Welcome to Puffin Class!
2024/25 Class Information
Your teachers are Mr Hills and Mrs Lawson.
We can't wait to get started this term and will be adding information below regarding what we get up to.
A quick reminder to start that our PE day is Friday so please make sure that the correct PE kit is in on this day but that it stays in school all week in case it is required. Please also contact the office directly to let them know if your child has permission to walk home.
Many thanks,
The Year 4 Team
Writing suggestion homework
1) Write an advert to persuade people to buy the most scrumptious, delicious cake on the planet. How would you describe the cake? Why do people need to buy the cake? How are you going to persuade them to buy it?
2) Write a non-chronological report about your favourite animal. Your subheadings could be: what they look like? What do they eat? Where is their habitat? and any interesting facts.
3) If you were an adventurer, where would you go? Describe your journey.
4) Pretend to be a child growing up in the Roman era and, write a diary entry about your day. What did you have to do? where did you go to relax? Where would you stay? What dangers would you come across?
5) 100 Word Challenge.
Write a small piece of writing. It must:
WB: 27th January 2025
Good afternoon all.
We've had another busy and exciting week in Year 4, with pupils taking part in lots of fun activities—including play auditions!
Maths: We have been using our knowledge to calculate the perimeter and area of different shapes. Pupils have enjoyed discussing their strategies for working these out.
English: We have been writing letters linked to our class book, Varjak Paw, with a focus on improving vocabulary choices to engage the reader.
Science: In science pupils have been identifying solids, liquids and gases and investigating the different properties of the materials.
PE: Our focus this term is on Football and Hockey. So far, we have been developing our football skills, concentrating on passing, dribbling, and this week's focus—attacking towards goal.
History: We are exploring the Tudors and learning about the significance of King Henry VIII. Pupils have demonstrated their understanding by creating comic strips to highlight key historical events.
Geography: We have been working on fieldwork skills. Pupils designed and conducted short surveys around the school and created maps using keys to identify key features.
Art: Pupils have explored sculptures and experimented with creating their own using soap and tools.
I hope you’ve had a chance to practise some new spelling strategies at home!
Please ensure 30mins of Times Tables Rock Stars homework is completed, along with regular reading at home.
PE is on Monday, but we recommend bringing kits in all week to ensure they are available if needed.
WC 7th October 2024
This week in Year 4, we have focused on rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, and 1,000, giving the pupils opportunities to apply this in real-life situations. In English, pupils have been writing narratives, concentrating on building tension within their sentences. This ties into our class book Oliver and the Seawigs, where Oliver is travelling through a sea of stinking seaweed and the further he goes in, the more intense the smell becomes. Pupils have also worked on enhancing their word choices and using vocabulary that builds and grows. In Science, we investigated different animals and their teeth, examining their diets and explaining how these relate to their canines, molars, and incisors. In History, we have continued our learning based around Ancient Egyptians, focussing on their hierarchy and how their society was structured. On Thursday afternoon, we celebrated World Mental Health day and completed a number of activities focussed on our mental health and well-being. In the afternoon, the pupils participated in a range of activities including a Zoom session with premier league footballer Reece James, who spoke about resilience.
Wednesday 25th September 2024
Puffins have been enjoying their art lessons over the last week in which they have created a collage and their own scratch/reveal pictures using wax crayons and black paint. They showed great resilience as they trialled different tools and hatching techniques to scratch away the black paint to reveal the colourful crayon beneath. In English, the children have started to put together some really impressive paragraphs about our book "Oliver and the Seawigs" as they develop their use of different sentence types and start to structure their paragraphs with greater consideration. The are really impressing with their ability to demonstrate how they are becoming more cohesive writers as they begin to show greater control of their use of different sentence types.
We are coming to the end of our Stone Age topic in History and are looking at how this age developed into the Bronze Age and Iron Age and the children have really relished the opportunity to understand some of the fantastic vocabulary these subjects have provided. We are also looking forward to switching over to learning about the Ancient Egyptians next week.
Great work Puffins - keep it up!
Tuesday 17th September 2024
Puffin class have had a great first few backs in school. We have dived into our history topic of the Stone Age and learned all about how humans developed over this time. In Science, we are looking at food and digestion and modelled how this system works using cereal, tights and orange juice! The children also made some truly impressive models of their teeth, labelling the different types of teeth and their functions. Well done Puffins - a great start to the year!
Thursday 27th April
In Maths, we have been finding equivalent fractions with different denominators. We have learnt how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers to help our understanding. This week, we have moved onto learning about decimals and how they link with fractions. The children have discovered which fractions are equivalent to decimals and why, using the place value grids.
In English, we have recently begun our main text this term, Varjak Paw. In our English lessons, we have written a diary based on Varjak’s experiences in his home, discussing the main events and incorporated various emotions that he felt within the text. Discussing with their partners, the children have use a range of sentence structures and included both subordination and a range of adverbials to make their writing interesting.
Thursday 16th March
In English, the children have now finished the book Floodland and so we have focussed this week on poetry and using the book The Ink House, which the children used on World Book Day, to write a recipe for an incredible Mocktail to drink at the Annual Extravaganza. This has allowed the children to really explore and push their vocabulary to richly describe their work to make it sound as appealing and delicious as possible.
In Maths, we have continued to focus on fractions, looking at the relationship between parts and whole and really investigating what the denominator ad numerator represent within a fraction in different contexts. The children have used blocks, shapes and drawings to fully understand and describe these which gives them a firm base to explore fractions further in the coming weeks.
In Science we have continued to look at Living Things and their Habitats, focussing on categorising animals into different kingdoms using a dichotomous key and they were able to use this to make their own branching diagrams to identify different mini-beasts.
Well done to both classes for their excellent attitude to their assessments last week. Rehearsals for our performance are in full swing with the children really engaging with their parts and focussing on the acting.
Thursday 19th January
In English, Year 4 have started to work on the book Floodland which is set in a dystopian version of England where the sea has risen and flooded the country, leaving behind only a few habitable islands. The children have been working on their narrative writing, focussing on using adverbials to include additional information to enrich their work. Both classes have also concentrated on how to use dialogue effectively through accurate punctuation and how to convey character through effective word choice.
In Maths, Puffin and Warbler classes have been working on their strategies to solve the three, six- and nine-times tables. We then used these strategies to solve various word problems including how to approach more complicated sums including multiplying three numbers together.
In Science, the children have continued to investigate sound and how it travels by looking at how far the sound waves of different instruments travel and applying their understanding of sound as vibrations to explain what is happening.
In History, the Tudor period is our topic with the monarchs and the wives of Henry VIII as our current area of focus as we aim to understand the impact of the events surrounding these people and the impact it had on England.
Friday 9th December
This week in English, the children have had a History focus with the children writing an essay response to “How was Ancient Egypt similar or different to life today?”. The children presented the knowledge that they have gained this term which included discussing social hierarchy, their beliefs, mummification and the pyramids, linking back to the how each topic compared with life today. In Maths, both classes have now moved on to multiplication and division, focussing on the different ways that these operations can be expressed.
In Science, Puffins have explored how temperature changes states of matter through looking at melting and freezing as well as evaporation and condensation. They discussed how these processes were reversible and how heating and cooling were used to change the state of water. Practically, the children then explored how they could change the rate at which states of matter changed by using a range of scientific equipment.
Monday 14th November
In English, the children have been exploring how to use adverbials to add extra information to a sentence about how, where and when things happen. They then used this to improve a paragraph written about our book Oliver and the Seawigs. Moving on from this, both classes have been looking at newspaper reports and have rewritten a dramatic scene from our class book in this style.
In Maths, we have been looking at solidifying their understanding of the column method for addition and subtraction to ensure they can explain the different parts of the method and can choose the most efficient way to solve our questions. They have also continued to work on using efficient strategies to solve a range of times tables with additional focus on our arithmetic.
In Science we have started our new subject States of Matter and Puffins and Warblers have been considering the particle structure of solids, liquids and gases to see how these compare between the different states. These structures link to the properties of the different states and the children have demonstrated their understanding of this through drawing pictures and classifying items into the three groups
Thursday 3rd November
In English, we have continued our work on Oliver and the Seawigs and have written a letter to one of the characters to try to persuade him to continue his journey despite a challenging setback. The children thought about making their point, providing evidence for this reason using subordinating conjunctions, explaining it further with adverbials (such as therefore) and then adding further reasons using adverbials of addition (furthermore).
In Maths, we have been looking at adding three numbers together and explaining why we make certain decisions based on the facts that we know so that we can dd together more accurately and efficiently. This then leads on to picking the best strategy for different sorts of questions by applying their knowledge of complements to 100 and number bonds.
In Science, we finished our work on Electricity by recapping the dangers of electricity and how we can recognise and explain these dangers based on what we have learned – such as not putting a knife in a toaster as it is made from metal which is a conductor of electricity. We are moving on to learning about different states of matter – how to recognise, group and define different objects based on their properties.
In Computing, the children continued their computing learning by looking at loops in programs. The children created a piece of music, on scratch, using repetitive loops to keep the sound continuing. In Art, the children have started learning about the formal elements of art. This week, they have developed their mark making skills by creating marks to a feeling prompt. For example, a mark to show happiness, sadness, excited or confused. In DT, Year 3 and 4 will be constructing and evaluating the castles that they have been designing from a mixture of 3D paper shapes (made from nets) and recycled materials.
Thursday 20th October
This week, Year 4 attended a sports event at Winhills where they played dodgeball, football and netball, demonstrating excellent sportsmanship and team working. They have also continued to learn about Rock and Roll, singing and playing along on a glockenspiel to some classic rock and roll tracks. In English, we have continued to base our work around the book Oliver and the Seawigs and have been focussing on narrative writing with complex sentences. During Maths lessons, Addition and Subtraction is now the focus with children investigating different ways to represent their numbers using bar models and part-whole models. Our Electricity topic in Science has now come to an end and the children have been demonstrating their knowledge of this through constructing switches and explaining how these work. Both classes are also now in a position to begin the construction of their castles after half term as they have been building and decorating nets in preparation. Their castles will be a combination of 3D nets and recycled material so please do remember to send any boxes, tubes, roll etc in with your children after the half term. We hope you have a fantastic week off and look forward to the next half-term.
In Maths, Puffin and Warbler classes have been embedding their understanding of a number's place value by understanding the difference between digits and number. Using real life contexts, physical resources and drawings, they have been manipulating numbers and looking at how you can partition them to understand what they represent and therefore how to use them effectively. Times tables is also a major focus this year and we are developing different methods to help work these out effectively.
In English, we have completed a short segment of work based on the book 'Stone Age Boy' which has linked to our history topic, the Stone Age. We have focussed on using basic punctuation, subordinating conjunctions and adverbials of time to write sequentially through a range of diaries.
Electricity is the topic in our Science lessons and we have been learning about what electricity is, does and how important it is in our daily lives. We have also learned about its dangers and discussed these in the context of dangers around the home.
In Computing, the children have been continuing their E-Safety topic all about search engines and studying the trustworthiness of searched results. In Art, the children have been looking at prehistoric art and using similar techniques to create their own sketch of their class bird. In DT, Year 3 and 4 have been learning about the features of a castle. They have labelled a castle and discussed these features ready for them to design their own castles.
Wednesday 23rd February
In English, Year 4 have continued to base our work on the book “Floodland” and have been writing from the perspective of the main character Zoe, in a diary, as we learn more about this character and the strange island that she has found her self on. The children used subordination and adverbials of time to sequence the events of their diary whilst also trying to include a range of thoughts and feelings.
In Maths, we have begun to look at fractions, primarily through exploring the relationships between parts and a whole. The children have been working on building their understanding of the fundamentals of this in order to better understand what fractions are and what they can represent. The children have really impressed with their oracy around this and used sentence stems to explain what they have found.
In Science we have now finished the topic of Sound and are moving on to study Living Things and their Habitats which links well into the theme of this term’s performance that is all about rewilding. As we learn more about this in class this will complement our play really well; the practices for this have begun in earnest and the children have really impressed with their singing and delivery of their lines.
Friday 4th February
This week Year 4 have been developing their understanding of perimeter, finding the perimeter of different shapes and objects. They have learnt to find the missing lengths when given the perimeter and have been able to explain their working out. We have begun to understand what the area is and how we can calculate this. In our writing lessons, we have practised writing setting descriptions, carefully choosing our vocabulary to convey meaning and create atmosphere. In Science, we have continued our topic of Sound, learning the links between pitch, vibrations and frequency. In Computing, we have been decomposing a computer and learning about the inner components and their roles. Year 4 have auditioned for parts in our play, Project planet, and have revealed their fantastic acting skills.
Thursday 27th January
Hello, Warbler and Puffin families. We hope you are all well
We have had a great week and it is exciting to see the children really engaging with all their different subjects.
In English, we have been writing dialogues and focusing on how to show character through what our characters say and how our characters speak. As mathematicians, we have been flying in our use of the bus stop method to solve division problems and have been working on using efficient methods to solve multi-step problems. In Science, we have been investigating sound and it has been great to see the children thinking scientifically and coming up with their own methods to investigate how sound travels. Year 4 have been really enjoying learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and this week we have been working as archaeologists in the Ice Zone as well as learning about how this period in history ends with the unification of the different kingdoms to create England as we know it.
Auditions for the Year 4 play will begin next week and your child will receive a few lines on Friday to practise over the weekend. Please encourage your child to practise these as we would love to see all children auditioning for parts.
Please also remind your child to continue to work hard on their times tables and spellings. Spelling words are now being sent home on a piece of paper as well as on Spelling Shed.
We hope you all have a great weekend.
Many thanks,
Miss Parker, Mr Hills and Miss Connor
Friday 7th January
Good evening, Warbler and Puffin families. We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas holiday.
Warbler class have started the year fantastically! We are incredibly impressed with their hard work, attitude and resilience this week after the Christmas break. Year 4 have used their knowledge of different methods to problem solve with real-life scenarios.
In English we have made inferences about our new book, Floodland. We have discussed our impressions of the cover and justified these with evidence from the book. As scientists, we have investigated our new topic of sound and discovered how sounds are made as well as what amplitude is. Year 4 have begun their new topic in history, learning all about the Anglo-Saxons. We have linked this to our learning from the Autumn term and discovered where the Anglo-Saxon era sits in the chronology of historical Britain.
Please note that Warbler Class' P.E day is still Tuesday and Puffin Class is Thursday.
Please can your child remember to bring in their knowledge organiser next week and to complete their homework.
We hope you all have a great weekend.
Many thanks,
Miss Parker, Mr Hills and Miss Connor
Friday 12th November
Throughout the course of the week, Year 4 have created some fantastic work. In their English lessons, they have written a narrative to retell part of our story, Oliver and the Seawigs. Within their writing, they have included fronted adverbials to add detail about place and manner, a range of subordinating and coordinating conjunctions and some direct speech. In maths, Year 4 have started their new topic of multiplication and division. We have recapped what multiplication and division looks like in real life, what it means and how we can represent this. In addition, we have looked at the inverse of our number sentences and used a strategy to multiply and divide by 10 and 100. In Science, Year 4 have developed their knowledge of solid and liquids further, whilst in history, they have enjoyed learning about Julius Caesar. In Music, Year 4 have enjoyed creating their own musical motifs and representing this through graphic and standard notations.
Friday 5th November 2021
We've had a busy and very productive first week back after half term. The children have returned refreshed and ready to learn with the lead up to Christmas well underway!
This week the children have been learning all about persuasive writing. In English, they have written their own persuasive arguments to one of the main characters in the class book 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. This came in very handy as they needed to use this persuasive language during their Exciting Writing task on Friday. In addition, for their History lesson this week, the children created their own recruitment posters to encourage people to join the Roman Army.
In Maths, the children have been continuing to work on their addition and subtraction column method, paying particular attention to how to set out their work which helps with exchanging. On Thursday it was National Outdoor Classroom Day and the children particularly enjoyed taking their learning outside and using the natural resources to complete their own addition and subtraction questions.
Make sure you stay super safe this weekend if you attend a firework display or host your own at home.
Friday 22nd October
It has been a great last week of the half term in Puffin class with the children really enjoying finishing their testing and evaluation of their slingshot cars in DT as well as looking at shading techniques within art and learning more about roman soldiers in History.
In Maths, the children have been working on their subtraction column method, paying particular attention to how to set out their work which helps with exchanging. Whilst in English, the children really enjoyed writing a speech as a new and rather unpleasant character in our book, Stacey de Lacey, and went on to perform these with great character and confidence.
I hope you have a lovely break over the half term and look forward to starting again in November.
Friday 15th October
Puffin Class have been working incredibly hard this week. They have written a narrative using all that they have learnt this term so far. We have focussed on including a range of subordinating conjunctions, fronted adverbials and dialogue. The children have made their writing engaging and interesting to read by including a number of FANTASTICS. In Maths, we have been developing our addition and subtractions skills, using column addition and column subtraction, to begin to solve problems. Year 4 have worked hard at explaining their reasoning in maths and justifying their answers using evidence. In D.T, pupils have begun to test their slingshot cars and will soon evaluate them. In the ICE Zone, Year 4 have continued their learning on Ancient Rome and have thoroughly enjoyed this. Moreover, in science, we have experimented with different materials to investigate different insulators and conductors and how these work within a simple circuit.
Friday 8th October
This week Puffin class have been writing a setting description in English - really focussing on developing their descriptive writing and building interesting noun phrases as well as using fronted adverbials and subordinating conjunctions to improve their sentences. In Maths, we have focussed on the relationship between addition and subtraction. Our slingshot car chassis are now built and are having the car body designed and put together using purpose built nets. The children are continuing to learn about Ancient Rome in the Ice Zone and have been thoroughly enjoying their outdoor learning activities.
Friday 1st October
This week, Year 4 have written a setting description linked to the book, Oliver and the Seawigs. They have focussed on using a range of subordinating conjunctions in their writing in addition to fronted adverbials. In maths, we have continued our place value topic, comparing and ordering numbers and explaining our reasoning behind this. In D.T, we have completed our chassis to our slingshot car and have begun to design our car body to create next week. The children have continued their learning on the topic electricity and have been able to identify the different components to a circuit. The ICE Zone has been a busy learning environment where pupils have been artists, historians and website creators.
There will be many more exciting learning opportunities to come next week!
Weekly Remote Learning: 1st March - 5th March
Good morning, home learners!
We hope you all had a brilliant week and are ready for the last week of remote learning. Please try your best to be reading and practising your times tables, ready for when you are back at school soon.
Attached below is your timetable for the week. On Thursday, it is World Book Day! There will be a World Book Day email with a zoom link to follow soon. We are all very excited!
We look forward to seeing you online and discussing your brilliant learning in the feedback sessions.
Stay safe and enjoy,
Miss Parker and Mr Hills
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.10 |
12.10-12.55 |
Monday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
English feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Geography – LOCAL FIELDWORK- Lesson 2
https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/local-fieldwork-6adb |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Tuesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Non-screen activities Please choose two activities from the grid that has been sent home to you. |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Wednesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Maths feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Computing- VARIABLES IN GAMES- Lesson 2 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/variables-in-games-a78e |
Art- CREATIVE CRAFTS- Lesson 2 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/creative-craft-2b12 |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Thursday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
World Book Day 9.30am Zoom Link (to be emailed) |
Break |
World Book Day 11am Zoom Link (to be emailed) |
Lunch |
World Book Day 1.30 Zoom Link (to be emailed) |
Friday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Science – ECOSYSTEMS– Lesson 2 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/ecosystems-0008 |
PE https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/playlists
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Weekly Remote Learning: 22nd-26th February
Good morning, home learners!
Welcome to the second half of your Spring Term. We hope that you had an enjoyable break during half term and are ready to go for this half term! Whilst we are still waiting to see when you will be back in school (which we are very much looking forward to), we need to make sure we are really staying up to date with our reading and times table practise so please make sure you are giving these things your best effort!
Please see your timetable for this week below and we look forward to seeing you in lesson. We will be swapping round the subjects from this week and Mr Hills will now be teaching Maths and Miss Parker will be teaching English. We look forward to seeing you in lesson and catching up with you in the feedback sessions.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills and Miss Parker
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.10 |
12.10-12.55 |
Monday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
English feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Geography – LOCAL FIELDWORK- Lesson 1
https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/local-fieldwork-6adb |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Tuesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Non-screen activities Please choose two activities from the grid that has been sent home to you. |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Wednesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Maths feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Computing- VARIABLES IN GAMES- Lesson 1 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/variables-in-games-a78e |
Art- CREATIVE CRAFTS- Lesson 1 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/creative-craft-2b12 |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Thursday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Class circle time (Zoom link and time have been emailed) |
Outdoor Learning (see grid below) |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Friday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Science – ECOSYSTEMS– Lesson 1 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/ecosystems-0008
PE https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/playlists
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Weekly Remote Learning: 8th-12th February
Good morning, home learners!
We hope you are all well and enjoying your learning at home. Please see the new timetable for the last week of this half term. Below we have attached the computing lesson document and art, as well as the new outdoor learning activities.
We hope you have a brilliant week. Keep working hard and we shall see you all in our live lessons and afternoon feedback sessions!
Keep safe!
Mr Hills
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.10 |
12.10-12.55 |
Monday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
English feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Computing- Internet Safety.
See file below |
History – PREHISTORIC – Lesson 8 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/prehistoric-britain-b65f |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Tuesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Non-screen activities Please choose two activities from the grid that has been sent home to you. |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Wednesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Maths feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Music – RHYTHM – Lesson 5
Art- Task 3 & 4 (see PDF attached below)
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Thursday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Class circle time (Zoom link and time have been emailed) |
Outdoor Learning (see grid below) |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Friday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Science – SOUND – Lesson 5 |
PE https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/playlists
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Weekly Remote Learning: 1st-5th February
Hello home learners!
We hope you are well and keeping safe. Please see the timetable below which outlines your learning for this week. Make sure you look closely at the afternoons and follow the instructions given as there are a few more practical tasks set this week which don't involve using the Oak Learning platform.
Keep up the fantastic work and we look forward to seeing you all in our live lessons and afternoon feedback sessions!
Keep safe!
Maps for Maths:
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.10 |
12.10-12.55 |
Monday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
English feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
History – PREHISTORIC – Lesson 7 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/prehistoric-britain-b65f |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Music – RHYTHM – Lesson 4 |
Tuesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Non-screen activities Please choose two activities from the grid that has been sent home to you. |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Wednesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Maths feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Art- Task 1 & 2 (see PDF attached below)
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Geography - Hemispheres and Tropics – Lesson 3 |
Thursday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Class circle time (Zoom link and time have been emailed) |
Outdoor Learning (see grid below) |
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Friday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Science – SOUND – Lesson 4 |
PE https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/playlists
TT Rockstars
Spelling shed
10 minutes of each |
Weekly Remote Learning: 25th-29th January
Good morning all Year 4 remote learners. I hope you are well, keeping safe and had a fantastic weekend!
Below, I have copied this week's timetable. If there are any issues, please do let me know in our Feedback session.
See you at 9.30 for our English lesson!
Stay safe,
Mr Hills
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.10 |
12.10-12.55 |
Monday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
R.E – HINDUISM – Lesson 5 |
History – PREHISTORIC – Lesson 5 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/prehistoric-britain-b65f |
English feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Tuesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Music – RHYTHM – Lesson 3 |
Geography - Building Locational Knowledge: Hemispheres and Tropics – Lesson 2
Wednesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
R.E - HINDUISM – Lesson 6 |
History – PREHISTORIC – Lesson 6 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/prehistoric-britain-b65f |
Maths feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Thursday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Class circle time (Zoom link and time have been emailed) |
Outdoor Learning (see grid below) |
Friday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Science – SOUND – Lesson 3 |
PE https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/playlists
Weekly Remote Learning: 18th-22nd January
Good morning all Year 4 remote learners. I hope you had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week!
Below, I have copied this week's timetable. If there are any issues, please do let me know in our Feedback session.
See you at 9.30 for our English lesson!
Stay safe,
Mr Hills
(Please note, the zoom links are the ones that were sent last week!)
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.10 |
12.10-12.55 |
Monday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Science – SOUND – Lesson 2 |
History – PREHISTORIC – Lesson 3 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/prehistoric-britain-b65f |
English feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Tuesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Music – RHYTHM – Lesson 2 |
Geography - Building Locational Knowledge: Hemispheres and Tropics – Lesson 1
Wednesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
R.E – HINDUISM – Lesson 3 |
History – PREHISTORIC – Lesson 4 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/prehistoric-britain-b65f |
Maths feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Thursday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Class circle time (Zoom link and time have been emailed) |
PE https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/playlists
Friday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Outdoor Learning (see grid below) |
R.E - HINDUISM – Lesson 4 |
Useful links:
Oxford Owl Login - https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
TTROCKSTARS - https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/14864
SCHOOL BLOG - https://roundhouse.primarysite.blog/login/
ESPRESSO - https://online.espresso.co.uk/espresso/login/Authn/UserPassword
AR - https://ukhosted45.renlearn.co.uk/3406764
SPELLING SHED - https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login
Language Angels - https://www.languageangels.com/schools/
Weekly Remote Learning: 11th-15th January
Good morning Puffin class and welcome to your first full week of live remote learning. We are looking forward to seeing you in our first live lesson together at about 9.30 but for now please try and answer some of the questions on today’s morning slide which you can find below. The answers to a lot of these questions will be found on the next day’s slides so you can use those if you get stuck.
I have also posted some useful links below but please remember that you should aim to read for about 20 minutes today, play on TTROCKSTARs and use Spelling Shed. We are competing in a TT Rockstars tournament (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeRgj3jXMWs) and need to make sure we are giving it our best!
If you do experience any issues with the online learning, don’t panic. We can go through this in our feedback sessions and the best thing you could do if you aren’t able to access the lesson would be to read, practise your times tables or have a look at some of the links including Language Angels, Espresso and 100 Word Challenge.
For the afternoon, when you are using the Oak Academy lessons, please remember to take breaks and get up from your screen at regular intervals to get some fresh air if you are able.
Good luck. I look forward to seeing you shortly.
Mr Hills
8.45-9.30 |
9.30-10.30 |
10.30-10.45 |
10.45-12.10 |
12.10-12.55 |
Monday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Science – SOUND – Lesson 1 |
History – PREHISTORIC – Lesson 1 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/prehistoric-britain-b65f |
English feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Tuesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Music – RHYTHM – Lesson 1 |
Geography - Building Locational Knowledge: UK - Lesson 4 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/building-locational-knowledge-united-kingdom-4ae1 |
Wednesday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
R.E – HINDUISM – Lesson 1 |
History – PREHISTORIC – Lesson 2 https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/prehistoric-britain-b65f |
Maths feedback Zoom (Zoom link has been emailed with specific group time) |
Thursday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Class circle time (Zoom link and time have been emailed) |
PE https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV/playlists
Friday |
Morning work (copy of slide below the timetable) |
English Zoom - 9.30 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Break |
Maths Zoom - 11.00 start (Zoom link has been emailed) |
Lunch |
Outdoor Learning (see grid below) |
R.E - HINDUISM – Lesson 2 |
Friday 8th January 2021
Happy Friday everyone!
We are here at the end of quite a strange week so we hope you are all well, are keeping safe and are getting on OK with your remote learning. We are looking forward to seeing you via Zoom on Monday and are busy getting this ready for you to ensure it runs as smoothly as possible.
Please do get in touch via the blog and if you are having problems logging on, please do email the office for Mr Hills' or Miss Parker's attention and we can make sure you have all the correct up to date login details. We would love to hear from you!
Here are today's lessons- we hope that you enjoy them and learn lots.
Today, please complete:
Reading- 20 minutes
English - I was a rat!- Lesson 3
Maths - Time- Lesson 3
Geography - Building locational knowledge of the UK- Lesson 3
Science - Practical skills- Lesson 3
Spelling - Past and present tense- Lesson 3
P.E - Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
We hope you have a terrific day and enjoy the weekend!
Keep smiling and keep safe!
Mr Hills and Miss Parker
Thursday 7th January 2021
Good morning, everyone!
I hope you are all well and yesterday went OK.
Here are today's lessons- we hope that you enjoy them and learn lots.
Today, please complete:
Reading- 20 minutes
English - I was a rat!- Lesson 2
Maths - Time- Lesson 2
Geography - Building locational knowledge of the UK- Lesson 2
Science - Practical skills- Lesson 2
Spelling - Past and present tense- Lesson 2
P.E - Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
We hope you have a brilliant day today!
Keep smiling and keep safe!
Mr Hills and Miss Parker
Good morning Puffins,
Happy New Year!
I’m sorry that we can’t do this face to face at the moment, but I hope you have had a good break, a good rest and stayed safe!
For the next few days, you will be set a range of different online learning activities via the class page that will link out to different web pages. If you have any issues with these, please do let us know via the blog. The format for this will change on Monday so please try not to worry, give it your best and keep us up to date with how you are finding this.
We would love to hear from you!
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good morning, everyone!
I hope you are all well and are keeping safe. If you haven't already, please post a blog to let us know how you are and what was your favourite thing about the Christmas break! It’d be great to see as many people blogging as possible Let's see how many blogs we can achieve this week as our first week back learning!
Here are today's lessons- we hope that you enjoy them and learn lots.
Today, please complete:
Reading- 20 minutes
English - I was a rat!- Lesson 1
Maths - Time- Lesson 1
Geography - Building locational knowledge of the UK- Lesson 1
Science - Practical skills- Lesson 1
Spelling - Past and present tense- Lesson 1
P.E - Joe Wicks The Body Coach Workout
I hope you have a brilliant day today! I look forward to reading the blogs later.
Keep smiling and keep safe!
Mr Hills and Miss Parker
Both classes continue to enjoy our book 'Oliver and the Seawigs', upon which we continue to base our English work this term. This week we have looked at practising our reading skills including summarising and sequencing as well as using fronted adverbials within an emotive speech.
In Maths, we have continued to develop and embed the use of a column method for addition and the children have really excelled in this, using the method to bridge 10s and solve a number of different problem-solving and reasoning style questions. Next week, we will be further exploring the link between addition and subtraction and will be building our confidence using a range of mental and written methods.
In our History and Geography lessons, we continue to explore more about Ancient Egypt, learning about the gods and the incredible geography of this ancient kingdom. Whilst in Science lessons, we have now finished our Electricity topic and will be moving on to investigating different states of matter, including the different types and properties of solids, liquids and gases and how these are involved in different processes such as the water cycle.
Well done to Warblers and Puffins for a fantastic last week of this half term!
In English, we have been working on improving our verb choices. From this, we have written excellent character descriptions about the evil character, Thurlstone. In Maths, we have been improving our addition methods by adding four-digit numbers using column addition. In our Science lessons, we have learnt about insulators and conductors and both classes have conducted experiments to test their hypotheses. What a busy but brilliant week!
For D.T next term, we will be needing kitchen rolls to build castle structures so please can you collect these and bring them in after half-term, along with WELLIES for every child.
We hope you all have a fantastic half-term break!
Miss Parker & Mr Hills
Warblers and Puffins have had an excellent week! They have been working on their writing skills through writing a diary from the perspective of the main character from our class book, The Stone Age Boy. We have learnt about how the Stone Age people lived and have acted as hunters and gathers to appreciate the challenges of living in the Stone Age. In Science, both classes have continued to explore the topic of electricity and how it is generated.
Well done to all! We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Miss Parker & Mr Hills
Welcome back Puffin class!
It has been an excellent first week back and the children are settling in really well. They have been incredibly positive and resilient during the assessments this week and are producing some brilliant pieces of work.
Just a reminder that homework started yesterday. All the children need to complete 10 Spelling Shed games, 10 garage games on TT Rockstars by Monday 21st September. We recognise that there are a few issues with TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed at the moment so if your children cannot access this, please get a paper copy from us. For this week, please keep a record of how many games they have completed. There should also be 5 entries in their reading journal by Friday. Please note that reading journals and AR books should come into school every day.
If your child would like to do any writing at home, then we will share some voluntary tasks on the class pages for them.
When coming to school, please ensure that your child arrives with a sunhat and water bottle. As the weather turns, please ensure that your child have appropriate clothing in school, including wellies.
Enjoy the sunshine!
Miss Parker & Mr Hills
Tuesday 21st July
Congratulations Puffins! You have made it to the end of Year 4! Today is the last day of the school year. Well done for everything you have done, not only this term, but in the last year! You have all worked so hard, being resilient in your learning. You have adapted brilliantly to learning virtually and overcome so many challenges. You should all be incredibly proud!
Today, you are free to complete the online grids but please know there is no pressure to do all of these.
Most importantly, I hope that you all have a brilliant, restful and well-deserved summer holiday. We cannot wait to hear all about it when we are back at school. We are all looking forward to seeing you all in September.
Have a fantastic summer!
Enjoy & stay safe,
Miss Parker
Monday 20th July
Good morning Puffins! Well done for getting to, not only the last two days of the term, but nearly the end of the school year! You have all worked so hard! I am so pleased with how well you have all adapted whilst learning at home. You should all be incredibly proud of yourselves.
Today and tomorrow's activities are a bit different as there are a range of activities for you to choose from. You could maybe do 4 today and 4 tomorrow! It does not matter which order you complete these in or if you only choose a certain few to complete.
Click on the link to find an exciting, adventurous grid of indoor and outdoor learning tasks for you to dip into.
I hope you all have a fantastic last few days of home learning. Please post about your last two days on the blog- we would all love to see this before the summer holidays.
After Tuesday, you all deserve a long, restful break for working so hard. All of the teachers and myself hope that you have a wonderful summer holiday and we cannot wait to see you in September when we are all back.
Stay safe, be kind and keep smiling!
Miss Parker & Year 3/4 Team
Friday 17th July
Good morning, Puffins! I hope that you are all well and have enjoyed this week of learning. Today is your last day of online home learning with virtual lessons. Next week will be a creative week in the style of a newsletter. How exciting!
I hope you especially enjoy the maths activities today- it was a lot of fun to create!
Today you will be learning:
Begin your day with a new Early Morning Activity today!
Have an amazing day and enjoy your weekend of rest! I look forward to reading your blogs later today.
Miss Parker
Thursday 16th July
Good morning, Puffins! I hope you all had a great day yesterday. The activities for today are outlined below. I hope that you enjoy them! Today and tomorrow are our last few days of official Diamond Online 'lessons' with Monday and Tuesday next week being creative days (very exciting!).
Today you will be learning:
Try a new Early Morning Activity today!
Have a wonderful day, everyone! Please post a blog to let us know what you have been doing.
Enjoy and keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Wednesday 15th July
Good morning, Puffins! I hope that you are enjoying your week of virtual learning. Today's learning is outlined below. Please make sure you watch the mindset video as this will really help you in preparation for your day and even for September! Also, Helene Tame has recorded her final virtual assembly so please watch this by clicking this link: https://youtu.be/ICfcT6TRpVc
Today you will be learning:
Start your day with a new Early Morning Activity!
I hope you all have a fantastic day of learning and I look forward to reading the blogs later today!
Have a wonderful day!
Keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Tuesday 14th July
Good morning, everyone! I hope you had a marvellous Monday! If you haven't already, please post a blog to let us know what activities you took part in. Let's see how many blogs we can achieve this week as our last full week of school!
Here are today's lessons- we hope that you enjoy them and learn lots. I would recommend watching the mindfulness video for more information about what mindfulness is and how you can use it. It can be very effective!
Today you will be learning:
Start your day with a new Early Morning Activity!
I hope you have a brilliant day today! I look forward to reading the blogs later.
Keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Monday 13th July
Good morning, Year 3 & 4! I hope that you are all well and happy. Hopefully, you all had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather that we received this weekend! This is our last full week of online learning. Well done to everyone for their hard work, determination and resilience during this challenging time. Keep going for just one more week!
With your parents, please have a look at the Summer Reading Challenge. This looks incredibly exciting! Post a blog if you are going to start this!
Today you will be learning:
Start your day with a new Early Morning Activity!
Please take the time to watch today's assembly- it is very important. I hope you all have a brilliant day today! Make sure you take lots of learning breaks, drink lots of water and get lots of exercise during your day. Mostly, I hope that you enjoy the learning and have a happy, positive day!
Keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Friday 10th July
Happy Friday, everyone! I hope that you are all happy, safe and well.
Well done for making it to the end of another week. You only have one full week left to go until the summer holidays begin! Wow! Keep up the hard work! You are all doing so well. Remember, try to blog your work when you can so your teacher and class can see what you have been doing.
Today you will be learning:
Try a new Early Morning Activity today!
Make sure you take lots of breaks throughout the day, get some fresh air and do some exercise. I look forward to reading your thrilling blogs later today.
Have a brilliant day- hopefully we will start to see some sunshine too!
Take care,
Miss Parker
Thursday 9th July
Good morning, Puffins! I hope that you are all having a great week and enjoying your home learning. Keep working hard for the last few weeks as the summer holidays are in the horizon!
Today's activities are outlined below. I look forward to reading the blogs later to see what you have all been doing!
Today you will be learning:
Begin your day with an Early Morning Activity!
Please remember to blog about your day at some point. Your teachers and myself would love to hear how you are and what you have learnt.
Have a fantastic day of learning!
Keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Wednesday 8th July
Good morning, Puffins! I hope that you are all well and safe. Today's learning is below. If you haven't already, make sure that you try a new Outdoor Learning activity some time this week. They are available on your year group page under 'Additional Activities'. These are updated weekly so please have a peek into them!
Today you will be learning:
Begin your day with an Early Morning Activity!
I hope that you all have a fantastic day. Let us know what you have been up to today by posting a blog!
Enjoy and be safe!
Miss Parker
Tuesday 7th July
Good morning, Puffins! I hope that you are all well and enjoying this beautiful blue sky and sunshine! Well done for your excellent work yesterday. Did you know that we are nearly at the end of the term? I cannot believe it! You are all working so hard so keep this up!
Today you will be learning:
Begin your day with an Early Morning Activity!
I hope that you enjoy the tasks that we have set you today. Remember, you do not have to do everything so please just try to complete what you can. I would recommend spending 5 minutes participating in today's mindfulness as this may really help you to focus for the day.
It would be great for you to continue taking AR quizzes so make sure when you finish a book (or e-book via Oxford Owl website) that you check for a quiz and complete this when you can.
Have a brilliant day today! I look forward to reading what you have been up to on the blogs.
Enjoy and keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Monday 6th July
Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I was so glad to see some blue skies and sun on my long walks and runs this weekend. What did you all get up to?
Post something on the blog today to fill us in about your exciting weekends.
Today you will be learning:
Start your Monday with a new Early Morning Activity!
I hope you all have a brilliant day. Please make sure you take many breaks throughout the day. Today would be a lovely day to go outside and enjoy the sunshine as part of a learning break.
Have a fabulous day!
Keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Friday 3rd July
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have all had a spectacular week! It has been brilliant to hear some great feedback about the Diamond Online, that a lot of you are learning so much and really enjoying this. If you haven't already had a look at the different opportunities on the Diamond Online learning, please make sure you have a look so you don't miss any valuable opportunities.
Remember, there is no pressure for you to do everything so please just try to complete what you can. Blogging your work is a great way for teacher's to see what you have been up to and to reply to this so try posting a blog about your week, today.
Today you will be learning:
Try a new Early Morning Activity to begin your day!
I hope you have a brilliant Friday- there are so many exciting activities for you to complete! I look forward to hearing all about them.
Enjoy! Have a great weekend too!
Take care,
Miss Parker
Thursday 2nd July
Good morning, Puffins! I hope that you are well and safe. What a beautiful day it is! Let's hope it stays this way and the rain goes away.
Today's learning schedule is written below. I hope that you are enjoying the tasks that we are setting for you. Remember, we really appreciate hearing your feedback so please blog to let us know what you enjoyed or maybe we could improve.
Don't forget to watch today's story time, where we will finish reading The Truth Pixie together. (If you haven't watched the first reading last Thursday, have a look on the archives WB 22.6.20 or click here to watch the first reading https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-NoFKGSOLf2Gw7EHzErvUOduXVPS3Ebr/view. I really liked this book as it has a lot of important messages that we can think about. Let me know what your thoughts are by posting on the blog.
Today you will be learning:
Start your day with an Early Morning Activity!
Remember that you do not have to do everything. Just try to do what you can. Maybe try something new today such as an 'outdoor learning activity', if you haven't already. Try to get some fresh air during the day and drink lots to keep hydrated.
I hope you all have a brilliant day!
Take care,
Miss Parker
Wednesday 1st July
Good morning, Puffins! I hope that you are well and safe. We are half way through our week and so close to our summer holidays! Well done for working so hard. Keep going until the end of the week! You can do it!
Today's learning is written below- make sure you try today's PSHE activity. We would all love to see what you have completed so please write a blog post towards the end of the day.
Today you will be learning:
To wake you up, start your day with an Early Morning Activity!
I hope you enjoy your exciting day of learning. I look forward to reading your insightful blog posts later today. Enjoy!
Keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Tuesday 30th June
Good morning, Puffins! I hope you all had a fantastic start to the week. Today's schedule is as written below. I would recommend taking part in the Mindfulness video which is only a few minutes long.
I hope you all enjoy today's learning- let us know how you find today's work by writing on the blog! Please remember that we love seeing what work you have completed, so feel free to post an image of your work on the blog.
Today you will be learning:
Before you start any of the lessons, try an Early Morning Activity!
Have a wonderful day today. Take lots of learning breaks to rest your busy brains!
Miss Parker
Monday 29th June
Good morning, Puffins! I hope you all had a great weekend. What have you all been up to? Let us know by posting on the blog.
Today's activities are written below. This week, everything is now created and videoed by Diamond Online Teachers so hopefully you all can benefit from this. Also, you should now be able to click on your correct year group for everything and have a 'support' or 'challenge' set of tasks. We hope this really helps you with your home learning. Remember, any feedback is helpful for us to improve so post a blog to let us know how your learning is going.
If you have completed any work and would like to send it to us, you can blog your work and your teacher would be delighted to see this.
However, if you would like to send it to the Diamond Online Year 4 team for feedback, please send it to:
Today you will be learning:
Begin your day with an Early Morning Activity
I hope you all have a spectacular Monday and learn lots! Remember to take lots of breaks and get some fresh air.
Miss Parker
Friday 26th June
Happy Friday, Puffins! You have completed another week of brilliant home learning- well done! Thank you for all of your hard work and effort this week. We are all so impressed. Today's schedule of work is outlined below. Try to take some time to virtually visit the National History Museum. This looks incredible! Let us know what you discover by posting a blog.
Today you will be learning:
Try a new Early Morning Activity to begin your day!
I hope you have a fantastic day today and enjoy your weekend. Make sure you seek plenty of fresh air to fuel your growing brains.
Enjoy and keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Thursday 25th June
Good morning, Puffins! I hope you are all well and joyful. We are nearly at the end of this week's online learning and we are also nearly half way through our year (6 months exactly until Christmas Day!) I hope you are learning lots and enjoying the online learning. I look forward to reading how today has been on the blogs.
Today you will be learning:
Why not have a go at a new Early Morning Activity to start your day?
Try your best with today's lessons and activities. Maybe try some of the tasks outside if you can today? Keep well hydrated and take lots of rests and breaks in the shade.
Have a fantastic day!
Stay safe in the heat and keep positive!
Miss Parker
Wednesday 24th June
Good morning Puffins! I hope you all made the most of the lovely sunny weather yesterday! Please let us know what you have done by writing on the blogs. Keep up the brilliant work today and try to challenge yourself if you can!
Today you will be learning:
Why not have a go at a new Early Morning Activity to start your day?
Make sure that you get lots of fresh air and exercise throughout your day by maybe going for a walk or skip. I hope you enjoy today's lessons. Let us know how you find them by blogging.
Stay smiling!
Miss Parker
Tuesday 23rd June
Good morning, Puffins! I hope you all had a brilliant Monday. Make sure you take some time outside today to appreciate this fabulous weather.
Well done to everyone for putting so much effort into your home learning. I am so pleased to see so many of you working so hard and creating fantastic pieces of work. Please continue to feedback how you are finding the Diamond Online by posting a blog.
Today, Helene Tame has recorded an assembly for you to watch. Follow this link to view: https://youtu.be/ocPYqJYwQ4E
Today you will be learning:
Why not have a go at a new Early Morning Activity to start your day?
Remember to take lots of learning breaks to give your mind a rest. Get lots of fresh air and drink lots of water to fuel your buzzy brains!
I hope you all have a wonderful day and learn lots.
Stay safe, kind and smiling!
Miss Parker
Monday 22nd June
Good morning Puffins! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. It would be lovely to hear what you have done during the wonderful weekend. Try blogging about this as part of your activities today!
As the Diamond Online progresses, you will find that some of the lessons will have different activities for Year 3 and Year 4. When you finish watching your lesson, please take care in choosing the correct activity (Year 3 support or Year 3 challenge, or Year 4 support or Year 4 challenge). We are aiming to do this for Maths as well as English so keep an eye out!
Try your best today- don't be afraid to challenge yourself! Please blog to let us know what you have done and how you have found the work.
Your schedule for today is written below. Remember to click on the correct year group as these are separate from today.
Today you will be learning:
To begin the week, try a new Early Morning Activity to start your day!
In addition to this, we have launched a new feedback service. If you wish to, you and your parents can email your work into this email y4feedback@diamondonline.uk and we will try to feedback about your work within 2 days. Don't forget to blog as well, if you can!
I hope you all have a fantastic day. I look forward to seeing/hearing about your brilliant work and your busy days.
Miss Parker
Friday 19th June
Happy Friday Warblers, Puffins, Goldfinch and Wagtails! Well done on completing another week of home learning with the Diamond Online. You have all been fantastic! I know so many of you have been working so hard so I wanted to just say a big well done. Today's activities are outlined below- I hope you enjoy your day!
If you haven't already, make sure you watch Mrs Bryden's assembly about Simba's Lockdown!
Today you will be learning:
Today, try a new Early Morning Activity to wake yourself up for the day!
Please try your best with today's activities. It has been brilliant to see so much of your work on the blogs so please continue this! I look forward to hearing what you have enjoyed in today's home learning.
I hope you have a great weekend. Make sure you rest and recharge this weekend so you can be ready for another set of excellent lessons next week.
Stay kind, happy and keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Thursday 18th June
Good morning, Year 3 and 4! What a crazy week of weather! Did you all see the terrific thunderstorm?
I hope that you are all well, safe and keeping positive during this time at home. Remember, if you wish, to take a minute to practise mindful, relaxation breathing as this will help you take care of your mental well-being. If you wish to, there are more mindfulness videos on the Cosmic Zen Den YouTube channel e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so8QN9an3t8 but please choose a video with your parent's supervision.
How are you all finding the Diamond Online? Please blog any positive (and negative) feedback as this really helps us improve the virtual learning for you.
Today's learning schedule is below. Don't miss out on today's story time- this is a book called Arnie the Doughnut read by Chris O'Dowd. I hope you enjoy this!
Today you will be learning:
Before you start any of the lessons, have a go at one or two of the Early Morning Activities to get your brain working, ready for the day ahead!
Please continue with your excellent blog posts as we all thoroughly enjoy reading them. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I hope you all have a lovely day and that it isn't too wet and soggy outside.
Stay safe, kind and happy!
Miss Parker
Wednesday 17th June
Good morning, Year 3 & 4! We are half way through our week now! I am so impressed with the excellent work I have been seeing on the blogs. It is great to hear what exciting new things you are learning- please continue to share this with everyone.
Today you will be learning:
Before you start any of the lessons, have a go at one or two of the Early Morning Activities to get your brain working, ready for the day ahead!
Try your best with the lessons today. Remember if you are finding it a bit tricky, access the 'Support' tasks and video (note-only for maths today). If you are finding it a bit easy, try the challenges! If you wanted to challenge yourself further in maths, look at the range of additional websites on the Year 3/4 page-the NRich website has a range of excellent activities for you to complete that will test your mathematical thinking.
Please remember to blog about your day and the work you have completed. Your teachers will really appreciate this and will respond as quickly as they can.
I hope you all have a great day. Enjoy!
Keep safe, smiling and stay kind!
Miss Parker
Tuesday 16th June
Good morning, Year 3 & 4. I hope you all had a brilliant day yesterday!
The outline of today's work is below with a 'Challenge lesson' for English. For Maths, there is a 'Support lesson' where a teacher from the trust will be helping you with your tasks today. Let us know if you have tried any of these videos to help you with you learning by posting a blog!
It would be brilliant for you to share your work with your class and teachers by writing on the blog to spread positivity and enthusiasm! You could start this by discussing maybe one exciting fact you have learnt today or explaining something you have enjoyed doing.
Today you will be learning:
Attempt some of the Early Morning Activities to fire your brain up for learning! Share what you have completed on the blog.
I am hearing many positive comments about this way of learning so please keep sharing with us what you are enjoying or maybe finding difficult. Remember to take lots of breaks and to try and get outside in the fresh air to give your brain a break. Please do not feel that you have to complete everything each day but just try your best to do what you can.
I hope you have a fantastic day.
Stay safe, kind and positive!
Miss Parker
Monday 15th June
Good morning Year 3 and Year 4! I hope you all had a fantastic, restful weekend with this beautiful weather. Welcome to a new week of home learning. Well done for being so patient and adapting to the new Diamond Online. If you have any questions, please post these on the blog and we will try to respond as quickly as possible. Remember, it would be excellent if you could blog your work/about your work so your teacher and class can see what you have been doing.
Today you will be learning:
Have a go at any of the Early Morning Activities to wake your brain up, ready for a wonderful day of learning!
There are so many new and exciting lessons for you today- I hope you all have a brilliant day! Try your best but remember to have lots of breaks and fresh air to help you learn the best you can.
Keep positive and smiling!
Miss Parker
Friday 12th June
Happy Friday! Well done Year 3 & Year 4- we have made it to the end of another week of home learning. Thank you for all of your hard work and perseverance this week.
I am so happy with how many of you have been resilient in adapting to this new way of learning. Please continue the amazing work today and blog what you have completed to share with other Year 3 and Year 4 pupils and teachers.
Today you will be learning:
Please try any of the Early Morning Activities to get your brain thinking for the day ahead.
If there are any questions, please ask on the blog. Do not feel any pressure to complete everything- just try what you can.
Make sure you take lots of learning breaks and get some fresh air during the day- this will help your brain to rest and as a consequence, learn more effectively!
I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend to rest.
Keep positive and smiling!
Miss Parker
Thursday 11th June
Good morning, Year 3 & 4! I hope you all had fun splashing in puddles yesterday! Thank you for being so patient with the new virtual learning platform. It has been helpful to see what you have all thought about this so we can further improve it. I am glad to hear that many of your children are enjoying the new way of learning.
Please continue to blog work that has been completed - this is a great way to spread enthusiasm!
Today you will be learning:
Try a few of the Early Morning Activities to start your day!
Try to complete what you can. Do not feel any pressure to complete everything every day. It is important to ensure learning breaks are taken, along with fresh air and physical exercise to help maintain good wellbeing and aid learning.
I hope you have a lovely day learning many new things! Remember, it would be great if you could share your work with your peers and teachers at the end of the day.
Keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Wednesday 10th June
Good morning, Year 3 & Year 4. We are nearly half way through the week! I hope you all enjoyed yesterday's work on the Diamond Online. Please ask if you have any questions on the blog. It would be excellent to see or hear what work you have completed and what you have learnt by posting on the blogs.
Today you will be learning:
Take a look at the Early Morning Activities to start your day!
Remember to just try to do what you can. If you find something difficult, persevere by trying a different way. Don't forget to take learning breaks to rest your brain.
I hope you enjoy today's lessons and learn something new! Share what you have learnt on our blogs so we can learn even more. Have a fantastic day (even though it is a bit rainy!)
Keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Tuesday 9th June
Good Morning Year 3 & 4!
What a beautiful day it is today! I hope you are all well. Thank you for persevering with the new way of home learning, Diamond Online. There have been some technical issues with the website but we are trying our best to sort these as quickly as possible so you can learn many new things!
Today you will be learning:
Please also see Early Morning activities to start your day by exercising your brain!
If you find that there are any difficulties with Diamond Online, please blog to let me know. Remember, there are some videos here to help you use the website confidently.
Try your best to be resilient in your learning and please persevere. If you find you cannot do one activity, try something else. Please remember that your teachers, even if they are in school, would love to see what you have been doing at home. Try your best to blog about your day, or the work you have done.
I hope you all have a successful day of learning. Remember to just try and do what you can.
Stay positive, kind and keep smiling!
Miss Parker
Monday 8th June 2020
Good Morning, Year 3 & 4!
Well done for completing another week of home learning! We hope you had a great weekend.
This week we are very happy to announce that the Diamond Online School has launched the online virtual learning platform for Year 3 & 4. This means that you can click on this link and follow the work for the day.
There are about 3 hours of learning for your child. Every day there will be an English, Maths and Creative lesson. If you search around the website, you may find extra curricular activities to complete! At the minute, we have grouped Year 3 and 4 together. However, once your child has watched the lesson linked, please encourage them to access the 'Support' or 'Challenge' as required. Please support your child to continue reading daily as well as participating in physical exercise.
To access guidance with navigating the Diamond Online website, please follow this link. https://www.diamondonline.uk/how-to-use-the-online-school
There is some excellent advice with how to work well from home and support your child. https://www.diamondonline.uk/welfare-support
Remember to just try and do what you can. Please continue to post work and messages to your child's Class Teacher on the blog as we really enjoy seeing this.
We hope this is a successful way of learning and that your child enjoys this!
Have a fantastic day!
Miss Parker, Mr Hall, Mrs Knox, Mrs Voce & Mr Thomas
Good Morning Year 3 & 4. Welcome to the new half term! We hope you have all had a restful but exciting break.
As there are some pupils and teachers back at school now, the home learning is looking a bit different this week.
Eventually, all of this learning will be on our new online learning platform but whilst this is being set up, here are some independent activities for your child to complete. Attached is a newsletter that outlines what your child could do each day for their home learning. For example:
Please feel free to use the rest of the indoor and outdoor learning grids from last term. Your child may continue with TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed as they wish.
We hope that your child continues to blog as we would love to hear what they are doing, but know that their teacher may not be able to respond as quickly as before due to the fact that they could be teaching in school.
If there are any questions, please feel free to ask by posting the blog. Remember to just try and do what you can- do not feel like you have to do everything. We hope you enjoy this week of learning and stay happy and safe!
Take care,
Miss Parker, Mr Hall, Mr Thomas, Mrs Voce and Mrs Knox
Friday 22nd May
Good Morning, Year 4 Parents! It is the final day of half term so you can have a well-earned rest after today. I will be still posting my story 'Fing' online so please keep on listening to it! Today, there will be two available: the first one is on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2EK0B9NJNU
Question of the Day - Why is the sky blue?
It is brilliant to see so many pupils taking part in the TT Rockstars match yesterday and it resulted in us defeating Doves comprehensively. Today, is Finals Day and we are competing for 5th/6th place against Year Two so we need to show them how to do it.
Daily tasks:
- Reading – 20 minutes
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- TT Rockstar – 10 games of Garage
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 5, Lesson 5- Family challenges!!
If you fancy a change from White Rose, try NCETM on fractions:
- Indoor activity – Activity 5- Positive Thinking Cap
- Outdoor activity – Activity 5 – South America Map
- Maths Whizz (optional 20 minutes)
The link for the White Rose Maths is here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
PSHE & Mindfulness Activities:
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this period at home.
Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter- what makes you laugh?, hello happy- illustrate what makes you happy, worry jar- filling a jar with individual worries).
The Cosmic Kids Zen Den YouTube channel has some excellent mindfulness videos to help your child’s wellbeing.
Follow the link below for a new Mindfulness exercise video, ‘Superpower Listening’.
Be kind, safe and happy over half term!
Take care,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Thursday 21st May
Good Morning, Year 4 Parents! I hope that you are all well and enjoying your week. The weather has been incredible! The suggested tasks for today are outlined below.
QUESTION OF THE DAY: Why does it get warmer in the Summer? When does Summer begin and why?
Remember that everything is optional so please don’t feel obliged to do it all- just try what you can. Also, your child can complete the tasks from the grid in any order that they wish.
Daily tasks:
- Reading – 20 minutes
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- TT Rockstar – 10 games of Garage - last match before 'Finals Day' tomorrow!!
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 5, Lesson 4- Fractions greater than 1
- Indoor activity – Activity 4- Explanation (emergency services!)
- Outdoor activity – Activity 4- Obstacle Course
- Maths Whizz (optional 20 minutes)
The link for the White Rose Maths is here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
If you are finding fractions too tricky, there is a link to online lessons which I would highly recommend:
PSHE & Mindfulness Activities:
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this period at home.
Follow the link below for a new Mindfulness exercise video, ‘Superpower Listening’.
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Wednesday 20th May
Good Morning, Year 4 Parents! Here are today’s suggested tasks. I hope you are all well and enjoying the weather! If your child wishes to have an extra challenge, these can be found on the teacher’s blogs as well as on the curriculum pages on the website.
Daily tasks:
- Reading – 20 minutes
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- TT Rockstar – 10 games of Garage
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 5, Lesson 3- Equivalent Fractions 2
- Indoor activity – Activity 3- Mini Museum
- Outdoor activity – Activity 3- Street Map
- Maths Whizz (optional 20 minutes)
The link for the White Rose Maths is here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
PSHE & Mindfulness Activities:
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this period at home.
Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter- what makes you laugh?, hello happy- illustrate what makes you happy, worry jar- filling a jar with individual worries).
The Cosmic Kids Zen Den YouTube channel has some excellent mindfulness videos to help your child’s wellbeing.
Follow the link below for a new Mindfulness exercise video, ‘Candle of Concentration!’.
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to post on the blog and we will try to help the best we can.
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Tuesday 19th May
Good Morning, Year 4 Parents! I hope you are all well and having a great week so far. If you wish to do extra research on our topic of South America, please feel free!
Daily tasks:
- Reading – 20 minutes
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- TT Rockstar – 10 games of Garage -
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 5, Lesson 2- Equivalent Fractions 1
- Indoor activity – Activity 2- Maths Hunt
- Outdoor activity – Activity 2- A Sun Dial
- Maths Whizz (optional 20 minutes)
The link for the White Rose Maths is here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Curriculum activities:
If you fancy something different, please browse the curriculum pages on the school website for extra activities that you may like to also complete in subjects such as music, art, geography and many more! The subject leads are regularly updating these pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. Here is the website link: https://www.roundhouseprimary.co.uk/topic/curriculum
PSHE & Mindfulness Activities:
The Cosmic Kids Zen Den YouTube channel has some excellent mindfulness videos to help your child’s wellbeing.
Follow the link below for a new Mindfulness exercise video, ‘Yes You Can!’.
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall
Monday 18th May
Question of the Day: Why is May called May?
TT Rockstars Match 8 starts today - Puffins v Warblers - Let's show them who really are the TT Rockstar champions!
Good Morning, Year 4 Parents! Welcome to a new week of learning. We have new indoor and outdoor learning grids for this week which we hope the children will thoroughly enjoy. They are partly linked to our topic of South America so feel free to do extra research on this!
Remember that the daily tasks are all optional so please don’t feel obliged to do all of this- just do what you can. Also, your child can do the tasks from the grid in any order that they wish.
Please continue to encourage your child to blog about their work as it is lovely to hear and see what the pupils have been working on. Feel free to post images of their work too but please ensure that their faces are not any images.
Daily tasks:
- Reading – 20 minutes
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- TT Rockstar – 10 games of Garage
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 5, Lesson 1- Recognise tenths and hundredths
- Indoor activity – Activity 1- The Amazon Rainforest
- Outdoor activity – Activity 1- Ice Cream Shop/Van
- Maths Whizz (optional 20 minutes)
The link for the White Rose Maths is here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Curriculum activities:
If you fancy something different, please browse the curriculum pages on the school website for extra activities that you may like to also complete in subjects such as music, art, geography and many more! The subject leads are regularly updating these pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects.
Here is the website link: https://www.roundhouseprimary.co.uk/topic/curriculum
PSHE & Mindfulness Activities:
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this period at home.
Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter- what makes you laugh?, hello happy- illustrate what makes you happy, worry jar- filling a jar with individual worries).
The Cosmic Kids Zen Den YouTube channel has some excellent mindfulness videos to help your child’s wellbeing.
Follow the link below for a great Mindfulness exercise video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsy2L9VvX90&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK&index=3
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to post on the blog and we will try to help the best we can.
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Friday 15th May
Good Morning, Year 4 Parents! I hope you are all well. This is the last day of the current learning grids. Next week, we will be suggesting a new indoor and outdoor learning grid.
Please continue to encourage your child to blog about their work and feel free to post images of their work too but please ensure that their faces are not any images. Remember, these tasks are all optional so just do what you can!
Daily tasks
- Reading – 20 minutes
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- TT Rockstar – 10 games of Garage
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 4, Friday challenge - THESE ARE AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE TODAY
- Outdoor activity – Activity 8- South American Animals
- Indoor activity – Activity 8- Computer drawings
- Maths Whizz (optional 20 minutes)
Class Book - Fing by David Walliams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYcPJYmxgN8
The link for the White Rose Maths is here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete.
All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below: https://www.roundhouseprimary.co.uk/topic/curriculum
Enjoy your weekend,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Thursday 14th May
Good Morning, Year 4! I hope that you are all having a great week and are enjoying the extra bit of exercise that you can take!!
Question of the Day (by Ms Cullen)
How many 3-storey houses would you need to put on top of each other to get into space?
Daily tasks
- Reading – 20 minutes
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- TT Rockstar – 10 games of Garage - CAN YOU BEAT THE TEACHERS?? You can do it!!
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 4, Lesson 4 – Area counting squares
- Outdoor activity – Activity 7- South American Flags
- Indoor activity – Activity 7- Measuring and Maps
- Maths Whizz (optional 20 minutes)
The link for the White Rose Maths is here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete.
All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below: https://www.roundhouseprimary.co.uk/topic/curriculum
PSHE & Mindfulness Activities:
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this period at home.
Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets).
There is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cxt_Ki4GSo&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to post on the blog and we will try to help the best we can.
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Wednesday 13th May
Good Morning, Puffins! I hope you had a fantastic day yesterday. You are up against the Teachers over the next 2 days on TT Rockstars so best of luck. Just to let you know Mr Hall's Storytime is back and I am reading 'Fing' by David Walliams - please watch it on this link:
How many metres do you think your journey to school is? How did you work it out?
Daily tasks
- Reading – 20 minutes: Remember: Take your AR quizzes!!
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- TT Rockstar – 10 games on Garage - this is vital for your fluency!!
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 4, Lesson 2- Perimeter of Rectinlinear shapes
- Outdoor activity – Activity 6- Make a den
- Indoor activity – Activity 6- Calm Jar
- Maths Whizz (20 minutes optional)
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete.
There are some fantastic links for different subjects. Please take a look.
PSHE & Mindfulness Activities:
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this tricky period. Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets). Also, there is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cxt_Ki4GSo&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
Have fun!!
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Tuesday 12th May
Good Morning, Puffins! I hope you had a fantastic day yesterday.
There are 3 bears (Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby bear) and they've collected apples.
They have 10 apples in total.
Mummy bear has twice the number of apples as baby bear.
How many apples could Daddy Bear have? What are all the possibilities?
TIP: Draw everything and do it practically!!
What the answer be for 15 apples? 20 apples? 100 apples? You will need to generalise at this point.
Daily tasks
- Reading – 20 minutes: Remember: Take your AR quizzes!!
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- TT Rockstar – 10 games on Garage - this is vital for your fluency!!
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 4, Lesson 2- Perimeter of Rectangles
- Outdoor activity – Activity 5- Problem solving
- Indoor activity – Activity 5- South American Animal Collage
- Maths Whizz (20 minutes optional)
Question: USing one A4 piece of paper, how many people can you fit inside it. Use scissors to cut it.
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete.
There are some fantastic links for different subjects. Please take a look.
PSHE & Mindfulness Activities:
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this tricky period. Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets). Also, there is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cxt_Ki4GSo&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
Happy Tuesday!!
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Monday 11th May
Good Morning, Puffins! I hope that you had a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend celebrating a momentus day, VE Day! I fyou have any pictures, please post them on the blog! Today, I have changed your TT Rockstars settings so I can track how many games you are playing on Garage. This is vital that you play 10 games of garage each day as this will help all of your Maths learning.
Daily tasks
- Reading – 20 minutes: Remember: Take your AR quizzes!!
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- TT Rockstar – 10 games on Garage - this is vital for your fluency!!
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 4, Lesson 1- Multiplying and dividing problem solving
- Maths Whizz (20 minutes optional)
- Outdoor activity – Activity 4- Wind Chime
- Indoor activity – Activity 4- Tiny Treasure
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete.
There are some fantastic links for different subjects. Please take a look.
PSHE & Mindfulness Activities:
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this tricky period. Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets). Also, there is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cxt_Ki4GSo&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
Happy Monday!!
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Thursday 7th May - VE Day is tomorrow!!
Good Morning, Puffins! I hope that you are all well and enjoying the sunshine. I know that many of you are celebrating VE Day tomorrow by having a picnic in your front garden/driveway. I know in my household we are going to be decorating the house full of Great Britain flags so if you want to do that today, please do!!
Daily tasks
- Reading – 20 minutes
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- TT Rockstar – 20 minutes - we are behind and need a big push today!! Come on!!
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 3, Lesson 4- Divide 3-digit by 1-digit number
- Outdoor activity – Activity 10 - VE Day
- Indoor activity – Activity 10 - VE Day
- Mr Hall's Storytime - Fing by David Walliams
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X29PRDk5Bek
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2W5Lfalg0eY
-PSHE Zen Den - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cxt_Ki4GSo&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK
Remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
Stay safe!
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Wednesday (Woden's Day) 6th May
Good morning, everyone! Here are the daily activities. I am especially excited about seeing your teddy zipwires. I am going to try this at home today.
Here is a starter for the day:
Daily tasks
- Reading – 20 minutes
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 3, Lesson 3- Divide 2-digit by 1-digit number
- Outdoor activity – Activity 3- Teddy Zipwire
- Indoor activity – Activity 3- Seed Dispersal
VE Day - Friday 8th May
On VE Day, there will be thousands of people having picnics in their front garden to celebrate this victorious day. It would be great for you to find out more about VE Day and decorate your house.
Mindfulness Exercises
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this tricky period. Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets). Also, there is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cxt_Ki4GSo&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to post on the blog and we will try to help the best we can.
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Tuesday 5th May
 Good Morning, Puffins! We are now uploading to the class page each day with daily suggested tasks. Please encourage your children to blog about their work (what they are doing, how they are feeling about this and what they are learning). Remember, these tasks are all optional so just do what you can!
Daily Tasks
- Reading – 20 to 30 minutes
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total - We need to win a league game! Let's beat the Year 2 game!
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 3, Lesson 2- Multiply 3-digit by one-digit number (you can continue to use grid method for this if you prefer)
- Outdoor activity – Activity 2- Plant in a jar
- Indoor activity – Activity 2- Discover a new animal
PSHE - Zen Den - How to make good choices. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cxt_Ki4GSo&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK
The link for the White Rose Maths is here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Here is the link for the grid method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwXa-WVvmwI&list=PLBHTGx9AsWTPN7un_PeXKr6JUUVjYkvdI&index=14
All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below: https://www.roundhouseprimary.co.uk/topic/curriculum
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall
Monday 4th May (Star Wars Day)
Good Morning, Year 4! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Thank you to those who are blogging- please continue this as it is a great way of keeping in touch. Feel free to post images of their work too but please ensure that their faces are not any images otherwise we can not authorise them.
Please do remember, these tasks are all optional so just do what you can!
Daily tasks
- Reading – 20 minutes
- 5 Spelling Shed games
- Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total
- White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 3, Lesson 1- Multiply 2-digit by 1-digit number
- Outdoor activity – Activity 1- Weight Challenge
- Indoor activity – Activity 1- Fraction Basketball
The link for the White Rose Maths is here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete.
All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below: https://www.roundhouseprimary.co.uk/topic/curriculum
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this tricky period. Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets). Also, there is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cxt_Ki4GSo&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to post on the blog and we will try to help the best we can.
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall
Wednesday 29th April
Good Morning, Year 4 Parents! We hope you are all well and learning lots from home. Please encourage your children to blog about their work and how they are as we would love to hear.
Remember, these tasks are all optional so just do what you can!
The daily schedule for the next three days is as follows:
Wednesday 29th April
Reading – 20 minutes
5 spelling shed games
Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.
White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 2, Lesson 3 Pounds and pence
Outdoor activity – Activity 7, Creating patterns
Indoor activity – Activity 8, Poster
Thursday 30th April
Reading – 20 minutes
5 spelling shed games
Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.
White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 2, Lesson 4 Ordering money
Outdoor activity – Activity 8, Cloud spotting
Indoor activity – Activity 9, Doodle arm
Friday 1st May
Reading – 20 minutes
5 spelling shed games
Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.
White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 2, Friday Maths Challenges!
Outdoor activity – Repeat your favourite activities on the grid or create your own!
Indoor activity – Activity 10, Phone number Maths
The link for the White Rose Maths is here:
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete:
All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below:
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this tricky period. Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets). Also, there is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities.
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to post on the blog and we will try to help the best we can.
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall
Monday 27th April
Good Morning, Puffins! I hope you and your children had a great week with the new way of home learning. Please encourage your children to write on their blog telling us what they have been doing as we would love to hear. Feel free to post images of their work too but please ensure that their faces are not any images.
Remember, these tasks are all optional so just do what you can!
The daily schedule for the next two days are as follows:
Daily tasks
Monday 27th April:
Reading – 20 minutes
5 spelling shed games
Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total
White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 2, Lesson 1 – Round Decimals
Outdoor activity – Activity 5- Problem Solving
Indoor activity – Activity 6- Classical music
Tuesday 28th April:
Reading – 20 minutes
5 spelling shed games
Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.
White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 2, Lesson 2 – Halves and Quarters
Outdoor activity – Activity 6- Food Chain
Indoor activity – Activity 7- Cooking
The link for the White Rose Maths is here:
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete.
All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below:
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this tricky period. Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets). Also, there is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities.
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to post on the blog and we will try to help the best we can.
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall
Wednesday 22nd April
Good Morning, Puffins! We hope you are starting to adapt well to this new term and are enjoying the new way we have set tasks this term. Please encourage your children to blog about their work and how they are as we would love to hear. Here is the link to Round House you tube page where you will find Mr Hall's Storytime and lots more:
Remember, these tasks are all optional so just do what you can!
The daily schedule for the next three days is as follows:
Wednesday 22nd April
Reading – 20 minutes
5 spelling shed games
Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.
White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 1, Lesson 3- Compare decimals
Outdoor activity – Activity 3 – Potato Monsters
Indoor activity - Activity 3 – Mythical Creature
Thursday 23rd April (St George’s Day - https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/17816642)
Reading – 20 minutes
5 spelling shed games
Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.
White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 1, Lesson 4- Order decimals
Outdoor activity – Activity 4- Vocabulary Hunt
Indoor activity - Activity 4- Senses drawing
Friday 24th April
Reading – 20 minutes
5 spelling shed games
Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.
White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Friday Maths Challenge!
Outdoor activity – Devise Your Own - Choose your favourite outdoor activity from this week. Alter or repeat it to find out any more of your curiosities. Be imaginative!
Indoor activity - Activity 5- Sounds of the Rainforest
The link for the White Rose Maths is here:
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete:
All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below:
Please make sure that you all look after your mental health as well during this tricky period. Pupils could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that were given in the initial packs (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets). Also, there is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities.
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to post on the blog and we will try to help the best we can.
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall
Monday 20th April 2020
Good Morning, Puffins! Welcome to the Summer Term!
The way we are setting work this term has changed from the previous term. Now, we will be uploading to the class page every Monday and Wednesday with activities for you to try to complete. There are 2 documents that we will be referring to with 8 to 10 activities on each. They are called ‘Indoor Learning Grid’ and ‘Outdoor Learning Grid’. Every Monday and Wednesday, we will be selecting tasks from these documents to complete. However, you can choose your own if you wish.
In addition, we will be selecting a Maths lesson from the highly-recommended White Rose website. Each day, there is a video lesson, activities and answers. There will be a session set for each day from the Summer 1 tab on the link below:
Remember, these are all optional so just do what you can!
The daily schedule for the next two days are as follows:
Monday 20th April
Reading – 20 minutes
5 spelling shed games
Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.
White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 1, Lesson 1 – Make a whole
Outdoor Learning Grid – Activity 1 – Capacity Challenge
Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 1 - Shape Hunt
Tuesday 21st April
Reading – 20 minutes
5 spelling shed games
Maths Whizz or TT Rockstar – 20 minutes in total.
White Rose Maths – Summer 1, Week 1, Lesson 2 – Write decimals
Outdoor Learning Grid – Activity 2 – FIT Count
Indoor Learning Grid - Activity 2 – Write a postcard
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete:
All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below:
Please make sure that you look after your mental health as well during thjis tricky period. You could practise mindfulness breathing or some of the PSHE activities that you received in your pack (laughter, hello happy, worry jar and rainbow sheets). Also, there is a link below to some Zen Den Cosmic Kids Zen Den activities.
Again, remember - these are all optional so just do what you can!
Be kind, safe and happy!
Take care,
Mr Hall
Wednesday 1st April
Bonjour, Puffins! Today is reward day! This is not an April Fools!
Challenge: Where does April Fool’s Day come from? This website should start you off:
Well done on completing another excellent term. You have all been spectacular and deserve a well-earned rest this Easter. See the document attached for an exciting Reward Day!
If you would like to, there is an Actios video for you to watch with a few tasks for you to complete.
There is also a crossword that you could complete! (see attached above this post)
Over the Easter break, if you wish, there are some projects you might want to participate in.
If you did fancy some Maths , I have attached some Maths Puzzle sheets and Emoji Puzzle sheets (see atached):
There is one her for you:
Can you guess the countries?
Number 1 is Germany
Enjoy your break, stay safe and be kind! 😊 Feel free to update me with your excellent activities on the blog.
Best wishes,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Tuesday 31st March
Good Morning, wonderful Puffins! I hope that you are all well and looking forward to another day of exhilarating tasks. Do not relinquish your effort yet.
Morning work:
Please write a post on the blog to tell me how you are all doing and what you have been up to recently. It is fantastic to hear from you.
It is so important to make sure you look after your mental health. I hope you are enjoying your time of calm- try your best to prioritise a slot in your busy day to participate in this session.
Find a quiet space and get comfortable on a chair or on the floor. Watch this video to enjoy a relaxing, uplifting mindfulness exercise.
How to beat nerves-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJNOsvTnR1k&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK&index=7
Remember that you always have your breath to mindfully take a minute to yourself.
Keep practising telling the time on an analogue clock. This is really important to learn.
Here are some questions that you can have a go at. I will give you the answers tomorrow.
**TT Rockstar update**
Teacher v Year 4 Battle on TT Rockstars. You are just behind but there’s not much in it. Can you win this time?
Also, feel free to spend some time on Maths Whizz or Numbots (for numberbonds) too.
Using your research from yesterday, create a poster about your Viking God. How could you present this?
Answer the questions below:
Who is this Viking God? What is special about them? What do they look like? What is their power? Are they good or bad? Where do they live? What is an interesting fact about them?
Remember to research using several different websites to ensure your information is as accurate as possible.
Here are some websites you could use to research:
Using your bank of adjectives and similes, write a character description of your Viking God. Remember to introduce your character (say who they are). Today we are just focussing on appearance (what they look like) as tomorrow we will be describing their personality.
Model: Odin was the leader of the Viking Gods. He had a muscular, sinewy body, with broad shoulders. He was as strong as an ox. His beard was grey, which flowed from his chin, cascading like a raging waterfall.
Challenge: Use expanded noun phrases. Describe a noun using ‘with a….’
e.g. He had a muscular, sinewy body, with broad shoulders.
With care, complete the sheet titled ‘Proverbs’ in your handwriting pack. Accurately yet confidently, form your letters to present beautiful, cursive handwriting. Who will be getting a handwriting pen when they come back to school?
Key Words:
Practise the seventh line of the Year 3/4 Word Walls. Challenge: Use them create a poem. Make sure you spell the words correctly!
On Spelling shed, complete the 10 daily games.
30 minutes of daily reading from an AR book or a book of your choice. Quiz when you finish your book. Remember you can find a new book at:
David Walliams is creating a free audio story everyday! I know many of you are huge fans of David Walliams, so enjoy! https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
Mr Hall's Storytime - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzjquDkAJ_c
Design and Technology:
After researching your Viking God, use whatever materials you can find (e.g. lollipop sticks, yoghurt pots, wool) to create a model Viking God.
Please share you hard work and effort by uploading a picture on our blog- Warblers, myself and Mrs Cullen can guess what Viking God you have created!
Joe Wicks is doing a LIVE free workout at 9am every weekday morning on the website below:
Play a game with one piece of equipment in your garden.
Challenge: Create your own game with your family- what skills are you going to use? Who will be the winners?
Keep active!
Enjoy your ocarina playing children and parents! I will make sure I practise mine ready to perform to Warblers when we are reunited 😊.
If you have an ocarina or any instrument at home, create a song or melody to perform to your family. Let me know how this goes! If you do not have an ocarina or musical instrument at home, use your imagination to create your own instrument. Amaze me with your creativity!
Challenge: With your melody, experiment with volume and pitch. What do you notice? What do you observe? Post an explanation on your blog- I am eager to find out what you observed!
Now you are all EXPERTS on the living things in your garden, you are going to create a wonderful wormery/bug house/ hedgehog home/ snail den/ ladybird lighthouse.
Research the best way to make your habitat. What does your living things need? Where should it be best located?
I look forward to your creative ideas. Share your inventive creations on the blog to inspire other pupils.
If you would like to do something arty over the next few weeks, why not have a look at a few pictures from the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. https://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/lookthinkdo/about
Remember to take learning breaks and to stay safe. Don’t feel like you have to do everything on this list but keep your brain active. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask on the blog.
Best wishes,
Mr Hall
Monday 30th March
Good Morning, Puffins! Happy Monday 😊
Morning Work:
I hope you had a spectacular weekend! Let me know what you have all done on our class blog.
Question to you: What could you achieve by the end of this week?
Word of the Day
It is so important to make sure you look after your mental health. I hope you are enjoying your time of calm- try your best to prioritise a slot in your busy day to participate in this session.
Find a quiet space and get comfortable on a chair or on the floor. Watch this video to enjoy a relaxing, uplifting mindfulness exercise. Teachers will be doing this as well!
Yes you can: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7FUbTac_ds&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK&index=5
This week you are going to be learning the time. I would like you to be able to read an analogue clock digitally.
10:07 (in words: ten ’o’ seven)
Have a play with the interactive clock. Press the button shown below (red arrow) to get the digital clock up and change the settings.
Now, during the day, whenever you eat anything, look at an analogue clock and read the time. Write this down in your home learning book.
Challenge: Write using 12 hour, 24 hour and words
Eg. 10.07pm, 22:07, seven past ten.
Game on Espresso: Do ‘time challenge 1’ - Quiz, Quiz Plus and Activity https://central.espresso.co.uk/espresso/primary_uk/subject/module/frontscreen/item660066/grade2/index.html
**TT Rockstar update**
There is a new Teacher v Year 4 Battle on TT Rockstars. Can you win this time?
Also, feel free to spend some time on Maths Whizz or Numbots (for numberbonds) too.
Research a Viking God i.e. Odin, Thor…
Answer the questions below:
Who is this Viking God? What is special about them? What do they look like? What is their power? Are they good or bad? Where do they live? What is an interesting fact about them?
Remember to research using several different websites to ensure your information is as accurate as possible.
Here are some websites you could use to research:
Now that you have finished your sensational saga, (alliteration and comma WOW!) we are now going to be focussing on one character such a Viking God (e.g. Thor).
Today you will be using a dictionary or online dictionary and thesaurus to collate adjectives and similes that you could use to describe your Viking God. Think about their appearance (what they look like- body, hair, facial expression) and personality. Use your Viking God model to help you!
Here are some words/phrases that you can use:
Eg. Odin
enormous broad powerful muscular
burly, straight-backed rugged
square, wrinkly face chiselled jaw
firm strong-minded authoritative
as strong as an ox like an angry bull
built like a warrior grey-streaked hair like a wolf
With care, complete the sheet titled ‘Alliteration Sentences’ in your handwriting pack. Accurately yet confidently, form your letters to present beautiful, cursive handwriting. Who will be getting a handwriting pen when they come back to school?
Key Words:
Practise the sixth line of the Year 3/4 Word Walls.
Challenge: Use them create a poem. Make sure you spell the words correctly!
On Spelling shed, complete the 10 daily games.
Ongoing Activities
30 minutes of daily reading from an AR book or a book of your choice. Quiz when you finish your book. Remember you can find a new book at:
David Walliams is creating a free audio story everyday! Join him on this link!
Or if you want to listen to Mr Hall’s Storytime, feel free!
Joe Wicks is doing a LIVE free workout at 9am every weekday morning on the website below:
Challenge: Create your own game with your family- what skills are you going to use?
Keep active!
Design and Technology:
After researching your Viking God, use whatever materials you can find (e.g. lollipop sticks, yoghurt pots, wool) to create a model Viking God.
Please share you hard work and effort by uploading a picture on our blog- Warblers, myself and Mrs Cullen can guess what Viking God you have created!
Now you are all EXPERTS on the living things in your garden, you are going to create a wonderful wormery/bug house/ hedgehog home/ snail den/ ladybird lighthouse.
Research the best way to make your habitat. What does your living things need? Where should it be best located?
I look forward to your creative ideas. Share your inventive creations on the blog to inspire other pupils.
Art: If you would like to do something arty over the next few weeks, why not have a look at a few pictures from the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. https://www.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/lookthinkdo/about
Remember to take learning breaks and to stay safe. Don’t feel like you have to do everything on this list but keep your brain active. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask on the blog.
Best wishes,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Friday 27th March:
Morning Work -
Challenge - Can you find a reason for all the shapes being the odd one out?
Hello Puffins! It’s been brilliant to see your work on the blog this week. Well done to everyone trying really hard to learn whilst at home! Make sure you don’t forget to have fun.
What are your goals for this weekend? Set 3 goals that you will achieve this week or even this weekend! This could be something like ‘I will achieve 10 keep-uppys!’ or ‘I will help my family around the house’ or even ‘I will learn my 9 times table!’
Let me know how you get on with these.
It is so important to make sure you look after your mental health. I hope you are enjoying your time of calm- try your best to prioritise a slot in your busy day to participate in this session.
Mini the Puppy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7FUbTac_ds&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK&index=5
Remember that you always have your breath to mindfully take a minute to yourself.
30 minutes of daily reading from an AR book or a book of your choice. Quiz when you finish your book. Remember you can find a new book at: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/reading/
Mr Hall’s Storytime – The Twits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP2yP-Xmlyk
Writing: Use the story of Thor and his giants to create your own saga.
Can you present your story in a creative way? E.g. in a booklet (like we made in class), storyboard, painting with captions.
Challenge: Use a range of fronted adverbials (time, manner, place- when, how, where?)
With care, complete one sheet in your handwriting pack. Accurately yet confidently, form your letters to present beautiful, cursive handwriting. Who will be getting a handwriting pen when they come back to school?
Spellings / Key Words:
Practise the fifth line of the Year 3/4 Word Walls.
Challenge: Use them to create a tongue twister. Make sure you spell the words correctly!
On Spelling shed, complete the 10 daily games.
Answers from yesterday
1) From left to right: isoscles, scalene, equilateral (and isosceles), scalene, isosceles
2) Same - has 3 straight sides, 3 angles, they are both triangles
Different - 3 different angles, not all the same length sides, one is equilateral, one is scalene.
Here is one of Mr Hall’s Maths idols, Gareth Metcalfe. Please take a minute to bow down to him.
He is delivering a lesson online and I would like you to have a go and tell me what you think. Have your home learning book to hand.
Challenge: Write down about what mathematical ideas you learnt and how it works.
Also, this is your last chance to beat the Teachers. The competition ends at 3.15pm today!!
Feel free to spend some time on Maths Whizz or Numbots (for numberbonds) too!
Joe Wicks is doing a LIVE free workout at 9am every weekday morning on the website below:
Keep active!
Continue your research on your living organisms to finish your fact file.
Ensure that you draw an image to show what their appearance is like. Label your image on your fact file, revealing particularly significant features such as antennae, spots and many more!
Challenge: Can you draw their habitats? Label this diagram to show how their habitat is suited to them. Do you know why this is their habitat? Could they live anywhere else?
Music (from Mrs Rodgers):
Message from Mrs Rodgers (Music co-ordinator) -
Hello everyone! I know some of you already have ocarinas and other musical instruments at home, but I thought now might be the time for lots of you to learn something new. Why not have a go at playing the ocarina. It's really easy. Anyone can do it. Get you parents involved as well. Show them the following message from me, and I look forward to hearing our new ocarina choir when we all get back together in school.
Hi Parents -
Fancy learning something new with your children?
In school, the children will have seen and heard other children, and sometimes the teachers, playing the ocarina. It is a small wind instrument that can be played easily without the ability to read music, and without the screechy noise of the recorder when not played quite right!!!!
As a school, we order the 4 hole plastic ocs and books from Ocarina Workshop www.ocarina.co.uk . Other websites also sell ocarinas, but I have found ocarina workshop books to be the easiest to follow. You can even get a CD to play along to as well. Go on, give it a go. Get the whole family playing!
Mrs Rodgers
Enjoy your ocarina playing children and parents! I will make sure I practise mine ready to perform to Warblers when we are reunited 😊.
If you have an ocarina or any instrument at home, create a song or melody to perform to your family. Let me know how this goes! If you do not have an ocarina or musical instrument at home, use your imagination to create your own instrument. Amaze me with your creativity!
Challenge: With your melody, experiment with volume and pitch. What do you notice? What do you observe? Post an explanation on your blog- I am eager to find out what you observed!
Remember to take learning breaks and to stay safe. Don’t feel like you have to do everything on this list but keep your brain active. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask on the blog.
Best wishes,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Thursday (Thor’s Day) 26th March
Good morning, Puffins! Thank you for all your hard work so far and keep it up!
Morning work:
594 – 339 = ___ ; 596 – 341 = ___; 591 – 336 = ___; 691 – 436 = ___; What does 891 – 636 equal using the pattern?
84 x 5 = ___; 74 x 5 =__; 64 x 5 = __; 54 x 5 = __; What is the pattern? What is the product of 34 x 5?
In these different times, (comma) it is so important to make sure you look after your mental health and those around you. I hope you enjoyed the mindfulness video yesterday- find a slot in your busy day to participate in this session.
Using these images, sequence the story of Thor and his Giants. http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/schoolradio/pdfs/viking_sagas/thor_sequencing_activity.pdf
Write a sentence in your book to explain each image (you could present this as a storyboard, like we have done in class before!)
Challenge: Use fronted adverbials of time: In the blink of an eye, Minute by minute, With speed,
Check you have used commas correctly for your fantastic fronted adverbials!
Maths: Triangles – isosceles, equilateral, scalene
Let’s embed our triangle knowledge – search around your house and garden for triangles lurking around. Can you name them?
After your ‘Living Thing’ hunt from yesterday, research what type of living organisms you found. Create a fact file on a living thing. Include details such as size, colour, species, habitat and more!
Challenge: By carefully researching, try to answer each other’s questions on the blog about their living things.
30 minutes of daily reading from an AR book or a book of your choice. Quiz when you finish your book. Remember you can find a new book at: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/reading/
Mr Hall’s Storytime – The Twits – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1mq5SOQoSY
With care, complete the sheet in your handwriting pack - Tongue Twisters. Accurately yet confidently, form your letters to present beautiful, cursive handwriting. Who will be getting a handwriting pen when they come back to school?
Spellings / Key Words:
Challenge: Use them create a tongue twister. Make sure you spell the words correctly!
Joe Wicks is doing a LIVE free workout at 9am every weekday morning on the website below:
Keep active!
Remember to take learning breaks and to stay safe. Don’t feel like you have to do everything on this list but keep your brain active. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask on the blog.
Best wishes,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Wednesday 25th March
Morning arithmetic:
543 - 234 = ___ ; 643 - 334= __; 743 - 434 = ___; 843 - 534 = ___ - What do you notice?
23 x 4 = ___; 23 x 5 = __; 24 x 5 = __ 124 x 5 = ___; 224 x 5 = ___; ___ x 5 = 635 - What do you notice?
Good morning, Puffins! I hope you all enjoyed the spectacular sunny day yesterday (find the alliteration and the missing comma!). I am going to disclose your daily work choices. Remember you do not need to do everything.
This week, our ‘word of the week’ is disclose. Challenge: Use the word in your work today!
We thought it was important to think about your mental health to begin the day. Find a quiet space and get comfortable on a chair or on the floor. Watch this video to enjoy a relaxing, uplifting mindfulness exercise. Teachers will be doing this as well!
Be the pond: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf5K3pP2IUQ&list=PL8snGkhBF7ngDp1oJtx5VcjwatxZn8xLK&index=3
Remember that you always have your breath to mindfully take a minute to yourself.
30 minutes of daily reading from an AR book or a book of your choice. Remember to quiz!!
Mr Hall’s Storytime - Listen to the The Twits by Roald Dahl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X93JRXOH6uk
Writing/ History:
Watch Part 1, 2 and 3 of the Viking Saga, Thor and his Giants. Can you act it out with anyone at home? E.g. parents, siblings/pets or even dolls or toys?
Extra challenge: You could video it using a device, watch it back and review the performance. Remember your giant’s voices.
Complete the sheet in your handwriting pack - Tongue Twisters
Spellings / Key Words:
Practise the third line of the Year 3/4 Word Walls.
Challenge: Use them create a tongue twister. Make sure you spell the words correctly!
Eg. I describe difficult disappearances when an ant’s disappearance is described.
On Spelling shed, complete the 10 daily games.
Answers from yesterday: https://corbettmathsprimary.com/2018/07/18/2d-shapes-answers/
TODAY – Focus: Triangles – scalene, isosceles and equilateral
Watch the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQUTVgT9RXY
Use this website to help - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvmxsbk/articles/zggsfrd
Use everyday objects to make these triangles. Eg, pencils, pasta, grass, twigs, chalk – share some pictures of these
Draw them in your home school book and remember them!!!
Challenge: Make a triangle with 2 right angles.
Feel free to spend 30 minutes on Maths Whizz or Numbots (for number bonds) too!
Joe Wicks is doing a LIVE free workout at 9am every weekday morning on the website below:
Keep active!
Meticulously yet thoughtfully, draw a portrait of somebody else in your household. Try to improve your technique from yesterday’s self-portrait.
Go on a ‘Living thing’ hunt –Whether you are out in the garden or on your out doing your ‘daily exercise’, we want you to keep your eyes out for any creatures. Record what you find and where you found them (their habitat)? Draw them?
Challenge: Look closely at an animal – what are its special features? Why does it need them?
Eg. Why does a ladybird have spots? Why is a ladybird red? Why does a ladybird fly? Put these questions on the blog.
Remember to take learning breaks and to stay safe. Don’t feel like you have to do everything on this list but keep your brain active.
Best wishes,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Tuesday 24th March
Good morning, Puffins! I hope you all enjoyed your first day of Home Learning! Please upload photos of your work to our blog so I can see the amazing work you have completed.
Here are your options for today!
If you follow this link, you will be able to watch me reading the end of our class story, 'Jason Banks and the Pumpkin of Doom'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFJr126V2sQ
Take an AR quiz on it afterwards.
Write the next entry of your journal for today. Remember to use the Fantastics – Feeling and Noticing. What have you noticed around you? Eg. I noticed the birds singing sweetly on the rooftop. In the sky, I spotted the vibrant sun rising above our house.
Complete the sheet in your handwriting pack - Tongue Twisters 1
Challenge: Use fronted adverbials of how. eg. Carefully and precisely, Without hesitation,
Spellings / Key Words:
Challenge: Use them to write a short story about a rainbow and a sunflower. Make sure you spell the words correctly!
2D Shape – we are going to focus on 2D shapes today and remembering the names!!
Here is a video about the key 2D shapes:
Now, answer the questions on this:
The answers will be revealed tomorrow.
Challenge: Can you make these shapes with everyday objects in your house?
Eg. Pens/pencil/paper/grass/sticks/chalk/spaghetti - use your imagination and be inventive!
Challenge: Can you find any other seeds in your house. Eg. Look inside any fruit or vegetables. Plant these and (if you want) research the best place for them to grow. Someone planted an apple seed in Warbler Class yesterday!!
Remember to take learning breaks and to stay safe. Don’t feel like you have to do everything on this list but keep your brain active.
Joe Wick is doing a LIVE free workout at 9am every weekday morning on the website below:
If you haven’t already, please finish your beautiful rainbows- be as creative as you can! Spread hope, positivity and happiness!
With care, draw a self-portrait of yourself. Use a mirror if you can! Share your finished products and remember it may take more than one attempt.
Best wishes,
Mr Hall & Mrs Howard
Websites for learning:
Monday 23rd March
Good morning, Puffins! You will be happy to know that it is the first day of Home Learning!!
First of all, I would like you to watch this video which will help you to understand why you are not coming into school and how, in fact, you are a STAY-AT-HOME SUPERHERO!
Now, I know that some other children have done this but it would be great to brighten up your house and your area.
Produce a colourful rainbow (preferably a decent size one), which can be displayed on the front of your house. This is to symbolise happiness and bring a smile to our neighbours and friends who walk past. We will be doing the same for Puffin class’ window. There are some examples below this text:
On Friday, if you were at school, you were given a sunflower seed. Now, this is your time to plant it! You can research or talk to family members about how to plant it and the best way to make it grow to its full height of 2-3m. Taller than your door!!
Extra challenge: Produce a poster / powerpoint about the best conditions for a sunflower to grow. Share your findings on the blog to help each other.
Joe Wick is doing a LIVE free workout at 9am on the website below:
Keep active!!
30 minutes of daily reading from an AR book or a book of your choice. Quiz if you finish your book. Remember you can find a new book at:
Show your parents how the grid method works for multiplication. There is an example below the text.
Here are some questions:
Task 1:
34 x 5 = __
44 x 5 = __
55 x 5 = __
65 x 5 = __
What do you notice?
What will 95 x 5 be? How do you know?
Task 2:
3_ x 4 = 1_4 – What are the missing digits? What are all the possibilities?
Task 3:
Use the digits 5,6,7 in _ _ x _
What are the largest and smallest products that you can make using these digits?
Challenge – repeat with 6, 7, 8 and 7, 8, 9
Write a diary about your first day of Home Learning. Remember to use the Fantastic – Feeling
Challenge: Use fronted adverbials of when. Eg. After completing my Maths, Straight after, NOT NEXT, THEN,
Spellings / Key Words:
Challenge: Use them to write a short story BUT spell the words correctly!!
Remember to take learning breaks and to stay safe. Don’t feel like you have to do everything on this list but keep your brain active.
Best wishes,
Mr Hall
Websites for learning:
This week we have been looking at the features of non-chronological report and have used these to help to draft our own non-chronological report. We have looked at how using questions as sub-headings can help to draw the reader in.
In Maths, we have been focusing on fractions. We have made fractions and have used our times tables knowledge to help us to work out equivalent fractions.
During our Science lesson, we made predictions about the temperature at which solid chocolate could change state into a liquid. We then carried out an investigation to see if our prediction was correct.
What a busy start to the Spring Term! We have started on our new topic-The Anglo-Saxons. The children have been learning lots of interesting facts about them and using ICT skills to create a a fact file.
We have also started our 100 Books to Read, which the children have been really enthusiastic about!
This week we will be looking at persuasive writing. We will be writing a letter to Cliff (one of the rambling Isle's) to persuade him to either settle or to continue moving.
In maths this week, we will be learning how to use the grid method to multiply together numbers.
In English this week, we have started looking at our new book for the term. 'Oliver and the Sea Wigs.' We have made inferences about what the book will be about and will be taking on the role of one of the characters in the story to write in role.
In Maths this week, we have been working on our column addition skills and ensuring that we use our knowledge of place value to set out our calculations correctly. We have also been identifying errors in calculations and correcting mistakes.