2024-2025 Class Information
Class teacher - Mrs L Swann
Class teaching assistant - Mrs T Stockley
Our class PE day is on Monday.
Reading for at least 10 minutes, 5 nights a week (this can just be a few pages and doesn’t have to be a whole book). You need to complete their reading record each time they read. We would very much appreciate you listening to your child’s reading/discussing their book with them and request that you sign your child’s reading record book and, if possible, add a comment. This will really help your child to progress in reading and writing. We check reading records on a weekly basis to ensure children are reading regularly. Year 1 and 2 children will be changing their reading books on a daily basis. Please can you make sure your child has their reading record in school every day. If you have any issues or difficulties reading with your child each day then please come and speak to your child’s teacher, as your support at home is essential and reading at home is monitored as homework.
Here are some photographs of our fantastic performance of The Innspectors. Well done Year 2! Amazing!
Wednesday 4th December
Year 2 have been extremely busy this half term! Here are a few things we have been up to:
What amazing work!
WB: 14.10.2024
Year 2 have enjoyed reading the story ‘Leaf Man’ by Lois Ehlert this week. We were inspired by the story to create our own leaf people using fallen autumn leaves from around our school field. What fantastic work, Year 2!
WB: 14.10.2024
Today the children participated in the sponsored Fit’n’Fun readathon to raise money for our new ‘Reading Space’.
They had a fantastic time sharing their books with one another and they also completed a range of fitness activities including: dance, multi skills and yoga. It was a brilliant afternoon and they had lots of fun. Thank you to everyone who sponsored the children! Well done!
WB 30.9.24
We have had a brilliant week in Year 2, learning to use greater than and less than symbols to compare representations and numbers in maths. In English, we read a part of the Jolly Postman and the children created a WANTED poster to hunt for Goldilocks. They also pretended to be Goldilocks and wrote a letter to Baby Bear, apologising for everything she had done.
There have been many dojo points given out for hard work, participating and showing diamond learning behaviours. What a great week we have had!
WB: 30.09.2024
Year 2 have been busy this week exploring our outdoor area to investigate seeds and how they disperse. We were impressed with the children’s investigative skills and ability to work in a team. Well done, Year 2!
WB 16.9.24
Year 2 have had a great week with History Off the Page day. The children participated in a range of activities, learning all about what it was like to live and work in a castle. They all behaved brilliantly and we had a fantastic day!
2023 - 2024 Class Information
Kingfishers and Swifts have had a fantastic first week of the Summer term!
We have begun our new topic in history, learning all about what life was like in the Victorian era. In Maths, we have started learning all about money, identifying the value of coins. Year 2 have been introduced to the new learning behaviour of the term- 'Resilience'. We have discussed how we can display our focus Diamond learning behaviour, in and outside the classroom.
Well done for a fabulous week, Year 2!
Miss Parker & Miss Trainor
Today was NSPCC Number Day. In Year 2, we estimated, investigated and solved many maths problems. We used our number skills to work out how many creatures could be in our 'foot parade' and the children worked brilliantly whilst displaying our learning behaviour- relationships.
Great work Year 2!
WB 15.01.2024
Year 2 have had a busy week working hard on their writing. We have written a non-fiction text using facts about space, the moon and the planets. They have written this text using a variety of conjunctions. We have begun our new maths unit, ‘Multiplication and Division’. Using manipulatives, we have worked out that multiplication is repeated addition and the children have written the corresponding number sentences. In History, we have learnt all about another significant person, Amelia Earhart.
Please note, Swift Class PE day has now changed to a Friday. All children must have a PE kit in school at all times.
Class Teacher: Miss Trainor
Teaching Assistant: Ms Rochford
Our PE day is on a Friday.
W/C 31st October
In English, we have started our new class book ‘Leaf.’ The children have been looking at a picture from the book and then using their inference skills discussed what is going on and how the character is feeling. The children then moved on to writing statements and questions based on the picture. We are moving on to writing non-chronological reports about polar bears thinking about their appearance, habitat and diet.
In Maths, the children have been looking at addition and subtraction by bridging 10. They used practical equipment to work out different problems and were challenged to explain their thinking to their partners. We are moving onto comparing number sentences.
In Science, we are continuing our topic of Animals including Humans. The children have been looking at what humans need to survive.
W/C 19th September 2022
Swift Class have had a fantastic week this week. In English we are looking at 'The Jolly Postman.' The children have read the letter from Goldilocks to the Three Bears and then decided whether or not Baby Bear should forgive Goldilocks or not. In Maths, the children are looking at the place value of 2 digit numbers. We have partitioned the numbers into their tens and ones.
In History, we are learning all about Castles. The children have learnt about Motte and Bailey Castles, Square Keep Castles and Concentric Castles. We then moved on to learning about the different features found within a Castle such as towers, moats and drawbridges.
Children need to have their P.E. kit in school every day.
Please ensure all items of clothing are named.
Please can all children have a pair of wellies in school that are named. As the weather is changing it is important that your child has a coat in school for outdoor learning.
Finally remember that it is important that you read with your child every day for at least 10 minutes and record this in their reading diary.
Each Key Stage One class will be putting a knowledge organiser linked to the subjects that the children will be learning about onto the school website. There will be 4 writing challenges set for that term linked to these knowledge organisers. This is additional homework for those children who wish to complete writing as homework. Spelling shed will be set weekly for children in year 1 linked to the phonics they are leaning. Spelling shed will be set fortnightly for children in year 2, linked to spelling. Any children who require a paper copy please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Included in children’s weekly homework is reading for at least 10 minutes, 5 nights a week (this can just be a few pages and doesn’t have to be a whole book). You need to complete their reading record each time they read. We would very much appreciate you listening to your child’s reading/discussing their book with them and request that you sign your child’s reading record book and, if possible, add a comment. This will really help your child to progress in reading and writing. We check reading records on a weekly basis to ensure children are reading regularly. Children will receive awards for reading 25, 50 and 75 times in a term. It is very disappointing for the children who have read but do not get these awards because their reading record has not been signed! Year 1 and 2 children will be changing their reading books on a daily basis. Please can you make sure your child has their reading record in school every day. If you have any issues or difficulties reading with your child each day then please come and speak to your child’s teacher, as your support at home is essential and reading at home is monitored as homework.
Thursday 4th March 2021 - WORLD BOOK DAY!
Welcome to World book day - we have a fun filled day of activities, quizzing, guessing and drawing !!
All the links are on the document.
Please make sure you have your Activity pack ready, along with coloured pencils or felt pens.
World Book Day next week (Thursday March 4th)
We will be using a book called "Show and Tell" by Rob Biddulph
We will be using the book for some activities, and the day will be delivered as usual by live zoom lessons and activity links on the class web pages. However, we are posting this information ahead of next week, in case you wish to have an actual copy of the book for your child to enjoy at home. There is no pressure or expectation that you buy the book - it is absolutely your choice if you think your child would enjoy reading and looking through the real book, rather than seeing it on a screen.
Many thanks
The KS1 team
Bring your superhero toy to the lesson.
I have attached some verbs for you to print out if you'd like.
Monday 1st March 2021
You can bring your own superhero toy to today's lesson.
Print off the word mat if you'd like more adjectives to describe your superhero's personality.
Friday 26th February 2021
Good morning Year 2. Well done on another great week. You have all worked extremely hard after having a deserved rest.
For maths fluency today, if possible, please can you have ready a counter/pasta shell or something similar and some dice. If you do not have any dice then do not worry. Again, if you can, I would encourage you to download the addition and subtraction space race as this will be the main part of today's lesson.
Thanks in advance,
Mr Colborne
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Good morning Year 2. Please can you have a piece of scrap A4 paper reading for today's lesson.
I have attached some support shapes for today's Maths. You can, if you start to find the tasks difficult, choose to print off this sheet and cut out the shapes - you can practice finding different ways of showing a half.
Year 2 Team.
Monday 22nd February 2021
Welcome to Spring 2 Swifts!
I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing half term and are ready for some more fantastic home learning.
Attached is this week's timetable, Outdoor Learning Grid and Phonics / Spellings lessons.
I have also attached the English and Maths PowerPoints if you wish to go back through some of the tasks.
Have a great week and if you have any questions, please do ask.
Mr Colborne
After half term please note that the Year 2 maths lessons will start at the new time of 9.15am Monday to Thursday.
All other details remain the same.
Many thanks,
Year 2 team
Friday 12th February 2021
Good morning Swifts. A massive well done for all your hard work this half term - you all deserve a rest. Mrs Sporle and I are extremely proud of what you have achieved.
For exciting writing today, we are writing an alternative ending to the short film, 'Pigeon: Impossible'. I have attached some support pictures if you sometimes find writing tricky and are not sure about what you could write.
I have also attached the video clip in case you want to watch a bit of it first. PLEASE ONLY WATCH UP TO 1:42.
If you want to challenge yourself, I have attached the the FANTASTICs so you know what they all mean.
Have a fantastic half term,
Mr Colborne and Mrs Sporle
Maths Fluency lesson Friday 12th February - please have you pack of playing cards ready
We are playing 2 card games we already know - Get out of my House, and Go Fish. Both of these can be played on your own, ( or with a "toy" for the other player )
There is also a new game of noughts and crosses where you can try adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing to make the number you need to win the game. Good luck !
We will play the videos during the lesson, but you might want to look at them later on as well, if you don't get to play all the games during the lesson, or you want to pause, or rewind the instructions
The links are on the document below
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Monday 8th February 2021
Good morning Swifts. You did it! We are now into our last week of this half term.
You have all been fantastic during the live Zoom lessons and it has been great to see how engaged you have all been. Most of all, it as been amazing to see you contribute in the lessons on the chat box so well done!
Here is the timetable for this week. I have also attached a worksheet for tomorrow's English IF you need support with it.
Have a great day and week.
Mr Colborne
Playing cards for Friday Maths lesson
Please can you hunt out a pack of plain playing cards for our Friday maths lesson. If your child is in school, could they bring their pack of cards on Friday.
Many thanks
Year 2 Team
If possible, for today's Maths lesson, you will need:
- 8 plates (plastic or paper if you can)
- 18 healthy snacks (such as grapes, tomatoes etc.)
If you don't have this, use pasta shells.
Year 2 Team.
You can use some markers/coloured pencils for today's lesson. If you have a calculator you can use it also.
Thanks, Mrs Voce
Monday 1st February 2021
Good morning Swifts. Hope you have had a fantastic weekend. Below is the timetable for this week. This timetable now includes 'screen free' time.
Don't forget to spend some time exercising and walking and/or running as much as you can. I will be getting out and totalling as many miles as I can. Remember to get your adult to send me the total number of miles you have done at the end of the week.
Keep up the good work - you are all doing amazing .
Mr Colborne
Friday 29th January 2021
Good morning Swifts. Well done on another fantastic week of learning. Below is a document that you can use for exciting writing. This will be very useful so please download and/or print it if you can.
You have all worked extremely hard this week. We have done a lot of writing and lots of multiplying but you have all done very well .
Mr Colborne
Tuesday 26th January 2021
Good morning Swifts. I hope you have had a good start to the week? I have attached a document that you could download/print for today's English. I have attached the word and PDF version.
Have a great day.
Mr Colborne
Monday 25th January 2021
Good Morning Swifts! I hope you have had a good weekend and have enjoyed the snow!
You've all been amazing at completing your Home Learning lessons so far, we're all very impressed! We are 3 weeks in, and it is great to see you all working extremely hard!
Here is your timetable with links to all the topic learning for the week.
Make sure that you're ready for each lesson with your 'Home Learning' exercise book and a pencil. We will be checking your work during our feedback sessions on a Monday and Thursday. Remember to work hard on your presentation and handwriting so please take your time to write carefully.
Remember to also take regular breaks away from your laptop or iPad and get outside everyday for some exercise and fresh air.
Keep up the hard work - I am very proud of you all .
Mr Colborne
Good Morning Swifts! You've made it to Friday, well done!
I've attached the Get Out Of My House game board for you to copy or print out at home.
I've also attached a website with a video that demonstrates the game again. Just scroll down to the Get Out Of My House video.
There are other videos of maths games you can play at home.
Have fun and keep up the hard work!
Mr Colborne
Monday 18th January 2021
Good Morning Swifts!
You've all been amazing at completing your Home Learning lessons so far, we're all very impressed! It was lovely to see you all and catch up during our Circle Time on Wednesday.
Here is your timetable with links to all the topic learning for the week.
We have also included the schedule with links to your phonics/spelling lessons. You should remember which groups you were in before the Christmas holidays so that you know which links to use for your phonics/spellings lessons.
Make sure that you're ready for each lesson with your 'Home Learning' exercise book and a pencil. We will be checking your work during our feedback sessions on a Monday and Thursday. Remember to work hard on your presentation and handwriting so please take your time to write carefully.
Remember to also take regular breaks away from your laptop or iPad and get outside everyday for some exercise and fresh air.
Keep up the hard work
Mr Colborne
Friday 15th January
Good morning Swifts. Well done on a fantastic week! I hope you have managed to get used to the live lessons. I am extremely proud of what you are doing at the moment.
Today's Maths Lesson
If you have lego at home, please sort out some 2,4,6,and 8 size pieces ( eight or nine of each size piece will be plenty)
If you don't have lego, then some little paper tickets with the numbers written on will work just as well.
Thank you, and have a great weekend!
Mr Colborne
Thursday 14th January
Good morning Swifts. It was great to see you all during circle time yesterday. I have attached a document for today's English lesson. If you find writing sentences tricky and need some extra support, print the sheet off and have a go at doing this task instead. I can explain what you need to do during the lesson. Everyone will need to have a coloured pencil as well as your writing pencil too.
Thanks, and have a great day!
Mr Colborne
Wednesday 13th January
Good morning Swifts. I hope you have had a good week so far? I have attached a document for today's English lesson. If you are able to print it out then please do. If you can't, don't worry .
Thanks, and have a great day!
Mr Colborne
Tuesday 12th January
Good morning Swifts. I hope you enjoyed the first day of the live Zoom lessons! I have attached below some useful documents that you may want to use in English today. For Maths, you will need the same resources as yesterday.
Thanks, and have a great day!
Mr Colborne
Good Morning Swifts!
Welcome to the first day of our live zoom lessons. Let's hope it all runs smoothly today
I have attached a PDF timetable with links to all lessons this week for you to open in your devices if that helps.
9:05: Live Assembly
9:30: Live Maths Zoom and activity: Making Equal Groups- Have ready: a pencil, your exercise book and a pot of dry pasta shapes or marbles etc for counting (at least 16).
10:45: Live English Zoom and activity: Making predictions about our new text - Have ready: a pencil and your exercise book
Outdoor: Pick an activity from the Outdoor Winter Grid
Science: Which Materials Can Withstand Strong Winds - making new walls. Have ready: playdough, straw, lego, lollipop sticks and sugar cubes again (if you want to join in).
Don't forget to fit in 15 minutes of reading today also.
Have a super learning day at home!
Mr Colborne
Useful Home Learning Links:
Friday 8th January
Good Morning Swifts. Firstly thank you for starting your home learning this week, and getting busy while we plan and organise learning for next week. You are super stars !
Today we have:
English - Tigers lesson 3
Maths - Learning about quarter past the hour
Science - Building mini walls ( if you want to join in, then hunt out any of the following things - some lego, wooden lolly sticks, play dough, straw/hay, sugar cubes and glue or sellotape) Don't worry if you have none of these things as you can still watch the lesson.
Geography - Lesson 3 We are off to Australia !
Enjoy, and have a fantastic weekend!
Mr Colborne
Thursday 7th January 2021
Good morning Swifts, I hope you managed to start your home learning yesterday. Here is your plan for today. Remember, if you can, let us know how you get on via the blogs.
English - Information text – All About Tigers – Lesson 2 Tell an information text from memory
Maths - Time Lesson 2 All about how many minutes in one hour
Science – Building Things Lesson 2 What material could you use to build a wall?
Geography – Seven Continents Lesson 2 What is Europe like?
Spelling Shed
20 minutes reading
PE with Joe Wicks: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/playlists
The links to the lesson are posted for Year 2 on Kingfisher page because the website is currently overloaded ( we have managed to post it on one of the Year 2 pages - sorry !! we are earning fast how to sort this all out . Thank you for your patience. )
Good luck and enjoy.
Mr Colborne
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good morning Swifts. Here is your plan for today. Remember, if you can, let us know how you get on via the blogs.
English - Information text – All About Tigers – Lesson 1 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/information-all-about-tigers-1d38
Maths - Time Lesson 1 - https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/time-ea81
Science – Building Things Lesson 1 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/building-things7082
Geography – Seven Continents Lesson 1 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/sevencontinents-cf8c
Spelling Shed
20 minutes reading
PE with Joe Wicks: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/playlists
Good luck and enjoy.
Mr Colborne
Happy New Year Swifts :)
As you know, 2021 is starting off a little differently, but I am really confident you can be super hero learners at home once again.
Here is our learning for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week.
You can let us know how you got on with your quiz scores on the class blogs, and ask us any questions on the blogs as well.
Good luck, and have a great first 3 days .
Mr Colborne and Mrs Sporle
Today is the last day of term! Well done for all of your fantastic hard work! We hope you have a great day doing lots of fun and creative activities https://www.diamondonline.uk/home. Have the best summer holiday!
On the website today, are some fun and creative activities for you to do. Go to the website https://www.diamondonline.uk/home to have a look at these. Well done for all your fantastic hard work whilst you have been at home! Have lots of fun!
Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today https://www.diamondonline.uk/home
Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -
Spelling – To be able to spell words that end in ‘tion’ correctly.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To write a story.
Maths – Go on NumBots or TT Rockstars.
DT - To make a puppet.
Outside – How about the ‘Water Balloon Pinata’ activity? Or pick whoever activity you like!
Have a great day!
Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today https://www.diamondonline.uk/home
Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -
Spelling – To be able to spell words that end in ‘tion’ correctly.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To write for a purpose.
Maths – To compare durations of time
PSHE – To create a jar full of things you are looking forward to in the future.
Outside – How about the ‘Sports Day’ activity? Or pick whoever activity you like!
Have a great day!
Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today https://www.diamondonline.uk/home
Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -
Spelling – To be able to spell words that end in ‘tion’ correctly.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To use descriptive vocabulary.
Maths –To find durations of time.
Art & Design – To draw an observational drawing of a natural object.
Outside – How about the ‘Super Shoes’ activity? Or pick whoever activity you like!
Have a great day!
Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today https://www.diamondonline.uk/home
Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -
Spelling – To be able to spell words that end in ‘tion’ correctly.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To use expanded noun phrases.
Maths – To tell the time in 15 minute intervals (quarter to and quarter past).
Topic – To know how significant people help us.
Outside – How about the ‘Art in the style of Van Gough’ activity? Or pick whoever activity you like!
Have a great day!
Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today https://www.diamondonline.uk/home
Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -
Spelling – To be able to spell words that end in ‘tion’ correctly.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To express opinions of a story.
Maths – To tell the time to the hour and to half the hour.
Science – To explain the life cycle of a plant and what plants need to grow.
Outside – How about the ‘Water Xylophone’ activity? Or pick whoever activity you like!
Have a great day!
Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today https://www.diamondonline.uk/home
Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -
Spelling – To know how to spell and pronounce words that begin with ‘k’ and ‘g’.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To write a fact file.
Maths – Go on to NumBots or TTRockstars
DT – To design a puppet
Outside – How about the ‘Card Making’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Have a great day!
Good Morning! Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work. https://www.diamondonline.uk/home
Here is an outline of today’s work.
Spelling – To know how to spell and pronounce words that begin with ‘k’ and ‘g’.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To research a topic.
Maths – To name and describe 3D shapes.
PSHE – To understand how to keep ourselves safe.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Vegetable Superhero’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Have a fantastic day!
Good Morning! Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work. https://www.diamondonline.uk/home
Here is an outline of today’s work.
Spelling – To know how to spell and pronounce words that begin with ‘k’ and ‘g’.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To use different sentence types.
Maths – To recognise the lines of symmetry in 2D shapes.
Art & Design – To create shadow art.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Rainbow Bubble Snakes’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Have a fantastic day!7.7.20
Good Morning! Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work. https://www.diamondonline.uk/home
Here is an outline of today’s work.
Spelling – To know how to spell and pronounce words that begin with ‘k’ and ‘g’.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To create a character.
Maths – To identify right angles in shapes.
Topic – To know how significant people help us.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Shadow Drawing’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Have a fantastic day!
We hope you all had a lovely weekend. Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work. https://www.diamondonline.uk/home
Here is an outline of today’s work.
Spelling – To know how to spell and pronounce words that begin with ‘k’ and ‘g’.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To answer questions about a text.
Maths – To identify shapes by the number of sides and vertices.
Science – To name, identify and explain the function of parts of a plant.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Bug Hotel’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Have a fantastic day!3.7.20
We hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work. https://www.diamondonline.uk/home
Here is an outline of today’s work.
Spelling – Contractions.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – Write a story about a superhero.
Maths – Go onto NumBots or TT Rockstars.
Computing – To know how to keep safe online.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Mud’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Have a fantastic day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – Contractions
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English –To write an exciting story.
Maths – To rotate shapes.
PSHE – To know how to make healthy choices.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Giant Bubbles’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – Contractions
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English –Gather ideas for writing.
Maths – To use the language of rotation.
Art & Design – To make insects using natural materials.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Kim’s Game’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – Contractions
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English –To describe a character using adjectives.
Maths – To be able to give directions.
Topic – To research the life of a significant person.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Cloud Watching’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – Contractions
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English –To become familiar with a story.
Maths – To describe the position of an object.
Science – To name and identify common plants and trees.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Picture Making’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – Rules for plural nouns.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English –Writing a fact file about lighthouses.
Maths – Go on Numbots or TT Rockstars.
Computing – To know what code and algorithms are.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Picnic lunch’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – Rules for plural nouns.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English –To research all about lighthouses.
Maths – Finding different combinations of coins that equal the same amount.
PSHE – Understanding how to stay safe at the seaside.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Seaside Scene’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – Rules for plural nouns.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English –Writing instructions.
Maths – Recognising and knowing the value of coins.
Art & Design – Creating a textured landscape.
Outdoor – How about the ’Make some Binoculars’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – Rules for plural nous.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English –Collect ideas for making a picnic lunch.
Maths – Using standard units to measure volume and capacity.
Topic – Compare seaside holidays from the past with ones of today.
Outdoor – How about the ’10 Green Bottles’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – Rules for plural nous.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English –Answering questions about a text.
Maths – Compare and order volume and capacity.
Science – Plastic pollution.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Snails’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English –Writing a story.
Maths – Go onto Numbots or TT Rockstars.
Music – Making music from everyday objects.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Sensory Ice Play’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English –Retelling part of a story.
Maths – Ordering and comparing mass/weight.
PSHE: Relationships
Outdoor – How about the ‘Camping’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – Planning the retell of the ending of the story.
Maths – Estimate and measure in mass/weight.
Art & Design: Texture hunt.
Outdoor – How about the ‘Making a Paintbrush’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – Book Review.
Maths – Ordering and comparing lengths and height.
Geography: Features of a coastline.
Outdoor – How about the Ruler of the Garden activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! We hope you all had a great weekend! Go straight to the website to access your work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – Becoming familiar with a new story.
Maths – Estimating and measuring length and height.
Science: Designing and making a boat that will float.
Outdoor – How about the Garden Pictures activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!
Good Morning! Here is an outline of your activities for today:-
Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – Use descriptive language in a story.
Maths – Go onto Numbots or TT Rockstars
PSE: Listening and responding to music.
Outdoor – How about the Pebble Toss activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a fantastic day and have a lovely weekend!
We hope you all had a great day yesterday. Here is an outline of today’s work.
Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To write facts based on research.
Maths – Counting in 3s.
PSE: To talk confidently about talents.
Outdoor – How about the Instruments activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a fantastic day!
We hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Here is an outline of today’s work.
Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – To research a chosen topic.
Maths – Following number sequences.
Art – Investigating colour.
Outdoor – How about the Tree Leaves activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a fantastic day!
We hope you all had a great day yesterday and enjoyed the learning using the online website. Here is an outline of today’s work. Take your time using the website as this is a different way of learning.
Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading.
English – Using descriptive language to describe a beach.
Maths – Ordering objects and numbers to 100.
History – Comparing past and present beaches.
Outdoor – How about the Stone Keeper activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a fantastic day!
We hope you all had a fantastic weekend! This week, you will be carrying out your learning using the work set on the ‘Diamond Online’. There are two options for how you can access the work for this week. There is the digital newsletter, which has been uploaded up onto the class pages, or you can now start to use the website which has gone live for Year 1 and 2 this week. Here is the link https://www.diamondonline.uk/home. You will need to click on the ‘Learning’ tab on the left of the website to access your work. Using the website may take some getting use to! Please take your time and have an explore of it with an adult. The digital newsletter is there for you this week if you feel using the website is a little tricky. If you click on the ‘How to use the Online School’ tab on the left, there are videos to help show you how it all works, and you can watch these with an adult. Here is an outline of the work for today: -
Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading
English – Answering questions about the story.
Maths – Comparing objects and numbers to 100.
Science- Identifying properties of materials
Outdoor – How about the Natural Rubbings Activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!
Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!
Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -
Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading
English – Writing your own story about a mermaid.
Maths – Go on Numbots or TT Rockstars
Music- Make an instrument ready for next week’s assembly. If you have already made one, you could practise playing it.
Outdoor – How about making a minibeast hunt? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day and enjoy the weekend!
Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!
Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -
Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading
English – Writing a description about the mermaid you drew yesterday.
Maths – Focusing on 10 more or 10 less
PSE- drawing a picture about a time you have found something tricky and worked at worked hard at trying to overcome it.
Outdoor – How about making a kite? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!
Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!
Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -
Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading
English – You will be drawing a picture of the mermaid and using exciting vocabulary to describe her.
Maths – Focusing on hundreds, tens and ones using addition.
Art - mark making
Outdoor – How about making a stone tower? Or pick whichever activity you like!
Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!
Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!
Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -
Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading
English – You will continue to look at the book ‘The Singing Mermaid’ and writing some questions that you would like to ask. What do you need to remember when writing questions?
Maths – You will be looking at the value of a 3-digit number.
Geography - Looking at the human and physical features of a beach.
Outdoor - How about making a collage with garden materials? Or pick whichever outdoor activity you like!
Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!
Please find above the Diamond Online digital newsletter for this week.
Good Morning Swifts!
We hope you have all had a lovely half term! The Diamond Online digital newsletter is above this post. It contains a series of lessons each day. Towards the bottom of the newsletter, there are additional activities that can be done during the week which include an assembly link and a link to Springwatch live wildlife cam!
Please refer to the Diamond digital newsletter for today’s work. Here is an outline of today’s work: -
Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.
Reading – 20 minutes of reading
English – You will be looking at a lovely book called ‘The Singing Mermaid’ by Julia Donaldson (link on the newsletter). As you are listening to the story, think about what your favourite part is.
Maths – Focusing on place value of numbers. What could you draw to help you?
Science - looking at different materials that you can find around your house. Think about their names and the different ways you could group these materials.
Outdoor activity - How about playing a game of noughts and crosses using sticks and stones? Or pick whichever outdoor activity you like!
Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! As many of the Class Teachers are now in school, they may not be able to respond straight away to your blog posts, but they will do as soon as they can.
Friday 22nd May 2020
Good morning Swifts and happy half term! Below is a list of activities that I would like you to do today:
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/ Maths Shed/TT Rockstars - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 5
Indoor Activity - Activity 5 – Write 5 questions
Outdoor Activity – Activity 5 – Blindfold safari
Letter join - Spend 20 minutes on letter join.
I look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have done on the blog.
Thanks and have a fantastic half term.
Mr Colborne
Thursday 21st May 2020
Good morning Swifts.
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/ Maths Shed/TT Rockstars - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 4
Indoor Activity - Activity 4 – How many ways can you make and show the number 16?
Outdoor Activity – Activity 4 – Ball run challenge
Letter join - Spend 20 minutes on letter join.
Topic - Introduction to Grace Darling Video
I look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Mr Colborne
Wednesday 20th May 2020
Good morning Swifts. Hope you are having a good week so far. It is going to be a hot day today so if you are going outside, make sure you put sun cream on.
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/ Maths Shed/TT Rockstars - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 3
Indoor Activity- Activity 3 – Design your own Joe Wicks workout
Outdoor Activity - Activity 3 – Create an obstacle course
Letter join- Spend 20 minutes on letter join.
Vocabulary Ninja - compass – Draw a picture of a compass (2)
I look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Mr Colborne
Tuesday 19th May 2020
Good morning Swifts!
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/Maths Shed/TT Rockstars – 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 2
Indoor Activity - Activity 2 – Write an acrostic poem
Outdoor Activity- Activity 2 – Cardboard foot
Letter join- Spend 20 minutes on letter join.
I look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Mr Colborne
Monday 18th May 2020
Good morning Swifts. I hope you have had a fantastic weekend. Below is a list of activities I would like you to do today. I have also attached the new indoor and outdoor activities, and the White Rose worksheets for this week and the for the first week back after half term.
Reading - 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/Maths Shed/TT Rockstars – 30 minutes
White Rose – Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 1
Indoor Activity - Activity 1 – Write a fact sheet about an animal
Outdoor Activity - Activity 1 – Observational drawing
Letter join- Spend 20 minutes on letter join.
Vocabulary Ninja- compass – write a sentence using this word (1)
Good luck and have a great day!
Mr Colborne
Friday 15th May 2020
Good morning Swifts! It was so lovely talking to you all yesterday! Below is the list of activities I would like you to have a go at today:
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/Maths Shed/TT Rockstars - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 5
Indoor Activity - Activity 9 or 10 – Hot seating or create your own game
Outdoor Activity – Activity 9 or 10 – Ice escape or shadow pictures
Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
I look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Have a great weekend!
Mr Colborne
Thursday 14th May 2020
Good morning Swifts!
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/Maths Shed/TT Rockstars - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 4
Indoor Activity - Activity 8 – Indoor camping
Outdoor Activity- Activity 8 – Create your own museum of natural treasures
Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
Topic - Lucy and Tom at the Seaside story https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/video/item1070591/grade1/module1067404/index.html
Activity to go with Lucy and Tom at the Seaside https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/activity/item325027/grade1/module
I look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Mr Colborne
Wednesday 13th May 2020
Good morning Swifts!
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/Maths Shed/TT Rockstars - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 3
Indoor Activity - Activity 7 – Learn your full name, your birthday and your address
Outdoor Activity – Activity – Magic wands
Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
Vocabulary Ninja- erosion – Draw a picture to represent the word erosion (2)
I look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Mr Colborne
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Good morning Swifts!
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/ Maths Shed/TT Rockstars - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 2
Indoor Activity - Activity 6 – Make your own musical instrument
Outdoor Activity- Activity 6 – Build a mini den for a bear
Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Mr Colborne
Monday 11th May 2020
Good morning Swifts! I hope you have had a great bank holiday weekend and enjoyed the lovely weather on Saturday! Below is the list of activities I would like you to do today:
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/Maths Shed/TT Rockstars - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 1
Indoor Activity- Activity 5 – Write a story
Outdoor Activity- Activity 5 – Mini beast hunt
Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
Vocabulary Ninja- erosion – write a sentence using this word
I look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Mr Colborne
Thursday 7th May 2020
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/Maths Shed/TT Rockstars - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 4
Indoor Activity - Activity 4 – How many ways can you make and show the number 12?
Outdoor Activity – Activity 4 – What’s this critter thinking?
Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
Topic - Beach Vocabulary https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/photo_gallery/item1067404/grade1/index.html
Activity to go with Beach Vocabulary https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/activity/item1069178/grade1/module1067404/index.html
I look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Have fun and enjoy! It is going to be a lovely, sunny day!
Mr Colborne
Wednesday 6th May 2020
Good morning Swifts! I hope you are having a good week so far. Below is a list of today's activities:
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/Maths Shed/TT Rockstars - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 3
Indoor Activity- Activity 3 – Design your own perfect cupcake
Outdoor Activity - Activity 3 – Outdoor masterpieces
Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
Vocabulary Ninja - pier – Draw a picture of a pier (2)
We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Have a great day!
Mr Colborne
Tuesday 5th May 2020
Good Morning. I hope you found yesterday's activities easy to follow. Please find attached a suggested set of activities for the day. We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 20 minutes
Numbots/Maths Shed/TT Rockstars – 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 2
Indoor Activity - Activity 2 - Seasons
Outdoor Activity- Activity 2 – Explore and make a map
Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
Good luck and enjoy!
Mr Colborne
Monday 4th May 2020
Good Morning. Please find attached a suggested set of activities for the day. If you would prefer to choose your own, then this is fine. Please find the following documents underneath: Vocabulary Ninja, Maths and Spelling Activities and Indoor and Outdoor Activity Home Learning Grids. Please share what you have been up to on the blog.
Reading - 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 15 minutes
Numbots/TT Rockstars/Maths Shed – 30 minutes
White Rose – Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 1
Indoor Activity - Activity 1 – Create your own animal
Outdoor Activity - Activity 1 – Sensory and texture walk
Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
Vocabulary Ninja- pier – write a sentence using this word
Wednesday 29th April 2020
Good Morning Swifts! I hope you’ve enjoyed the activities so far this week! Thank you for sharing on the blog what you have been up to. You can continue with the same structure for your child, as outlined on Monday, if this is working for your child. Please keep sharing on the blog! We love to see what you have been doing.
Mr Colborne
Monday 27th April 2020
Good Morning! We hope that you’ve had a good weekend and enjoyed the sunny weather.
The activity sheets remain the same as last week. You may continue to choose one activity from each section if you wish to. Why don’t you have a look at, ‘The Beach – Magic Grandad,’ to discover more about the Seaside. Please keep sharing what you have been up to on the blog. We love to see this.
If you are practising your handwriting please take a look at the Letterjoin website to make sure you are forming your letters correctly. If I have told you to not join your handwriting, focus on your letter formation.
The website is https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/
user name: roundhouse_4
password: letterjoin
All the best,
Mr Colborne
Wednesday 22nd April
Good Morning Swifts! I hope you’ve enjoyed the activities so far this week! Thank you for sharing on the blog what you have been up to. You can continue with the same structure for your child, as outlined on Monday, if this is working for your child. If you would like, you can continue your trip to the Seaside and take a look at, ‘Seaside Entertainment – Magic Grandad.’ Please keep sharing on the blog! We love to see what you have been doing.
Mr Colborne
Monday 20th April 2020
Good Morning! We hope that you all had a lovely Easter break.
Please have a look at the Maths and Spelling Activities Monday 20th April to Friday 1st May task sheet as well as the indoor and outdoor learning activities. If you want some structure for your child, then you can choose one task per day from the indoor and outdoor activity sheets as well as completing one Maths activity and one spelling activity. There are also some topic introduction links. If you would like, have a look at the first link to start the Seaside topic ‘Barnaby Goes to the Seaside’. We would love to see what you have been doing so please share what you have been up to on the blog. If you are not able to access Numbots, please let me know. This is a fantastic resource for the children to use independently.
Challenge: As well as Numbots, have a go at TT Rockstars (only if you really confident with your times tables!).
Don't forget to blog and tell me how you are getting on!
Mr Colborne
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Today is Reward Day
Congratulations on your Spring Term full of learning, fabulous behaviour and hard work ... both at school and at home.
We are incredibly proud of you and your families.
Today is a day filled with some magic and fun .... enjoy !!
Magician Nick Barnes has recorded a special magic show to watch while we are staying safe at home ... Here it is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLaQCNB8J9o
If you want to learn some fun magic tricks to perform for your family ... here are some ideas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2tDK9wfCYs
Have a great day!
Mr Colborne
TT Rockstars and Numbots
Hi everyone, here is a message from Mr Hall regarding TT Rockstars and Numbots:
Hi everyone,
I have set up usernames and passwords for TT Rockstars and Numbots for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. They are the same for both apps.
Their username is the first 2 letters of their forename and surname. eg. Joe Bloggs username is 'jobl'
Password: abc
Year 2 - Encourage children to play Numbots and TTRockstars (if they are secure with their number bonds to 20).
If you need any help, let me know.
Mr Hall
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Good Morning!
Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes
Complete the reading comprehension that has a number 4 at the top of the page. Remember to answer in full sentences where possible and underline the key parts of the question - this will help you find the answer quicker!
Spelling shed – I have set Stage 2, List 7 for you all to practise.
Handwriting - see YouTube video below.
Maths -
Page 7 of Money Problems sheets
Page 7 of Maths reasoning sheets
Maths Shed – Add and Subtract to 20 - Subtract
English - You will be writing a letter in the role of Beegu. You wrote an information guide last week and you (Beegu) are now going to reply to the children of Earth with a letter. See YouTube video for more information: https://youtu.be/oHT0t0pZmbk
Sentence starter ideas:
- I am writing this letter...
- I found the information on _________ useful because...
- One aspect of Earth that I would love to be a part of is _________ because
- In addition,
- Furthermore,
- As well as this,
- To conclude,
- To finish,
- Overall,
We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Good luck!
Mr Colborne
Monday 30th March 2020
Good Morning! I hope you have had a fantastic weekend!
Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes
Complete the reading comprehension that has a number 3 at the top of the page. Remember to answer in full sentences where possible and underline the key parts of the question - this will help you find the answer quicker!
Book Review - Using one of the books you have read, write a book review. Write today's date at the top of the page (30.03.20) and write the learning objective, 'L.O. To be able to write a book review.' You must include the following things:
- Title: _________
- Author: __________
- Paragraph 1: What the book is about (summarise it in as fewer sentences as possible)
- Paragraph 2: Who the main characters are - write about what they look like and what their personality is like.
- Paragraph 3: What you liked about the book.
+ In my opinion, the part of the book was great because...
+ Personally, this part of the book where ____________ was the best because....
- Paragraph 4: What you would change to the book.
+ I would change ____________ because....
+ This part of the book where __________ didn't work because....
- Paragraph 5: Would you recommend the book - use sentence starters such as:
+ I would recommend this book because...
+ You should definitely read this book because...
+ You need to make sure you read this book because....
Spelling shed – I have set Stage 2, List 6 for you all to practise.
Handwriting - Complete the next two pages of your handwriting booklet.
Maths -
Page 6 of Money Problems sheets
Page 6 of Maths reasoning sheets
Maths Shed – Add and Subtract to 20 - Add
We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Good luck!
Mr Colborne
Friday 27th March 2020
Good Morning!
Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes
Complete the reading comprehension that has a number 2 at the top of the page. Remember to answer in full sentences where possible and underline the key parts of the question - this will help you find the answer quicker!
Spelling shed – I have set Stage 2, List 5 for you all to practise.
Handwriting – Watch YouTube video below to find out what the handwriting is for today.
English - Write today's date in your book - 27.03.20. Now write this learning objective: L.O. To be able to write a character description. Now watch this YouTube video of me explaining what I would like you to do:
Maths -
Page 5 of Money Problems sheets
Page 5 of Maths reasoning sheets
Maths Shed – Bonds to 20 - Mixed
We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Good luck!
Mr Colborne
Thursday 26th March 2020
Good Morning!
Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes
Complete the reading comprehension that has a number 1 at the top of the page. Remember to answer in full sentences and underline the key parts of the question - this will help you find the answer quicker!
Spelling shed – I have set Stage 2, List 4 for you all to practise.
Handwriting – Please complete the next two pages of the sheet titled, 'High Frequency words'.
English - Write today's date in your book (26.03.20). Write the learning objective, 'L.O. To be able to write questions and statements.' Write 5 questions you would want to ask Beegu and 5 statements about Beegu.
Maths -
Page 4 of Money Problems sheets
Page 4 of Maths reasoning sheets
Go around the house and garden. Write down all the 2D and 3D shapes you can find.
Maths Shed – Bonds to 20 - Subtract
We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Mr Colborne
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Good Morning!
Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes
Complete the reading comprehensions titled, 'Musical Instruments' and 'Ancient Greece'. Remember to answer in full sentences and underline the key parts of the question - this will help you find the answer quicker!
Spelling shed – I have set Stage 2, List 3 for you all to practise.
Handwriting – Please complete the first two pages of the sheet titled, 'High Frequency words'.
Knowledge Organisers - Read the information about Robert Falcon Scott. In your home learning book, write about what equipment he would need on his expeditions and explain why he would need them. Remember to write the date, '25.03.20' at the top of your page and write the title, 'Equipment that Robert Falcon Scott used for his Expedition'.
Maths -
Page 3 of Money Problems sheets
Page 3 of Maths reasoning sheets
Maths Shed – Bonds to 20 - Add
We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Good luck!
Mr Colborne
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Good Morning!
Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes
Spelling shed – I have set Stage 2, List 2 for you all to practise.
Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled, 'Numbers 5 to 9'.
Word Walls - pick the word wall that you are practicing at the moment. Use 5 of these words and write them in a sentence.
Maths - https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/activity/item464849/grade1/module736870/index.html
Page 2 of Money Problems sheets
Page 2 of Maths reasoning sheets
Maths Shed – Bonds to 10 - Mixed
Subordinate conjunctions. See https://youtu.be/aeRhBDNoKtc for guidance.
Optional activity - See https://youtu.be/lhAr4BD8eG8 for guidance.
We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Good luck!
Mr Colborne
Monday 23rd March
Good Morning Swift class! Hope you are keeping safe and well. Below is a list of activities I would like you to complete today:
Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes
Spelling shed – I have set Stage 2, List 1 for you all to practise.
Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled, 'Numbers 0 to 4'.
Maths - https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/activity/item742131/grade1/module736870/index.html
Page 1 of Money Problems sheets
Page 1 of Maths reasoning sheets
Maths Shed – Bonds to 10 - Add
English - Today you are going to write your information guide to Beegu's parents. Use the planning sheet to help you. I have made a video to help you with your writing. Please watch as it will help you a lot, especially if you were not here for the planning lesson: https://youtu.be/XtcYS6-ZQaA
If you were not here for the planning activity, here is a list of things you could talk about:
- School - Birthdays
- Easter - Sports
- Christmas
We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.
Have a great day!
Mr Colborne
Welcome to Swift Class 2018/2019
This class page will share the fantastic learning that the children are doing throughout the year.
Our teachers are Mrs Voce and Miss Knox.
PE day is Tuesday this half term. Please make sure you have the correct PE kit in school and that earrings are removed.
Homework will go home on a Thursday and needs to be handed in the following Tuesday (if completing weekly).
We also expect children to read at home for 10 mins every day and hand their reading record in every day. Books will be changed every day before home time.
If you have any questions about what is happening in class then please ask us.
Friday 22nd March
In English this week Swifts have been looking at the features of instructions. This involved sequencing instructions, knowing about bossy ( imperative) verbs and following instructions to make bird feeders. In maths we have been exploring 3D shapes and using vocabulary such as edge, face, vertice., cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere and pyramid. Our science lesson explored why some materials are waterproof and we observed wax resist crayon art as part of our learning.
Friday 1st March
Friday 8th February
Swifts might have been talking about our Science investigation this week - we predicted what might happen, and then tested 4 different material's for Simba's waterproof coat. I was very impressed with the fantastic team work and discussions during the lesson. We also worked hard to get fast and fluent with our 2x tables, using bingo games, online multiplication games (try www. topmarks "Hit the Button" game), multiplication wheels, and fortune tellers. In English the children planned a different ending to our class text Traction Man, and then wrote it using fabulous vocabulary and a variety of sentence types.
Friday 1st February
Friday 25th January
In English this week, the children have written a setting description of a scene from our book 'Traction Man'. The scene was of a kitchen which appeared in our classroom! The children used this to help them create expanded noun phrases to describe what they could see, smell and hear. This lead the children to write a detailed setting description with exciting vocabulary.
In maths, the children continued to learn about division. They first started to share amounts into different groups making sure that they had an equal amount in each group. Kingfishers then progressed onto solving word problems using grouping.
We have continued in Science to look at why certain materials are used for certain objects, because of the properties they have. eg flexible, transparent, rigid, smooth
Congratulations to our Golden Pupils this week - fabulous work :)
Friday 18th January
January 11th 2019
WOW !! Kingfishers and Swifts have had an amazing week back at school getting our new topic underway. "Back to the Future" certainly has the children interested, talking, imagining, exploring and very excited ! Many thanks to the fabulous Year 1 and 2 team of TAs in the Ice Zone - it is ready for Monday- and the children can't wait to get started. The photos are of the indoor activities. Please make sure your child has a warm coat, WARM HAT, and welly boots in school every day, as they all want to get outside to build a time machine :) Many thanks
December 7th
Swift class might have been talking about their heart rate, pulse, lungs and body parts - and asking you if they could please feel your pulse :) We thoroughly enjoyed using this special T-shirt ( and app) to show our heart beating, and to measure our heart rate in science this week. We exercised, observed out partner, and found out the effect on our bodies when we exercise. In Maths we looked at arrays for multiplication and decided is was true - that you could multiply 2 numbers in any order and the answer would be the same.
November 30th
Congratulations to our two Golden pupils this week. The class wrote some fabulous poem based on the book "I Imagine" and tried to used wonderful vocabulary to describe their ideas and thoughts. These are called expanded noun phrases and use 2 adjectives (separated by a comma) to describe a noun eg the cute, quick meerkat. or the turquoise, sparkling ocean.
November 16th
November 9th
Swift class looking and thinking about Remembrance Day. Thank you to everyone involved in creating the stunning display outside the school entrance.
October 12th
In maths this week, Year 2 have been ordering numbers on a numbers line and really focusing on what multiples of 10 would be either side of a number. For example 28 is between 20 and 30. The children were then asked which of these multiples of 10 is it closest to and why. This helped to further develop the children's understanding. The children then moved onto comparing number sentences using greater than, less than and equals to symbols. Year 2 were encouraged to identify wh...at was the same and what was different to help them highlight certain number patterns.
In English, the children have been looking at the Wolf as he has appeared in our story 'The Jolly Postman'. We looked at the difference between appearance and personality and came up with different adjectives to describe him. Year 2 discovered that the wolf character is in many different stories and his character/personality is different in them. For example In Little Red Riding Hood he is mean, but in Mr's Wolf's Pancakes he is very friendly. The children then wrote about this using their inference skills.
October 5th
Swift class have had a busy week in both their English and Maths learning. We have created word banks of interesting adjectives, and then used these words in out writing to advertise an item for sale. We have been reading writing to check it makes sense, and making the corrections needed. In Maths, we looked at the place value in 2 -digit numbers, and used greater than / less than and equal symbols ( < > =) to compare numbers and number sentences. During Science we discussed and ordered the different life stages for humans.
Congratulations to our Golden Pupils this week - a reader, a mathematician, a writer and someone with wonderful good manners
September 28th
September 21st
September 14th
September 7th
What a fantastic first week in Swift class. We have colour mixed powder paint for our Friendship Tree, discovered a trail of castle items on the field and written "What we Know" and "What we want to find out" about castles. The children have also learnt about the three different types of castles and put these in order of when they were built. Yesterday we made 2 class "Dream Jars", and then our own dream jar each. These are not quite finished but already looking brilliant. We went to "Knight Training School" during PE and then made butter with a lot of shaking and wishing in a magic jar - it tasted great !
June 2018
Year 1 and 2 went on a fantastic trip to Hunstanton beach. The paddled in the sea, built sandcastles, make sculptures and art using natural materials and had ice cream! It was a great to see the children experiencing the seaside and being able to see the human and physical features in real life.
May 2018
Swifts have really enjoyed the beginning of our new topic, Sun, Sea and Sandcastles. In class they have been looking at the geographical features of the coastal areas and creating their own seaside scenes to describe. In the Ice Zone, the children have already immersed themselves in our Tourist Information Role Play Area looking at brochures and they are writing postcards from our very own lighthouse.
In English, we are reading and discussing the features of non-fiction texts about sea life. We have sorted and compared fiction and non-fiction sentences and matched definitions to technical words, such as ‘pod’ and ‘breaching’. The children have made notes under different sub-headings in preparation for writing their own non-fiction texts about whales including paragraphs, labels and captions.
In Maths, we are using and drawing dienes to add and subtract two 2-digit numbers. We are also drawing arrays to solve multiplication and division problems. We wrote fact families for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division looked at the links between them.
In Science, we are investigating seasonal changes, in particular Spring to Summer and how clothes and trees adapt to these seasons. We also went out to look for signs of Spring in our local area. The children were really pleased to see the lovely daisies, daffodil, buds, tulips and bees.
28th March
Swifts have had a lovely time learning about rotation, direction and position in Maths this week. We've been using words such as, rotate, clockwise, anti-clockwise, half, quarter and three quarter turns (we also linked this to our knowledge of fractions). We built little mazes in the Courtyard and directed our friends through them using all of this vocabulary.
In English, the children looked for different rhyming words in nursery rhymes and performed their favourite poems in front of the class.We then wrote our own versions of 'One, Two Buckle My Shoe' which will be created into a Poem book for everyone to enjoy in our Reading Corner.
To conclude our topic of 'Fire Fire', the children made 'Lap Books' showcasing what they have learned over the term in mini fold-able booklets, flaps, pop-ups and pockets with fire words. I think you'll all agree that they look very creative.
15th March 2018
Year 2 had great fun yesterday afternoon being scientists and trying to build a bridge using only newspaper! They worked well as a team and after lots of discussion, some failed attempts and rethinks they nearly all managed to make a bridge that could hold a toy car!
1st March 2018
Swift Class had great fun taking part in World Book Day this week. Thanks to everyone for the fantastic costumes - the children looked great. They had a wonderful day sharing stories, reading 'Journey' by Aaron Becker and creating their own stories.
February 2018
In Science, the children have been learning about materials. They have planned and completed an investigation to find out which type of material would make the best waterproof coat for Simba. The children worked in groups to test different types of material.
8th January
Swifts have had a great time creating maps of London in 1666 last week and programming Bee-bots to travel around them. We named and sorted 2D and 3D shapes and described their properties and wrote beautiful descriptions of crowns that the the children drew for the princess in our new book, 'The Princess and The White Bear King'.
This week we are sorting different sentence types into: 'commands, statements, exclamations and questions' and using them to create a conversation between the princess and her father, the King, after she runs away.
In Maths," It's all about the money..." We are recognising, counting, adding and recording using moneys. We hope to solve problems, such as; 5 copper coins can be worth more than 1 silver coin...True or false?
4th January 2018
Welcome back!
Great first 2 days back in Swift class. We have had great fun being historians and learning about our exciting new topic 'Fire! Fire!' It started with a hunt around the classroom to work out the mystery city, then a bit of time travelling back to 1666.
The children have been learning about The Great Fire of London, using different sources of evidence including newspapers, paintings, diaries, books and the internet. Really impressed with their hard work and we are all looking forward to finding out more!
13th November
In English, we created a friend for Beegu (the main character of our book) out of clay. We wrote fantastic character descriptions. We are even beginning to write in paragraphs. We also looked at the features of different types of poems. We read and sorted acrostic, rhyming, shape and free verse poems and picked our favourite poems to perform in front of the class using lovely expression.This will lead onto writing Free Verse poems which will describe Beegu and his emotions throughout the story.
In Maths. we counted in 2s, 5s and 10s to solve multiplication problems and used Lego and egg boxes to look at arrays. We drew arrays (in our Array City poster) to investigate whether multiplication can be done in any order to get the same answer (commutative). We even went out into the Courtyard and worked in groups to follow a multiplication treasure hunt.
30th October
Swifts have had a lovely start to the second half term of Autumn. We have started our new book, 'Beegu'. We looked for clues in pictures of the lost alien and used these to help with group discussions, including asking questions about this mysterious character. We used role play and freeze frames to explore the character’s different emotions in the opening scenes and wrote thought bubbles to show these feelings.
'When you add 10 to a number the ones (units) always stay the same.' True or false?
... In Maths, we have been using 100 grids and diennes to explore this statement by checking what happens when we add and subtract multiples of 10 from a 2-digit number. We have also been partitioning to add 2-digit numbers as we begin to move onto column addition.
In Science, we are continuing to focus on the topic ‘Animals and Humans’. We have been investigating what humans and animals need in order to survive in different habitats.
Swifts had another busy week last week! We have been writing expanded noun phrases to describe the appearance and personality our aliens, e.g. "On his head, there are three slimy, green tentacles." "The playful, friendly alien danced on the dusty moon." We're working hard to put the most interesting adjectives in the best place in our sentences with commas.
In Maths, we've been using place value to add. We drew our part-models and wrote addition fact families to match; 30+1=31, 1+30=31, 31=30+1 and 31=1+30. We have also been using the symbols: < less than, > more than and = equals to compare numbers and calculations.
Another busy week in Swift Class!
In English, the children asked and wrote questions in a letter to Bob from our new story, 'The Man On The Moon'. We even received a reply from him which was very exciting!
We also concentrated on writing noun phrases about different settings in Space (for example; 'The distant, dusty moon orbits Earth.' 'I saw a shiny, metallic rocket zooming through the sky')
In Maths, we have been partitioning 2-digit numbers in different ways using dienes, numicon and number beads. We have also been securing our knowledge of odd and even numbers with brilliant responses from the children. Ewan has given us some food for thought by suggesting that; "When we add odd numbers together the answer will always be even! I think we'll have investigate this as a class later this term!
Swifts have been very busy this week writing facts for their very own non-fiction Space booklets. We have been very impressed with the children's enthusiasm to write so far. Once their front covers have been completed I will attach some photos for you all to see and hope that you're just as proud as we are. We have been working on varying our sentence structures to make our writing more interesting to read. The children have really embraced this topic and have learnt some impressive facts.
In Maths, we have been using dienes, dice and numicon to make 2-digit numbers and investigate odd and even numbers. We also used these to go on a maths trail/treasure hunt in the playground. Keep up the hard work Swifts!
Swifts have had a very exciting and creative start to the Autumn term!
On Monday, a puzzle filled Maths day kept the children busy with 24 activities spread across years 1 and 2. They ranged from fishing for patterned fish to throwing beanbags into hoops to make 20!
On Tuesday, a rocket crash landed in the playground which resulted in wonderfully creative writing of alien descriptions. We also had loads of fun in the woods learning about and searching for different species of fungi, leaves and trees.
Our maths lego challenge!
The children also had a go at making lego bridges long and strong enough to hold a book! One group even managed to make their bridge strong enough to hold the weight of their teacher! ...Me!
We've also been looking for and making numbers in our playground!
W/C 22nd February 2016
Busy first week back in Swift class this week, so much going on! The children have been exploring the book Where The Wild Thing Are by Maurice Sendak. The children really enjoyed reading and responding to it by making pictures of the setting, drawing their own wild things, making they very own wild puppet and creating their 'wild self' using a great website. The children were also lucky enough to have a visit from a story teller and an author this week to celebrate book week. Also, the children had a DT day on Wednesday where they were exploring how vehicles move, labelling parts of a vehicle, exploring how to make wheels and axles and designing their own fire engine that they will be making in the ICE Zone. As well as all this, the children really enjoyed having lots of their grown ups in school for our ICE zone open morning and book reading sessions on Thursday and Friday. Thank you to those parents/grandparents who were able to attend. We hope you enjoyed it as much as the children did! WOW! What a week!
w/c 18th January
History off the Page Day 12th January 2016
Year 2 are having a wonderful day going back in time to 1666! The Fire had burned most of the City of London. I wonder what will happen after we have eaten our lunch!
Spring Term W/c 4th January 2016
Busy first day back for Swifts today! The children have really enjoyed today as they have been starting to learn about The Great Fire of London. We started with some clues hidden around the classroom. The children were super detectives and worked out they were all places in London. We then went back in time on a walk, going back 350 years, learning about some key events in history along the way!... Finally we arrived in 1666 and the children used some different artefacts such as a newspaper report and paintings to begin to work out what happened. This afternoon they carried on their research using the internet and books. The have worked so hard and learned so much today. Hopefully they will share with you all the facts they have found out today. Well done Swifts!
Week 8th December
Very proud of all the children this week, performing so well in our Christmas performance. Well done Swifts!
Week 23rd November
Such a busy couple of weeks in Swift class! The children have been showing me what they can do this week in some assessments. I have been so impressed with how hard they have tried and have been really pleased with how much they have learned since September. The children really impressed me with how well they are doing with their reading. Thank you to all of you who are supporting your child with their reading at home - it really does make a difference.
The children have been showing that they know about different types of words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and that they also know different types of sentences. In Maths the children had to do some tricky mental maths questions (without anything but their brains a pencil and some paper to help!) They also then had to answer some problem solving questions.
in between all this we have been busy rehearsing for our Christmas play. The children are working really hard to learn all their songs and words. They can't wait to perform it to you all.
I have most costumes, but please could you make sure of you have not yet brought your costume it needs to be in school by Monday, thank you.
Week 3rd November
It has been a jam packed week back for Swift class. We started the week learning about speech marks and speech bubbles and did some great writing dialogue writing based on our book Man on The Moon. We have also been learning this week how to improve our writing by changing the order of words in a sentence. I am looking forward to seeing the children put everything we have been learning over the last half term into their story writing this week!
In Maths we were learning how... to sort using venn diagrams and also carroll diagrams. The children really enjoyed learning about this and thought of their own criteria to sort information. They came up with some great ideas (lots around food) such as likes pizza/does not like pizza and likes carrots/does not like carrots. The children were able to talk about what they had found out too.
Snow and cold temperatures have come early in the Ice Zone this week too! The Ice Zone has been turned into the Antarctic, with a cosy, snowy reading area and polar exploration centre and a magical egg that we think might belong to an animal that lives in the Antartic. The children have been enjoying learning all about what the Antarctic is like.
Week 12th October
Another great week in Swifts. The children have been pretending to be Bob from our story and giving each other tours of the 'moom', writing postcards from the moon , designing and labelling their own alien and writing some great character descriptions. In Maths they have been learning how to subtract from 2 digit numbers and finding the difference. In Science we have been planning an investigation to prove that we grow as we get older. This week the children will be completing this investigation and measuring different children and adults around the school! The children have worked really hard this week and have impressed me with their positive attitudes to learning. Well done Swifts.
Week 5th October 2015
Super busy week again in Swifts. So busy I don't seem to have had much time to take many photos of what we have been learning! We started the week reading a new book 'A Day in the Life of Bob - The Man on The Moon'. I wouldn't read the book to the children on Monday(they were not impressed!) Instead they had to predict who Bob might be, using clues in the illustrations. The children wrote some questions for Bob that we put into a letter. On Tuesday Bob had replied and they read the story with Mrs Colthart. On Wednesday the children wrote some great descriptions of the setting of the story using noun phrases. Mrs Bryden and Miss Grisby came to watch this lesson and they were very impressed with the children's learning.
In Maths this week the children have been impressing me with their knowledge of adding and subtrating 10, finding 1 and 10 more and less than 2 digit numbers. They are able to work this out using number lines, 100 squares and also mentally too. In the Ice Zones the children have been working with our artist Jack Cornell. I am looking forward to seeing some of their amazing art work.
I am also very impressed with how many of the children are reading regularly at home. This is so important and really makes a difference to your child's progress. Well done Swifts and thank you to your grown ups for their support.
Week 28th September
A very busy week in Swifts! The children have had a very busy week with lots of learning going on. We have finished our Space booklets (photos of these to follow this week!) They children produced some fanatstic writing.
In Maths they have been learning about measures. This included length and weight. They were measuring accurately with rulers and metres both inside and out. They also investigated the food an astronaut could take in his rocket, needing to find the 3 lightest items.
We also enjoyed a great afternoon at the woods, where we explored the different types of leaves we could find. The children also made some dens for Explorer Bear.
Our reading rewards are in full swing with one child already hitting the 25 times mark! Fantastic. Please make sure you read with your child at home and record in their book that they have read. It really is so important. Thank you for your support.
Week 14th September
Swift class have been enjoying starting our English, Maths and Science learning in class this week. They have been busy learning about place value and making 2 and 3 digit numbers using Numicon and dienes.
In English they have been learning the difference between statements and questions, researching information about Space using non-fiction books and writing facts.
In Science they were sharing what they already know about animals and humans. I am been so impressed this week with how hard they have all worked. Well done Swifts.
Creative week 7-11th September
Swift class have had a busy creative week. They have been investigating the 'alien' crash site and reading and writing letters to Blon the alien. The children worked together to make him a new space rocket to return home, learning about the different parts of a rocket.
They have been finding out about the solar system, making star constellations and papier mache planets. We finished the week off with some astronaut exercise training and decorating planet biscuits for a space party on Friday afternoon. Well done on a great first week Swifts. Keep it up!
Week beginning 7th September 2015
Year 2 had a very exciting start to the week this morning, when we made a surprising discovery outside! The children were great detectives hunting for clues to find out what had happened. Eventually we found a letter from a visitor from a different planet! The children are very keen to help him return to his planet. They have been drawing pictures of what they think he might look like and later this week will be designing and making a space rocket!
Science Day 25th June
Swift class have had great fun today being super scientists! We started the day learning about what a scientist is (and that they don't all wear white coats!) We then did some fun experiments, including rocket mice and bonkos (a muscial instrument). We also had a go at making our own parachutes and testing them. Well done to all the children for dressing up, they looked fab!
Thursday 18th June
We had a great trip to Woburn Safari Park. We saw lots of different animals on our coach safari. The monkeys really liked jumping on our coach and the other cars. We also saw a parrot display and had a talk about Lemurs. We got very close to the lemurs. The children are now busy in the Ice Zone working on our very own safari park.
Year 2 will be doing their first Big Bake this week on Friday 1st May at 3.15pm outside the Year 3 classrooms by the gate. The children have been making posters to advertise this and busy baking all week. Please come and support the children and buy a cake (or 2!) on Friday. The children are trying to raise money to go towards a very exciting visitor next week!
Hope you have all enjoyed the Easter break - and the lovely weather! Looking forward to seeing all the children back at school tomorrow ready for the Summer term. Please remember to send your child with their book bag, coat, PE kit and water bottle. Remember that children will also need a named sun hat if the sunny weather continues! PE days may have changed in KS1 (posters will be up on class windows this week) so please make sure all earrings have been removed.
Thank you.
World Book Day 5th March
The children had a great day dressed as their favourite book characters. We had Harry Potter, Horrid Henry and even Fantastic Mr Fox. Thank you to all parents for making such an effort with the costumes. Hopefully the children have been able to use their voucher to buy a book and are enjoying reading this at home.
Week 23rd February 2015
Great first week back in Swifts. The children have been enjoying our new Literacy text 'One Night Far From Here'. They have learned about the animals that live in the African Savannah. Ask them to see if they can tell you some of the new animals we all learned about! They were researching facts, labelling pictures and writing fact files.
In Maths, the children were organising data using a simple computer program to make graphs. They also made some symmetrical patterns and pic...tures, and explored the properties of 3D shapes, making models and their own 3D shapes (this required a lot of patience and persistence!)
In Science, we have started our new topic about forces and movement. The children explored how toys move and wrote explanations.
In the Ice Zone, the children have been exploring how to make catapults using Lego and other equipment such as lolly sticks and pencils. They have also been completing their blogs and finding out about food they ate in medieval times.
Brilliant start Swifts, well done!
Week 19th January
Yet another great week in Swift Class. The children are continuing their Literacy work based on our text The Princess and The White Bear King. They did some drama work this week, taking on the role of the King or the Princess. I was really impressed with some of the children and how well they took on the role. I think we could have some budding actors and actresses in Swifts!
In Maths, the children have been learning to count up to 100 objects by grouping in 2,5 and 10. They have also been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10.
We have started a new Science unit about Changing materials. I was really impressed with what the children could remember about materials from their work in Year 1.
Meanwhile, in the Ice Zone we had a bit of a problem on Monday as Mrs Sporle was turned into a frog! (Thankfully she changed back before Mrs Bryden noticed!) We think this was done by a wizard, so we have been writing questions to find out more information. The children have also been showing us their brilliant art skills, making their illuminated letters.
Well done Swifts, keep up the hard work.
Week 12th January 2015
KS1 were very lucky to have a special Castles day this week. The children had a great time learning what it was like to live in a medieval castle. They were made to work very hard completing different jobs such as candle making, perfume and medicine making. They also had a chance to write with quills and make gargoyles from clay. The afternoon was a banquet with bread, biscuits and 'wine' (otherwise known as juice!)
The children's behaviour was excellent and the lady running the day commented on how impressed she was with the children's knowledge and also their behaviour. Well done KS1. I am looking forward to seeing how you further your knowledge in the Ice Zones this term.
Week 5th January 2015
Welcome back Swifts!
We have got straight back to work in Swifts. We have started our new topic about Castles. The children are very excited about it. In class they have been researching facts about castles to make our class book. They have produced some fantastic art work based on dragons (pictures to come this week!) They have labelled parts of a castle and sequenced events in history on a timeline.
All the children are very keen to get back into the Ice Zone this week and continue their learning about the topic in there. We are also lucky to have the chance to learn some Indian drumming this term starting on Monday 12th January.
Week 24th November
Swift class have had a very busy week. We are rehearsing our Christmas play ready for the 9th/10th December. The children have been working very hard learning their lines and the songs. If your child has lines, please could you help them learn them at home (using big loud, clear voices!!)
In class we have been assessing the children's learning. I have been very impressed with the children's reading and lots of them are very proud they have moved to the next colour band. The children have been writing another Traction Man story to show me how well they can write independently. They had great ideas for baddies around the classroom and remembered to use adjectives and powerful verbs.
The children have also completed Maths and Science assessments and I was very pleased with how hard all of the children tried.
Next week will be another jam packed week of play rehearsals and continuing our work on explanation texts. In Maths the children will be learning about time.
Well done Swifts, keep up the fab work!
Week 10.11.14
Year 2 have been very busy in the last couple of weeks. We have been learning about Poetry in our literacy sessions. The children have been exploring poems, acting them out using actions and expressions. They have also been learning to use effective verbs and adjectives to write their own poems about Autumn and bonfire night.
In Maths they have been developing their knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes, sorting them into sets according to their properties and building models and pic...tures.
In our Science work we have started a new topic on electricity. The children have been learning about different sources of electricity and how to make sure we stay safe around electricity.
We are also now into the time of year where we are getting ready for our Christmas performances. The children are busy learning songs, lines and dances ready for December! Please check your child's book bag for words and costume letters.
All KS1 parents/carers. This week in the Ice Zone the children are learning about the celebration of Diwali. We will be tasting Indian food, making vegetable curry and traditional Diwali sweets. If you do not wish your child to taste any food due to allergies that we are NOT already aware of then please let your child's class teacher know as soon as possible. Many thanks.
Week 13th October
Swift class have been working hard all of last week. In Literacy they were learning how to read and write instructions. We looked at the different features of instructions and why these features are important. We also followed instructions to make a 'Superhero' smoothie! Keep an eye out for any superhero powers emerging in your children over the next few weeks!
In Maths the children have been continuing work on number bonds to 10 and 20, finding all the addition and subtraction facts too. They have also been showing me how great they are at their doubles. In Science we are continuing our work on healthy eating. The children sorted foods into the different food groups and learned about the things different foods give us, such as vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates (big words!) So impressed with all your hard work this term Swifts. You all deserve a week off next week.