting on.
Please be aware that we will not be able to respond to any of the blogs until after school but we will reply to you as soon as we can. Enjoy your learning and please continue to stay safe.

From Mrs Voce and Miss Knox

Mindfulness Colouring

Friday 22nd May

Good Morning Year Three

You are against WAGTAILS in TT Rock Stars, Battling for 3rd Place!! (Lets Do It!)


Can you believe it, you've done a half term of fantastic learning at home!

Next week is half-term, so you can relax, spend time with your family and have fun in the sun. Well done, you deserve it. We are so proud of all you have achieved and the great progress you have all made. Maybe you've learnt a new skill you didn't think you could do over this time, Why don't you share it? It has been so lovely to see all your work in your blogs. 

Have a great half-term make sure you stay safe and have fun.


Today is: Sherlock Holmes Day

What is Sherlock Holmes’ favourite tree?

As it is Sherlock Holmes Day why don't you take on some tricky mysteries with him and see if you have what it takes to beat the world's greatest detective!

Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is: impending

Definition: An impending event is one that is going to happen very soon

Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice. (Try to Quiz as well)

Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star

Maths: White Rose Week 5 Lesson 4 – Count in Tenths

Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed

Indoor Learning Grid – Activity 5 Positive Thinking Cap

Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 5 South America Map

(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)

Have a super day, remember to take learning breaks!


Mrs Voce and Miss Knox cool

Thursday 21st May

Bore Da Year Three

One more day until half term, you are doing a great job!


Today is: Notebook Day

What do you call a cow on a trampoline?

Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is: suffice

Definition: If you say something is suffice, you mean it will be enough to achieve a purpose or to fulfil a need.


Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice.

Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star

Maths: White Rose Week 5 Lesson 3 – Tenths

It's important to use resources to help you count in tenths, such as; cubes, Lego bricks or marbles. Make sure you draw pictures also. This will help you to see the different fractions.

Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed

Indoor Learning Grid – Activity 4 Explanation. For some interesting facts about the emergency services go to this website:

Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 4 Obstacle Course: this is a really fun activity to do outside. Why don't you time yourself with a stop watch, then time your sibling or parent. WHat's the difference betweenyour times?


(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)

Have a fantastic day, remember to give your adults a hug and say thank you for helping you to learn.

Miss Knox and Mrs Voce

Wednesday 20th May

Günaydın Year Three

I have seen some fantastic learning in your blogs this week. You are all so creative. I particularly love the mini museum displays you have created with captions showing your hobbies and interests. 


World Bee Day

What's a pirate's favourite letter?

Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is: daze

Definition: If someone is in a daze, they are feeling confused and unable to think clearly.

Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice.

Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star

Maths: White Rose Week 5 Lesson 2 – Making the whole

Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed

Indoor Learning Grid – Activity 2 - Maths Hunt - Try to find some fractions in your home/garden also. If you complete the challenge post your blogs so that we can see your solutions.

Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 3 - Street Map

(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)


Remember to take it easy, learn at your own speed and to enjoy yourself. 

Please post on the blog all your fantastic learning.

Tuesday 19th May

Bom dia Year Three

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is: impetuous

Definition: If you describe someone as impetuous, you mean that they are likely to act quickly and suddenly without thinking.


Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice.

Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star

Maths: White Rose Week 5 – Lesson 1 – Unit and non-unit fractions                 


See if you can find some non-unit fractions in your home, e.g. 2/3s of an banana, 4/8s of an orange, 3/4s of a handful of pens. Try to be a bit creative with this one and put your pictures on the blog. We can vote on the most 

inventive non-unit fraction picture of the day!

Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed

Indoor Learning Grid – Activity 1 - The Amazon Rainforest

Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 2 - Sun Dial

(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)

Have a super day, remember to take learning breaks!


Remember to make sure that you look after your mental health as well. Here is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities:

Monday 18th May
Labas rytas Year Three

We hope you're ready for another week of fun and enriched home learning. 



Today is International Museum Day
How do all the oceans say hello to each other?
Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is: essential

Definition: something that is essential is extremely important or necessary.

Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice.
Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star
Maths: BBC Bitesize – Introduction to Fractions


                  (Worksheets are below)
Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed
Indoor Learning Grid – Activity 3 - Mini Museum - (To Celebrate Museum Day)
Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 1 - Ice Cream Shop/Van
(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)


Optional Writing Tasks: 

(This task is optional if you would like to do this). 

Some of you expressed interest in writing a bit more. You can have a look at the English Curriculum Page for ideas -

Or you can use the Pobble website to do some creative writing of your own. Today's theme is Jurassic:

....The engine screamed as the wheels spun round. His heart pounded. Tim knew that he only had seconds to act.......Finish the story


Have a brilliant day, remember to keep blogging to show your work and take active breaks.

Mrs Voce and Miss Knox

18th May - 22nd May, Maths Homelearning 


Monday - BBC Bitesize – Introduction to Fractions


Tuesday - White Rose Week 5 – Lesson 1 – Unit and non-unit fractions


Wednesday - Maths: White Rose Week 5 Lesson 2 – Making the whole 


Thursday - White Rose Week 5 Lesson 3 – Tenths 


Friday - White Rose Week 5 Lesson 4 – Count in Tenths


Friday 15th May 

Well, well, well - another Friday and another week of home learning - aren't you amazing !  

Well done everyone.  I know from my phone calls you are all trying your best, and I am super proud of you.   

Here is today's learning...

Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is: peckish 

Definition: if you say that you are feeling peckish, you mean that you are slightly hungry.   

So , when it gets to snack time, or lunch time or your dinner today...see if you can use the word "peckish" 

Mum, I think I am feeling a little peckish... what's for lunch today please ?


Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice.

Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star

Maths: We are doing multiplying and dividing by 4 and 8 Watch out that it is  LESSON 1    


Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed

Indoor Learning Grid – Activity 9 - Quiz

Outdoor Learning Grid – Activity 9 – Mini Garden

(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)

The Maths sheet for Friday Lesson 1 Multiply and Divide by 4 and 8

Thursday 14th May

Good morning everyone... how are you doing today ?   

I am a year older since last week.. can you have a guess which day I had my birthday? See the blog challenge below ( I might even organise a little prize if you get the answer right ..)   Today's learning is below...


What do you call a funny mountain?
Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is:       whimper 

Definition: if someone whimpers, they make quiet, unhappy or frightened sounds as if they are about to cry.


Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice.
Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star
Maths:   This is a lesson on BBC Bitesize about multiplying and dividing by 8 .    Do not stress !!   It's really about knowing how to count in 8s, so do lots of practice on the first slide, using the counting stick.   If you don't have a printer, it is really easy to make the race track game on a sheet of paper, cardboard , or even outside using some chalk?   Let me know how you get on with it. 

Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed
Indoor Learning Grid – Activity 8 – Computer Drawings
Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 8 – South American Animals
(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)


Remember any problems, let me know on the blog.  You have one more challenge ( if you want to do it..... Can you add a comment to someone else's blog today ?  Its a great way to send messages to your friends. If there isn't a new blog up for today, you can add a comment to my birthday blog guessing which day of the week was my birthday ) 
Have a super day, remember to take learning breaks!

Wednesday 13th May

Chào buổi sáng Year Three

Today is Numeracy Day

Link to a day of online maths events, including videos from Teachers and stories:

What stays in the corner but travels the world?

Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is: fanatic

Definition: If you say someone is fanatic, you mean they are very enthusiastic about something.


Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice.

Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star

Maths: Week 3 - Lesson 4 – Multiply and Divide by 3 -   

(The activity sheets are available for this on the website)

Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed

Indoor Learning Grid – Activity 7 – Measuring and Maps

Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 7 – South American Flags

(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)

 Remember any problems, let me know on the blog?

 Have a super day, remember to take learning breaks!

Tuesday 12th May

Namaste Year Three

Today is Nurses Day

What do you call a dog magician?

Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is: tantalising

Definition makes you feel hopeful and excited about getting something, usually before not getting it. tease


Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice.

Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star

Maths: Problem solving - I SEE MATHS -        

Scroll down to Tents, Eggs, Teams almost at the bottom of the page. Draw pictures and use resources (such as pencils, straws etc) to help you.

Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed

Indoor Learning Grid – Activity 6 – Calm Jar

Outdoor Learning Grid – Activity 6 – Make a Den

(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)


If you'd like to do some creative writing this is a great website with very interesting pictures to talk/write about:


 Remember any problems, let me know on the blog?

 Have a super day, remember to take learning breaks!


Monday 11th May

Kaliméra Year Three

What did the Banana say to the dog?

Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is: precise Definition: exact and accurate in all details


Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice.

Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star

Maths: Week 3 - Lesson 3 – Subtracting Money -
                                  (if you can, why not use real coins to help you?)

Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed

Indoor Learning Grid – Activity 5 – South American Animal Collage

Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 5 – Problem Solving

For some extra Maths fun:

(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)


Remember you can continue to develop your French-speaking by using Language Angels!
username: roundhouse
password: Fr3nch


If you would like to participate in the 100 Word Challenge here is the link. 


Remember any problems, let us know on the blog?

 Have a super day, remember to take learning breaks!

Mrs Voce and Miss Knox

For other subjects:

All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below: 


Please make sure that you look after your mental health as well during this tricky period. You could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that you received in your pack (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets). Also, there is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities:

Thursday  7th May

Today is the last day of school for this week !!

Tomorrow  is a very special holiday day - more about  that at the bottom of today's learning

Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is: shortage  Definition: (noun) If there is a shortage of something, there is not enough of it.   What do you have a shortage of in your house at the moment ?  Have a chat with someone and use the word "shortage"   You could blog me your sentence yes


Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice.
Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star
Maths: Lesson 2 - Adding Money -
                                 (if you can, why not use real coins to help you?)
Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed 
Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 4 - Tiny treasures
Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 3 - Wind Chime 
(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)


So, tomorrow  is VE Day, which first happened exactly 75 years ago.   

Can  you find out ...What do the letters V and E stand for?  Who  was Winston Churchill ? ( try BBC 1 at 2.45pm on Friday to hear  his  famous  speech)  

I know some of  you have already started planning a special picnic or afternoon tea ( little sandwiches, cupcakes scones etc) If you are feeling crafty, this website has some lovely decorations to make ...


And last of all - there will be 2 more chapters of Hercufleas uploaded today.   Hope you are enjoying it laugh

Go Goldfinches! May is Here!

Did you know? May was first named for Maia, the Roman goddess of spring and growth. In the North Temperate Zone, May is one known as one of the most beautiful months of the year. Do you agree?


We hope you're all well. Here is your learning for this week. We will post each day's work every morning. As always if you have any questions please let us know through the blogs and remember to share your amazing work!

Mrs Voce and Miss Knox

Our new class Chapter Book - Hercufleas

Hi Goldfinches - just in case you haven't found the links to our new book, and want to catch up, here are the links so far .....    Blurb and prologue  This sets the scene for the story 

Chapters ...

  1.    Meet the fleamily, and Hercufleas hatches from his egg.
  2.   Find out where the fleamily lives.
  3.  Herculfleas' first dinner ( its a bit gross) 
  4.  Hercufleas bites his first human

      5. We find out what his Ma and Pa do for a job, for MrStickler 

Wednesday 6th May

Today is Golf Day
What kind of room doesn't have any doors?
Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is: manoevure Definition: if you manoevure something into or out of an awkward position.


Reading: 20 Minutes from an AR Book or a book of your choice.
Maths: 20 minutes on TT Rock Star
Maths: BBC Bitesize - (Convert Pounds and Pence)
                                     (if you can, why not use real coins to help you?)
Spellings: 5 Games on Spelling Shed 
Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 3 - Seed Dispersal
Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 3 - Teddy Zipwire
(The Learning Grid Activities can be done in your own time, and can be done in any order)

Tuesday 5th May

Today is Revenge of the Fifth (Extra Star Wars Day!) 
If a seagull flies over the sea, what flies over the bay?
Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is:
speculate Definition: you make guesses about its nature or identity or about what might happen.

  • Reading – 20 minutes
  • 5 spelling shed games
  • Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.
  • White Rose Maths – Summer/Week 3 w.c. 4th May/lesson 1 (Convert Pounds and Pence)
  • Outdoor Learning Grid – Activity 2 – Plant in A Jar
  • Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 2 – Discover A New Animal


As a tribute to the NHS this week, why don’t you try this:

Read the poem “These are the Hands” by Michael Rosen :

Perform this poem to someone at home. Explain why you think it is or isn’t a good poem to describe nurses and doctors. 

Today is Star Wars Day! 

What do you call a bear with no ears? 
Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is spherical Definition: something that is spherical is round like a ball.

Monday 4th May

  • Reading – 20 minutes
  • 5 spelling shed games
  • TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.
  • Maths - ISEEMATHS- (Scroll down to Make 6p, Make 60p Challenge)
  • Outdoor Learning Grid – Activity 1 – Weight Challenge
  • Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 1 - Fraction Basketball


As a tribute to Captain Tom’s fundraising for the NHS why don't you try an extra Maths challenge this week:

  1. Walk around your garden/home and time yourself. How long would it take you to do that 100 times?  Can you give your answer in two different ways: one as just minutes, and the other as hours and minutes? What else could you do that would take about the same amount of time?
  2. Now measure how far the distance is around your garden/home. (You may have a tape measure, you may need to walk around in steps of about 1 metre, or come up with some other ingenious way of doing it.) How far would you walk in total if you went around your garden/home 100 times? Can you give the answer as just metres, and as kilometres and metres? Where do you think you could get to if you walked that far along the street?

Wednesday 29th April


Good Morning Goldfinch. We hope you are all safe and well. 

(Please share on the blog all of your amazing work as we really want to hear from all of you!)

Keep going on TT Rockstar and Spelling Shed!

Mrs  Voce and Miss Knox


Wednesday 29th April 

Reading - 20 minutes. 

5 Spelling Shed Games. 

TT RockStar - 20 minutes in total.

White Rose Maths - Summer - week 2 - Lesson 3 - Problem Solving -

Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 8 - Cloud Spotting (Might be difficult today so swap with Thursday's activity if you'd like or research the names of different types of clouds. Make a factbook or write an acrostic poem about clouds/rain).


Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 8 - Poster.


Thursday 30th April 

Reading - 20 minutes. 

5 Spelling Shed Games. 

TT RockStar - 20 minutes in total.

White Rose Maths - Summer - Week 2 - Lesson 4 - Problem Solving -

Outdoor Learning Grid - Any Activity you have not completed

Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 9 - Doodle Arm - (Please share on the Blog).


Friday 1st May

Reading - 20 minutes. 

5 Spelling Shed Games. 

TT RockStar - 20 minutes in total.

White Rose Maths - Summer - Week 2 -Maths challenge -

Outdoor Learning Grid -  Any Activity you have not completed or make up your own.

Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 10 - Phone Number Maths


Good Morning Goldfinch

We hope everyone is feeling refreshed after another beautiful sun-filled weekend and ready for another week of fabulous learning. 

Here is a guide towards your learning for the next two days. Always take regular and active breaks.


Monday 27th April

· Reading – 20 minutes

· 5 spelling shed games

· TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.

Maths: Summer/Week 2/lesson 1 (add fractions)

· Outdoor Learning Grid – Activity 5 – Problem Solving

· Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 6 - Classical Music


Tuesday 28th April

· Reading – 20 minutes

· 5 spelling shed games

· Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.

· White Rose Maths – Summer/Week 2/lesson 2 (subtract fractions)

· Outdoor Learning Grid – Activity 6 – Food Chain

· Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 7 – Cooking


This is all flexible and can be completed in your own time



If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete: 


Computing - Have a go at learning to code games on Blocky Games. 


Our topic is South America. 

Can you locate South America on a world map? Watch the seven continents song again and name the seven continents.

Can you name the capital cities?


Can you find and name 4 countries in South America?

Use these websites to help you:


Here is a quiz when you're ready:


A little extra...

All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below: 


Please make sure that you look after your mental health as well during this tricky period. You could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that you received in your pack (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets). Also, there is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities:


As always, please let us know if you have any problems!

Mrs Voce and Miss Knox

Monday 20th April 

  • Reading – 20 minutes 
  • 5 spelling shed games 
  • TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total. 
  • White Rose Maths – Week 2/lesson 2 – Fractions of a set of objects (1)
  • Outdoor Learning Grid – Activity 1 – Capacity Challenge 
  • Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 1 - Shape Hunt 


Tuesday 21st April 

  • Reading – 20 minutes 
  • 5 spelling shed games 
  • Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total. 
  • White Rose Maths – Week 2/lesson 3 – Fractions of a set of objects (2)
  • Outdoor Learning Grid – Activity 2 – FIT Count 
  • Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 2 – Write a postcard


Wednesday 22nd April 

  • Reading – 20 minutes 

  • 5 spelling shed games 

  • TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total. 

  • White Rose Maths – Week 2 Fractions Lesson 4 (fractions of a set of objects(3) 

  • Outdoor activity – Activity 3 – Potato Monsters 

  • Indoor activity - Activity 3 – Mythical Creature 


Thursday 23rd April (St George’s Day -

  • Reading – 20 minutes 

  • 5 spelling shed games 

  • TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total. 

  • White Rose Maths – Week 2 Fractions Lesson 5 (equivalent fractions)

  • Outdoor activity – Activity 4- Vocabulary Hunt 

  • Indoor activity - Activity 4- Senses drawing 


Friday 24th April 

  • Reading – 20 minutes 

  • 5 spelling shed games 

  • TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total. 

  • BBC Skillswise Fractions - watch the video and choose a fact sheet to read. Have a go at making your own factsheet about fractions.

  • Outdoor activity – Devise Your Own - Choose your favourite outdoor activity from this week. Alter or repeat it to find out any more of your curiosities. Be imaginative! 

  • Indoor activity - Activity 5- Sounds of the Rainforest 

Easter Holidays!

If you'd like some ideas for fun activities to complete over the next few days open this document:


Some creative Maths to do over the holidays with your family:

Wednesday 1st April 2020 

Bonjour, Good Morning Goldfinch, 

Today is FUN DAY!               Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Day is... 


Answer to yesterday’s Riddle: How do you make the number one disappear?

(Add a g and then it’s gone)

This is your last day of Home Learning, then it is Easter Holidays🎈. You’ve all done amazingly over these past few weeks; you should be proud. We will be starting again and posting back on Monday 20th April. Please have a safe and fun half term. Keep up your reading and TT Rock Stars!

Don’t forget to keep posting on the blog! Stay Safe and have fun! 

Have a lovely, relaxing holiday with your families.

Mrs Voce and Miss Knox



Tuesday 31st March 2020 

 Maidin Mhaith, Good Morning Goldfinch, 

Today is: National Crayola Crayon Day               Word of the Day:


Answer to yesterday’s Riddle: What has 4 legs but cannot walk? (A Table) 

Today’s Riddle: How do you make the number one disappear 


Keep up the fantastic learning Goldfinch. Only one more day to go!

Mrs Voce


click on the document to see today's learning

Monday 30th March 2020 

Bore Da ‘Good Morning’ Year Three

I hope you've all had a lovely, relaxing weekend and have come back refreshed and ready for more exciting 'Home Learning'.

Remember to keep taking breaks and feel free to add photos of your work. Keep up the great work Goldfinch. Miss Knox and I are very proud of you.


Today is: Doctor's Day                         Word Of The Day


Answer to Friday's Riddle: Which month has 28 days? (All the months) 

And ….Why can’t you trust Elsa and Olaf with a balloon? (Because she will let it go)  

Today’s Riddle: What has 4 legs but cannot walk? 

Mrs Voce

click on the document to find today's learning

Fraction wall

Spelling practise sheet

Friday 27th March


Happy Friday Morning Goldfinch :) 

Firstly big, big, big congratulations to you and your adult helpers for learning at home all this week.  You are all doing great and should be very proud of yourselves ! Perhaps you could all  simultaneously clap and cheer !!  

Please click on the document below to see today's learning tasks.  The reading is a little bit different, and there are a couple of lovely extra tasks, just because it's Friday ( don't worry - they will take less than one minute !!) 

Please blog to let me know how you are doing, or if there are any problems with your learning, or if you can think of a sentence using today's Ninja vocab word.

Miss Knox

PS Good luck with the Science Quiz - let me know your score !!  


Friday 27th March

Thursday 26th March


Good Morning Goldfinch Team yes

Don't let your energy dwindle today - there are two more days before the weekend !

Keep up your fabulous home learning - please click on the document below for today's learning.There is also a live Children's Radio show starting at 9.30am this morning if you would like to listen - the link is on today's learning page below -  perfect for when you cool down after doing  PE with Joe at 9am wink !! 

I will be here for any questions via your blogs. Have a great day. 

Miss Knox

PS If you blog, could you add a sentence for me using today's Vocab Ninja word ?          Thanks yes 

Thursday 26th March

Wednesday 25th March 2020 

Good Morning Goldfinch Team, 

Today is National Manatee Appreciation Day


Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Week is penultimate. Definition: last but one, second from last.  

Answer to Tuesday’s Riddle: What is more useful when it’s broken? (An Egg)  

Wednesday’s Riddle: What has a face, two hands but no legs?


You're all doing a fantastic job with your Home Learning. Keep up the hard work yes

This is the moment in Beowulf, where he is going to Dragon Mountain to defeat the monster.

Click on the document to find today's learning

Tuesday 24th March 2020 

Good Morning Goldfinch Team, 

Today is National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day

Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Week is penultimate. Definition: last but one, second from last.


Answer to Monday’s Riddle: Which letter has the most water. (the letter c)  

Tuesday’s Riddle: What is more useful when it’s broken?


Happy learning, and have fun in the sun! 

Click on the document to find your lerning for today.

Monday 23rd March 2020 

Good Morning Goldfinch Class, 

Today is National Puppy Day. 

Welcome to the first day of Home Learning. We hope you’re all ready for some fantastic learning at home. 

Something lovey: All around the country, children are creating rainbow pictures to put up on their windows as a sign of hope. If you would like to make one this week you can use colouring pencils, paints, crayons or even fabrics to make your rainbow. Maybe you will see your neighbour's rainbow up on their window by the end of the week.


Our Vocab Ninja Word of the Week is penultimate. Definition: last but one, second from last. 

Riddle of the Day: What letter of the alphabet has the most water?


Open the document to see your home learning activities for today.

Have fun ;-)

Friday 20th March      Good morning Goldfinch This is our last day at school so we are going to have a "test run" with our Home Learning tasks so you all are ready for Monday morning.  This is what it will look like .... 




  • Write a sentence in your book with direct speech. Remember your inverted commas  eg   Mum whispered "Can you please close the door quietly".  


  • Complete the sheet in your handwriting pack  - Tongue Twisters 1  (just the first line today please)

Spellings / Key Words:  

  • Continue to practice reading and spelling your Key Stage Two Word Walls.  

  • On Spelling shed, complete the 10 daily games. 

Wider Curriculum (Science and Ice Zone):  


Remember to take learning breaks and to stay safe.  

Best wishes,  

Mrs Voce, Miss Knox, Mr Thomas.  

Websites for learning:  


17th March 2020

Our Science topic on Light and Shadows has been super interesting, Last week we dashed outside to try some shadow activities before the sun disappeared.  Have a look at this video about Shadows ... (you will need your Espresso log in )

And this video explains opaque, translucent and transparent


Welcome to the Goldfinch Class page.  March 2020 

This is the link to the video we have watched in school regarding the coronavirus.  It has excellent tips for keeping safe and well, and most of all, reminding us to talk to trusted adults about any concerns or questions we have. 


Welcome to Goldfinch Class

Mrs Voce teaches on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays, and Miss Knox teaches on Thursday and Fridays.  PE days will be posted on the class doors - we are currently having our PE lessons on Wednesdays, so remember to remove earrings on that day. 

On Fridays you need to bring your Reading Record in to school so we can count up your 5 Reads each week.  In Year 3 there is also maths and Spelling Shed homework to complete each week.

Goldfinch are preparing for their Fiver Challenge Plant Sale next week! We will have our plant sale at the School Fair on Friday 5th July. Please come along and support us. We have Bizzie Lizzie's, Sunflower seedlings, Basil seedlings and Cauliflower seedlings!


Please note: as it is now getting sunny outside, the children need to have their sun hat with them in school everyday. Thank you.
World Book Day 2019! Goldfinch enjoyed exploring the picture book 'Journey' by Aaron Becker today and undertaking art and English activities based on this beautiful book. Goldfinch also had the chance to read with Year 5 today which was really special. Happy World Book Day Goldfinch!
Year 3 had a brilliant day in London yesterday at The British Museum discovering the fascinating history of the Ancient Egyptians! Well done Year 3 for making yesterday such an excellent school trip!

February 2019 - 2

Well done Goldfinch for an terrific last week before half term!


On Thursday, we had NSPCC Number Day and PSHE day. The children did mathematical activities such as 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire Mathematician' and an activity where the children measured the lengths and widths of their hands and feet. Their challenge was to work out the lengths of their hands/feet and whether they doubled or halved in size.


For PSHE, the children looked at friendships and what it means to be a good friend. They had the opportunity to work with the Year 5s for this activity.


In English this week the children have been looking at writing a play script and a discussion text considering whether Beowulf should risk his life to defeat Grendel, the large and scary monster.


In Maths, the children have been learning about the distributive law and why this is a use technique for multiplication questions.


In Science, the children have finished drawing their bar graphs from last week's magnetic force experiment and have analysed and discussed their results.


Well done Goldfinch for another excellent week of learning - I hope you have a very happy half term!

February 2019 - 1

In English this week, the children have written a persuasive letter to Grendel, the monster who attacked Heorot in our book ‘Beowulf’. They were writing the letter as the King, persuading Grendel to never come back again. They have also done a character description of Beowulf. They have immersed themselves in the character of Beowulf, considering his thoughts and feelings on fighting Grendel.


In Maths, we have continued to look at multiplication and division. We have been looking at doubling and halving and finding different strategies to make it easier for ourselves when we double and halve bigger numbers. The children have also been looking at patterns and relationships between the 2x, 4x and 8x tables.


In Science, we have continued with our new topic, forces and magnets. We did an experiment using magnets and paperclips to investigate which magnet has the strongest force.They have started drawing their bar charts for their results which will be continued and analysed next week. They have also been learning about the North and South poles of magnets and understanding how this causes magnets to attract and repel.


On Thursday, Goldfinch had a visitor to teach them for the morning, an artist called Jack Cornell, who taught Goldfinch how to use the art computer programme Sketch Up. The children learned how to make 2D and 3D shapes on this software and use these skills to create an Egyptian city with pyramids. Goldfinch had an excellent morning and were fully immersed in their activity.


Well done Goldfinch for another excellent week of learning at school!

January 2019 - 2


In English, the children have continued to read ‘Beowulf’. We have reached chapter 2 where the horrible monster, Grendel has destroyed the great castle, Heorot. The children have been writing a diary entry, as a warrior, about their experiences of the attack. Chapter 3 is called ‘A Hero Comes’. They have created a story board, predicting what is going to happen when this hero arrives.


In Maths, we have continued to look at multiplication and division. We have been using our knowledge of doubling and halving to notice patterns and relationships between the 2, 4, and 8 times table. The children have tried to use a variety of mathematical vocabulary in their work and this has worked extremely well.

In Science, we have continued with our new topic, forces and magnets. We have been looking at push and pull forces and linked it to our ICE Zone topic, Ancient Egypt and how Egyptians used push and pull forces whilst building the pyramids.


In Science today we did a class experiment to see how different surfaces can affect friction and the stopping distance of a toy car. The children also learnt how gravity resulted in the car moving down the ramp. They have learnt how to write a hypothesis, undertake the investigation and write up their results and findings.


Well done Year 3 for a great week of learning at school!

January 2019 - 1

In year 3, we have started to read our new class book: Beowulf. The children have been writing a prediction on what they think the story will be about, a character description of Beowulf and a setting description.


In Maths, we have started to look at multiplication and division and the relationship between them.


In Science, we have started to learn about our new topic Forces and Magnets. So far we have had a class discussion about our new topic, what we know and what we would like to find out. We have also started to learn about what push and pull forces are.

I have been very impressed with all that Year 3 have been able to tell me about Ancient Egypt so far. Ancient Egypt is our new Ice Zone topic for this Spring term. We are looking forward to all the inspiring activities that Year 3/4 will be doing in the Ice Zone this term to help them discover and learn more about this fascinating topic.

November 2018 - 2


In Maths, year 3 have been continuing to look at addition and subtraction. We have been looking closely at reasoning and giving reasons why we put an answer, as well as showing our working out. We have linked numbers to real life and adding context to our number problems so children in year 3 have a sense of how numbers can be used.


In English, we have continued to read ‘The Pebble in my Pocket’. We have written a diary entry in the role of a rodent who has been hiding from some terrifying dinosaurs as well as writing a recount of a fish and its journey through the river.


In Science, we have continued to learn about rocks and fossils. We looked closely at the different types of rocks and we wrote a non – chronological report about these rocks. There have been some excellent bits of work that has been produced by the children.

November 2018 - 1


In Maths, we have been looking at comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000. We have looked closely at our reasoning and writing explanations for why we have chosen a particular answer. The children have responded really well to this and it has deepened their understanding.


In English, we have continued to read ‘The Pebble in my Pocket’. We have gone to write a variety of different text types such as a recount, a diary entry as well as looking at direct speech and how we write a conversation between two people.


In Science, we have started our new topic which is all about rocks and fossils. We looked at what we already knew about this topic, what we would like to find out and how we are going to find out our new information.

October 2018 -2


In Maths, year 3 have been looking at how 3 digit numbers can be represented using numbers, words and pictorial representation. We have also been looking we connect numbers to everyday life and putting it into context. Following this, we will be looking at addition and subtraction, using our place value knowledge to help us.


In English, we have introduced our new book, ‘The Pebble in my Pocket’. We looked closely at the front cover and have made a prediction about what the book will be about.  As well as this, we have been writing a set of instructions on how to make a clay Tudor house.


In Science, we have introduced our new topic, ‘Rocks and fossils.’ We asked the children what they already know about the topic and what they would like to find out.

October 2018 - 1


In English, the children have continued to read ‘Into the Forest’ by Anthony Browne. We are deep into the book now and have been able to produce diary entries and character descriptions of the characters we have met. Children have also been to write a set of instructions on how to walk through the deep, dark forest.


In our reading lessons, we have started to read ‘Krindlekrax’ and have been introduced to our first character. We have been making inferences about the character and using clues from the text to determine what kind of person he is.  


In Maths, we have used our place value knowledge to help us add and subtract numbers up to 3 – digits. Also, we have started to introduce rounding and estimating an answer. We have continued to use practical resources to ensure that we are secure in our knowledge of place value.


In Science, we have continued with our topic, animals and the human body. We have been looking at different types of skeleton and naming a human skeleton as understanding the functions of a skeleton.

September 2018


In English, the children have been introduced to their new book 'Into the Forest'. We have been making predictions and inferences about what may happen in the story. Using inspiration from the story they have made a story board, written a narrative and a persuasive letter so far.


In Maths, we have been learning about place value of numbers up to 3 digits, roman numerals, mental addition and columnar addition. We will be moving on to mental subtraction and columnar subtraction next week. We have been recapping our times tables from Year 2 and have started to introduce the 8 times table.


In Science, our topic is the human body. We have been looking at what makes a healthy balanced diet. The children have learnt the different food groups and nutrients. The children are now going to start learning about the human body and looking at the different types of skeletons.

Goldfinch enjoyed raising money for Children in Need 2018!
