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Homework expectations for each year group are as follows:



  • Reading- children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes, 5 times a week from their phonic book and this should be recorded in their reading diary (date and name of book) and signed by an adult. The number of reads will be counted up each Friday so children must ensure that they have their reading diary and their book with them.

Years 1 and 2

  • Reading- children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes, 5 times a week from their home reading book and this should be recorded in their reading diary (date, name of book, page number) and signed by an adult. The number of reads will be counted up each Friday so children must ensure that they have their reading diary and their book with them (along with a 100 read book if they have one of these too).
  • Spelling Shed- children are expected to complete tasks set by the class teacher each week. These will be set each Monday and completed by the following Monday.
  • NumBots- children are expected to engage with this online platform on a weekly basis.


Years 3 and 4

  • Reading- children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes, 5 times a week from their AR book and this should be recorded in their reading diary (date, name of book, page number) and signed by an adult. The number of reads will be counted up each Friday so children must ensure that they have their reading diary and their AR book with them (along with a 100 read book if they have one of these too). AR club will continue to run.
  • Spelling Shed- children are expected to complete tasks set by the class teacher each week. These will be set each Monday and completed by the following Monday.
  • TT Rockstars- children are expected to complete at least 30 games (Year 3) or 40 games (Year 4) set by the teacher on ‘Garage’ mode. These will be set each Monday and completed by the following Monday.

Years 5 and 6

  • Reading- children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes, 5 times a week from their AR book and this should be recorded in their reading diary (date, name of book, page number) and signed by an adult. The number of reads will be counted up each Friday so children must ensure that they have their reading diary and their AR book with them (along with a 100 read book if they have one of these too). AR club will continue to run.
  • Spelling Shed- children are expected to complete tasks set by the class teacher each week. These will be set each Monday and completed by the following Monday.
  • Maths Whizz- children are expected to complete at least 1 hour of Maths Whizz each week. This will be checked on Mondays.


If you do not have access to the internet at home, please contact your class teacher who may be able to provide paper-based alternatives. If KS2 children are unable to complete their homework at home, time will be provided during break times to ensure they are up to date.

Knowledge Organisers are also available on the class pages for you to use as a basis for discussion with your child(ren) about the subjects and units being taught in school each half term. We would strongly recommend that this forms part of your child’s weekly homework. Paper copies of these can also be made available for any children that would prefer them (as they have been previously).
