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2024 - 2025 Cuckoo Class


Class Teacher - Mrs S Bell

Class Teaching Assistant - Mrs C Hanson


Our PE day is Monday. Please ensure children have wellington boots in school for their outdoor learning.



Spelling shed will be set weekly for children in year 1 linked to the phonics they are learning. Their log in is stuck into the front of their reading journals. 


Reading five days and week. Please update their reading journal daily as we count their reads and move them up on our class reading chart. This year it is Monster Inc themed! 



Children should engage with the Numbots website on a weekly basis. Their log ins are stuck in the front of their reading journals. 






Letter-join Handwriting

Little Wandle Phonics - Grow the code



Today the children took part in a sponsored fit and fun read-a-thon. They had a fantastic time sharing their books with each other and also completed a range of fitness activities including: dancing, multi-skills and yoga. It was a great afternoon and the children had so much fun! Thank you to everyone who sponsored a child!

English - 17.10.2024


Today the children got to go on a treasure hunt for gold! Based on our story ‘How to Find Gold’ the children had to work together and follow the clues to find the gold Anna and Crocodile hid at our school. 

Maths w/c 14.10.2024


This week in maths, we have been learning about part-whole models. The children have been using first, then and now stories to identify the two parts of a whole number. We have been also extending our learning to create number sentences to match our stories. 

Science Club 15.10.2024

In science club this week we looked at magnetism. The children learnt about the concept ‘repel’ and ‘attract’. They had lots of fun finding out what was metal and how magnets work. 



In PSHE this week we have been learning all about our Learning Charter. The children worked as a team to draw different pictures to show how we could follow the Learning Charter in our classroom.

Maths 9.10.2024


Today in maths the children were identifying parts of a whole. The children had a lot of fun by throwing the beanbags into the hoops. They then had to identify the two parts (inside the hoop and outside the hoop) and finally identify the whole. 

Maths w/c 30.09.2024


This week the children have been learning about greater than, less than and equal to. They showed a good understanding of this concept. 

Religion and Worldviews 


in Religion and Worldviews this week we have been exploring the question - What might some Jewish and Christian people think about creation? 
The children then created their own artwork based on the 7 days it took for the creation of the world. 

English w/c 23.9.2024


Year 1 have been working hard to sequence different sentences based on a picture from our book ‘How to Find Gold’.

Computing lesson w/c 23.09.2024

In today’s computing lesson the children were using the website sketchpad to draw shapes. The children then had a go at making digital artwork based on the artist Wassily Kandinsky through the use of concentric circles. 

Science club 24.09.2024

In science club this week, we were learning about static electricity. We learnt that static electricity is an imbalance of electrical charge on an object or material that can cause sparks, electric shocks and other effects. The children then had the opportunity to create their own static electricity using a balloon or rubbing their socks on the carpet. 


This week in phonics we are reviewing our Phase 2 and 3 sounds. As well as practicing to blending Phase 3 and 4 words. I have attached a phonics sheet below which outlines the words and sounds from this week (week 3). Please do use this to go over these with your children at home. They are more likely to retain information by consistently going over what they have learnt. If you would like to read more information about this, please follow the following link:

English Lesson 17.09.24

Today the children created their own treasure maps based on our class story "How to find gold" by Viviane Schwarz. As it was lovely weather the children were able to go outside and create their maps using chalk. They had a great time explaining the journey Anna and Crocodile had to go on to find gold, coming up with some very creative adjectives to describe their maps such as "gooey mud" and "snowy mountains". 


History Off the Page! 

The children have had a lovely day learning all about what it was like to live and work in a castle. They spent their morning making many different crafts and listening to lots of different stories. In the afternoon they did a variety of activities including: jousting, singing, dancing and juggling. The children were very well behaved and the day was a success!



w/c: 15th April 2024

It has been lovely welcoming the children back after the Easter Holiday! They have all come back with a positive attitude towards their learning, with lots of exciting stories about their Easter. 


This week, we have looked at our new book in English 'One Day On Our Blue Planet in The Savannah'. This story is all about a lioness and her cub who live in the African Savannah. The children created their own African animal scene using powder paints and silhouettes. We also looked at a picture from the book and came up with some sentences to describe what the animals were doing using prepositions. 


We have started counting in 2s, 5s and 10s in Maths. 


For Outdoor Learning, the children played a game of 'Tree Bingo' and then used their knowledge of the parts of tree to create their own tree people. 


Friday 9th February 2024

Today in Cuckoo Class the children made 'Wombat Stew' based on our class story. The children had a great time adding raisins for flies, chocolate custard for mud and marshmallows for feathers into their stew. They all worked so well as a team and got to enjoy the tasty stew at the end.


Friday 26th January 2024


Today the children in Cuckoo Class were able to have their cookie party to celebrate them achieving the Key Stage 1 Reading Challenge award for Autumn term!! The children were able to enjoy a nice cookie and some juice or milkshake. We also read a nice story to celebrate how amazing we are at reading. :) 


W/c: 15th January 2024


This week has been a fantastic week! The children have been practising their estimating skills in Maths and were very successful when placing numbers on the number line. It has been amazing to have Mrs Stockley back with the team and the children. We have started our new book 'Wombat Stew' and the children created their own character descriptions of 'Dingo'. 



  • PE day is Thursday- please ensure children have their PE kits in school on Monday
  • Please ensure children are reading at least 5 times per week and accessing Spelling Shed and Numbots







Happy New Year! 

Week commencing 2nd January 2023

I am looking forward to seeing the children tomorrow, 4th January 2023. We have go lots of exciting learning organised for the term! I have started attaching the Knowledge Organisers for the term below. Please do speak to me if you have any questions. Please remember that Thursday 5th January will be a PE day.


Week commencing 21st November 2022


We have had an exciting week! The children were brilliant while visiting the library and showed excellent listening skills while listening to the librarian. We are getting ready for Christmas show and we have been going over our dance routine. Letters will be coming out about what the children will need to wear so please don't buy anything special. In maths the children have been revising subtraction stories. 

Here is a link to the overview of the songs for the Christmas show but the songs have been printed and sent home. 


Week commencing 1st November 2022

This week, we have started a new book in English called Rapunzel! It is not the traditional tale but we will be comparing it to the original story. We started thinking about the questions we had about the story and learnt how to use a question mark. In maths, we are continuing with addition and they have started to look at addition fact families. 

In science, we searched for minibeasts in the school grounds and compared all the different types of habitats that they live in.


It will soon be time for the Christmas play and more information will follow regarding this. Next week we will start learning the songs. We will then be learning a dance for the show.


Week commencing 17th October 2022

What a great last week to finish off the first part of the term! The children worked really hard this week.

The children did their very first exciting writing entry! It was based on the well-loved story: Owl Babies. Prior to this week, the children have worked on the whiteboards to build up their confidence but now we are writing in our books. We look forward to seeing what they produce during their next Exciting Writing lesson.


In maths, we looked at odd and even numbers. We did a whole class investigation to see whether it made a difference if the answer was odd or even. What were the two parts? Both even? Both even?  They used part whole models and Numicon to investigate. We have also been working on counting to 20 forwards and backwards.


On Friday, we wrapped up and put our wellies on to investigate the signs of Autumn for our science lesson. 


In English, we finished the book, 'How to Find Gold'. The children wrote a different ending to the story. Instead of burying the treasure again, we had lots of lovely ideas. Including: sharing the gold, making crowns, hiding it in a tree house and going on holiday! Someone even came up with the idea of making a gold snow angel. Next term, we will be sharing a book call Rapunzel but it is not the traditional tale!


I have set homework on EdShed and this will take the children up to the 7th November. They should continue to read. 


We have had a number of children submit their slips to allow them to take home a 100 read book. Please do return these after half term if you would like your child to take home a sharing book that they can choose. 


Have a lovely half term and thank you for your continued support. 


Week commencing 10th October 2022

This week we wrote postcards as Anna from, 'How to Find Gold'.  The children described the adventure that Anna had been on so far and they used capital letters and full stops in our sentences.


In maths we used part whole models to help us with addition.


In science we started to look at animals and classified them. 


History was very exciting because they worked out which weapon would be the best to attack the three different castles. 


The phonics sheet from this week is attached below. 


Week commencing 3rd October 2022

Well done! Our class got the most reads last week! 


The children really enjoyed our science lesson this week. Very enthusiastic while tasting the different food items!  

In history, the children looked at the different jobs in castles. I think most of them would prefer to be either the King or Queen!


In English, the children looked at characteristics of a person who could help Anna and the crocodile find gold.  We then looked at developing our sentences using adjectives to describe that character.


In maths, the chidren have been developing their understanding of greater and less than symbols and ordering numbers from smallest to greatest and greatest to smallest. We continue to use a range of practical equipment including Numicon.


I have attached a phonics sheet below which outlines the words and sounds from this week (week 4). Please do use this to go over these with your children at home. They are more likely to retain information by consistently going over what they have learnt. 


Please note that I have read comments in reading journals regarding phonics books. I will get back to you regarding these points and we can discuss this at parents evening. Thank you for your patience while we develop the use of Little Wandle. We have already seen an impact with their learning. A letter will be given out at parents evening for our '100 reads'. You will need to sign and return this so that children can take a book home for their additional sharing book.

If you would like to read more information about this, please follow the following link:


Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you at parents evenings. 


Miss McGee



Week Commencing 12th September 


Spelling shed will be set weekly for children in year 1 linked to the phonics they are learning.




Included in children’s weekly homework is reading for at least 10 minutes, 5 nights a week (this can just be a few pages and doesn’t have to be a whole book). You need to complete their reading record each time they read. We would very much appreciate you listening to your child’s reading/discussing their book with them and request that you sign your child’s reading record book and, if possible, add a comment. This will really help your child to progress in reading and writing. We check reading records on a weekly basis to ensure children are reading regularly. Children will receive awards for reading 25, 50 and 75 times in a term.  Year 1  will be changing their reading books on a daily basis. Please can you make sure your child has their reading record in school every day. If you have any issues or difficulties reading with your child each day then please let us know.



Their book has been carefully matched to their current reading level. If they are reading it with little help, please don’t worry that it’s too easy – they need to develop fluency and confidence in reading.

Listen to them read the book. Remember to give them lots of praise – celebrate their success!

If they can’t read a word, read it to them. After they have finished, talk about the book together to further develop their comprehension!


As well as their reading books, it is important to share other books together.


The link below has some ideas for Year 1 books for shared reading.

Year 1 Reading List




Children should engage with the Numbots website on a weekly basis.

2021 - 2022


In PSHE this term we have been looking at Relationships, in particular friends. We have been learning about what makes a good friend and how to make new friends. We have also been thinking about what to do when we need help and who to ask for help.

After half term we will be learning about Changing Me. This will involve looking at life cycles, changes since being a baby, differences, growing and learning, coping with change and transition.


This is the video we have been using to learn the Makaton signs for the National Anthem ready for our Jubilee celebrations.

Makaton - GOD SAVE THE QUEEN (National Anthem) - Singing Hands & the Makaton Tutor Choir - YouTube


We have also been looking at evergreen and deciduous trees in science and outdoor learning. Look out for the leaf sheet coming home at the end of the week to help to identify trees when you are out on walks.



We have started to learn a song for the Queen's Jubilee. Sing, written by Gary Barlow.  Apparently it is one of her favourite songs!


Here is the link if you would like to practise at home.



Today, after playing detectives, the children found out that their topic for this term is At The Seaside, with a particular focus on Hunstanton. They used their senses to work out clues such as feeling shells in a feely bag, smelling lavender, listening to seagulls and the sounds of the waves, looking at pictures of the cliffs, and tasting sugary rock.

Outdoor learning grid

Year 1 phonics - wk beginning 22/02/21

22/02/2021 - next 2 weeks afternoon links

Year 1 Phonics Lessons - WB 08.02.21

Week 5 afternoon links - w/b 08.02 (Sorry it is late!)

Week 4 - w/b 01/02/21 afternoon links

Phonics Week 4 -w/b 1st February

Week 3 - Topic links w/b 25/01/21

Phonics Lessons week beginning 25/01/21

Updated link for RE this week - it has been brought to our attention that the link isn't working so here is the next link 

Updated Timetable! (Apologies for any confusion this week!)

Afternoon Links for week beginning 18/1/2021

Phonics Lessons week beginning 18th January

Please find below the links for afternoon learning and an outdoor learning grid with plenty of activities to keep you going for a few weeks.


Looking forward to seeing you later,

Miss King

Dear Cuckoo learners and carers,


I hope you are enjoying your weekend. 


As you know tomorrow will be the first day for our live, online lessons, so we thought that we would send you a timetable to help you get through the day (see below in 2 formats). Feel free to print out and stick on your fridge to remind you of what is happening. this timetable should be the same for every week that we are in lockdown.

A separate list of afternoon learning links will be posted tomorrow morning.


Please bear with us as there will undoubtedly be teething problems and technical issues as we all get to grips with this new way of learning.


Thank you,


Miss King


English – Jack and the Beanstalk Lesson 2           

Maths – Shape and patterns - Lesson 2

Science – Materials Lesson 2

Geography – Seven Continents Lesson 2

Spelling Shed

20 minutes reading

Joe Wicks workout


English – Jack and the Beanstalk Lesson 1 -

Maths – Shape and patterns - Lesson1 -

Science – Materials - Lesson 1 -

Geography – Seven Continents - Lesson 1-

Spelling Shed          20 minutes reading

Joe Wicks workout -

Happy New Year Cuckoos :) 

As you know, 2021 is starting off a little differently, but I am really confident you can be super hero learners at home once again.

Here is our learning for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week.

You can let us know how you got on with your quiz scores on the class blogs, and ask us any questions on the blogs as well. 

Good luck, and have a great first 3 days .    


Miss King


Remote learning 06.01.21 - 08.01.21


Today is the last day of term! Well done for all of your fantastic hard work! We hope you have a great day doing lots of fun and creative activities Have the best summer holiday!


On the website today, are some fun and creative activities for you to do. Go to the website to have a look at these. Well done for all your fantastic hard work whilst you have been at home! Have lots of fun!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words ending in ‘ee’ sound using the letter ‘y’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To write a story.

Maths – Go on NumBots and TT Rockstars.

DT – To make a puppet.

Outside – How about the ‘Water Balloon Pinata’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words ending in ‘ee’ sound using the letter ‘y’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To write for a purpose.

Maths – To compare durations of time.

PSHE – To create a jar full of things you are looking forward to in the future.

Outside – How about the ‘Sports Day’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words ending in ‘ee’ sound using the letter ‘y’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To use descriptive vocabulary.

Maths – To find durations of time.

Art & Design – To draw an observational drawing of a natural object.

Outside – How about the ‘Super Shoes’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words ending in ‘ee’ sound using the letter ‘y’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To create and design magic shoes.

Maths – To tell the time in 15 minute intervals (quarter to and quarter past).

Topic – To know how significant people help us.

Outside – How about the ‘Art in the style of Van Gough’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words ending in ‘ee’ sound using the letter ‘y’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To discuss events in a story.

Maths – To tell the time to the hour and to half the hour.

Science – To explain the life cycle of a plant and what plants need to grow.

Outside – How about the ‘Water Xylophone’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words with the ‘v’ sound using the letters ‘ve’

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To write a fact file.

Maths – Go on to NumBots or TTRockstars

DT – To design a puppet

Outside – How about the ‘Card Making’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!



Good Morning! Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work.

 Here is an outline of today’s work.

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘v’ sound using the letters ‘ve’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To research a topic.

Maths – To name and describe 3D shapes.

PSHE – To understand how to keep ourselves safe.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Vegetable Superhero’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a fantastic day!



Good Morning! Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work.

 Here is an outline of today’s work.

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘v’ sound using the letters ‘ve’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To describe a character.

Maths – To recognise the lines of symmetry in 2D shapes.

Art & Design – To create shadow art.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Rainbow Bubble Snakes’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a fantastic day!



Good Morning! Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work.

 Here is an outline of today’s work.

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘v’ sound using the letters ‘ve’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To create a character.

Maths – To describe and create shape patterns.

Topic – To know how significant people help us.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Shadow Drawing’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a fantastic day!



We hope you all had a lovely weekend. Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work.

 Here is an outline of today’s work.

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘v’ sound using the letters ‘ve’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To answer questions about a text.

Maths – To identify shapes by the number of sides and vertices.

Science – To name, identify and explain the function of parts of a plant.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Bug Hotel’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a fantastic day!



We hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work.

 Here is an outline of today’s work.

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘ch’ sound using the letters ‘tch’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Write a story about a superhero.

Maths – Go onto NumBots or TT Rockstars.

Computing – To know how to keep safe online.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Mud’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a fantastic day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘ch’ sound using the letters ‘tch’

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –To write an exciting story.

Maths – To rotate shapes.

PSHE – To know how to make healthy choices.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Giant Bubbles’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘ch’ sound using the letters ‘tch’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Gather ideas for writing.

Maths – To use the language of rotation.

Art & Design – To make insects using natural materials.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Kim’s Game’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘ch’ sound using the letters ‘tch’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –To describe a character using adjectives.

Maths – To be able to give directions.

Topic – To research the life of a significant person.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Cloud Watching’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘ch’ sound using the letters ‘tch’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –To become familiar with a story.

Maths – To describe the position of an object.

Science – To name and identify common plants and trees.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Picture Making’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Rules for plural nouns.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Writing a fact file about lighthouses.

Maths – Go on Numbots or TT Rockstars.

Computing – To know what code and algorithms are.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Picnic lunch’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Rules for plural nouns.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –To research all about lighthouses.

Maths – Finding different combinations of coins that equal the same amount.

PSHE – Understanding how to stay safe at the seaside.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Seaside Scene’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Rules for plural nouns.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Writing instructions.

Maths – Recognising and knowing the value of coins.

Art & Design – Creating a textured landscape.

Outdoor – How about the ’Make some Binoculars’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Rules for plural nous.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Collect ideas for making a picnic lunch.

Maths – Using standard units to measure volume and capacity.

Topic – Compare seaside holidays from the past with ones of today.

Outdoor – How about the ’10 Green Bottles’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Rules for plural nous.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Answering questions about a text.

Maths – Compare and order volume and capacity.

Science – Plastic pollution.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Snails’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Writing a story.

Maths – Go onto Numbots or TT Rockstars.

Music – Making music from everyday objects.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Sensory Ice Play’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Retelling part of a story.

Maths – Ordering and comparing mass/weight.

PSHE: Relationships

Outdoor – How about the ‘Camping’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Planning the retell of the ending of the story.

Maths – Estimate and measure in mass/weight.

Art & Design: Texture hunt.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Making a Paintbrush’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Book Review.

Maths – Ordering and comparing lengths and height.

Geography: Features of a coastline.

Outdoor – How about the Ruler of the Garden activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! We hope you all had a great weekend! Go straight to the website to access your work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Becoming familiar with a new story.

Maths – Estimating and measuring length and height.

Science: Designing and making a boat that will float.

Outdoor – How about the Garden Pictures activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!

WC 8.6.20 Diamond Online Digital Newsletter


Good Morning! Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Use descriptive language in a story.

Maths – Go onto Numbots or TT Rockstars

PSE: Listening and responding to music.

Outdoor – How about the Pebble Toss activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a fantastic day and have a lovely weekend!



We hope you all had a great day yesterday. Here is an outline of today’s work.


Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To write facts based on research.

Maths – Writing numbers in numerals and words.

PSE: To talk confidently about talents.

Outdoor – How about the Instruments activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a fantastic day!



We hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Here is an outline of today’s work.


Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To research a chosen topic.

Maths – Following number sequences.

Art – Investigating colour.

Outdoor – How about the Tree Leaves activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a fantastic day!



We hope you all had a great day yesterday and enjoyed the learning using the online website. Here is an outline of today’s work. Take your time using the website as this is a different way of learning.


Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Using descriptive language to describe a beach.

Maths – Ordering objects and numbers to 100.

History – Comparing past and present beaches.

Outdoor – How about the Stone Keeper activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!


Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a fantastic day!



We hope you all had a fantastic weekend! This week, you will be carrying out your learning using the work set on the ‘Diamond Online’. There are two options for how you can access the work for this week. There is the digital newsletter, which has been uploaded up onto the class pages, or you can now start to use the website which has gone live for Year 1 and 2 this week. Here is the link You will need to click on the ‘Learning’ tab on the left of the website to access your work. Using the website may take some getting use to! Please take your time and have an explore of it with an adult. The digital newsletter is there for you this week if you feel using the website is a little tricky. If you click on the ‘How to use the Online School’ tab on the left, there are videos to help show you how it all works, and you can watch these with an adult. Here is an outline of the work for today: -


Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – Answering questions about the story.

Maths – Comparing objects and numbers to 100.

Science- Identifying properties of materials

Outdoor – How about the Natural Rubbings Activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!

WC 1.6.20 Diamond Online digital newsletter Year 1 and 2



We hope you all had a fantastic weekend! This week, you will be carrying out your learning using the work set on the ‘Diamond Online’. There are two options for how you can access the work for this week. There is the digital newsletter, which has been uploaded up onto the class pages, or you can now start to use the website which has gone live for Year 1 and 2 this week. Here is the link You will need to click on the ‘Learning’ tab on the left of the website to access your work. Using the website may take some getting use to! Please take your time and have an explore of it with an adult. The digital newsletter is there for you this week if you feel using the website is a little tricky. If you click on the ‘How to use the Online School’ tab on the left, there are videos to help show you how it all works, and you can watch these with an adult. Here is an outline of the work for today: -


Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – Answering questions about the story.

Maths – Comparing objects and numbers to 100.

Science- Identifying properties of materials

Outdoor – How about the Natural Rubbings Activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!


Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!

Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – Writing your own story about a mermaid.

Maths – Go on Numbots or TT Rockstars

Music- Make an instrument ready for next week’s assembly. If you have already made one, you could practise playing it.

Outdoor – How about making a minibeast hunt? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day  and enjoy the weekend!


Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!

Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – Writing a description about the mermaid you drew yesterday.

Maths – Focusing on 1 more or 1 less

PSE- drawing a picture about a time you have found something tricky and worked at worked hard at trying to overcome it.

Outdoor – How about making a kite? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!


Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!

Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – You will be drawing a picture of the mermaid and using exciting vocabulary to describe her.

Maths – Focusing on tens and ones using addition.

Art  - mark making

Outdoor – How about making a stone tower? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!


Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!


Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – You will continue to look at the book ‘The Singing Mermaid’ and writing some questions that you would like to ask. What do you need to remember when writing questions?

Maths – You will be looking at the value of a 2-digit number.

Geography  - Looking at the human and physical features of a beach.

Outdoor - How about making a collage with garden materials? Or pick whichever outdoor activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!

Good Morning Cuckoos!


We hope you have all had a lovely half term! The Diamond Online digital newsletter is above this post. It contains a series of lessons each day. Towards the bottom of the newsletter, there are additional activities that can be done during the week which include an assembly link and a link to Springwatch live wildlife cam! 


Please refer to the Diamond digital newsletter for today’s work. Here is an outline of today’s work: -

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – You will be looking at a lovely book called ‘The Singing Mermaid’ by Julia Donaldson (link on the newsletter). As you are listening to the story, think about what your favourite part is.

Maths – Focusing on place value of numbers. What could you draw to help you?

Science  - looking at different materials that you can find around your house. Think about their names and the different ways you could group these materials.

Outdoor activity - How about playing a game of noughts and crosses using sticks and stones? Or pick whichever outdoor activity you like! 


Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! As many of the Class Teachers are now in school, they may not be able to respond straight away to your blog posts, but they will do as soon as they can. 

Friday 22nd May 2020 

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/ Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 5 

Indoor Activity - Activity 5 – Write 5 questions 

Outdoor Activity – Activity 5 – Blindfold safari 

Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Thursday 21st May 2020 

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/ Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 4 

Indoor Activity - Activity 4 – How many ways can you make and show the number 16? 

Outdoor Activity – Activity 4 – Ball run challenge 

Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Topic - Introduction to Grace Darling Video 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.

Wednesday 20th May 2020 

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/ Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 3 

Indoor Activity- Activity 3 – Design your own Joe Wicks workout 

Outdoor Activity - Activity 3 – Create an obstacle course 

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Vocabulary Ninja - compass – Draw a picture of a compass (2) 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Tuesday 19th May 2020 

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/Maths Shed – 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 2 

Indoor Activity - Activity 2 – Write an acrostic poem 

Outdoor Activity- Activity 2 – Cardboard foot 

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog. 

Good Morning. Please find attached a suggested set of activities for the day. If you would prefer to choose your own, then this is fine. Please find the following documents above: Vocabulary Ninja, Maths and Spelling Activities and Indoor and Outdoor Activity Home Learning Grids. Please share what you have been up to on the blog. 

Monday 18th May 2020 

Reading - 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/Maths Shed – 30 minutes 

White Rose – Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 1 

Indoor Activity - Activity 1 – Write a fact sheet about an animal 

Outdoor Activity - Activity 1 – Observational drawing 

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Vocabulary Ninja- compass – write a sentence using this word (1) 

Vocabulary Ninja - erosion

Friday 15th May 2020 

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/ Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 5 

 Indoor Activity - Activity 9 or 10 – Hot seating or create your own game 

Outdoor Activity – Activity 9 or 10 – Ice escape or shadow pictures 

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Thursday 14th May 2020 

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/ Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 4 

 Indoor Activity - Activity 8 – Indoor camping 

Outdoor Activity- Activity 8 – Create your own museum of natural treasures 

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Topic - Lucy and Tom at the Seaside story 

Activity to go with Lucy and Tom at the Seaside 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Wednesday 13th May 2020 

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/ Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 3 

 Indoor Activity - Activity 7 – Learn your full name, your birthday and your address 

Outdoor Activity – Activity – Magic wands 

Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Vocabulary Ninja- erosion – Draw a picture to represent the word erosion (2) 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Tuesday 12th May 2020 

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/ Maths Shed - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 2 

 Indoor Activity - Activity 6 – Make your own musical instrument 

Outdoor Activity- Activity 6 – Build a mini den for a bear 

Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Monday 11th May 2020 

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 1 

Indoor Activity- Activity 5 – Write a story 

Outdoor Activity- Activity 5 – Mini beast hunt 

Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Vocabulary Ninja- erosion – write a sentence using this word (1) 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.

Thursday 7th May 2020 - The final set of activities for the week.

Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 15 minutes
Numbots/ Maths Shed - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 3
Indoor Activity - Activity 4 – How many ways can you make and show the number 12?
Outdoor Activity – Activity 4 – What’s this critter thinking?
Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
Topic - Beach Vocabulary…/item1067…/grade1/index.html
Activity to go with Beach Vocabulary…/g…/module1067404/index.html

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.

Enjoy VE Day however you choose to spend it!

Wednesday 6th May 2020 

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/ Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 3 

Indoor Activity- Activity 3 – Design your own perfect cupcake 

Outdoor Activity - Activity 3 – Outdoor masterpieces  

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Vocabulary Ninja - pier – Draw a picture of a pier (2) 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Tuesday 5th May 2020 

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/Maths Shed – 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 2 

Indoor Activity - Activity 2 - Seasons 

Outdoor Activity- Activity 2 – Explore and make a map 

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog. 

Good Morning. Please find attached a suggested set of activities for the day. If you would prefer to choose your own, then this is fine. Please find the following documents above: Vocabulary Ninja, Maths and Spelling Activities and Indoor and Outdoor Activity Home Learning Grids. Please share what you have been up to on the blog. 


Monday 4th May 2020 

Reading - 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/Maths Shed – 30 minutes 

White Rose – Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 1 

Indoor Activity - Activity 1 – Create your own animal 

Outdoor Activity - Activity 1 – Sensory and texture walk 

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Vocabulary Ninja- pier – write a sentence using this word (1)

Monday 27th April


Good Morning! We hope that you’ve had a good weekend and enjoyed the sunny weather.


The activity sheets remain the same as last week. You may continue to choose one activity from each section if you wish to. Why don’t you have a look at, ‘The Beach – Magic Grandad,’ to discover more about the Seaside. Please keep sharing what you have been up to on the blog. We love to see this.


If you are practising your handwriting please take a look at the Letterjoin website to make sure you are forming your letters correctly and remember in Year 1 we don't join our letters.

The website is 

user name: roundhouse_2 

password: letterjoin

Wednesday 22nd April

Good Morning Cuckoo Parents! We hope you’ve enjoyed the activities so far this week! Thank you for sharing on the blog what you have been up to. You can continue with the same structure for your child, as outlined on Monday, if this is working for your child. If you would like, you can continue your trip to the Seaside and take a look at, ‘Seaside Entertainment – Magic Grandad.’ Please keep sharing on the blog! We love to see what you have been doing. Hope you all have a lovely day. Remember to have a look at our YouTube channel - The Round House Storytellers. Stay safe. Miss King :D

Monday 20th April

Good Morning! We hope that you all had a lovely Easter break. Please have a look at the Maths and Spelling Activities Monday 20th April to Friday 1st May task sheet as well as the indoor and outdoor learning activities (posted above). If you want some structure for your child, then you can choose one task per day from the indoor and outdoor activity sheets as well as completing one Maths activity and one phonics activity. There are also some topic introduction links. If you would like, have a look at the first link to start the Seaside topic ‘Barnaby Goes to the Seaside’ We would love to see what you have been doing so please share what you have been up to on the blog. If you are not able to access Numbots, please let your class teacher know. This is a fantastic resource for the children to use independently.

Wednesday 1st April

Today is Reward Day

Congratulations on your Spring Term full of learning, fabulous behaviour and hard work ...  both at school and at home.  

We are incredibly proud of you and your families.

Today is a day filled with some magic and fun .... enjoy !!


Magician Nick Barnes has recorded a special magic show to watch while we are staying safe at home ... Here it is -


If you want to learn some fun magic tricks to perform for your family ... here are some ideas


Have the best day! Lots of love

Miss King :D

Date - Tuesday 31st March 

Good Morning!  

Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 

Spelling Shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task. 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled ’Nouns’ 

Practice reading and writing your word walls. 

Maths - Adding and subtraction up to 10 - 

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 

Please have a look through your Knowledge Organisers and write down some facts about Neil Armstrong. Try to make it look exciting – can you add pictures around your facts? 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog. Let us know how you are getting with Numbots. 

Miss King and Mrs Gregorious 

Date - Monday 30th March  

Good Morning!  

Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 

Spelling Shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task. 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet entitled ‘Add the Capital Letters 2’. 

Practice reading and writing your word walls. 

Maths - Unknown numbers up to 10 - 

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 

We have set another Kahoot quiz for you to do, this time it’s about Christopher Columbus. Follow the link below or got to Kahoot and use the code 0144146 

This week the Art in The Windows theme is the sunshine so if you get a moment for some art try to create a beautiful sun to put with your rainbow in your window. Try to use different materials if you can. 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog, remember not to post photos with you in them, we may not be able to approve them. 


Finally, a message from Mr Hall -  

I have set up usernames and passwords for TT Rockstars and Numbots for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. They are the same for both apps.  

Their username is the first 2 letters of their forename and the first 2 letters of their surname. eg. Joe Bloggs username is 'jobl' 

Password: abc 


Year 1 - Encourage children to play Numbots on this website 

Any questions we are checking our emails and Facebook every day.  


Miss King and Mrs Gregorious 

Date – Friday 27th March 

Good Morning!  

Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 

Spelling Shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task. 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled Crossword Puzzles. 

Practice reading and writing your word walls. 

Maths - Addition facts up to 20 - 

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 

Please have a look through your Knowledge Organisers and design a poster about the life of Sir Robert Falcon Scott. 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog. 

Miss King, Mrs Gregorious, Miss Cooper and Miss Blyth 

Date – Thursday 26th March 2020

Good Morning!

Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes

Spelling shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled Add the Capital Letters: 1

Practice reading and writing your first word wall. Can you write 5 sentences using different words from your word wall? Remember your capital letters and full stops.

Maths - More than, less than -

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes.

How many star jumps can you do in 30 seconds? How many times can you write your name in 30 seconds? How many times can you jump up and down in 30 seconds?

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on your blog.

Love Miss King, Mrs Gregorious, Miss Cooper and Miss Blyth

Date – Wednesday 25th April 

Good Morning!  Happy Wednesday. I hope the sun stays shining for us - make the most of it and get yourself outside for some fun today!

Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 

Spelling shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task - Phonics Phase 4 CVCC words using Phase 3 graphemes 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet starting at ‘their’ and finishing with ‘into’. 

Practice reading and writing your word wall 1 and write sentences using 5 of the words. 

Maths - Lotto addition and subtraction to 10 - 

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 

As an extra challenge try the Kahoot quiz on Amelia Earhart. Follow the link below or go to and select PLAY from the top right corner, you will then be prompted for a code - 0266614 

We are hoping to do more of these if it works – you have until Friday evening to take part in this challenge! 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog. 

Miss King, Mrs Gregorious, Miss Cooper and Miss Blyth 

Date – Tuesday 24th March  

Good Morning! Hope that you are all well.

Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes. 

Spelling shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task. Phonics phase 4 CVCC words. 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled high frequency words starting with ‘be’ ending with ‘which 

Maths - Darts total to 20 - 

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 

Please have a look through your knowledge organisers and write 5 facts about Christopher Columbus. 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog. 

Miss King, Mrs Gregorious, Miss Cooper and Miss Blyth 

Date – Monday 23rd March 2020 

Good Morning! Happy Monday. Hope you enjoy your first day at home.  

Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 

Spelling shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task - Phonics Phase 4 CVCC words 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled High Frequency Words starting with ‘the’ ending with ‘at’ 

Practice reading and writing your first word wall. Can you write 5 sentences using different words from your word wall? Remember your capital letters and full stops. 

Maths - Using Mathematical Symbols - 

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 

Can you create your own rainbow and display it in your windows at home for others to see. Remember to use your colour mixing skills if you are painting to make different colours. Try and create your rainbow using different materials. Have fun! 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on your blog. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful creations around Loves Farm!  

Love Miss King, Mrs Gregorious, Miss Cooper and Miss Blyth 

This is where you will see my message :D 


Welcome to Cuckoo class - it is a great place to be!


P.E days are Monday so please make sure children have their P.E kits in school and earrings are removed.

Homework will go home on a Thursday and needs to be handed in the following Tuesday.

Cuckoos have been incredible readers so far so please keep up the hard work and keep reading for 10 mins at home every day. Magazines, recipes, game manuals, signs, cereal boxes and many more are ALL still reading!



Cuckoo class have been working very hard. Last week we had a great week. In English the children have explored the setting of underwater. They labelled the nouns and used adjectives to describe what they could see and feel. They then wrote these up into sentences.They have been writing some fantastic sentences and I have been very impressed!


In Maths, the children have been continuing to explore numbers and how to use a number line. They really enjoyed using the numicon to show numbers that are greater than or less than and drawing the symbols on the table.


In Science, we have continued to explore our senses, focusing on hearing and smelling. The children smelt different pots and had to work out what was in each pot. Some of the smells were more pleasant than others!

 In English, the children have started looking at the story, ‘How to Find Gold.’ We read the first page and thought about the characters Anna and Crocodile. The children came up with some fantastic adjectives to describe their appearance and personality and then they wrote these into sentences. Some children were even able to write a sentence with two adjectives in separated by a comma!

In Maths, the children have been thinking about the sequencing of numbers. The children have looked at different representations and filled in missing numbers.

Our first science lesson took us on a exploration of the human body. We thought about our external body parts, where they are located and what they are used for. This has led us nicely to next weeks lesson where we will start to further explore our 5 senses.

P.E continues to be on Monday afternoon.

Whipsnade trip

Year 1 have been working really hard over the past few weeks. In English we have been using 'The Way Back Home.' The children have been using this book to write their own story based on what happens within this text. We have been looking at including similes in our writing as well as thinking carefully about the vocabulary we are using to make sure we are writing effective sentences. The children have all been writing some fantastic sentences and I have been very impressed.


In Maths, we have been learning all about money. The children have been learning about the different coins and how much each is worth. They have then also been making different amount using the different coins.


In Science, the children are learning all about plants. We set up an experiment to see where plants grow best. The children used what they have learnt about what plants need in order to grow to set up their own experiments. They had to think carefully about where they wanted their plants to be in order to test how they grow best - with/without sunlight, with/without water and with/without soil. The children then predicted what they thought would happen. We are looking forward to finding out the results!


In English, the children have finished their book ‘How to find Gold.’ We discussed our favourite parts of the story and wrote them down on strips of paper. We then used these to create poems as a group.

In Maths, the children have been continuing their learning about place value. The children have been looking at ordering and comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal too. They were applying this new maths vocabulary in solving some problems.

 In Science, we have continued our topic of Seasonal change. The children were looking at how animals adapt in different seasons. They were learning about which animals hibernate.

W/B 15/10/18


First we must apologise for not keeping you up to date - sometimes we just run out of time!
We have been very busy over the last few weeks. We have been making numbers using objects and representing numbers on bead strings. Then we used our whole-part models to show number sentences. We used the Mighty Writer to help us compose sentences that we then attempted to write. We also had an Art Day with Mr Cornell where we learnt about colour mixing and sketching.
This week we have been making numbers outside with Blackbird Class.

What a fantastic start to Year 1. The children in Cuckoo class have been working really hard so far this term. In Maths, we have been looking at different numbers and how they are made up. The children have been using practical resources to support their learning. In English, we have been reading 'Aliens love Underpants,' the children have been writing their own sentences about the story and dramatising different sections. 


Our topic this term is Castles. The children are thoroughly enjoying learning all about the different features of a castle, finding out about artefacts and much more in our ICE zone.

W/B 01.01.18 We have had a fabulous first couple of days back in Cuckoos. Yesterday we discovered by piecing together different landmarks that the mystery city for our new pic is London! We then went back in time all the way to 1666 and The Great Fire Of London. We have researched and found out lots of information about The Great Fire Of London including what happened, when it happened and what happened after the fire. We have also using paint and stencils to create a collage of Loneon during the fire. I am very excited to learn more about this topic and hope the children are too! Just a reminder that it is our History Off The Page day on Monday whereby the children will have a very exciting day learning about The Great Fire Of London. We ask that children come to school dressed as if they are from this time and there is costume advice on the letters receive before half term. Have a lovely weeekend everyone 😊

W/B 25/09/17 We have had another busy week in Cuckoos!
 In English we have focused on describing the different settings and characters in our book and used these amazing adjectives in sentences. This links nicely to our new challenge whereby everyday we are learning a new interesting word which the children have to try and use in their work! If they have mentioned to you about becomming 'Vocabulary Ninjas' this is what they mean. We think it's an exciting and motivating way for children to develop their knowledge and use of vocabulary.
In Maths we have continued learning about Place Value and how a number is made from tens and ones, whether a number has 1 or 2 digits and the value of these digits. We have used resources such as dienes and cubes to support this learning.
In Science we are continuing our Senses topic and focused on sight. This included learning about and labelling an eye and discussing how some people cannot see. We carried out an activity whereby one child was blindfolded and another had to support them walk around the room. We also did some number writing on the playground whilst blindfolded and compared it to our number formation when we can see. The children discussed actually how it was difficult to do tasks without being able to see and how our sight is one of our key senses.

Photos will follow tomorrow but I accidently left my camera at school!

I just want to say a huge thank you for continuing to read daily with your children. Just 10 minutes a day everyday develops their fluency and improves their reading ability overall.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to another fun filled week of learning! 😁

W/B 18/09/17 It has been a fabulous week in Cuckoos this week! We started the week by enjoying a great Maths day which involved taking part in lots of problem solving activities both inside and outside. We also had fun doing a range of art work including painting and collaging. We have even shown of our incredible writing skills by doing our first piece of exciting writing today! I am so impressed with how well the children have settled into Year 1! :) Just a reminder P.E days are changing to Wednesday and Friday so please ensure your child has their P.E kits in school on these days. Also there are head lice in Year 1. Please ensure to check your child's hair and treat accordingly. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

W/B 08/09/17 Well, what a fabulous start to Year 1 Cuckoo Class have had! We have had a very creative week including learning how to make paint using powder paints and how to mix these to create the colours of the rainbow. We read and focused on the story 'The Wizard of Oz' and created a character from the story. We have even done a little bit of writing about our fantastic summers and about ourselves. It has been a busy week and they have all been brilliant. With regards to the children's reading diarys, in Year 1 we ask you to read with your child every night and record this in their diary which will be checked every morning and changed before home time. We have a chart which they work their way up and recieve prizes and certificates once they have reached a certain amount of reads. We are also benchmarking the children over the next week and will ensure they are bringing the correct coloured booked home. Thank you for your ongoing support and I hope you have a lovely weekend.

W/B 12/6/12 It's been a busy week in Cuckoo class! We have continued to look at Africa in English and started to write our own stories! But first we planned the story thinking about the setting, the characters in our story, a problem and a solution. I have to admit I was amazed by some of their imaginative, creative and slightly crazy ideas! In Maths we have recapped division and sharing objects into equal groups. We have even been answering word problems which are a little tricky but of course the children were great at working them out. In Science we have started our new topic - plants. We looked at a range of fruit and vegetables, where they come from and how they are grown. We even got to taste some! We also had a wonderful day with Fantastical Cambridgeshire and loved walking to the community centre to talk about and create maps of loves farm and the world. We then bought this back to the classroom by creating a huge map on the floor! I cannot quite believe this is our last term but I know it's going to be a great one!

Year 1 and 2 has the most wonderful afternoon exploring the outdoors. They created bug traps, dug for worms, made beautiful maps using leaves, plants etc, sketching, oil pastel drawings, butterfly food making and even had the chance to create woodlouse mazes! It was fantastic to see the children get so involved in the activities and work so well independently. Of course a huge thanks to the brilliant Miss Abbott for planning these stimulating and creative activities!

Another fabulous week completed by cuckoo class! This week in Cuckoos we have been learning about place value in Maths. We are now able to use base 10 to make lots of two digit numbers! We can also find how many tens and ones are in a number. One of our mental maths activities involved making a number out of our bodies which helped us understand which ways the number goes round (and of course it was fun!). In English we have continued to learn about the animals in the Savannah and think of lots of awesome adjectives to describe the animals. In Science we made fact files with all of the information we have learnt about the changes from spring to summer and researched lots of new exciting facts. In the mornings we have been writing a sentence to practice our cursive handwriting and I have to say I am extremely pleased with the children’s efforts in doing so!

W/B 02/05/17 Thank you Dr Gilbert for visiting us this morning to tell us all about life as a vet! We loved it when you examined Simba and were really pleased he was a healthy dog. Also we loved learning about the different things you do as a vet and the different animals you see. We know you have to work seriously hard to be a vet so we are going to do the same at school!! From Cuckoo Class

W/B 17/04/17 First of all welcome back Cuckoo Class! It is just lovely to be back! We have been super busy this week. We started the week by discussing our busy and exciting Easter break and then wrote about it. I was very impressed with the neat and wonderful writing. We also learnt a little bit about our new topic - Africa! We even learnt it is a Continent! In maths we recapped fractions with the children drawing shapes and making either halves or quarters...we also knew some shapes we couldn't make into quarters because it wouldn't be the same. We had a lovely guided reading session whereby we played lots of fun reading games, used the easel to write our own stories and even began writing a book review. We had a fun-filled day of exciting writing and art today where we made the different animals of Africa for our new reading corner display. It has been a wonderful week back and I am looking forward to a fun-filled week next week! It would be great to hear more about what the children have done over Easter through a blog! They can also see what I got up too on my blog :)

WB 20/3/17 It has been a wonderful week in Cuckoos this week. In English we have continued learning about poetry and have written some of our own poems. On Friday we went on a sound walk to the kitchen, office and outside, listening and writing down all of the different sounds we heard. In maths we have been learning about multiplication and division! We have kept it very practical by grouping and sharing lots of different objects. In Science we have been sorting animals into groups, looking at the different properties of the animals and comparing the animals. I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend and is looking forward to our last week before the Easter break!

WB 13/3/17 Making our maps of the classroom for Fantastical Cambridgeshire

W/B 6/3/17 This week has been a little different as we have been assessing the children's learning in Reading, Maths, Science, Writing, Spelling and Grammar! Phew! I am very proud of all the progress being made and the fabulous attitude Cuckoos show towards their learning - well done. Here are our photos from last week’s learning! We started our Poetry topic and looked at the poem 'Spaghetti Spaghetti'. Prior to this we explored spaghetti and described how it felt, tasted, and looked smelt etc ready to help us write our own poems later in the week. The children chose their favourite food and thought of some awesome adjectives to describe it and wrote their own poem! In Maths we began to look at multiplication. We focused on grouping a range of objects and working out how many groups there are and how many are in each group. We even started to write multiplication number sentences! In Science we continued to look at animals and their habitats. We sorted lots of different animals using a Venn Diagram according to whether animals live on land or water.

W/B 20/2/17 We have had a busy yet exciting week back in Cuckoos with lots of fun outside learning! In English we wrote instructions to make our own Wombat Stew but first we had to go on a hunt outside to find our ingredients. We thought of some great adjectives to describe our ingredients - wiggly worms, crunchy leaves, mouldy and stinky apples! We have had a week full height and length in Maths! We stared measuring ourselves using hand and foot prints and comparing our heights. We moved on to using different resources to measure objects and how we have to think practically in choosing what we measure with. Mrs Rodgers introduced using a ruler to measure too! In Science we went on a Minibeast hunt and found out lots of facts about our Minibeasts! Just a little message to say I am super proud of this class. They show a genuine love of learning and it reflects on how well they are doing in Year 1.So let's keep up the fab work! :)

Thank you Mrs Suali for a fantastic Indian dancing and singing lesson! 23/2/17

W/B 6/02/17 Here are a few snaps from our last week of last half term. We began the week by making Wombat Stew which I have to say was delicious. We then wrote about how the stew tasted using some awesome adjectives. In maths we used different resources to help us with some tricky addition and subtraction! In Science we predicted and tested which objects float and sink. We were very surprised by some of the results! I hope everyone has had a wonderful half term and are looking forward to another fabulous term in Cuckoos!

W/B 30/1/17 This week in Science we went on a mission to find as many different objects around the school and outside and discover what material they are made of and the properties of this material. In English we have written instructions ready to make Wombat Stew on Monday! In Maths we have looked at numbers less than and more than a number, then worked on finding out the missing part when you know the whole number and only one of the parts. It's been a great week in Cuckoos with lots of wonderful achievements . Keep up the fab work!

W/B 23rd Feb Another fabulous week in Cuckoos! In English we have continued to read the story Wombat Stew and found out the ending. We have been ordering the story, acting the story out and even wrote the first half of the story! In Maths we have been focusing on Place Value and making 2 digit numbers using tens and ones. We even made 100! In Science we read the Three Little Pigs. We discussed why the houses blew down and the properties of these houses. We then used a range of materials such as marshmallows, spaghetti etc to build our own houses. I became the Big Bad Wolf and tested to see which houses would stay up. I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend - let’s have another great week.

First, it was fantastic to see the children's enthusiasm for reading is still strong with lots of children reading every day! Keep up the great work! This week in Cuckoos we have focused on predictions in both English and Science. In English we read the story of Wombat Stew. We stopped just before the ending and everybody thought of such imaginative and creative endings for the story! In Science we predicted which materials would be absorbent / waterproof / bendy and flexible / transparent or opaque and carried out a range of experiments to test the materials and reflect on our predictions. In Maths we have continued to learn about Time. We ordered the days of the week and months of the year and sequenced a daily event. We have been learning to read the clock face and make the times for o'clock and half past. We even matched the correct times to our sequencing of events in a day. Looking forward to another week of fun-filled learning! W/B 16/01/17

Cuckoo class had a fantastic week back! We began learning facts about Castles for this terms Ice Zone topic and designed our own castles. We also took a quick trip to Australia and learnt lots of different animals and all of their interesting names. We even tried some Australian food - vegemite sandwiches, pavlova and lamingtons! Just a quick reminder P.E is still on Wednesday so please can we ensure children have P.E kits on this day and earrings are removed. Well done Cuckoo's again for a wonderful first week back!

Lights, Camel, Action was just fabulous! I hope everybody enjoyed it as much as I did and are as proud as I am of all the children in Key Stage 1.

Last week Cuckoo class received an exciting letter from Mrs Bryden! She was writing to us because she needed our help. Year 5 have not been helping the environment, in fact they have made it worse. Fortunately Cuckoos were able to write letters to Year 5 with lots of ideas on ways to help the Environment. Miss King and Mr Clipsham shared the letters with their classes who thoroughly enjoyed reading and sharing Year 1's marvellous writing. Before writing our letters we used the laptops to find different information in how to help the environment and made posters using this information. In maths we have been using the 10's grid to practice our number bonds to 10. We even did some to 20! In Science we looked at the different ways we dress according to the weather and even dressed up two children and sorted the different clothing. Please can I share the urgency for parents to ensure their children's play costumes are in school by Thursday 28th November as we have a play rehearsal. Thank you to all those grownups who have bought them in. Cuckoos are Angels therefore need a white oversized t-shirt, a white dress with white tights or leggings. Also a piece of silver tinsel. Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and support

It has been a busy week in Cuckoos this week! We started the week discussing features of instructions and made some superb bird feeders following instructions. Everyone wanted to know how we made them so it was only fair to end the week writing instructions. We have been counting in 2's and 5's this week using gloves, wellies, feet and even recognising links between pairs and doubling. In science we looked at ways of recording the weather and made our own rain gauges. Please remember children must be coming to school in a coat and they need to have a water bottle. Also please make sure children have wellies as they use these for their outdoor learning in the Ice Zone. I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend and is looking forward to another fun filled week.

Another super week in Cuckoo class this week full of fun learning! We have used our ten frames in maths looking at lots of different ways of making a number and even recording this as a number sentence. In English we made posters to show people all the different ways we can help our environment. On Friday we used the microphones to perform a reading of the book! In Science we have continued to look at the seasons and this week the different months in seasons. They even began to ask scientific questions about the seasons.

Calling all grownups of Cuckoo and Blackbird Class - please can you bring in any leftover yogurt pots as the children will need these to make bird feeders, an exciting surprise!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
Cuckoos have had a super first week back and start to the second week. Last week we introduced a new book - 10 Things I Can Do To Help My World. We brainstormed all the different ways we think we can help our world and explored the differences they make. I think a personal favourite was talking about all the different things we can recycle. In Maths we focused on shape and measure, using 2D and 3D shapes to build and make a range of patterns. In Science we are learning about all the different seasons.

On the topic of seasons it is becoming very chilly therefore please can parents make sure children are wrapped up warm in coats and hats.
Also we will still be outside for P.E every Wednesday so please make sure children have tracksuit bottoms, a tracksuit jumper and trainers.

I hope everyone has a lovely week and Cuckoos are ready for a fun filled week of learning!

Miss Usher

We have had another great week in Cuckoos with lots of exciting learning taking place! In English we received some shocking news - the aliens were returning because they were not happy with the underpants stolen so far. Fortunately we designed new underpants and thought of some great ideas when describing their underpants. They even wrote why the will love the underpants! In maths they have continued to show off their amazing counting, counting to 20 and back and finding one more or one less of a number. They even counted up in 2's to 20 using pairs of socks to show this sequence and recorded it in their books! In science we focused on the sense 'touch' and did an activity whereby they had to describe how different objects felt for other children to guess the object.

What a fantastic third week Cuckoo Class have had. Firstly I'm beyond pleased with the amount they are reading and how much they are enjoying reading - their rockets are flying up the planets! In math’s they have been ordering numbers to 20 and showing off their adding skills, adding numbers to 20! In English they have continued to practice their acting, describing different settings in the story 'Aliens Love Underpants' and characters followed by writing some superb sentences! This week we finally find out what happens at the end of the story! In science they focused on sight and carried out a range of activities showing what it would be like if they could not see! We also labeled different parts of the eye. Finally on Friday afternoon we had a lovely afternoon making Christmas cards. I was so impressed with how much time and effort everyone put into them and how wonderful they look! The order form will be coming home next week so you can buy a pack or two of their lovely cards.

Cuckoo class had a great week acting as an alien character from the book Aliens Love Underpants! They described the character, how they might have felt and acted as an alien. Cuckoos also enjoyed our science lesson where we worked in teams to complete a body puzzle followed by labelling one of the children. In maths they have been showing off ordering numbers 1-20 and finding the correct amount of pants for numbers 1-20!

Cuckoo Class have had a brilliant first week. We have enjoyed two science experiments using coca cola and mentos to create a huge explosion! We also used milk, food colouring and fairy liquid to create colour patterns. We had an exciting maths session creating number bond paper chains and have started to explore facts about Wales for our Ice Zone work. Cuckoo Class enjoyed meeting Forest Ian and his owl, collecting lots of different leaves. It was very exciting to make tree clay faces and learn exciting facts about the owl. We finished the week by decorating biscuits and even mixing our own icing!



Well this week in Cuckoo Class we have been writing letters to Mr Bear and finding out how to set out a letter with the address at the top, followed by the greeting and then the signature.
In Maths we have been learning about volume and capacity. We have compared bottles and ordered them according to how much liquid was in them. We also estimated and then counted how many non-standard objects would fill a cup.
In Science we have been finding out about the seasons and have been looking at the weather. We have been measuring the wind speed with an anemometer and have a rain gauge out on the field to measure the amount of rain we have had.

Cuckoo Class w/b 9th November