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The Round House Primary Academy

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The shop is open:  Monday to Thursday 9am till 5.30pm.  Friday 9-5pm



Live Chat via our website : (Monday – Friday 9-5 pm)

Phone : 01733 394758  Monday to Thursday 9-5.30pm Friday 9-5pm. ( phone lines are closed on a Saturday)

We believe school uniform gives the children a feeling of self-confidence and pride in their school, as well as in their appearance. 


The school colours are navy blue and grey. 


Children can wear: 

  • grey pinafore dress or skirt or trousers 
  • navy blue sweatshirt 
  • sky blue polo shirt 
  • white or grey socks and if tights are worn, they should be navy blue or grey. 
  • navy fleece (optional) 
  • black shoes with closed heels and toes 
  • blue and white checked summer dress/playsuit  


All pupils should wear a sunhat outside on sunny days. Winter hats and gloves should also be worn in colder weather. All children should have wellington boots in school. 


Book bags are available in school colours.


Lost Property

Please label all your child’s clothing clearly.

Unidentified property will be displayed to all pupils and parents/carers at the end of each half term. Unclaimed items of uniform will be put donated to the Loves Farm Community Wardrobe, other items will be recycled.



Jewellery must not be worn for health and safety reasons. However, children with pierced ears may wear small studs. Children should be taught to remove ear studs and a small box/bag should be provided for their storage during PE lessons. Children are not allowed to wear earrings during P.E. lessons in line with DfE guidance. Parents wishing their child to wear jewellery connected with their faith or parents with children who wear medical alert necklaces etc. should discuss this with the Head of School. 


Physical Education 

Children will need a change of clothing for P.E. and games. The P.E. uniform is as follows: 

·         plain, white T-shirt (no football shirts) 

·         blue/black shorts 

·         navy/black track suit for outdoor PE in the winter 

·         trainers 

Children should bring a named bag to hold the change of clothing. 


Extreme & Fashion Hairstyles 

Overly fashionable and extreme hairstyles are not acceptable within our school. We would respectfully ask that thought is given to appearance whilst in uniform when deciding on your child’s next haircut. Long hair, for both boys and girls, must be tied back. 

No nail varnish is to be worn. If a child has nail varnish on their nails, this will be removed in school. Gel nails are also not allowed.

No make up, of any kind, is to be worn. Children will be asked to remove this if they come into school wearing any kind of make-up. This includes lipstick/gloss/stain and make-up on your eyes/eyebrows.
