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Physical Education 


‘Physically educated persons are those who have learned to arrange their lives in such a way that the habitual physical activities they freely engage in make a distinctive contribution to their wider flourishing'

(James MacAllister).



PE develops the pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities for sustained periods of time. We provide the broad and balanced programme of physical education we believe every child should have; with activities designed to be enjoyable, vigorous, purposeful and regular. Pupils need to be given the opportunity to engage in competitive sports and activities and understand the importance of teamwork. Through providing positive experiences, a lifelong interest in physical activity is encouraged, as well as promoting positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle.


At The Round House, we aim to ensure that all pupils: 

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.



For Key Stage 1, pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. Teachers should aim for pupils to:

  • master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as developing balance, agility and coordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities and/or sports.
  • participate in team games, developing basic tactics for attacking and defending.
  • be taught how to perform dances using simple movement patterns.


For Key Stage 2, pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should begin to enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. Pupils should be exposed to a variety of sports such as:

  • Invasion games: football, tag rugby, hockey and netball
  • Net/wall games: tennis and badminton
  • Striking and fielding: cricket and rounders


Pupils in Year 5 and 6 are taught in a different way. Teachers use the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach. Pupils will be learning through playing games and looking at specific skills through this. For example: if the lesson is looking at passing in football, small sided games would be played to look at how pupils are passing. If pupils are finding a skill of passing difficult, the game can be stopped, and pupils are given the opportunity to analysis and use tactics to make it work again. If that still doesn’t work, the teacher can stop the game and do a quick skill-based drill on passing before moving back to the game scenario. The following elements will be considered when teaching the TGfU approach:

  • Tactical Awareness: developing understanding of common elements of games and tactics needed for success.
  • Decision-Making: learning and practising making decisions in action, in response to different situations.
  • Application of Skills: identifying and practising the skills needed to improve play.
  • Performance: putting it all together, applying the skills, decision-making and tactics in game situations.

Throughout the year, teachers will be given the opportunity to learn from PE specialist teachers from the Hunts School Sports Partnership (HSSP). A specialist teacher will come in for half a day during half a term and will provide the following opportunities:

  • Professional CPD for the teacher for 6 weeks.
  • The chance for the teacher to observe, team teach and lead activities and sessions, and get feedback from the specialist teacher.
  • The specialist teacher will provide lesson planning for the teacher.
  • A lunch time or after school club.

To help with the cover of PPA, other specialist teachers and coaches teach physical education lessons. Mr Franco, who teaches Physical Education across the DLPT, is at The Round House twice a week and provides his own planning that coincides with our aims and objectives. At The Round House we have a close connection with St Neots F.C. Two coaches from the club’s academy come in once a week to provide PPA cover and an after-school club. Again, planning is provided and this links to what the pupils are currently learning. 


Pupil Assessment

Assessment of pupil progress is on-going by the class teacher/PE specialist and is part of formative assessment. For each lesson, the teacher will have a marking sheet. This will involve:

  • Lesson objective
  • Module (e.g. Games/Gymnastics)
  • Children who need praise/Good work
  • Children who need support
  • Any misconceptions/next level progressions
  • Values taught and children who displayed these values (e.g. respect)
  • Additional information


This will inform the teacher of what needs to be taught next lesson. This also allows teachers, who have had a PE specialist teach their lesson, to see how well their children have done and who they need to focus on in the next PE lesson.

Teachers are required to carry out summative assessments at the end of each term, where they will assess children’s physical development alongside the PE objectives and update this information onto Arbor.


P.E at The Round House

Home Learning Opportunities


Below are a range of different links to a range of different learning opportunities to use during the school closures. Explore and enjoy!


Live streams: - Andy's wild workouts- CBeebies. – PE workouts at 9.00 every weekday by Joe Wicks. - Oti Mabuse’s live dance classes. - dance with Darcey Bussell from 1.30 each day.


General Physical Education: - Scroll down on the home page to find Disney and Pixar themed 10 minute shake up activities. Another way to stay fit and healthy throughout the day.


Go Noodle (Fun dance videos for exercise plus videos for mindfulness and stretching, free to join):


Premier League Primary Stars

Here are some fun family challenges that you might want to have a go at!,14HHP,666XNW,3YI12,1
