Welcome to Sparrow's class page!
2024 - 2025 class information
Teacher: Miss Day
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Donald
Our P.E. day is Friday.
Monday 20th January 2025
Year 5's PE lesson will be on Thursday morning this week as we have the wonderful Mr Franco! Please bring in full winter-appropriate kit for this day.
Thank you, Miss Day
Please note that Year 5 PE will be taught on Fridays this term. Please ensure you have PE kit on this day each week.
Thank you!
Wednesday 18th December 2024
In geography, today, Sparrow class have been learning about globalisation and we found out that some of our packed lunch items came from other countries. We also found out that our uniform was made in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
Have a look at home and see which countries you can find! Come and show me if you find anything.
Miss Day
Friday 6th December 2024
Sparrows have had a fab week and have thoroughly enjoyed finishing our class book 'The Nowhere Emporium'. I'm sure many of them will be looking to read the second book in the series 'The Elsewhere Emporium'.
Just a reminder for all children to bring in PE kit, including suitable outdoor shoes.
We are also in need of plastic bottles for our science lesson on Wednesday 11th December so please bring these, if you have them, to Sparrow class :)
Thank you! Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Day
Friday 22nd November 2024
Sparrow class have all performed well in their assessments this week and should be extremely proud of themselves. Well done Sparrows for all your hard effort this week!
Miss Day
World Mental Health Day - 10th October 2024
The children learned about growth mindset and watched a zoom live session with a professional footballer about resilience and humility. They also enjoyed reading stories about emotions and drawing different emotions as if they were imaginary creatures.
Tuesday 8th October 2024
Due to World Mental Health Day on Thursday, PE for Year 5 will be on Friday this week.
Polite Reminder - PE Kit
We have noticed an increased number of children that do not have their PE kit on a Thursday or cannot take part due to not being able to take earrings out. The children will be given spare PE kit to wear if they do not bring their own into school.
P.E is an important part of the curriculum and we recommend that earrings are taken out prior to school if children are unable to do this themselves. Children are not allowed to wear earrings for PE lessons due to health and safety reasons.
Many thanks
Miss Day
Well done to all the children who completed their online maths.co.uk homework this week! Just a reminder that the online test set each week needs to be completed by Monday. The test is available to access all week. Those who do not complete the test will do so in their Monday lunch time.
Thank you!
Miss Day and Mr Evans
Please vote below for our artwork in the Art Bytes competition. You have to verify your vote through a confirmation email for it to count! Voting is open until 30th April.
Thursday 1st February 2024
Hello Year 5 parents,
This week, in their Science lessons, Year 5 have enjoyed looking at the process of filtering by carrying out an experiment. Each group used a plastic bottle and a range of materials to create their own water filter. They then used their filter to try and clean some water as best they could.
In addition, Year 5 have been creating some wonderful pieces of art work, which will be submitted to the Art Bytes competition later this term. Each child has created a unique piece using either pastels, pencils or paint.
Miss Day and Mr Evans
Thursday 18th January 2024
Year 5 are taking part in a brilliant art competition hosted by Art Bytes. The Year 5 teachers will be choosing up to 30 pieces of art work from the year group (a maximum of one per child) to submit.
Each piece needs to have been created this academic year by the child without help from an adult, either at home or school. Any art piece can be submitted (e.g. paintings, sculptures or drawings of any size and on any material). Textiles and graphic design pieces are not accepted. We will be creating some art work in school too but look forward to seeing your creations from home!
Please bring in any art work from home before the deadline of Friday 2nd February 2024.
Thursday 30th November 2023
Hello Year 5 parents,
Next week, in English, Year 5 will be writing a balanced argument using formal language, subordination and adverbials. They will be discussing whether or not the character should do something or not and considering the reasons for and against this potential decision.
In Maths, Year 5 will be looking at multiplication and division in detail. They will be talking about the different terms that are used and how we interpret word problems to find out which operation we need to use. Also, they will be exploring the relationships between times tables by using 2D shapes.
Miss Day and Mr Evans
Thursday 2nd November 2023
Hello Year 5 parents / carers,
Over the next couple of weeks, Year 5 will be focussing on integrating speech within their writing, looking at speech rules and how to integrate dialogue, effectively. They will also be developing their understanding of relative clauses and applying them into their writing.
In Maths, the children will be continuing rounding numbers up to 1,000,000. Moving onto, looking at methods for division and multiplication. We will be working on the bus stop method and formal written methods for solving multiplication.
Miss Day and Mr Evans
Friday 19th May 2023
Hello Year 5 parents/carers,
Reminder: Next week the children need their PE kit in everyday as we will be doing a PE lesson, our trust sports event and, hopefully, some dance.
This week, in English, Year 5 have been writing from their class text ‘Stormbreaker’ by Anthony Horowitz. They have been writing a non-chronological report about the jellyfish-like creature, The Portuguese Man o’ War, focusing on including relative clauses. Then, Year 5 have been writing a formal letter, in the role of Alex Rider, reporting their findings back to MI6.
In Maths, Year 5 have been exploring timetables, including bus, train, school and cinema timetables. The children have worked hard to read the timetables correctly and answer word-based questions, applying their knowledge to the real world.
Miss Day and Mr Evans
Tuesday 2nd May 2023
Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed using a microscope to look at biological samples in their science lessons. The children also heard from two scientists, Sam and Katy, who work with microscopes everyday. They learned about how a microscope works and how they can be used to create 2D and 3D images as well as videos. Here are some of our photos from under the microscope.
Wednesday 8th February 2023
Hello Year 5 parents/carers,
This week, in English, the children have been writing a non-chronological report about volcanoes. Using their geographical knowledge, Year 5 have described where volcanoes are found, how they are formed and the impact of volcanic eruptions on people and the planet.
In Maths, Year 5 have been continuing to explore fractions, with a focus on non-unit fractions. The children have been learning how to find unit and non-unit fractions of amounts by drawing a bar model. Also, the children enjoyed creating fractions outside by drawing with chalk.
Miss Day and Mr Evans
Thursday 19th January 2023
The Year 5 children have settled in well since coming back after the Christmas holidays.
This week, in English, we have been writing poetry and a newspaper report based on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii. We have been focusing on using formal language, adverbials of time and laying the work out in order to fit the purpose.
In maths, we have been looking at shape and angles, learning how to rotate, reflect and translate shapes on a grid. The children have learned how to use a protractor correctly and identify the type of angle they have drawn.
In Science, we are studying 'Materials' and how they can be tested for their different properties (like solubility and conductivity).
We are also looking to have some guest speakers in for our Science lessons. If you have a job in Science yourself, or know someone who does, please email Miss Day (via the office email).
Miss Day and Mr Evans
Thursday 8th December
The children, this week in English, have enjoyed reading our class book 'The Nowhere Emporium' to the end. The children have written a balanced argument, using relative clauses, and then a thank you letter to one of the main characters.
As well as this, in maths, Year 5 have been exploring the 3, 6 and 9 times tables, looking at triangles, hexagons and nonagons. They have then used the patterns they noticed to answer word problems.
In Science, the children have been exploring pulleys, gears and levers and creating a catapult to propel a ball as far as possible. The children had to consider where to put their fulcrum and how long to make their lever.
Thursday 17th November
In English, we have been writing an emotional narrative about one of the characters in our book The Nowhere Emporium. The children have been focusing on using emotive language, subordination and exaggeration. We are looking forward to reading the next part of the book to see what happens next.
In Maths, Year 5 have been looking at the written methods for multiplication and division. They have been exploring word problems and what to do when there are remainders.
In History, the children have particularly enjoyed creating a map of the Mayan city of Palenque, drawing and labelling the different members of society.
Miss Day and Mr Evans
Thursday 10th November 2022
In English, Year 5 have been looking at speech and how to punctuate it correctly. Then, they have been using these skills to add speech to a narrative.
In Maths, the children have been recapping how to tell the time on digital and analogue clocks. In addition, they have been exploring written methods for multiplication and division, applying these to word problems.
Miss Day and Mr Evans
Thursday 3rd November 2022
In English, Year 5 have been writing a newspaper report because one of the main characters, Mr Silver, in our class book has gone missing. The children have been focusing on writing in a formal manner and using adverbials to link their ideas.
In Maths, the children have been looking at numbers up to a million, practicing how to read and write these numbers in words and digits. This has led to them being able to round larger numbers to the nearest multiple of 10,000 and 100,000. Moving forward, they will be using these larger numbers in word problems.
Thursday 20th October 2022
Year 5 are really enjoying the book project, where they have been working alongside author and illustrator Ellie Sandall. Today, we are creating the illustrations to add to our stories. We cannot wait to show you what we have created!
Thursday 13th October 2022
In English, Year 5 have been writing letters to some of the main characters in our class book ‘The Nowhere Emporium’. They have been focusing on using subordination to give reasons and structuring their work into clear, concise paragraphs.
In Maths, the children have been exploring 3- and 4- digit numbers. Within this, they have been placing them onto a number line, identifying the previous and next multiple of 10 and 100. Then, they moved onto choosing the nearest multiple in order to round a number.
Monday 26th September
In English, the children have been practicing using simple, compound and complex sentences in their writing. Most recently, they wrote a recount and diary entry based on our class text ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ by Ross MacKenzie.
In Maths, the children have been looking at dividing one hundred into 2, 4, 5 and 10 equal parts, using a hundred square. Then, they used this knowledge to read scales on measuring cylinders, weight scales and bar graphs.
Miss Day and Mr Evans
Friday 24th June 2022
In English, the children have been re-writing a narrative from one of the chapters in our book ‘Stormbreaker’ by Anthony Horowitz. They have been working on using -ing clauses and varying their sentence length to build up the tension in their writing.
In Maths, the children have been looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 100. In addition, through some outdoor learning, year 5 have been exploring decimals and how they can be rounded to the nearest whole number.
The children have also enjoyed learning the songs and dances for the Moana performance.
Miss Day and Mr Hall
Friday 4th February (vendredi 4 fevrier)
Year 5 have had a fabulous week in class, learning about how volcanoes occur and the impacts of their eruptions. In English, the children have loved our new text, Escape From Pompeii, and have been inspired to write narratives based on the book. They have thoroughly enjoyed this piece of writing. During Maths lessons, the pupils have been looking at techniques to learn their times tables and work out more difficult problems from the knowledge they've learnt. They are linking their 2,4 and 8 times tables as well as their 3, 6 and 9 times tables. We are looking forward to our final week of the half term, where we will be taking part in Number Day on Friday 11th February. In other news, we have been creating catapults as part of our Science topic, Forces, and we have been learning dates in French.
Mr Hall & Miss Day
Friday 14th January 2022
Hello Year 5 parents/carers,
The children enjoyed lots of our lessons since the start of this term. We have learned the Shosholoza African song, created some inkblot symmetrical art and been looking at forces in our science lessons.
As well as this, in English, the children have been writing a non-chronological report on a dragon, which they have sketched and designed themselves. We are hoping to create an anthology of dragons for each class.
In Maths, we have been exploring square and cubed numbers by building them both with blocks and on the computers using a building program.
Have a restful weekend and don't forget that we will be checking maths homework on Monday. Well done to those children really improving their TTRS rock speed too!
Miss Day and Mr Hall
Monday 6th December
Hello Year 5 parents and carers,
Last week in English, Year 5 were looking at the picture book The Snowman and we wrote an extended piece of writing, where we imagined the snowman coming into our house and being amazed by all of the objects inside. The children really loved this piece of writing and produced some brilliant work. We are moving onto, this week, writing a diary in the role of the boy James, exploring his feelings towards the end of the story.
In maths, last week, the children were looking at larger numbers in the context of house prices. We practised saying and writing numbers with up to 9 digits and then looked at comparing house prices in the local area. This week, we are looking at angles and shapes, which will involve going outside and finding shapes in the real world.
In Science, we have been exploring the saturation point of water by dissolving sugar into water. The children really enjoyed recording their results accurately and scientifically so that they could ensure a fair test.
Miss Day & Mr Hall
Written Homework - 15.11.21
If your child wishes to do written homework, here are some ideas for them to write about:
Monday 15th November
This week, in English, Year 5 will be rewriting a narrative from our class book 'The Nowhere Emporium'. The next piece of writing will be focusing on the use of adverbs to show how something is happening and convey a character's feelings.
In maths, we are exploring 3-digit numbers and using the part-whole model to partition them. We will be moving on to rounding numbers to their closest multiple of 10 or 100.
Our science lesson this week is focused on the three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas. The children will also be investigating how and if materials dissolve in water.
Tuesday 19th October
This week the children have been taking part in a Design & Technology project, involving cooking a bolognese sauce. In groups, they learnt about where beef comes from and discussed the advantages and disadvantages for using meat in different recipes. Then, the children designed their own vegetarian bolognese sauce recipe, which they then went on to prepare and cook. Each group enjoyed tasting their bolognese and working together to improve the recipe, ready for their second try. The children worked carefully in teams to make their sauce and enjoyed seeing the fantastic improvements the second time.
Also, in science, year 5 have been studying the moon. We have explored the different phases of moon, what they are called and how they look in the sky. In addition, the children have begun to bring all of their knowledge on Earth and Space together in a non-chronological report, which they are in the process of writing.
Miss Day & Mr Hall
Tuesday 5th October
In English, this week, the children have been practicing writing direct speech. We have been focusing on the 3 golden rules of punctuating speech and then building from writing a simple conversation to creating a short piece of writing from a Dandy comic book strip. We have also been looking at how to convey a character's feelings through what they say and how they say it.
In Maths, we have been looking at word problems involving addition and subtraction. We have been discussing ways to tackle a problem, including drawing a part-whole model to help with visualisation. The children will now be moving on to explore their number bonds to 100 in depth, using a rekenrek, and how this can be useful when problem solving.
In Science, Year 5 have been exploring the reason for our seasons on planet Earth. We have been looking at the effect of Earth's orbit and tilt on how we experience days and seasons in different countries. The children will be moving forward next week to look at the cycle of the moon. We are hoping to complete a phases of the moon project using shoe boxes and so please bring any spare ones in next week.
Thank you! Miss Day and Mr Hall
Tuesday 28th September
This week, the children have been working hard in English to write a detailed description of their magical wonder. After reading part of our class novel 'The Nowhere Emporium', we were inspired to create our own magical room, filled with mystical creations. We have been using adverbs and expanded noun phrases to describe the scene in detail.
In maths, Year 5 have been exploring subtraction in depth by using dienes and counting beads. We have been looking at the best and most efficient way to subtract numbers when bridging a 10. The children have enjoyed working through problems practically and showing why we exchange in some situations.
The children are also really enjoying our science topic 'Earth and Space'. We have conducted some research to find out more about the planets in our Solar System. They have been looking at the difference between the rocky and gas planets and how they orbit the Sun.
Miss Day and Mr Hall
Remote learning for week beginning 1st March 2021
Here is our final timetable for remote learning. Please note that Thursday is world book day.
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.00 |
12.00-12.45 |
Monday |
Assembly 9:05 (YouTube) Morning work (See slide 1) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Screen Free Time
(See the activity grid and choose two activities.) |
Read a book |
Tuesday |
Morning work (See slide 2) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Science – Adaptations (What adaptations do nocturnal animals have? (thenational.academy)
English feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group) |
Get up and go! Make a bug hotel, providing hidey-holes for creatures galore. |
Read a book |
Wednesday |
Morning work (See slide 3) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Geography – Europe What are the physical features of Europe? (thenational.academy)
Maths feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group) |
Get up and go! Imagine you are stuck at the top of a mountain and a blizzard has struck. You must build a den to survive. You could do this outside or inside. Take a photo and send it to your teacher.
Class circle time- 2:30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Read a book |
Thursday |
Assembly on YouTube |
World Book day – 9:30 start (Zoom link 1 from your email) |
Break |
World Book day – 11:00 start (Zoom link 2 from your email) |
Lunch |
World Book day quiz (1pm: Zoom link 3 from your email) |
Friday |
Morning work (See slide 5) |
Maths Arithmetic Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English- Exciting Writing Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
PE (Joe Wicks: PE With Joe 2021 | Monday 8th Feb - YouTube)
or go outside and be active in another way! |
Read a book |
Here is the morning work.
Remote learning for week beginning 22nd February 2021
Welcome back year 5! We hope you have all had a restful half term. Here is this week's timetable (note: the afternoon timetable has changed a little to hopefully make it a bit more interesting).
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.00 |
12.00-12.45 |
Monday |
Assembly 9:05 (YouTube)
Morning work (See slide 1) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Geography – Europe (What are the countries of Europe? (thenational.academy)
Get up and go! Choose a country in Europe and research it. You could make a poster full of facts. You could talk about their flag, language, food, population and landmarks. |
Read a book |
Tuesday |
Morning work (See slide 2) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Science – Adaptations (What is an adaptation? (thenational.academy)
English feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group) |
Get up and go! Create an animal, which lives in your local environments, using your imagination. You could paint it, use recycling, use natural objects, collage, sketch. |
Read a book |
Wednesday |
Morning work (See slide 3) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
French – Où habites-tu? (Saying your nationality (thenational.academy)
Maths feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group) |
Class circle time- 2:30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Read a book |
Thursday |
Morning work (See slide 4) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Screen Free Time (See the activity grid and choose two activities.) |
Read a book |
Friday |
Morning work (See slide 5) |
Maths Arithmetic Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English- Exciting Writing Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
PE (Joe Wicks: PE With Joe 2021 | Wednesday 10th Feb - YouTube)
or go outside and be active in another way! |
Read a book |
Here is the morning work.
Remote learning for week beginning 8th February 2021
Here is the timetable for our last week before half term. Please note there is only one feedback session this week. Don't forget to send us your mileage for the walking challenge too!
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.00 |
12.00-12.45 |
Monday |
Assembly 9:05 (YouTube)
Morning work (See slide 1) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Geography – Biomes 8 (How are biomes being protected and preserved? (thenational.academy)
Could you make a birdfeeder or animal house to help your environment? |
History – Shang dynasty 10 (What were the major cities of the Shang Dynasty? (thenational.academy) |
Read a book |
Tuesday |
Morning work (See slide 2) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Science – Forces 6 What impact do gears, levers and pulleys have on forces? (thenational.academy)
Wellbeing afternoon Look at the ideas for staying happy on your class page. Choose one and give it a go.
We will share what you did in circle time on Wednesday. |
Read a book |
Wednesday |
Morning work (See slide 3) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Music – Timbre3 - 5 (To compose call and response patterns (thenational.academy)
Maths/English feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group) Note: There is only one feedback session this week. |
Class circle time- 2:30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Read a book |
Thursday |
Morning work (See slide 4) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Screen Free Time (See the activity grid and choose two activities.) |
Read a book |
Friday |
Morning work (See slide 5) |
Maths Arithmetic Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English- Exciting Writing Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
PE (Joe Wicks: PE With Joe 2021 | Friday 5th Feb - YouTube) |
Read a book |
Here is the morning work. You can also log on to TTRS, Spelling Shed or Maths Whizz too.
The Special Sparrow Stress Stopper
As promised, here are your ideas from today's circle time (3rd Feb 2021) on how to stay happy.
Remote learning for week beginning 1st February 2021
Here is the timetable for next week.
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.00 |
12.00-12.45 |
Monday |
Morning work (See slide 1) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Geography – Biomes 7 |
History – Shang dynasty 9 (What were the great accomplishments of the Shang Dynasty? (thenational.academy) |
Read a book |
Tuesday |
Morning work (See slide 2) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Science – Forces 4 (What are non-contact forces? (thenational.academy)
English feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group time) |
Science – Forces 5 (Which factors affect an object's ability to float? (thenational.academy) |
Read a book |
Wednesday |
Morning work (See slide 3) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Music – Timbre3 - 4 (To understand the role of percussion in programmatic music (thenational.academy)
Maths feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group) |
Class circle time- 2:30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Read a book |
Thursday |
Morning work (See slide 4) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Screen Free Time (See the activity grid) |
Read a book |
Friday |
Morning work (See slide 5) |
Maths Arithmetic Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English- Exciting Writing Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
PE (Dance lesson: Dance with Mr Russell Lesson 1 - YouTube and Active lifestyles lesson: ‘PE at Home’ Year 6 Healthy Active Lifestyles - Lesson 1 - YouTube) |
Read a book |
Here is the morning work.
Remote learning for week beginning 25th January 2021
Here is the timetable:
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.00 |
12.00-12.45 |
Monday |
Morning work (See slide 1) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Geography – Biomes 5 |
History – Shang dynasty 8 |
Read a book |
Tuesday |
Morning work (See slide 2) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Geography – Biomes 6 (What are the grasslands? (thenational.academy)
English feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group time) |
Art – Perspective drawing
Watch this clip: Perspective in drawing and painting - KS2 Art and Design - BBC Bitesize and try a perspective drawing of your own by looking out of your window. |
Read a book |
Wednesday |
Morning work (See slide 3) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Music – Timbre3 - 3 (To enhance a performance using sound sources at home (thenational.academy)
Maths feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group) |
Class circle time- 2:30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Read a book |
Thursday |
Morning work (See slide 4) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Science – Notable scientists 6 |
Science – Forces 3 (What are contact forces? (thenational.academy)
Read a book |
Friday |
Morning work (See slide 5) |
Maths Arithmetic Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English- Exciting Writing Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
PE (Joe Wicks: PE With Joe 2021 | Friday 22nd Jan - YouTube) |
Read a book |
Here is the morning work:
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Hello year 5 parents,
For tomorrow's live maths lesson at 9:30am, your child will need some pieces of paper (rectangular and square) and some scissors. We will be creating some fractions!
Thanks. Miss Day
Tuesday 19th January
Here are today's maths questions for you to continue in your own time. We will also talk about these in the maths feedback session on Wednesday afternoon.
The Oak National Academy have started a virtual library. Every week a popular children's author or illustrator will provide you with free books, exclusive videos and their top three recommended reads.
This author this week is Jacqueline Wilson.
You can access the library through the link below.
Remote learning for week beginning 18th January 2021
Here is this week's timetable. Please remember to attend all live sessions. If you are struggling with any of the work drop your teacher an email or we can talk about it in the afternoon feedback sessions.
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.00 |
12.00-12.45 |
Monday |
Morning work (See slide 1 below the timetable) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Geography – Biomes 3 (What affects an ecosystem? (thenational.academy)
History – Shang dynasty 6 |
Read a book |
Tuesday |
Morning work (See slide 2 below the timetable) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Geography – Biomes 4 (What is the tundra? (thenational.academy)
English feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group time) |
History – Shang dynasty 7 (How did the Shang Dynasty end? (thenational.academy)
Read a book |
Wednesday |
Morning work (See slide 3 below the timetable) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Music – Timbre3 - 2 (To imitate world percussion using sound sources found in the home (thenational.academy)
Maths feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group) |
Class circle time- 2:30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Read a book |
Thursday |
Morning work (See slide 4 below the timetable) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Science – Notable scientists 5 |
Science – Forces 2 (How can we measure the size of forces? (thenational.academy)
Read a book |
Friday |
Morning work (See slide 5 below the timetable) |
Maths Arithmetic Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English- Exciting Writing Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
PE (Joe Wicks: PE With Joe | Monday 13th July - YouTube) |
Read a book |
Here is the morning work:
Friday 15th January
Here are the maths questions and answers, as promised, for if you wish to carry on at home.
Here are today's maths questions of you would like to keep going:
Remote learning for week beginning 11th January 2021
Here is your timetable for next week.
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.00 |
12.00-12.45 |
Monday |
Morning work (See slide 1 below the timetable) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Geography – Biomes 1 (What are the Earth's biomes? (thenational.academy))
History – Shang dynasty 4 |
Read a book |
Tuesday |
Morning work (See slide 2 below the timetable) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Geography – Biomes 2 (Where are the Earth's biomes? (thenational.academy))
English feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group time)
History – Shang dynasty 5
Read a book |
Wednesday |
Morning work (See slide 3 below the timetable) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Music – Timbre3 - 1 (To classify instruments (thenational.academy))
Maths feedback Zooms (Zoom link from your email with specific group) |
Class circle time- 2:30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Read a book |
Thursday |
Morning work (See slide 4 below the timetable) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
Science – Notable scientists 4 |
Science – Forces 1 (What are forces? (thenational.academy))
Read a book |
Friday |
Morning work (See slide 5 below the timetable) |
Maths Zoom- 9.30 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Break |
English- Exciting Writing Zoom- 11.00 start (Zoom link from your email) |
Lunch |
PE (Joe Wicks: PE With Joe | Monday 20th July - YouTube) |
Read a book |
And here are the morning work slides.
From Miss Day, Mr Hall and Mr Anns
Friday 8th January 2021
Good morning, Sparrow Class! We are nearly at the end of the week now. Here is the work for today:
Session 1 - Persuasive writing (school uniform)- Lesson 3
Session 2 - 2D and 3D shape- Lesson 3
Session 3 - History- The Shang Dynasty- Lesson 3
Session 4 - Science- Notable Scientists- Lesson 3
Spelling - Suffixes- Lesson 1
Reading - 20 minutes a day
Physical activity - Joe Wicks Workout
Please let us know if there is any way that we can help and send in your work on the blog!
Good luck!
Miss Day, Mrs Howard & Ms Mott
Thursday 7th January
Good morning, Dove Class! I hope that yesterday's learning went swimmingly.
Today's activities are:
Session 1 - Persuasive writing (school uniform)- Lesson 2
Session 2 - 2D and 3D shape- Lesson 2
Session 3 - History- The Shang Dynasty- Lesson 2
Session 4 - Science- Notable Scientists- Lesson 2
Spelling - Plurals- Lesson 2
Reading - 20 minutes a day
Physical activity - Joe Wicks Workout
Please let us know if there is any way that we can help and send in your work on the blog!
Good luck!
Miss Day, Mrs Howard and Ms Mott
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good morning, Sparrow Class! I apologise that we are back doing remote learning but the Year 5 team will endeavour to make it is as interactive and fun as possible. Attached above is a document containing the next 3 days remote learning activities. Everyday, there will be a post on the website guiding you to the correct links. As before, there is no pressure on your children to complete all this work so just do you best!
Today's activities are:
Session 1 - Persuasive writing (school uniform)- Lesson 1
Session 2 - 2D and 3D shape- Lesson 1
Session 3 - History- The Shang Dynasty- Lesson 1
Session 4 - Science- Notable Scientists- Lesson 1
Spelling - Plurals- Lesson 1
Reading - 20 minutes a day
Physical activity - Joe Wicks Workout
Please let us know if there is any way that we can help and send in your work on the blog!
Good luck!
Miss Day & Mrs Howard
Tuesday 8th December
Hello year 5 parents/carers,
In English this week, we have been looking at a new book called The Snowman by Raymond Briggs. The children have been writing sentences to retell the story with a focus on James' emotions.
In maths, we have been learning about how we can partition numbers when solving multiplication and division questions. This will lead on to us looking at the compact multiplication method in our upcoming maths lessons.
In science, we will be using our knowledge of separation and dissolving to understand how dirty water is cleaned.
Miss Day & Mr Hall
Thursday 19th November
Dear Year 5 parents/carers,
In English this week, we have written a diary entry with a focus on feelings and sentence structure. This was based on a memorable event in the children's lives. We have also been linking actions to feelings in our writing in order to have an effect on the reader.
In maths this week, we have been continuing our unit of work on the multiplication and division family. We have been learning about factors and multiples of numbers. The children have been drawing factor bugs and sorting numbers into a Carroll diagram.
In science, the children have been investigating the saturation point of water when dissolving sugar or salt. They conducted the investigation and drew conclusions based on their findings.
Miss Day & Mr Hall
Wednesday 11th November
Sparrow class enjoyed going outside for maths today. This week we have been sharing and grouping numbers by drawing or making them. Great teamwork today Sparrows. Keep it up!
Miss Day
Tuesday 10th November
Hello year 5 parents/carers!
This week, in English, year 5 have been writing a newspaper report linked to our class book Varjak Paw. We have been focusing on using formal language and different sentence types in our writing.
In our maths lessons, we have been looking at multiplication and division by exploring sharing and grouping items in the classroom. We will continue this learning outside over the next few lessons.
In science, the children are enjoying our new topic Changing Materials. Today, we explored the three states of matter by comparing a balloon filled with ice, a balloon filled with water and a balloon filled with air.
Yesterday, the children in year 5 and 6 also enjoyed a virtual visit from David Duker who spoke to the children about the Battle of Britain in light of remembrance day.
Keep up the reading at home and your TTRS!
Miss Day and Mr Hall
Sunday 1st November
Hello Sparrow parents/carers!
Please note that our PE day will be changing for the next half term. Sparrows will now have their PE on Thursday afternoons, rather than Wednesday. Don't forget to bring in your kit.
Miss Day
Tuesday 20th October
Hello year 5 parents/carers,
In English this week, we have written a diary based on our class book Varjak Paw. The focus of this has been informal language and showing feelings throughout our writing. For the rest of the week, we will be looking at Kennings poems.
In maths, we have been looking at measurement. The children enjoyed outdoor learning where we estimated distances, lengths of time and capacities using our rounding skills from last week.
Finally, in our science lesson we created a 'Phases of the Moon' box which your children have taken home today. This was our last lesson of the Earth and Space unit. After half term, our topic will be Changing Materials.
Mr Hall & Miss Day
Monday 19th October
Hello Year 5 parents,
Thank you for all the shoe boxes we have had already. We almost have enough for one per child for our ‘phases of the moon project' tomorrow. If you have a shoebox at home (or know someone who does), please bring it in with you tomorrow.
Also, please remember to bring in some spare shoes or wellies for break and lunch times (as it is getting very muddy).
Thursday 15th October
Hello year 5 parents/carers,
We are in need of shoe boxes for a science project taking place next Tuesday. Please could you bring in any shoe boxes you have at home and are willing to donate. It is much appreciated! Thank you.
Miss Day & Mr Hall
Tuesday 13th October
Good afternoon Sparrow parents and carers, The class have started off the week fantastically and enjoyed learning about the phases of the moon today in science.
We explored the difference between a waxing and a waning moon using a torch and some round objects.
Don't forget your PE kit for tomorrow!
Miss Day
Tuesday 6th October
Hello year 5 parents and carers,
This week in English, year 5 have been continuing to read Varjak Paw by SF Said and writing as detailed description of the main character climbing the wall. We have been focusing on using effective verbs to improve our writing. Next week, we will be looking at writing dialogue and punctuating speech.
In maths, year 5 have been comparing and ordering numbers up to the value of millions. We have been applying this by looking at the salaries of footballers. Next week, we will be looking at column addition and subtraction.
In our science lesson, we have looked at how the Earth’s orbit and spin relates to day and night. The children prepared performances to show how we get the seasons.
Tuesday 29th September
Hello parents/carers of sparrow class!
In our last art lesson, we created a continuous line portrait (where you don't take your pencil off the page). We then added tracing paper with the words of a poem chosen by the class. I promised the children I would upload some pictures and so here they are!
Monday 21st September
Here is some of the art Sparrow class produced in our art lesson last Friday. Enjoy!
Tuesday 29th September 2020
Dear Year 5 parents,
Your children have started the week fantastically.
In English, we are continuing our learning on our class book, Varjak Paw. With a focus on sentence structure, the children will be having a class discussion to decide on Varjak's choices. This will culminate in writing a persuasive letter.
In Maths, the children will be building on their place value knowledge of numbers to 1000 to understand numbers to 1 million. They will be comparing and ordering these numbers whilst looking at a context, such as house prices and football players' salaries.
In Science, we are continuing to learn about 'Earth and Space' and looking at scientific discovery. The children have researched about famous astronauts and the moon landing.
Miss Day
Tuesday 22nd September
Dear Year 5 parents,
We are having a fantastic week and wanted to share what we have been up to:
In English, we have begun reading our class book ‘Vajak Paw’. The children have been discussing the book and predicting what will happen in the coming chapters. Also, there has been a strong focus on sentence structure in writing.
In Maths, we have been looking at place value. The children have been representing 3-digit numbers and understanding how you can manipulate them. As well as this, we have been learning a variety of methods for working out the key operations.
In Science, we are studying 'Earth and Space'. This week, the children have been learning about different planets in the solar system, being able to compare them against each other.
Mr Hall & Miss Day
Our space scrapbook
Sparrows have had a great day today and have loved learning about the Solar System in our science lesson this afternoon. If your child wants to bring in any space facts for our class 'Space Scrapbook' that would be wonderful! I know that lots of them have a keen interest in learning about Earth and space.
Don't forget your PE kits for tomorrow afternoon.
Today's art lesson
Sparrow class have had a lovely week. We really enjoyed our art lesson this afternoon where we created our own inventions. If you are interested in some of the inventions that we looked at, you can find the website here:http://dominicwilcox.com/
Have a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday.
Tuesday 21st July
Good morning Sparrows,
Welcome to the last day of the Summer Term! Congratulations on a fantastic year in Year 5. It's a bit strange and sad to be saying good bye to you via an online message but also exciting that it's the Summer holiday and that you will be going into Year 6 in September.
I hope you have enjoyed Year 5 - well done on showing fantastic resilience, hard work and flexibility during the lock down period. It might not seem it at first but the ability to deal with situations like this will have a really positive impact on your ability to learn so well done on getting through it.
It has been fantastic to be your teacher and I'm very proud of every single one of you. Please have a look at the short video below from me to say good bye:
There is some work set for today and it does include activities that you might want to have a go at through out the holiday so do have a look:
I have also shared the Open Up Science Newsletter via the School Facebook page if you would like to have a look at that.
Don't forget you can have a go at the Summer Reading Challenge. Information is available here:
All that is left for me to say is well done again and make sure you have a safe but fun Summer holiday.
See you in September,
Mr Hills
Monday 20th July
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope you had a lovely weekend and are getting ready for the Summer holidays.
There is just 2 days of work this week and all the activities set can be found here:
These are based around The Natural World and there is no set number of tasks you have to complete today - just pick and choose the activities that you would like to do. There are lots of activities set to give you lots of choice and in case you wanted to do some over the holidays (but you are definitely not expected to).
I hope you have fun with these today and get outside and enjoy the sunshine. Please do let me know how you get on and which activities you do by posting on the blog.
Good luck and stay safe,
Mr Hills
Good morning all Year 5s!
It's the news you have all been waiting for: we can confirm that Mr Clipsham and Miss Swinburne have the pleasure of teaching you in Chaffinch and Swallows class in Year 6 next year!
You will be finding out which class you will be moving into on Friday but for now, here is a quick video from them to introduce themselves.
Friday 17th July
Happy Friday Sparrows!
Good morning Home-schoolers. I hope you are well and have enjoyed the work this week. Today is the last set of English and Maths lessons for this term as Monday and Tuesday will consist of some different sorts of activities based around more creative tasks.
For English today, you will be focusing on performing a poem and reading aloud so make sure you warm up your voice box! In Maths, you are solving different problems and in Creative you will be considering the importance of the invention of the aeroplane.
I hope you have enjoyed these lessons. Even though they are not what you are used to, you have completed some fantastic work and have really impressed us so please do keep going today and Monday and Tuesday!
Have a fantastic day and enjoy the weekend.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Please find the work for today (week beginning 13th July) below:
Thursday 16th July
Good morning Sparrows,
Welcome to your penultimate day of English and Maths lessons on the Diamond Online site. Tomorrow will be the last day of full English and Maths lessons with Monday and Tuesday's work being more practical creative tasks provided via a newsletter.
However, today's lessons continue to look at adding decimals in Maths, investigating how the size of paper influences the flight of a plane and in English, you will be looking at Haiku poems.
There were some fantastic Limericks sent in yesterday so please do continue to share your work and let me know how you have got on.
Keep safe and enjoy your work.
Mr Hills
Wednesday 15th July
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope you are all well and enjoying this week's work.
For today's Maths, you will be adding decimals and in Creative you are looking at the history and development of planes. In English, you are continuing to focus on poetry and specifically for today, limericks.
Good luck with your work and please do get in touch via the blog to say hello or if you have any problems.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Tuesday 14th July
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope you are all well and enjoying the work set this week.
Today's work includes a reading comprehension based around poems for English, looking at the link between percentages fractions and decimals in Maths and thinking about your transition into next year in Creative.
Good luck and keep safe,
Mr Hills
Monday 13th July
Good morning Sparrows,
Welcome to your last full week of home learning and the last full week of your term. I hope you managed to enjoy the return of the good weather and enjoy it in a balanced way alongside your work this week.
This week's English work has a poetry focus and today we start off by looking at a s election of fantastic poems by a three fantastic poets. In Maths, your focus is percentages this week and in Creative your work as a focus on Planes today but there will also be transition work set that will help you think about your transition into Year 6.
Good luck with your work. As ever, please keep in touch via the blog and let me know how you are getting on.
Keep safe and good luck!
Mr Hills
Friday 10th July
Good morning Sparrows,
Happy Friday! I hope you have enjoyed the work this week and are managing to find the right balance between work and breaks.
Today's activities in Maths are based around ordering and comparing decimals. Whilst in English, you are going to be focusing on identifying the subject, verb and object of a sentence. In Creative, your work is going to look at some artwork by an Impressionist painter who often included bridges within their work.
Good luck with your work today and I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Please find today's work at the link below (for week beginning 6th July):
Thursday 9th July
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope you are all well and are keeping safe despite the miserable weather. The sun will be returning next week (we hope!).
Today's work finishes off looking at colons and semi-colons in English, looks at rounding decimals in Maths and includes making your own bridge!
Good luck and please stay in touch - it would be great to see some of your work today!
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Wednesday 8th July
Hello home-schoolers,
I hope you are well and getting on alright with the work this week.
Today's English is looking at colons and semi-colons in the context of volcanoes, Maths looks at decimals and fractions and Creative is continuing to look at different types of bridge.
Make sure you have a go at the quizzes we have set up online and are still reading everyday; it would be great to hear about what you are reading at the moment and whether you would recommend anything!
Good luck and keep safe,
Mr Hills
Tuesday 7th July
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope you are all well and enjoying the return of the sunshine.
Your work today includes finding fractions of amounts, looking at word types and thinking about responsibility.
Keep up the great work that you have been doing and remember to stay in touch via the blog.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Monday 6th July
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope you are all well and had an enjoyable weekend. Welcome to another week of home learning.
The link for this week's lessons has been copied below. In Maths, you are looking at multiplying fractions, in Creative you are learning about bridges, and this week's English has a SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) focus with the first lesson looking at word type.
Remember to stay in contact via the blog and to let me know if you have an questions or problems.
Good luck,
Mr Hills
Friday 3rd July
Good morning Sparrows,
Happy Friday! Another week of home learning almost done so make sure you keep up the effort and good work today.
You will be writing your explanation texts in English today, so make sure you have a quick recap on the things we have covered this week. In Maths, you are multiplying fractions and in creative you are continuing to think about hygiene and the invention of antibiotics.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and the sun comes out again for you.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Please follow the link below to access this week's work (week beginning 29th June):
Thursday 2nd July
Hello Sparrows,
Good morning and welcome to another day of home learning. I hope you are well and managing OK even in this mix of weathers we are having.
Today's work which you can access below includes: subtracting mixed numbers in Maths; planning your explanation writing in English and an investigation into the best way of washing your hands in Creative.
It has been great to hear from some of you about what you are reading and recommending for others; remember to make sure you are reading every day and getting through a range of different types of books if possible!
Do get in touch via the blog and remember to keep safe and active when you can.
Keep up the great work.
Mr Hills
Wednesday 1st July
Good morning Sparrows,
Welcome to July! I can''t believe it has come round so quickly. I hope you are all well and your work this week is going well.
Today's work, which can be accessed via the link below includes: adding mixed numbers in Maths, explaining author choice in English and learning about Microorganisms in Science.
Please keep sharing your work and using the blog to get in touch, it is always great to hear from you.
Good luck with the work today and stay safe,
Mr Hills
Tuesday 30th July
Good morning home-schoolers,
I hope you are well and yesterday's work went alright. Remember, all of the chapters of The Adventures of Odysseus are now on YouTube so make sure you have listened to those and then completed an AR quiz on this. The link to all the chapters, I have copied below:
Please follow the link below to find today's work. In Creative, you are looking at internet safety whilst in Maths you are looking at improper fractions and mixed numbers. For today's English, you are focusing on some of the features of an explanation text.
Good luck with today's work. Remember to stay in touch via the blog and keep safe.
Mr Hills
Monday 29th June
Good morning Sparrows,
Welcome to another week of home learning! I hope you are all well and you enjoyed your weekend.
This week in Maths you are returning to some fraction work and in English you are looking at explanation texts. For Creative today your work focuses on Alexander Fleming.
Please follow the link below to find today's work.
Remember, please do get in touch via the blog and let me know how you are getting on.
Good luck with your work today and remember that even though some of the rules of lock down are easing further in the coming weeks, please be sensible and keep safe when you are out and about and enjoy the return of the good weather.
Mr Hills
The final chapter of The Adventures of Odysseus has arrived on the Round House Storytellers channel!
Watch it and quiz on it!
If you can't remember what happened at the beginning, re-watch the earlier chapters. They are all there in a section on the channel.
Friday 26th June
Happy Friday Sparrows,
Good morning and well done for almost completing another week of home learning.
I hope you are all well and keeping safe and cool. Remember to make sure you are keeping a balance between work and getting active. If you didn't manage to get as much done yesterday because of the weather, then make sure you get your narratives finished today as you have been building towards these for two weeks and I'd love to see what you have put together.
You can share what you have done on the blog or you can send a copy/photo/attachment to the feedback email address for comments:
Good luck and I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Keep safe and keep in touch,
Mr Hills
Find your work for the week beginning 22/06/20 here:
Thursday 25th June
Good morning Sparrows,
Welcome to another gloriously sunny day. It's going to be a hot one so please make sure you are being sensible outside (hat, sun cream, lots of water).
Your work for today can be found at the link below. If, like me, when you are online you are working in a small room inside, be doubly aware of how hot it is and how much time you are spending today in one room in front of a screen. Because today's English task in particular is an extended writing one, you might want to break this up into lots of little writing sessions (although this is then quite difficult to get in the flow) or you might want to do it in one go but first thing this morning or later on, when it is it cooler. It is completely up to you. You could even take your writing outside and sit in the shade once you have watched the video.
In English, we will be starting to write our narrative and in Maths you are looking at different multiplication methods. Don't forget to have a go at the mental maths starter! In Creative, you are continuing to look at the wheel but please remember if you are struggling with being independent on these creative tasks then why not adapt it to suit you or try something related. You can message me via the blog if you want to check.
Good luck today. I'm really looking forward to hopefully seeing some of the narratives you have been working towards. You can post photos of them on the blog or once finished on Friday, you could email them in to the feedback emails provided at the start of this week.
Keep safe and enjoy,
Mr Hills
Wednesday 24th June
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope this morning finds you well and safe, and prepared for a day of home learning!
The work for today is available via the link below. In Maths, you are looking at factors, multiples and prime numbers (can you remember what a composite number is?) and in English you will be finishing off your plan for your narrative. The creative lesson has a PSHE focus (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) looking at staying safe.
Remember, when approaching these tasks it is absolutely the right thing to do to ask for a help via the blog or to an adult/someone at home but try to be resilient and independent with your learning. If you don't quite have the tools to complete the task as it specifies, try and find another way of completing it or doing something similar.
I hope you enjoy today's work and please do get in touch via the blog to let me know how you are getting on!
Good luck and keep safe,
Mr Hills
Tuesday 23rd June
Good morning home schoolers!
I hope you are well and got on alright with yesterday's work. The sunshine has definitely made a welcome return so make sure you are getting plenty of time outside and are making the most of this (but again remember your sun cream, hats and to drink plenty of water).
Today's work can be accessed via the link below. In the Creative lesson, you have a Science focus looking at forces. In Maths, you are continuing to look at subtraction and in English you are beginning your plan for your narrative.
Remember, you can access the latest chapter of The Adventures of Odysseus via the Round House Story Tellers channel - all the videos have been collected together in case you missed any:
It is Chapter 13 (of 14) called Springing the Trap. Not long to go for our hero Odysseus!
Good luck with today's work - it would be great to hear how you are getting on.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Monday 22nd June
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Welcome to another week of home learning! It looks like the sun is returning this week so make sure you take plenty of breaks and spend some time outside but don't forget your hats, sun cream and drink plenty of water!
The website has been updated with this week's work so please follow the link below to find today's work. In Maths, you are focusing on different mental methods and there is even a short mental maths activity for you to complete before you start today's lesson. You can then watch the lesson and the choose between the support, main and challenge activity. Remember, if you find yourself getting through the questions quickly, then make sure you challenge yourself and try a few from the next set of questions! In English, we are looking at describing a setting as we build towards writing our own narrative at the end of the week. For your Creative lesson, there is a Design and Technology focus for today.
I hope you enjoy today's work. Please do leave me a message on the blog to let me know how you are getting on.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Friday 19th June
Good morning Sparrows,
Happy Friday! And just like that, another week has gone - I hope you have enjoyed the work this week and are settling in to more of a routine.
Please find the link to the work below. In English today, you are looking at different clause structures and in Maths you are looking at written methods for addition and problems around this. In your Creative lesson, you will be looking at putting together a sundial.
Remember, you should also be reading for 20 minutes minimum per day and if you are looking for additional challenges you could have a look at either the enrichment activities link on Diamond Online, under each subject button on the Curriculum pages on the school website or you could try the Science activities that I share with your adults on the Facebook page:
Keep up the good work. It has been great to see more of you sharing what you have been up to on the school blog.
I hope you enjoy today's work and have a lovely weekend.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Access your work for today here:
If you are struggling with how to use the website, watch these videos:
Thursday 18th June
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope you are all well and didn't get caught in the storm yesterday!
Today's work can be found at the link below. In English, you might find a familiar face talking to you about creating a character. Whilst in Maths, you will be looking at different mental methods. Your Creative task today, continues to think about you theme of light but focuses on the Northern Lights (aka Aurora Borealis) - something that I have always wanted to go and see!
I hope you enjoy your work today and are managing to keep up with your minimum of 20 minutes reading a day.
It would be fantastic to hear from you so please do let me know how you find the work or simply come and say hello via the Blog.
Have a great day and keep safe,
Mr Hills
Wednesday 17th June
Hello Sparrows!
Good morning and welcome to another day of homeschooling. I hope you are well and are managing your time effectively. Remember to get plenty of breaks throughout the day and get the most out of the sunshine when it is here!
I hope the new way of using videos is working well for you and you are finding the website easier to use. Please remember to let me know how you are getting on as it is through this feedback that we can develop what we are doing to make it the best we can to support you. Feedback can be both what you find difficult and would like changed as well as what is going well and what you like. If you haven't posted in a while, why not make it your challenge today to post in the blog.
Please find the link below for your work today. In Maths, you will be looking at negative numbers in context and in English you will be looking at some of the features of a narrative. The Creative lesson today is around Growth Mindset and will require you to watch the assembly from Monday's lesson. You could also watch Mr Hall's assembly, which you can find on the Round House Story Tellers YouTube channel, that might also help with this work.
If you are struggling to load any of the videos, one tip I have for you is to press play on the video and then leave it. Maybe go away and read or have a break and play outside. It will then load all the way through and if you come back to it later and click back to the start, hopefully it will play smoothly. If you do experience any issues, remember to let me know!
Enjoy your work today.
Mr Hills
Tuesday 16th June
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope you are all keeping safe and are feeling well. It has been lovely to see some of the work you have been completing recently so please do keep it up.
Today's work can be found at the link below. In Maths you will be looking at rounding and for English you will be looking at the purpose of language within a reading comprehension. Please do let me know how you get on today and if there is anything else you might need to support you in your work.
The next gripping chapter of The Adventures of Odysseus is available on The Round House Storytellers channel. Only 2 to go after this one so it's getting to the climax! We are up to CHAPTER 12, which is called SETTING THE TRAP.
You catch watch it here and catch up on any previous chapters that you missed.
Happy listening!
Good luck and remember to read you book for at least twenty minutes today!
Mr Hills
Monday 15th June
Good morning Sparrows,
Welcome back to another week of home learning!
I hope you had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to the week, especially as it looks like the sunshine has returned.
Remember you should still be reading on top of the work you complete on Diamond Online and you should then still check to see if the book you have read is on the AR system so you can complete a quiz.
Please follow the link below to find today's work. In Maths, you will be looking at comparing number in different contexts and there are some problems and reasoning questions to really get your brain ticking. In English, we are going to look at Narratives in a bit more detail and over the next two weeks will build to plan and write our own, based upon a common stimulus (idea).
Good luck with today's work. You will notice that this work does not take you to the Oak pages so hopefully navigating the website will become a little easier. As always, contact me on the blog if you have any problems or would like to share your work (or even just say hello!).
All the best,
Mr Hills
Friday 12th June
Good morning Sparrows,
Happy Friday everyone. And there we have it - another week down. I hope you are all well and settling in to using Diamond Online. It is a very difficult time at the moment and we just wanted to say that all your teachers are very proud of you and the way you are getting on with your learning at home. You are showing tremendous resilience so just remember to tell your self well done and keep on trying to make the best of the situation.
Please follow the link below to find today's work. In Maths, you are looking at subtracting decimals and in English you will be write an alternative ending to a story. For the Creative lesson, you are recapping the water cycle.
Good luck with the work today. Remember to get in contact with me via the blog, not just if there is a problem, but share with me what is going well and how you are doing!
Have a great weekend.
Mr Hills
Thursday 11th June
Good morning all,
I hope you are well and keeping safe and busy inside or maybe you are someone who enjoys the rain? I have to admit, I do enjoy watching it out the window or wrapping myself up and going for a walk in it - just as long as it doesn't stay for too long!
Yesterday seemed to be a smoother day with regards to using the website so I hope your are getting used to it and enjoying the work set. Please click on the links below to access today's work which looks at adding decimals in Maths, speech in English and investigating insulators in Science for Creative.
If you are looking for something a bit different to do today or for the rest of the week then why not check out the list of enrichment websites detailed on the Diamond Online site:
or that are listed under Curriculum on the school's website:
There are some great resources here if you would like something a little extra. You could even try a few minutes of TT Rockstars or Maths Whizz to get your Maths brains firing but remember this would be in addition to the work set today on Diamond Online and is optional.
The Team at Cambridge Science Centre have also published the next version of their Open Up Science Magazine which I have attached below and this week it is all about Flight and includes a range of really interesting activities!
Keep up the good work and remember, please do log on to the blog be it to share something about your work or just to say hello.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Wednesday 10th June
Hello Sparrows,
I hope you are all well and keeping safe and getting used to the work set on Diamond Online. I just wanted to say that you are all doing really well and ! am really impressed with what I am seeing via the blog so keep it up!
Please follow the link to below to find today's work which continues our work on decimals in Maths and looks at the features of a text in English. Today's creative has a Design and Technology focus where you will be building a boat - I'd love to see some photos of your completed work being tested!
I have been through all the links on the website to double check but if you do find anything please let me know via the blog but remember the blog is still an opportunity to practise your writing. So, please reread your work aloud and check to make sure it makes sense, it is complete, includes correct spellings and punctuation and reads in the same way that you would politely ask a question. I must have seen at least 6 different ways to spell Diamond so far!
Good luck and please do get in contact via the blog to let me know how you are getting on - all your feedback is invaluable!
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Tuesday 9th June
Good morning home-schoolers!
I hope you are well and managing to find a good balance with the new way of working. Thank you for your patience with regards to the website, especially when you encounter problems, but I hope you are enjoying the videos and the new tasks set. I have looked through today and all seems fine but please do get in contact via the blog if you experience any problems. If you do, be resilient and do your best - get in contact with me and then maybe use that time to have a break, do some exercise or read your book and then check back to see what I've recommended or if the issue has been sorted!
Also, please do have a look at the Oxford Owl website (details below) if you have started to struggle to find new things to read or would like to find something a bit different.
Today's work is accessible below and please do let me know how you get on as your feedback is really helpful and lets us improve the website.
Good luck!
Mr Hills
Mr Smith has uploaded another chapter of Odysseus for you to watch and listen to. If you have been following carefully, you will know who the beggar in the title of this chapter is.
Warning - there is a very sad moment in this chapter! Watch out for the last 3 chapters - they will be recorded very soon!
If you are struggling to find new books to read then follow this link below. This is where to find new reading books while you are at home.
Click on the pink “My Class Login” button
Our Class is Sparrow20
Password Sparrow20
Let me know what you have been reading and what you find!
Monday 8th June
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to get out and be active even though it was a bit rainy!
Please use the links above to access today’s work! But, remember, you are still expected to be reading for 20minutes today.
This week you will be working towards writing an alternative ending to a traditional tale in English and looking at decimals in Maths. There are also a number of Science, Art, DT and Geography activities based around the Frozen Kingdom and Water theme.
For Maths, there may well be slides and links you have seen before as it is recapping decimals (and it uses some of the White Rose activities you may have looked at before). If this is the case, do not worry. This is a useful topic to go over as it is not one we have covered in class. But, make sure you have a look at the support and challenge activities if you need a little extra help or something to push you on a bit.
For the English, it is important that you watch the video of the main lesson and then when it asks you to pause for the main activity you can either continue with this (if you are finding it OK) or then go back to the Diamond page and access the support or challenge activity. There is also a video to help that will help with the support activity. If you are finding the lesson straight forward, have a go at the Challenge activity.
Please do keep in touch via the blog. At no point should you require a password or need to request to access the work so if the links do not take you straight through to the work then please let me know.
This will still require some adjusting and you may come across issues – please do not worry. Just do your best and make sure you take lots of breaks.
Good luck, enjoy and keep in touch
Mr Hills
(P.S. You do not need to do Spelling Shed, Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars on top of this work but you are very welcome to do these if you would like. You ARE still expected to read for a minimum of 20minutes a day)
Friday 5th June
Happy Friday Sparrows,
Good morning! I hope you have enjoyed this week's work and are getting used to the idea that it is changing as of Monday. Make sure you try the Diamond Online work today to make sure you are happy with how it looks and works so on Monday it isn't such a big change and you can hit the ground running.
Follow the link below and you will find some activities that concludes the work on volume and instructions. If you missed any of the previous work and would like to give those activities a go (as they all lead to the work today) then by all means have a look back at some of the other days and try those activities.
Remember, if you are having any issues with finding your way around, make sure you watch the videos below - they will definitely help.
You can still complete some of the grid activities and there are some lovely suggestions on there (a very arty day today). So, if you would like to finish off this week by completing the last of the work that we previously set then your day might look like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 5 - Friday Maths Challenge
Indoor Activity 10 – Create your own one-point perspective picture
Outdoor activity 10 – (Not on the grids) Create your own animal pictures only by using things you can find in your garden (leaves work best).
If you have any questions, please let me know via the blog.
Have a good day, enjoy your weekend, keep safe and I look forward to hearing from you.
Mr Hills
Thursday 4th June
Hello Sparrow class,
I hope your work went well yesterday and you are adjusting to the new website. There is again work set for today on this link that includes some more work on volume, instructions and the second part of a Science lesson. If you missed the first part of this Creative lesson, have a look back at Monday to help. Use the link below to access Diamond Online and head to the learning button on the left-hand side.
If you are having any issues with finding your way around, make sure you watch the videos below - they will definitely help.
There are two days left of completing the previous style of work so if you who would like to continue with the indoor and outdoor grids please see below for my suggestion of what today’s learning might look like but please do have a look at the virtual school link so you can start to adjust to how the work will be set next week.
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 4 - Fractions as operators (worksheets for activities above)
Indoor activity 9 - Theseus and the Minotaur – create the maze
Outdoor activity 9 – Creating patterns
There is additional information on the grids to help you with these activities so have a look below to find out more or if you would like to try one of the other activities.
Please keep on blogging and letting me know what you are getting up to. If you have not blogged in a while, that is your challenge today.
Have a good day, keep safe and I look forward to hearing from you.
Mr Hills
Hi all,
It's been a long wait but here is chapter 9. What will happen next to Odysseus now he has explained everything to King Alcinous?
Happy listening!
Mr Smith
Wednesday 3rd June
Good morning Sparrow class,
We're almost halfway through the week already! I hope you have been keeping busy and enjoying time outside as well as working hard. It doesn't look like its going to be quite as nice today so today might be the day to have a look at the new Diamond Online school link. I have copied it again below.
If you have already tried this and completed some of the activities or looked around or even if you haven't even dared click on it yet, I would suggest that you watch these helpful clips on how to navigate your way round and go through a lesson as there a few times where you will need help knowing where to go for the activity or how to get back to the correct page.
Remember, next week this will be the only option for accessing work so it is worth having a look today and making sure you understand how to use it. Please do let me know how you are finding the virtual school link and if there is anything you need to help with this or could be clearer. There is again work set for today on this link that you can access by heading to the learning button on the left-hand side.
However, if you who would like to continue with the indoor and outdoor grids please see below for my suggestion of what today’s learning might look like but please do have a look at the virtual school link so you get used to what the website looks like.
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 3 - Fraction of an amount (worksheets for activities above)
Indoor activity 8 - Theseus and the Minotaur – description
Outdoor activity 8 – Food Chain
There is additional information on the grids to help you with these activities so have a look below to find out more or if you would like to try one of the other activities.
Regardless of which work you are completing today, it is really important that you keep reading. I know you may be running low on books but you could try a different type of book that someone in your family might have, you could read to a sibling, have a look at some completely different books like cook books to see how they differ, it could be a graphic novel or something you have downloaded if you are fortunate to have a kindle. Keep reading and please keep me up to date with what you are doing.
I hope you have a good day and keep safe. Good luck!
Mr Hills
Tuesday 2nd June
Good morning Sparrow class,
I hope you enjoyed your first day back of this half term. It was lovely to hear from some of you via the blog so please do log on and let me know how you are getting on. Remember to check back on your post to read my comment!
I would love to know how you are finding the virtual school link and if there is anything you need to help with this. There is again work set for today on this link that you can access below and by heading to the learning button on the left-hand side.
For those of you who would like to continue with the indoor and outdoor grids please see below for my suggestion of what today’s learning might look like but please do have a look at the virtual school link so you get used to what the website looks like.
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 2 - Multiply mixed numbers by integers (worksheets for activities above)
Indoor activity 7 - Theseus and the Minotaur – artwork
Outdoor activity 7 – Problem solving
As normal, make sure you look through the grids if you need any extra information about the activities.
Remember, regardless if you are completing the grids or the virtual school work, make sure you have lots of breaks and keep out and active in the sunshine. When was the last time you completed a Joe Wicks exercise class? Why not give it a go today.
I hope you have a good day and keep safe.
Mr Hills
Monday 1st June
Hello Sparrow Class,
Welcome to the second half of the Summer Term! I hope you had an enjoyable break and made the most of the sunshine and the easing of some of the lockdown restrictions but are still keeping safe!
There are a few changes as of today - the main one being that most teachers are now back in school full time. However, I am not in school and will now be posting work online for Year 5 and 6 so that means for you nothing has changed with regards to who or how you contact your teacher!
If you are working from home then the work set will start to become a bit different. Your parents should have had an email about this. For this week, you already have work set from before the half term and are able to continue with these activities. I have posted a suggested schedule for today below. However, next week, instead of these grids you will be able to access your work through a virtual school platform that can be found at the following website:
Please note, there is work set for this week on the virtual school link above that you are welcome to try and I would encourage you to look through and give it a go. We would really appreciate any feedback as we completely recognise that as of next week working from home will look quite different and changing the way we set work will require an adjustment for you at home.
You DO NOT need to complete both the suggested work for today (which I will post every day this week) AND this virtual school work, but this week you can choose EITHER.
So, why not start off by just having a look around the website and then for a few days try completing the work on the link to see how it differs and to get used to the way it is structured. A video will be shared shortly that will explain how to use the website and access the work set.
If you would like to follow the suggested schedule for today that works the same way as it did before half term, then your day might look something like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 1 - Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers (links to activities below)
Indoor activity 6 - Theseus and the Minotaur
Outdoor activity 6 - Vocabulary Hunt
Remember to have a look at the grids below if you want to know more about these activities or want to choose something else.
If you do choose to give the virtual school activities a go this week, you do not need to make up any time on Maths Whizz, Spelling Shed etc… it would take the place of that day’s activities.
I hope that makes sense but please do get in contact (via the blog is best) and ask me any questions or check what your class mates have to say and I will do my best to help. Do not worry about the changes of stress if you don’t understand, just get in touch.
Most importantly, remember to smile, keep safe and try your best.
Mr Hills
We return to Ancient Greece with the second part of the tale of one of its greatest mythological heroes.
Part 2 of the tale of The 12 Labours of Hercules is now available on the Round House Story Tellers YouTube channel. Can Hercules slay the Nemean Lion? Find out below...
I hope you enjoy!
P.S. First part available here:
The next chapter - Chapter 8 - of The Adventures of Odysseus is also now uploaded to the Round House Storytellers channel. If you are hoping for things to go right for Odysseus in this chapter, you will be disappointed!
Friday 22nd May
Happy Friday Sparrows!
Another week down and I hope you have enjoyed completing the activities we have been setting.
Remember, next week is half term - during which you are not expected to complete the indoor and outdoor activities but you are expected to read regularly and if you can to complete an hour of Maths Whizz (total - not each day).
However, your day today might look something like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Friday Maths Challenge (links to activities above)
Indoor activity 5 - Sudoku
Outdoor activity 5 - Potato monsters
Remember to have a look at the grids below if you want to know more about these activities or want to choose something else.
Well done, you are all doing a fantastic job and working hard in a difficult time. I am very proud of all of you and want to remind you that you can only do your best so remember to smile and hope you find enjoyment in what we are setting! Keep it up today and I hope you have a safe and enjoyable half term.
Please do keep in touch via the blog. As I have said before it is fantastic to hear from you and see what you have been doing - it really does brighten my day!
Keep safe
Mr Hills
Thursday 21st May
Good morning Sparrows,
I hope you had a good day yesterday and managed to balance enjoying the sunshine and getting some work done! Just a reminder that this week is Mental Health Awareness Week and it gives me a good opportunity to remind you to talk about how you are feeling, happy or sad. The theme of this Mental Health week is kindness - even the small kind things can make a huge difference!
If you are looking for some structure, then here is how today could look:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - lesson 4 - Subtract mixed numbers (links to activities above)
Indoor activity 4 - Quiz
Outdoor activity 4 - Carry out a FIT-Count!
If you want to know more about these activities or want to choose something else, click on the links below to the indoor and outdoor grids.
Please do keep in touch via the blog - I will try to get back to you asap!
Keep safe
Mr Hills
Wednesday 20th May
Morning Sparrows,
It's going to be a hot one today so if you are making the most of the sunshine, same message as yesterday - just be careful and make sure you are wearing a hat and drinking lots of water. But importantly have fun!
Here is how today could look but remember the indoor and outdoor activities are important and if some days you need to prioritise those in order to have enough time on them or to modify them slightly so that you can have a go, then that is absolutely fine.
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose maths - lesson 3 - Adding mixed numbers (links to activities above)
Indoor activity 3 - What is the question? - try for 3 questions for each answer - make them as different as you can!
Outdoor activity 3 - Capacity challenge - perfect day for it!
If you want to know more about these activities or want to choose something else, click on the links below to the indoor and outdoor grids.
As always, keep in touch via the blog - I will try to get back to you asap!
Have a fabulous day
Keep in touch, keep talking and stay safe
Mr Hills
Inspired by Mr Smith’s retelling of The Adventures of Odysseus, (Chapter 7 of which is available here: https://youtu.be/GpUtLPNrB9w) I revisit Ancient Greece to tell you the tale of another of it’s mythological heroes. Perhaps the greatest hero that has ever lived.
If you like graphic novels, I suggest you have a watch!
I hope you enjoy!
Tuesday 19th May
Good morning Sparrows!
I hope you are well! It's looking like it will be another warm sunny day so make sure you are taking lots of breaks and get outside in the sunshine today. Why not choose to do an extra outside activity or take a book/your work outside but remember to drink plenty of water, wear a sunhat and slap on the sun cream!
If you are looking for a bit more of a structured day your day today might look like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games - new spellings activities available
White Rose Maths - lesson 2 - adding fractions (links to activities above)
Indoor activity 2 - Music poster
Outdoor activity 2 - Cloud spotting
Make sure you read through the grids carefully and if you need some help then message me via the blog.
I hope you have a great day!
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Good afternoon, viewers!
Here is the next exciting chapter of The Adventures of Odysseus. His journey continues and he is facing his biggest danger yet!
WARNING! There is an icky bit in this short and not at all sweet chapter!
Enjoy if you can!
Monday 18th May
Good morning Sparrows!
I hope you had a lovely weekend. Welcome to the last week before half term! The sunshine is returning so make sure you give yourselves lots of breaks to enjoy it but still get cracking through the activities set.
The work attached below is for this week AND the week AFTER half term (which is next week). You will not be expected to all complete these tasks this week OR during the half term! As with previous work set, please complete this in any order that you wish but we will continue to upload suggestion of how each day could be structured.
Your day today might look like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 1 - Add and subtract fractions
(worksheets are attached above) https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Indoor Activity 1 - Floor plan
Outdoor Activity 1 - Snap
Please do send me any questions via the blog and if you have not done so yet/recently, please make it your mission this week to post to share what you have been up to!
I hope you enjoy today's work.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Here is a recap of the story so far just in case you have found it difficult to follow. Chapter 6 follows to continue the quest of Odysseus to get home to his wife and son.
All previous chapters are available on the Round House Storytellers channel.
Friday 15th May
Happy Friday Sparrows!
And just like that it is the end of another week of home learning! Well done to all of you who are getting through the work - I hope you are enjoying both the indoor and outdoor activities. We have a whole load of new ones for next week so please let us know how you are finding it. An extra special well done again to those people blogging - it is definitely the highlight of my day to see what you have been up to and to hear from you so please keep it up!
You might want to focus on the activities today to catch up or to make the most of the sunshine, which is absolutely fine, but if you are looking for some structure in your day then today might look something like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Friday Maths Challenge
(worksheets are attached above) https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Indoor Activity 10 - The Adventures of Odysseus (Paris and the Trojan War)
Outdoor Activity 9 - Outdoor Magic Number Square
Remember to have a look through both grids below for more details on today's activities!
Keep safe and keep smiling,
Mr Hills
Thursday 14th May
Morning Sparrows!
I hope you are well today and enjoying this week's work. It would be great to see more people blogging so please get on there and share what you have been up to!
Remember to have a look through both grids below for more details on today's activities but your day might look something like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 4 - Compare and order fractions less than one
(worksheets are attached above) https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Indoor Activity 9 - Doodle arm
Outdoor Activity 8 - Nature’s colour palette
Good luck, keep safe and keep in touch,
Mr Hills
Odysseus seeks the blind prophet Tiresias as he may be able to help Odysseus stop Poseidon. His journey takes him to The Land of the Dead ...
Click the link to watch
WARNING - There is an icky bit in this chapter - you have been warned!!
Mr Hills
Wednesday 13th May
Good morning Sparrows!
Hopefully it's going to be another lovely day so make sure you get outside for some fresh air today. The lockdown rules are being eased today but we must all still remember to keep 2m away from anyone we meet while we are out for our walks or bike rides.
Thank you to everyone who worked so hard yesterday although it would be lovely to hear from those of you who haven't blogged yet. I can see you are working but it's nice to hear from you too!
Today's activities might look something like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 3 - Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa
(worksheets are attached above) https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Indoor Activity 8 - Medusa artwork
Outdoor Activity 7 - Build a maze using things you find outdoors.
I hope you enjoy today's work.
Keep safe and keep in touch,
Mr Hills
Tuesday 12th May
Good morning Sparrows!
Well to done to all of you who have been getting on with the work. Remember to simply give it a go and try your best - I hope you are enjoying the activities. The work I have seen on the bog has been fantastic so keep it up! Please do share the work you have been completing as it really helps me to know what activities work best for you!
These are the suggested activities for today but remember you can complete the tasks in any order that you wish but this is what your learning today might look like:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 2 - Equivalent fractions (worksheets are attached above) https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Indoor Activity 7 - The story of Medusa.
Outdoor Activity 6 - Garden bioblitz.
Good luck with today's work and remember to contact me on the blog if you have any questions.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
The adventures of Odysseus continue - will he ever make it home to Ithaca?
Chapter 4 now available on the Round House Storytellers channel.
Monday 11th May
Good morning Sparrows! I hope you had a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend and managed to enjoy the weather. Please do share what you got up to on Friday if you took part in any VE day celebrations!
You're half way through this set of fortnightly activities so I hope you are enjoying them. Here are the suggested activities for today but remember you can complete the tasks in any order that you wish but this is what your learning today might look like:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 1 - Area of rectangles https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Indoor Activity 6 - Design a healthy 3 course meal.
Outdoor Activity 5 - Memory game.
Good luck with today's work and as ever please let me know how you are getting on via the blog or ask if you have any questions.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
You may need to zoom in a bit to read it clearly but here is a guide to what has happened so far in The Adventures of Odysseus. Many of you have said you are enjoying it but not sure if you're understanding it fully. Hope this helps.
Mr Smith
Chapter 3 now available as Odysseus continues his quest to make it home to Ithaca.
Thursday 7th May
Good morning Sparrows,
It looks like another lovely day so make sure you are taking lots of breaks and if you can get out in the garden to enjoy the sunny weather!
Here are the suggested activities for today but remember you can complete the tasks in any order that you wish but this is what your learning today might look like:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 4 - calculate perimeter https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Indoor Activity 5 – Create a life cycle of your favourite animal.
Outdoor Activity 4 - Make a Magic Potion.
If you are struggling with any of the White Rose Maths, please don't worry we will go over these things again - why not have a look at the menu on the right hand side and have a look at some of the other year group's work. We are always working across the curriculum so it is no problem to try some activities from these lists. There's some interesting activities on money you could try https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ but please do remember you can ask for help via the blog or check out Mr Hall's Maths videos on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCw-CuvWImxawxJCKL4HP8XQ.
Today is the last "working day" of the week as tomorrow is a bank holiday and we will not be expecting you to do any work (you can of course do some if you want to!). If you want to "mix it up" a bit then why not have a go at one of the Science Virtual Trips. Follow the links below and enter the passwords to gain access to the videos and challenges associated with each topic. Please let us know if you complete any/parts of these - we would love to hear. This could take the place of one of your other activities (or could be done as well as).
Sonic Science show (focus on Sound)
URL: cambridgesciencecentre.org/sonicscience
Stronger by Design show (focus on Materials)
URL: cambridgesciencecentre.org/strongerbydesign
Access to these links is valid for one week, and will end at 11:59 pm on Sunday, so why not try to fit it in in the next few days!
Have fun and please let me know how you get on.
Mr Hills
Wednesday 6th May
Happy Wednesday Sparronians!
Hurray, welcome back to the sunshine - I hope you are all well and enjoyed yesterday's work and Round House's version of "This is Me". If you haven't had the opportunity or missed it, I have copied below the link to the Round House video channel on YouTube where there's lots of excellent things to watch!
Remember you can complete the tasks in any order that you wish but here is what your learning today might look like:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 3 - Divide with remainders
Indoor Activity 4 - Write a postcard to a friend or relative in self isolation.
Outdoor Activity 3 - Paper aeroplanes
Why not make the most of the weather and choose a couple of outdoor tasks to do - just remember to smile and take lots of breaks. If you want to know more about these activities or want to choose something else, click on the links below to the indoor and outdoor grids.
Have fun and please let me know how you get on.
Mr Hills
P.S. I would love to hear from you about the cartoon videos I uploaded to the channel - why not have a go at drawing your own!
Tuesday 5th May
Good morning Sparrows!
I hope you enjoyed yesterday's work and Mr Smith's reading of Odysseus.
Here is what your learning today might look like:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars (new league match starts today on TT Rockstars)
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose maths - lesson 2 - multiply 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers
Indoor activity 3 - Design a Greek style building
Outdoor activity 2 - The 20 Something Challenge
If you want to know more about these activities or want to choose something else, click on the links below to the indoor and outdoor grids.
Have a great day and keep in touch.
Mr Hills
Mr Smith has also recorded the next chapter of our book so check it out on the school YouTube channel! Odysseus and his crew set sail for home after the Trojan War. They discover an island that looks like paradise ...
This chapter has some icky bits - beware!
Monday 4th May
Good morning Sparrows,
Welcome to a brand new week! I hope you have had a lovely weekend and you managed to get through the activities we set last week.
I hope you enjoy the new indoor and outdoor activities - don't forget you can choose which ones you do and in which order.
Your day today will probably look a bit like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars (new league match starts today on TT Rockstars)
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - lesson 1 - multiply 2 digit numbers
Indoor activity - Write a 26 word story where each subsequent word starts with the next letter of the alphabet.
(Indoor activity 1 is home baking - if you are able to do this, fit it in wherever you can!
Outdoor activity 1 - A measurement Scavenger Hunt
Good luck, enjoy and please don't forget to send me a message on the blog - I would love to hear from you!
Mr Hills
Wednesday 29th April
Good Morning Sparrows!
Well done for all the work you have been completing this week. I hope you are enjoying all the tasks but especially the indoor ones linked to our new topic. I love Ancient History and I think it is fascinating how long ago they existed and the amazing things they were still able to do! But what I enjoy the most about Ancient Greece are the myths, the heroes and the monsters, which we are coming on to in the coming weeks!
Good luck with the last few pieces of work for the next few days - please see below our suggestion for what you should complete. Remember, it is up to you to complete the work outlined on the documents below in the order which works for you. If you have your own schedule or have already completed what we have suggested, that is fine, just keep it up!
Please share your learning on the blog, it would be lovely to hear from you all - especially those who have not posted for a while. There are still lots of people I would like to hear from so please make that your target today! If you are stuck or have any problems, again let me know through the blog.
You are doing really well, keep going and keep safe.
Mr Hills
Wednesday 29th April
Reading - 20 minutes.
10 Spelling Shed Games.
TT RockStars or MathsWhizz - 30 minutes in total.
1 White Rose Maths lesson - W/C 27th April - Lesson 3 - Adding decimals with a different number of decimal places - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 8 - Symmetry Hunt.
Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 8 - Create an information poster about a topic of your choice.
Thursday 30th April
Reading - 20 minutes.
10 Spelling Shed Games.
TT RockStars or MathsWhizz - 30 minutes in total.
1 White Rose Maths lesson - W/C 27th April - Lesson 4 - Subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 9 - Shadow Puppets and Monsters.
Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 9 - Create your own mythological creature for Hercules to face.
Friday 1st May
Reading - 20 minutes.
10 Spelling Shed Games.
TT RockStars or MathsWhizz - 30 minutes in total.
1 White Rose Maths lesson - W/C 27th April - Friday Maths Challenge https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Outdoor Learning Grid - Can you come up with your own outdoor learning activity today and let us know what you got up to? It could be Art based, SPort based, Music, Drama - whatever you can think of!
Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 10 - Write a short descriptive narrative of Hercules fighting the Nemean Lion.
Monday 27th April
Good Morning Sparrows!
I hope you all had an amazing weekend.
We hope you enjoyed your first week back of home learning - please see below our suggestion for what you should complete over the next couple of days. Remember, it is up to you to complete the work outlined on the documents below in the order which works for you. If you have your own schedule or have already completed what we have suggested, that is fine, just keep it up!
Please share your learning on the blog, it would be lovely to hear from you all - especially those who have not posted for a while. Make that your target today! If you are stuck or have any problems, again let me know through the blog.
You are doing really well, keep going and keep safe.
Mr Hills
Monday 27th April
Reading - 20 minutes.
10 Spelling Shed Games.
TT RockStars or MathsWhizz - 30 minutes in total.
1 White Rose Maths lesson - W/C 27th April - Lesson 1 - Adding decimals with the same number of decimal places - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 6 - Keep a Nature Diary.
Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 6 - Create a picture of the Parthenon in Athens.
Tuesday 28th April
Reading - 20 minutes.
10 Spelling Shed Games.
TT RockStars or MathsWhizz - 30 minutes in total.
1 White Rose Maths lesson - W/C 27th April - Lesson 2 - Subtracting decimals with the same number of decimal places - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/
Outdoor Learning Grid - Activity 7 - Garden Olympics.
Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 7 - Create Venn diagram comparing Ancient and Modern Olympics.
Good morning Sparrows
I hope you are settling back into the swing of home learning and are enjoying the activities we have set you.
Remember you should keep going with your Maths Whizz/TT Rocksyars, Spelling Shed and your reading - I provided a grid for you in the document Summer Day 1 which might help you keep track of getting it all done!
Please let us know how you are finding the Maths lessons on White Rose as this is a bit of a new topic for you and we want to know how to support you best. If you are aiming to complete one lesson a day, you should have completed the first two lessons and therefore have "Lesson 3 - Complements to 1", "Lesson 4 - Adding decimals - crossing the whole" and the "Friday Maths Challenge" left to complete (found at the link below) for this week.
If there are any issues, please let me know via the blog and next week we will direct you to the next set of Maths lessons!
Make sure you have a go at our word of the week "archaic" which is very relevant for our topic work and are getting through the tasks set on the grid. I would certainly recommend either the sunrise or the star gazing outdoor lessons (with appropriate parent consent and support) as the sunrises are beautiful at the moment with the clear skies and sunny weather - absolutely amazing colours! Also, for star gazing the Starlink Satellites can regularly be seen moving across the sky (should be around 9.30pm tonight) at the moment which is pretty cool and I know Mr Hall saw 5-6 shooting stars last night!
Keep following the blog for any tips with the work as well as general conversation - I loved hearing about what some of you have been reading yesterday so please keep in touch!
Good luck with the work, keep safe and let me know how you are getting on.
Welcome to the Summer Term!
Welcome back Sparrows. We hope you had a good Easter and managed to stay safe and active! Did you learn any new skills? If so, share with us on the blog – we will be sharing some of the things we have been doing as well…
Please don't worry about the number of documents below. The two grids detail all the work we would like you to try to complete over the next two weeks. You can do these as and when you are able but we will be giving some guidance on these on a Monday (today) and on a Wednesday. There are also additional places you can go for interesting activities detailed on the curriculum pages on the website:
The Summer Day 1 document is a reminder that we would like you to complete the following over the next fortnight (two weeks):
By providing you with all the work at once, it may seem slightly overwhelming, but we hope this allows you to pick the order in which you complete the tasks and as well as the number of tasks you do a day as we recognise it can be challenging to work from home. If you divided it up fairly it would equate to one read, one spelling shed task, one session of Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars (30 minutes), one online Maths learning session, and one activity from both the indoor and outdoor activity list a day.
As always, simply give it your best and if you are stuck, send me a message via the blog and I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible! Keep checking the blog for updates and to see if anyone else in the year has asked for help on the same issue!
Our indoor tasks are based around our new topic, Ancient Greece, so I hope you enjoy! If you are struggling, why not check the knowledge organisers below or the curriculum page mentioned above.
Good luck and stay safe!
Mr Hills
Wednesday 1st April
Please see the documents below which explain your work for today. Good luck and let us know via the blog if there are any issues.
Over the Easter break (Thursday 2nd April – Sunday 19th April), we would like you to try to complete one hour of Maths Whizz, one hour of reading and a Spelling Shed session each week. We would also suggest that you try to keep a journal over the next few weeks as in the words of Emma Carroll (the author of our recent class book Letters from the Lighthouse), “Think of this as an experience that will make the history books in years to come. Keep a diary if you can, so you can tell people what it was like to live through these strange times. There's bound to be lots of funny, unusual, magical things that'll happen these coming weeks!”
Congratulations on your Spring Term full of learning, fabulous behaviour and hard work ... both at school and at home. We are incredibly proud of you and your families.
Keep safe and keep in touch
Kensuke's Kingdom - final part
Please find below the link to the final part of Kensuke's Kingdom:
I hope you enjoy it - let me know what you thought on the class blog!
And...don't forget to quiz on this as soon as you've finished watching!!!
Happy Monday!
Welcome to Week 2 of virtual learning. We have a short week this week before the Easter so make sure you get stuck into the work right away - we've got loads of interesting things for you to try at home and we would love to hear all about them so please show us what you get up to via the blog.
The work is attached below as usual but below this are some additional documents that will help you with the Design and Technology work we would like you to have a go at this week. Please see explanation below.
Keep in touch and keep safe,
Mr Hills
DT documents:
There is a document which explains what you will be doing (DT task), a fact sheet that will help you research what an Anderson shelter is (shelter facts) and a design template that might help with designing this model (design Anderson shelter). If you want to use your own design format, information found online/from books that is absolutely fine but we would love to see where you take this project. As mentioned, you could even try and use computers to help with this.
Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Kensuke's Kingdom 27.03.20 - Part 4
Here's the link to the next part of Kensuke's Kingdom:
I hope you enjoy!
Good morning Sparrows - Happy Friday and well done for completing your first week of virtual learning!
Please find below the work set for today (27.03.20). Any questions or problems, please contact me via the blog. On the blog, there are Sparrows and Mr Hills pages where you can see what your class mates and I have posted so if you do have a question, make sure you look through what what has been posted and commented on as the answer may already be there!
Please remember that anything you write on the blog can be seen by everyone at school so make sure that you are phrasing it in an appropriate manner! It is also an opportunity to practise your writing so please check your grammar and spelling is accurate - just because it is written online does not mean that you don't use CL, FS and shortened words. I will, where possible, be reminding you of this!
Please note that we will not be expecting you to complete anything over the weekend (such as your normal homework) but please make sure you have completed as much of this week's work as possible.
Remember to take lots of breaks and I hope you enjoy today's work. I'd love to see what you have been up to.
Keep safe!
P.S. Take a look at Emma Carroll's email below! Pretty cool!
Kensuke's Kingdom 26.03.20 - Part 3
Please click below to access the next part of our class book, Kensuke's Kingdom.
Unfortunately, I can’t fix the link that is included in today’s work so for today’s reading we would like you, if you can, to read a non-fiction book that you have at home for 30mins. If you don’t have anything appropriate then you can try and access the Oxford Owl website which does have a small selection of books which may be appropriate:
Our class login is Sparrow20 and the password is the same (Sparrow20).
If there is nothing here which interests you then you can just read your AR book today.
For English, what ever you read today, we would like you to summarise in a paragraph and then put together some sort of presentation on it and present to someone at home. This could be a poster, a speech a powerpoint – whatever you want and we would love to see some examples/work posted to the blog so we can see what you have been up to.
Good luck and we look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Good morning Sparrows!
Good luck with today's work.
Having tested the links yesterday (and all was fine) I have just been informed that the WorldEBooks website is no longer free to access and it asks for a password and username, which is very frustrating. I am trying to sort but for now don't worry about this part of today's work - if you leave it for now and get on with the rest of what has been set - hopefully I will have sported something by the time you get back to this!
You could read your AR or home book instead, and just just have a go at the English starter for now. If I can't sort this quickly I will let you know but it was a really cool resource so would like to get it working for you.
Hope you enjoy today's work - Kensuke's Kingdom post will be coming soon!
Message from Mrs Rodgers (music co-ordinator) -
Hello everyone! I know some of you already have ocarinas and other musical instruments at home, but I thought now might be the time for lots of you to learn something new. Why not have a go at playing the ocarina. It's really easy. Anyone can do it. Get you parents involved as well. Show them the following message from me, and I look forward to hearing our new ocarina choir when we all get back together in school.
Hi Parents -
Fancy learning something new with your children?
In school the children will have seen and heard other children, and sometimes the teachers, playing the ocarina. It is a small wind instrument that can be played easily without the ability to read music, and without the screechy noise of the recorder when not played quite right!!!!
As a school, we order the 4 hole plastic ocs and books from Ocarina Workshop www.ocarina.co.uk . Other websites also sell ocarinas, but I have found ocarina workshop books to be the easiest to follow. You can even get a CD to play along to as well. Go on, give it a go. Get the whole family playing!
Kensuke's Kingdom 25.03.20 - part 2
Morning Sparrows - good luck with today's work. Please find below the link to the next part of Kensuke's Kingdom:
Kensuke's Kingdom 24.03.20
I have copied below a YouTube link to me reading part of Chapter 8 of our class book Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. I will reading a bit more of this each day so we can find out what happened to Michael and Kensuke.
Hope you enjoy.
Well done to all those who completed the work set yesterday.
There were a few teething issues, especially with Espresso, but well done for being resilient and enthusiastic learners!
We have been logging on to see who has been completing the different online activities and have been really impressed with some of your efforts, so keep it up!
Please keep on letting us know how this is going - we are loving hearing from you on the class blog but do try to write in full sentences and check your grammar as it is a great opportunity to practise your writing!
REMEMBER to make sure you are quizzing when necessary on AR and if you were lucky enough to hear the end of our book, Letters from the Lighthouse, then make sure you quiz. If you weren't in school for this, do not worry - we will sort when back.
Looking forward to hearing from you - keep up the good work.
Mr Hills
Welcome to your first day of virtual learning!!!
See above what we would like you to do. There is a word document and a pdf document (of the same thing) uploaded to ensure that everyone can access this.
If you have any problems please let us know asap via the class blog (or via the contacts previously provided if you can' login) which can be accessed in the side menu.
We would like to know how this is going and want to be aware of both what works well and not so well, so please keep in touch!
We appreciate this is completely novel for you so just try your best - be resilient, be resourceful and have fun!
Remember to take lots of active breaks but please remember to stay safe.
Your work will be posted here by 9am each morning!
In English in Year 5, we wrote persuasive letters based on the book “The Day the Crayons Quit”. The children were writing letters on behalf of other disgruntled household objects, explaining their reasons for quitting. They were able to draw upon work they had completed the previous week on formal persuasive letter writing, including rhetorical questions, hyperbole and flattery.
In maths, we have particularly been looking at word problems and the best ways to tackle them. We have established general processes based on the acronym RUCSAC – Read, Understand, Calculate, Solve, Answer, Check
In English, Year 5 have continued to use ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ as their core text. We have discussed one of the main characters in depth, looking at two ways we could interpret their actions and feelings. This has led to a written balanced argument, using formal language, in which children were able to sum up the evidence before arriving at a conclusion.
In Maths, the children are working hard to understand the concept of fractions. This week, we have been seeking ways in which we can compare fractions to put them in size order, working out what the numerator and denominator actually represent and different ways to represent fractions.
February 2020
Year 5 had a great week last week!
In English, we finished our book about Walter Tull - a professional footballer and hero of the First World War - and wrote a letter from Walter to his brother.
In Maths, we looked at developing our written multiplication methods and explored our understanding of this through reasoning and word problems.
Space is our topic in Science for this half term and we continued to learn about the Planets through creating fact files and a class fact book (as well as completing our scale model of the Solar System). These fact files will really help us with our task for next week - planning and writing a journey through Space!
During our Topic lessons, we continued to learn about the Battle of Britain; creating 3D Spitfires which are now hanging in our classrooms alongside some fascinating facts.
Next week, we start off with an exciting Art session with Mr Cornell and will be focussing on Division in our Maths lessons as well as visiting St Neots museum.
Mr Hills and Mr Hall
Year 5 have had a fantastic couple of weeks of learning. We have been continuing to read our book based on a real person in the World War, 'Walter Tull's Scrapbook', using it as a stimulus for discussion and writing. This has included: tasks on the effects of racism during the war time period, comparing our life to a war child and discussing the impact on families when people were called up for war. The children have produced some brilliant pieces of work.
In Maths, we have been investigating the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages, which the children are really starting to grasp the concept of.
In Science, we have thoroughly enjoyed re-creating the solar system (to scale). We have delved into the depths of the universe, looking specifically at our galaxy, The Milky Way.
Continuing our varied curriculum, they have also had lessons on team bullding, dance, French, art, PSHE and History.
Happy New Year and the Year 5 team hope you have had a wonderful break.
Year 5 have got an extremely exciting half term, jam-packed with exciting learning. Today, the children began their new topic, which is Battle of Britain, by creating a silhouette scene from London during the Blitz. During this half term, we will be looking in more details about the key events of the war and looking into first-hand experiences.
Linking to our topic, our English book for the first 2 weeks will be 'William Tull's Scrapbook', which is all about a footballer who was forced into battle.
In Maths, as well as reinforcing the children's written methods, they will be learning the link between fractions, decimals and percentages in context. Our new Science topic is Earth and Space, beginning next week.
In addition to this, Grafham instructors are coming to our school every Thursday afternoon for team building sessions. This will be concentrating on team work, communication skills and perseverance.
Mr Hills
In English, we are continuing to look at our class text, ‘Floodland’, focusing on punctuating speech.
In Maths, we are concentrating on learning key mathematical vocabulary for multiplication and division. Next week, using this knowledge, we will be learning the formal written methods for multiplication.
In Science, we are starting our new topic, which is Forces. The children will be looking at forces acting on objects, moving onto air and wind resistance.
In topic, we will be looking in more depth at the features of a river and the water cycle.
In the past couple of weeks Year 5 have visited Pizza Express and really enjoyed making their pizzas. After this, in Exciting Writing, Sparrow class wrote a series of instructions based on their experience.
In English, we are continuing to look at our book Floodland and have been empathising with the main character, Zoe, through writing from her point of view in letters as well as predicting what will happen next. In Maths, we have moved on from looking at column subtraction and have focussed on drawing and interpreting different types of graphs.
Last week, children from both classes were involved in Bikeability where they achieved their level 1 or 2. Congratulations to all those children.
Mr Cornell came in to Year 5 to support both classes with their Art work. Through studying artists Monet and Turner, the children recreated their own versions of famous works using the relevant techniques.
Mr Hills and Mr Hall
We have had a great start to the week in Year 5. In English, we are beginning to look in more depth at out book Floodland and at the end of the week will be writing a diary entry based on one of the characters. In Maths, we have started to look at column addition which will be used for reasoning and problem solving.
For your information, both classes will be visiting Pizza Express in the next 2 weeks where they will make a pizza and learn about the process. After this, the... children will be writing up their own instructions on how to make a pizza.
Sparrows - Thursday 5th October
Pictures will be added shortly after.
Mr Hills
Year 5 have had a wonderful start to the academic year, engrossing themselves in our topic of 'Rivers'. Recently, Anglian Water gave a class session to all the children in Year 5 and Year 6. Our class were involved in making their own sewage and understanding how Anglian Water clean and transport water.
As well as carrying on with our Topic work next week, the children will also have Maths Day on Monday and part of Tuesday, where they will be using their problem solving skills to try and crack the Crystal Maze. In English, we will start to read our book, Floodland, and thinking about what is going to happen next. In Maths, the children will be learning about place value up to 10 million and creating different representations of these numbers. In Science, we will be beginning our topic of Properties and Changing of Materials.
In addition, both Year 5 classes will have their P.E. sessions on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure that the children have there full PE kit not just for these days but for everyday of the week.
Welcome back to all year 5s! This week we are holding our own General Election. Mrs Bryden has given £200 to year 5s to spend how we see fit. The children have come up with parties and decided exactly how they are going to spend the money. They are going to be going to other classes to persuade them to vote for them. Voting will take place on Thursday.
Year 5 have finished our book, The Firework-Maker's Daughter. We will be giving our opinions and writing reviews this week. The children have thoroughly enjoyed the story, engaging well with the characters and descriptive language.
In maths, we have been looking at percentages. This has involved finding equivalents for percentages and then applying our knowledge in word problems.
Year 5 have had a fantastic Spring term and are looking forward to the Summer term.
We are coming to the end of our book ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter.’ The children have produced some fantastic pieces of writing from letters to holiday brochures to chapter endings. The children have been working hard on using all the grammatical features that we have learnt over the year so far.
In Maths, we have been working on converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. The children have also been working on finding fractions and percentages of different amounts.
In topic, we have been building our volcanoes they are looking brilliant and we are very excited to be exploding them next week!
Year 5 had a fantastic World Book Day. We read the start of a story called ‘The Story Stealer’ with the children then writing their own endings. We had some fantastic ideas and they created some amazing stories. Congratulations to Daniel Salter and Emily Henderson-Scott who won the year 5 prizes.
In Maths, we have been looking at decimals and fractions. The children thoroughly enjoyed heading outside on a fraction and decimal hunt, they then were multiplying the numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
Yesterday in maths we went outside on a number hunt. The children had to find a range of numbers then multiplied them by 10, 100 and 1000. They thoroughly enjoyed this activity!
In English, we have been continuing reading ‘The Firework Maker’s daughter.’ The children have been writing persuasively looking at a range of different sentence openers and using relative clauses in their writing.
In Maths, we have begun to look at decimals. The children have been looking at different ways of representing decimals using a range of different resources. We will be moving onto looking at comparing decimals and fractions.
In topic the children are creating their own presentations on different volcanoes using the ipads to carry out research.
Hope that everyone has had a lovely half term. I am looking forward to seeing all of Sparrow class tomorrow. Here are a few photos from the end of last half term. We enjoyed a visit from the author James Campbell. The children wrote some brilliant stories after he left us all inspired!
In English we are continuing to read ‘The Firework Maker’s daughter’. The children have been acting out parts of the story and then using this to help them write playscripts. We have also been writing our own end to the story using the text to predict what will happen next.
In Maths, we have been looking at fractions. The children have been learning about fractions of shape and number including converting improper fractions to mixed number fractions and representing these visually and in abstract form.
In topic, we have been looking at the different types of volcanoes. The children have been looking at the similarities and differences between shield, composite and cinder cone volcanoes.
January 2017
In Maths, we have begun learning about fractions. We have looked at representing them visually, finding equivalents and comparing them.
In English, we have started our new book ‘The Firework- Makers’ Daughter’ by Phillip Pullman which links to our current topic of Volcanoes and Earthquakes. The children have been writing in role as the characters from the book.
In art, we are looking at the work of Edvard Munch. In particular we will be creating our own ‘Scream’ pictures.
We are looking forward to lots of amazing work from year 5 this term!
Miss King and Mr Clipsham
Sparrow class have had a brilliant morning with our artist in residence, Mr Cornell. They have been looking at Mayan art which is one of the influences of art deco. Then they went on to use the computer software Sketch up to produce some 3d digital pictures. They started with pencil lines, then added black blocks of paper then moved onto working on the computer. They all really enjoyed it and produced some brilliant art work.
Well done Sparrows!
Welcome back for another year at The Round House! We hope you had a wonderful time off during the summer holidays and are looking forward to the year ahead. Please find below a summary of the main learning areas during the first term this year along with some general reminders.
Each Key Stage Two class will now be handing out Literacy homework on a Thursday and it will need to be returned by the following Tuesday. Children need to remember to return their homework on time, as failure to do so could impact on their end of term reward day. We expect the children to spend one hour on each piece of homework, to ensure it is completed to a good standard. Homework books must be handed in every week, and not at the end of each term.
For their numeracy homework, the children will be using Maths Whizz (www.whizz.com ), an online maths education website that is tailored to each individual child. The children are required to complete one hour of maths whizz per week. Maths Whizz will start each Monday, and one hour must be completed by each Sunday evening. If your child has no access to the internet, there are several homework clubs after school where they can complete their maths whizz homework (please refer to after school club letter for dates and times).
In Year 5, children need to read for the equivalent of at least 15 minutes every school night (it might be that some nights they read more than other nights). They need to complete their reading record each time they read. We would very much appreciate you listening to your child’s reading /discussing their book with them at least twice a week and on these occasions request that you sign your child’s reading record book and, if possible, add a comment. This will really help your child to progress in reading and writing. Every morning reading records will be checked, so we value any feedback you can provide us with.
In addition, children are required to practise multiplication tables and division facts to aid rapid recall. Every week there will be an informal check as part of the maths lesson. Your child may bring their times table sheet home to practise.
Year 5 will have PE sessions every Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school at all times, and are prepared for the unpredictable British autumn weather.
There will be a fortnightly newsletter where we will update you on our learning over the term, particularly our literacy and numeracy units, and we will provide any extra details you will need (e.g. changes to timetables, notifications, etc). There will be regular updates over the term on our class pages on the school webpage, plus information on our facebook and twitter pages.
We are looking forward to an exciting year ahead, and thank you in advance for your support.
Miss King
Year 5 have had a good couple of weeks. They have been working well in all subjects. This week has been assessment week the children have been working hard completing their assessments. We have had Mr Cornell in with year 5 for the past 2 days doing computer based art.
Year 5 have had a good start to the summer term and have been working really hard so far in all subjects.
In Maths, we have been looking at fractions, finding equivalent fractions and using our knowledge from previous lessons to find common factors..
In English we are reading ‘The Adventures of Odysseus’ the children have been writing in character as Odysseus. We are also going to be retelling the story of Polyphemus and making our own models of the different characters.
In our topic lessons, we have been looking at the Ancient Greeks.
Today, Year 5 have been using their investigative and problem solving skills to compete in the Mathematical Crystal Maze Challenge. We all did a lot of thinking and had a lot of fun too!
Week beginning 22/02
It has been a great start back after the half term break, in Year 5. This week we have been lucky enough to have had a number of visitors in to share activities and stories. When Mr Cornell visited, we learnt about the use of art and propaganda during wartime and the children looked at a number of different artists and then made up their own pictures which they then went on to print using ink
In the run up to World Book Day, in English, we have been reading The Tunnel by Anthony Browne. The children have written poetry and newspaper reports and have retold the story in their own words.
In Maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge on written methods and have been looking at adding and subtracting fractions.Week beginning 18/01/16
W/C 07/12/15
Sparrows have had a fantastic week this week. In DT we have been looking at different ways to build bridges. The children then went away and designed their own bridges and have been working in small groups to build their bridges. I have been very impressed with how well they have been working together. Keep up the good work Sparrows!
W/C 16/11/15
Year 5 have had a fun filled week this week. In English the children have continued to look at the Wind in the Willows. They have written a description for a missing poster as well as predicting what will happen next in the story. We have also continued to work on our spelling and grammar.
In maths we have been investigating fractions of shapes and have started to look more closely at equivalent fractions. We have begun to compare and order fractions and we will be continuing this work for the next few weeks.
On Thursday 19th November the year 5 children went to Winhills to take part in an inter trust sporting event. The children competed in tag rugby, football and dodgeball. Well done to all that took part.
Year 5 have had a fantastic day today. This morning we walked down to the river to take photos for our topic and art lessons. The children have taken some fantastic photos and will be using these to create their own pictures. I am really looking forward to seeing their work over the next few weeks!
In English this term, we have been reading 'The Wind in the Willows.' We have written in a range of styles already, focusing on recounts, speech and poetry. This week we have been looking in depth at writing persuasively. The children have produced some fantastic letters in role as Mole.
In Maths this half term we have been learning about factors and multiples. To explore these concepts, the children made factor bugs. We will be going on to learning about fractions.
In Science this half term we have begun to learn about properties and changes in material.
In Maths we have been looking at written methods in addition and subtraction and have been applying this when solving problems. In the next few weeks we will be looking at measuring angles.
In English, Year 5 have been writing in a range of styles, to explore the story of ‘The Wind in the Willows’. The children have been writing in the role of Moley.
In our topic lessons for the next couple of weeks we will be exploring the features of a River.
September 2015
Welcome back Sparrow class! I hope that you have all had a lovely summer holiday and are looking forward to an exciting year!
This term our topic is 'Go with the flow.' We will be looking at Rivers, learning about the features of rivers and researching about different famous Rivers. We will be focusing on the River Great Ouse and finding out all about it.
In Maths this term, we will begin by revisiting place value. We will then be recapping on the four operations, learning and consolidating new methods to solve more challenging calculations. During the term there will be an emphasis on improving our mental maths skills and abilities in problem solving. Children will be expected to continue to learn their times tables in order to rapidly recall these facts. Other areas to be covered are fractions, shape, data handling, patterns and sequences.
This term the book we are studying is ‘The Wind in the Willows’. This links in with our topic of Rivers by taking us on a journey down the course of a River. A range of different genres will be covered, both fiction and non-fiction. Throughout the term we will continue to work on our reading skills, placing a further emphasis on inference. Spelling, grammar and punctuation will be a key focus within writing and lesson time.
This term our PE lesson will take place on a Monday and a Thursday. Please ensure that your children have full PE kit in school including a change of socks.
We are looking forward to a fun term.
Year 5 have had a fantastic return to school this week and have all been working really hard. In numeracy we have been looking at addition and subtraction and solving problems involving both functions. In Literacy we have been reading more of 'Shackleton's Journey' and acting out different scenes from the adventure.
This half term our topic in science is 'Life' the children will be learning about all aspects of different animals lives.
We will be having outdoor PE on a Monday and indoor PE on a Tuesday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit in school at all times.
Year 5 have been working brilliantly this term so far. In English the children have been learning about 'Shackleton's Journey'. They have been taking on the role of different crew members, researching them and writing fact files ready to start writing a log book next week. The children have also enjoyed writing their own CVs in character and then role playing interviews to be employed to go on the journey.
In Maths the children have been learning about fractions. They have been working really well, we have been looking at how to multiply fractions and mixed number fractions by whole numbers. Keep up the good work!
In topic we are learning about Empire. We have spent the first few weeks learning about the world, labelling the continents and oceans and learning which countries were affected by the British Empire.
In numeracy we have been learning about the properties of shape and reading and writing coordinates for the past week. We will be moving on to using fractions in division.
In literacy, year 5 have been writing in a range of styles, to explore the story of the Firework Maker’s Daughter. The children have written letters, used speech punctuation to write interviews and time connectives to write instructions.
In our topic lessons for the next couple of weeks we will be making a volcano and researching Pompeii.
Spring 2 - 23/02/15
Welcome back Sparrows! Hope that you all had a lovely half term and are looking forward to an exciting rest of this term! We are carrying on with our topic of Volcanoes and Earthquakes and will be making our own volcano in DT! We will also be looking at famous volcano eruptions that have happened in the past.
In Numeracy, Year 5 have been focussing on multiplication, division and measurement for the last couple of weeks. We will be continuing with mental multiplication and division methods then we will be looking at efficient written methods before moving on to Geometry.
For Literacy, the children have started reading ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter.’ To start with we have created poetry using figurative language. In the next couple of weeks, the children will continue the topic by focussing on instruction writing and persuasion. Using features from the text to aid with their own writing. In Science we will continuing looking at light.
PE this half term will be outside on a Wednesday (tag rugby) and indoors on a Thursday (zumba).
We are looking forward to an exciting half term!
Miss King and Mr Olsen
Spring 1 - 23/01
We have had a fantastic week in year 5 this week. In Literacy the children have been using the iPads, computers and books to research information on Volcanoes and Earthquakes, taking notes then using the notes to turn into sentences to present to the rest of the class. We had some fantastic performances! In Numeracy this week we have been learning about Roman Numerals, the children have been reading, writing and creating their own codes using them. In the second part of the week the children looked at efficient methods for calculating addition and subtraction questions, they decided whether to use mental or written methods and then used these to begin to solve word problems. In Science this week we have finished our topic on forces with the children cementing their knowledge by producing a poster to show their learning. We also had a visit from reception to listen to a performance of our Earth and Space song to help them with their topic this term.
Spring 1 - 09/01/15
Welcome back to all year 5, we hope that you had a lovely Christmas and are ready for an exciting term. Our topic this term is going to be Volcanoes and Earthquakes – Life on the Fault Line. In literacy we are looking at information texts and we will be creating our own powerpoints based on our topic, with the children researching their own interests. In numeracy for the next few weeks we will be continuing place value and then moving on to learning about roman numerals. In science for the next few weeks we will be finishing off our topic on forces, where the children have been doing experiments to test different forces. PE this term for year 5s will be indoor gymnastics on a Monday and outdoor netball on a Wednesday. Please ensure PE kit is in school at all time.
Year 5 have had a fantastic week this week. In literacy we have been writing our own Mayan myths to explain a phenomenon using figuarative language, speech and varying our sentences for effect. In numeracy this week we have been using efficient written methods in both subtraction and addition word problems, using the RUCSAC method (ask your children to explain!) to solve.
This week we have also learnt the colours and numbers in french and we have been learning about why there is day and night.
Well done year 5 for some great work this week. Keep it up!
Doves and Sparrow classes have moved back to a more regular timetable this week, after all the work we did for our Ancient Maya topic during ‘Creative Week.’ However, as our current literacy unit is ‘Myths and Legends’ we decided to continue the link to the Ancient Maya by looking at their ancient stories. The children have read and dramatized the story of the Hero Twins and have started to explore what features make a good myth or legend.
In numeracy we have been concentrating on ‘Place Value’. The children have been learning how to read, write and order numbers all the way to a million and have also begun to look at rounding and estimating.
Science for the next half term is ‘Earth and Space’. Today the children researched the definitions of a number of scientific words and identified what they already knew about the topic and what they wanted to find out.
Welcome back Doves and Sparrows!!
We have had an excellent first week or so back in which the children have settled into school well. To start with, Doves and Sparrows began to decorate their classrooms and did some teambuilding games together.
In year 5, the children have also started to explore their topic for this term, of the Ancient Maya, which culminated in a Maya Day on Thursday.
First, using their map skills, the children identified where the Maya came from and, with the use of a timeline, how long their civilisation lasted. For their Maya day, Doves and Sparrows made masks, headdresses and jewellery, played the Ancient Maya game of pok-a-tok (similar to basketball) and ate traditional Maya food.
On Friday we also had a fantastic Sports Day and Mr Olsen and I were very impressed with the effort that year 5 put in. Well done to everyone who took part!
Just as a reminder, the children will be doing sport on a Tuesday and Wednesday, however PE kits need to be in all week. Given that we are approaching winter, can you please ensure that the children have appropriate (ie warm) clothing for the unpredictable British weather?
In addition, homework books will be sent out on a Thursday and will be expected in the following Tuesday. Children need to spend 1 hour on literacy homework each week and as always the children need to try their best.
Children are required to practise multiplication tables and division facts to aid rapid recall. Every week there will be an informal check as part of the maths lesson. Your child may bring their times table sheet home to practise.
Lastly, we have been really impressed with how smart the children in year 5 look in their school uniforms. We hope that this trend continues for the rest of the term.
This week we started our new topic of ‘Older Literature’, where we are focusing on the works of Rudyard Kipling, including ‘The Jungle Book’ and ‘Just So Stories’. We have been reading, comparing and contrasting classic fiction with contemporary literature.
In Numeracy we have been working through a maths unit that includes written and mental methods for addition and subtraction, rounding, problem solving, and investigating puzzles and patterns.
This week we were lucky enough to go to the St. Neots safety zone held at the St Neots Fire Station. The children learnt about how to keep safe in a range of environments including activies with a dog warden, paramedic, police and the fire brigade.
Today the children practised their dance for the end of year production, which is already starting to look great.
Well done on a good half term. Have a fantastic break and we look forward to seeing you in June!
Busy week in year 5!
In our literacy topic we are learning about stories from other cultures. Given the World Cup hosts are Brazil this year, we have been focussing on stories from the Amazon Rainforest. One of the stories we have been reading is called the Shaman’s Apprentice and today the children re-enacted scenes from it as a way to help them understand the motives and feelings of the main characters, while also working on their drama techniques.
In numeracy the children have been concentrating on solving tricky word problems, using all four functions. We have paid particularly close attention to making sure we always read the question carefully by recognising the important information.
We have continued our science topic this week by looking at the process of condensation and within our ‘Under the Canopy’ topic we have used atlases and globes to understand the importance of maps.
Well done Sparrows!
It's been a great start to the Summer term in year 5!
Because we celebrated Easter on Sunday, we thought that it would be a good idea this week to explore the Easter story in detail. The children have done a lot of work this week debating the life and legacy of Jesus Christ, the roles his disciples and others played in his final days and what his crucifixion means to Christians around the world.
We also have begun to research our topic this term which is The Rainforest. In light of the world cup being hosted in Brazil, we are concentrating on the human and physical geography of South America.
The children discussed what they already knew about rainforests and rivers, before posing questions about what they would like to find out about during the term.
Linked with our topic is our first Literacy topic of the term, Stories from other cultures. We have read The Shaman's Apprentice by Lynne Cherry and learnt about many of the important plants in the rainforest and we have also read The Great Kapok Tree, also by Lynne Cherry, and learnt about the importance of looking after the rainforests of the world.
The children have identified interesting words and descriptions and other textual features which they will eventually use to write their own story.
This friday the children learnt about sport relief and took part in the 'Sport Relief Mile'. The weather was beautiful and the children loved having the opportunity to visit St Neots Football Club, to use the 3G astro turf pitch as our running track.
This week we have started a new Literacy Unit 'Stories by Significant Authors'. Over the past week we have been learning about Roald Dahl and some of his amazing stories. During this first week we have been engrossing ourselves in different texts, including: Georges Marvellous Medicine, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and James and the Giant Peach. Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on James and the Giant Peach, and learning how to write like Roald Dahl.
Dear Year 5 Parent/Carers,
In music over the next few weeks we are looking at African cyclic patterns. As well as using drums and other percussion instruments, we are hoping to make our own shakers and bells as many African children do, and then use them in our music.
Please can you help us collect junk material that would be suitable for instrument making. eg plastic bottles, bottle tops, foil and baking parchment, string, cardboard boxes, wire, yogurt pots, beads and anything else that your child feels is needed for their instrument of choice.
Thank you for your help,
Mrs Rodgers
We have had another fantastic week in year 5 and the children have been working exceptionally hard.
In numeracy, we started the week with the children conducting surveys, filling in frequency tables and producing their own graphs. Today we focussed on scales and measurement. Some children were concentrating on capacity while others looked at weight.
In literacy, we have been continuing with analysing the 'Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes. The children made story boards of the poem, which they used to create freeze frames and for the last two days the children planned and performed a choral performance.
In addition, in preparation for the next topic, we also read through George's Marvellous Medicine and because of World Book Day, a number of the children came in with an item of red and white striped clothing, in tribute to Where's Wally?
In year 5 this week the children have been working extremely hard with their assessments. The results have been very pleasing so far and the children should be very proud of what they have achieved!
Well done Sparrows!
Aside from the tests, the children have also been continuing with learning about 'Britain since 1948'. In our topic lessons we have been researching about the Empire Windrush - where it came from; who was on board; and why it came to Britain.
Another good week in year five.
This week we have been learning about the properties of different 2D shapes, in particular, lines of symmetry and parallel and perpendicular lines.
We have come to the end of our persuasive texts unit in literacy and the children have created some fabulous persuasive posters. Through this unit and especially the last week, thier ICT skills have developed and they are now confident with using Microsoft Publisher.
During this week's science lesson, the children created an 'Earth, Sun and Moon' model and learnt about the different phases of the moon.
Our focus this week in topic has been 'School Life'. The children made notes whilst watching a video about what school was like in the 1950s. They then performed a short drama piece, to get into character, and have now begun to plan and write a diary entry, as if they were a child in the 1950's.
On Monday we had a visit from Luke Temple, who inspired the children with a dramatic and spooky reading from two of his books. Many of the children were then lucky enough to grab themselves a signed copy, when Luke Temple returned the next day.
In Numeracy this week, we have been looking at mental methods of calculation for multiplication and division. We also looked at common multiples and the children made factor bugs to find all the factors of a number.
In Literacy we have continued looking at persuasive texts and the children have started to design a persuasive poster, on the topic of Homework.
This week, the children have been working incredibly well in their numeracy. We have been securing our knowledge of subtraction and addition and are are now moving on to mental calculation strategies.
In literacy, having explored the features of persuasive writing for the past two weeks, the children wrote their own persuasive letters to Mrs Bryden about possible activities for Reward Day.
Mr Brereton
This week the children have worked exceptionally hard in numeracy refining their written methods for answering addition questions.
In literacy we have identified the features of persuasive letters, collected examples of them and learnt how to extend sentences, using a range of connectives.
On friday, we were lucky enough to have a visitor in to help us improve our team building skills. The children were learning to enhance their communication and listen skills and to realise the importance of every member of the group.
Mr Brereton.
Welcome to Sparrow's page! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year!
I can't quite believe that 2014 is here already; I am very excited about the term ahead!
Spring Term/ 1st Half Curriculum
Literacy –
In Literacy we will be looking at persuasive texts. During the first phase of this unit we will be engrossing the children in different text types, for example, letters, leaflets, newspapers, magazines and TV adverts. They will then be using the key features of these to write a persuasive letter. Later in this unit, the children will get to design a poster or leaflet advertising/persuading on an issue related to our topic.
Writing Targets - Each child has two personal targets to improve his/ her writing. These are reviewed regularly so we can move the children's writing on as quickly as possible.
Spelling - Spelling is extremely important. We will continue to follow the Support for Spelling programme this term.
Numeracy - In numeracy we will begin by focusing on place value, addition and subtraction written methods. We will then continue to work through the units for this term. Please check out our fortnightly newsletter for this information, as there is too much to add here! In numeracy the children are flexibly grouped between Sparrows and Doves, and they will be taught exactly what they need to know to achieve their potential and be challenged.
Topic - This term's topic will be how Britain has changed since 1948. Throughout this topic we will be focusing on important figures from this period and important changes to British life, for example: work, population structure and technology.
Science - In science, the children will be learning about the ‘Earth, Sun and Moon’. We will be looking at seasons, phases of the Moon, shadows and why the Sun appears to be moving.
Starting this week, and for the remainder of the term, Year 5 will be looking at 'Film Narrative.' In particular, we are focusing on the work of Raymond Briggs and his stories, The Snowman, Father Christmas and The Bear. The children are looking at the similarities and differences between this style of storytelling and more traditional styles.
At the end of the unit, the children will be writing a commentary to one of the three stories.
We have been honing our multiplication and division written methods, and we are ecstatic to say that the children have all made tremendous progress, especially with division. Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on fractions.
We have learnt about a variety of different aspects in relation to 'Changing Sounds'. During the next week, we will be focusing on the differences in pitch musical instruments can create, and begin to discuss and explore how this is possible.
Just a reminder that, if it is late/ not completed to a good standard, Reward Day will be affected. Children who chose to hand their homework in termly, must do so on Monday 16th December.