Class Teachers - Mr Clipsham and Miss Swinburne
Class Teaching Assistant - Mrs Howard
PE day - Thursday
Homework expectations:
Reading- children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes, 5 times a week from their AR book and this should be recorded in their reading diary (date, name of book, page number) and signed by an adult. The number of reads will be counted up each Friday so children must ensure that they have their reading diary and their AR book with them (along with a 100 read book if they have one of these too). AR club will continue to run.
Spelling Shed- children are expected to complete tasks set by the class teacher each week. These will be set each Monday and completed by the following Monday. - children are expected to complete the task set each week. This will be set and checked on Mondays.
Tuesday 17th September 2024
It has been brilliant to see all of Year 6 settle into their classes so well this year. We are already looking at handing out the roles and responsibilities in the near future and have been inundated with brilliant applications from the children.
In class, the children have been working hard on establishing a good control of sentence structure and place value in Maths and English, whilst also making a start on their foundation subjects.
Mr Clipsham, Miss Swinburne and Miss Hicks
Chaffinch Class - 2024/2025
Thursday 13th June
Year 6 have been working hard on their end-of-year production, Aladdin. We have been impressed by how much the children have learnt of their scripts so far but need to keep looking over what they need to do, say and sing throughout the performance.
In Maths, the Year 6 children will be continuing with their work on creating, opening and running a theme park, ensuring that it is financially secure. They will be presenting their final business plans to decide whether their parks are sustainable.
In English, we will be continuing to work on our class text, Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill. The children will utilise all of the skills they have been developing throughout this year, culminating in some powerful and emotive pieces of work.
Tuesday 31st October, 2023
Over the next couple of weeks, in English, Year 6 will be developing their understanding of how manipulating the atmosphere of a scene can effectively influence a reader’s opinion and perception of a character. To do this, we will be looking at rewriting scenes from our class text, There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom.
In Maths, the children will be embedding their understanding of written methods for division, applying the skilled they have been learning. Alongside this, we will be exploring the order of operations to unpick multi-step problems.
Thursday 17th November
The children have been working hard in Year 6, working hard on their fluency in both multiplication and division written methods. Utilising their times tables knowledge, huge improvements have been made in consistency and layout, which has resulted in some excellent work.
Continuing with the class text, There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom, Year 6 have been focussing on formal writing techniques in order to write both in a persuasive and balanced manner. Fantastic clause structures and vocabulary choices have led to brilliant pieces of writing, of which the children should be proud.
Thursday 13th October 2022
Year 6
This week, the children in year 6 have been working hard to empathise with characters in our class book, There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. The children have been writing in the role of characters in order to do this.
In maths, the children have been looking at factors and multiples and have moved on to solving multiplication problems using the compact method of multiplication.
As well as this, the children took part in their DLPT Sports Event at Winhills today, where the children enjoyed a morning playing football, netball and dodgeball competitively with other schools.
Friday 8th January 2021
Good morning Year 6!
We hope that you had a good day yesterday and are adjusting well to learning at home again.
Today’s activities are as follows:
1 English - Biographical writing - Lesson 3
2 Maths - Co-ordinates and shape- Lesson 3
3 History - The Shang Dynasty- Lesson 3
4 Science - Notable Scientists- Lesson 3
5 Spellings - Suffixes (past and present)- Lesson 1
7 PE - Joe Wicks workout
Remember, if you have any questions, you can send them via the class blog!
Miss Swinburne and Mr Clipsham
Story Time!
Here is a link to Mr Hall reading, 'The Boy at the Back of the Class'. This is a great book, which is about a refugee's difficulties whilst joining a primary school.
Thursday 7th January 2021
Good morning Year 6!
We hope that you had a good day yesterday and are adjusting well to learning at home again.
Today’s activities are as follows:
1 English - Biographical writing
2 Maths - Co-ordinates and shape- Lesson 2
3 History - The Shang Dynasty- Lesson 2
4 Science - Notable Scientists- Lesson 2
5 Spellings - Homophones- Lesson 2
6 Reading – Read your own reading book for 20 minutes
7 PE - Joe Wicks workout
Remember, if you have any questions, you can send them via the class blog!
Miss Swinburne and Mr Clipsham
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good morning Year 6!
We hope that you have had a good break and are well rested.
Today’s activities are as follows:
1 English - Biographical writing- Important Scientists- Lesson 1
2 Maths - Co-ordinates and shape- Lesson 1
3 History - The Shang Dynasty- Lesson 1
4 Science - Notable Scientists- Lesson 1
5 Spellings - Homophones- Lesson 1
6 Reading – Read your own reading book for 20 minutes
7 PE - Joe Wicks workout
Remember, if you have any questions, you can send them via the class blog!
Miss Swinburne and Mr Clipsham
Tuesday 8th December
This week, in Year 6, the children have started a new topic in maths. The children have been exploring common fractions, have been simplifying fractions and have been converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers. In English, the children have been writing descriptive paragraphs to create both a negative and a positive atmosphere. In Science, the children have continued to learn about their new topic: Light. We have been learning about how light reflects off different objects, including how mirrors work.
Wednesday 18th November
In English, the children have been looking at writing persuasive letters, using evidence and counter-arguments to enforce a point. Through this, the children have developed their sentence structures and vocabulary choices, making sure that their writing makes an impact with the reader.
In Maths, we have been working on our written methods. Division has been the focus for this week, using the compact division method in order to calculate problems of increasing difficulty. They have also used what they have previously learnt to check their workings with the inverse method.
Tuesday 10th November 2020
This week, the children in Year 6 have been working hard in their English lessons, writing formally in a persuasive letter to a character in the class book, 'There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom'.
In maths, the children have been practising multiplication, multiplying 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers, using formal written methods.
In science, the children have continued to make careful observations to investigate the impact of different variables on the rate of mould growth.
Writing tasks that can be completed at home:
Alongside the usual homework tasks that have been set, here are some optional written tasks for the children to try at home. These can be completed and handed in at any time throughout this term.
- Write a synopsis (a brief overview) of a favourite book that you have read this term. It would be great to have some written about the school's Top 100 books!
- As our topic this term is the Ancient Maya, write a first-hand account of a day in the life of a Maya citizen. Think about the different roles in Maya society and pick whichever you think would be best to write about. Remember to include any key facts you have found out.
- Thinking about our Science topic, Living Things and Their Habitats, write an information text on your favourite animal. Make sure to include interesting facts and statistics and to use a formal tone (you could also include a picture!).
- Create a descriptive piece of writing about a haunted school. Be creative with your details and any characters you decide to include!
Tuesday 3rd November 2020
The Year 6 children are continuing to read their class book, There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom, during their English lessons. This week, the children are thinking about how different events can be interpreted differently and will be using this to create a piece of writing.
In Maths, the children will be focusing on multiplication, where they will be exploring factors and multiples. They will be finding common factors and multiples, using their knowledge of times tables.
In Science, the children have set up their own experiments in which they will be investigating the conditions that mould grows best in. The children will be making careful observations each day to monitor the rate of mould growth.
Mr Clipsham and Miss Swinburne.
Tuesday 20th October
The children have just finished looking at using speech within narrative writing and are now moving on to creating their own newspaper articles based on a scene in our class text. In order to do this, we have been trying to use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures to demonstrate the level of formality necessary for this style of writing.
In Maths, the children have been focussing their attention on multiplying and dividing by powers of ten. We have looked at techniques to help us do this alongside putting questions in context in order to apply the skill.
We have almost finished our plans for an experiment in Science, which involves trialling different conditions for growing mould. The children are all excited to begin this investigation after half-term.
Tuesday 6th October
In English, the children have been continuing with their class text, There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom' by Louis Sachar. They have been looking at writing a persuasive text, arguing their opinions on the main character with evidence. This has been done whilst making sure the children are using a range of sentence structures and adventurous vocabulary.
In Maths, the children have been finishing their work on place value and rounding, looking at both integers and decimals. Alongside this, we have been starting work on formal methods of addition, looking at both fluency and problem solving with the column method.
Mr Clipsham and Miss Swinburne.
Tuesday 29th September 2020
Year 6 have been working hard in English, reading their new class book, There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. The children have been writing in the role of various characters, focusing on including a range of different sentence structures in their writing.
During maths lessons, the children have been rounding numbers to the nearest power of ten (up to and including rounding to the nearest million). As well as this, the children have been exploring decimal numbers and have been rounding decimals to the nearest whole number.
Tuesday 22nd September
In English, the children have begun looking at the structure of sentences. The children have looked at how to identify simple, compound and complex and how to use them within a piece of writing.
In Maths, we have started looking at place value. We have used a range of methods to represent different numbers, breaking them down in order to understand what they consist of. We have also been ordering integers and decimals, along with rounding them to different values.
Mr Clipsham and Miss Swinburne.
Tuesday 15th September
Alongside the usual homework tasks that have been set, here are some optional written tasks for the children to try at home. These can be completed and handed in at any time throughout this term.
- Write a synopsis (a brief overview) of a favourite book that you have read this term. It would be great to have some written about the school's Top 100 books!
- As our topic this term is the Ancient Maya, write a first-hand account of a day in the life of a Maya citizen. Think about the different roles in Maya society and pick whichever you think would be best to write about. Remember to include any key facts you have found out.
- Thinking about our Science topic, Living Things and Their Habitats, write an information text on your favourite animal. Make sure to include interesting facts and statistics and to use a formal tone (you could also include a picture!).
- Create a descriptive piece of writing about a haunted school. Be creative with your details and any characters you decide to include!
Mr Clipsham and Miss Swinburne.
Tuesday 21st July
Good morning Chaffinshes,
Welcome to the last day of the Summer Term! Congratulations on a fantastic year in Year 6. It's a bit strange and sad to be saying good bye to you via an online message but also exciting that it's the Summer holiday and that you will be going into Secondary School in September.
I hope you have enjoyed Year 6 - well done on showing fantastic resilience, hard work and flexibility during the lock down period. It might not seem it at first but the ability to deal with situations like this will have a really positive impact on your ability to learn so well done on getting through it.
There is some work set for today and it does include activities that you might want to have a go at through out the holiday so do have a look:
I have also shared the Open Up Science Newsletter via the School Facebook page if you would like to have a look at that.
Don't forget you can have a go at the Summer Reading Challenge. Information is available here:
Good luck in Secondary school. I know you will have a fantastic time. All that is left for me to say is well done again and make sure you have a safe but fun Summer holiday.
All the best for the future,
Mr Hills
Here is the much anticipated Year 6 Leavers' music video 2020.
Everything you hear and see has been made by Year 6 children and staff!
We haven't been able to make all of the memories that we would have liked to to mark the end of the children's time at primary school but here is a little something for them to remember their time at The Round House. It has been a pleasure to be a part of their journey.
Monday 20th July
Good morning Chaffinches,
I hope you had a lovely weekend and are getting ready for the Summer holidays.
There is just 2 days of work this week and all the activities set can be found here:
These are based around The Natural World and there is no set number of tasks you have to complete today - just pick and choose the activities that you would like to do. There are lots of activities set to give you lots of choice and in case you wanted to do some over the holidays (but you are definitely not expected to).
I hope you have fun with these today and get outside and enjoy the sunshine. Please do let me know how you get on and which activities you do by posting on the blog.
Good luck and stay safe,
Mr Hills
Friday 17th July
Happy Friday Chaffinches!
Good morning Home-schoolers. I hope you are well and have enjoyed the work this week. Today is the last set of English and Maths lessons for this term as Monday and Tuesday will consist of some different sorts of activities based around more creative tasks.
For English today, you will be focusing on performing a poem and reading aloud so make sure you warm up your voice box! In Maths, you are calculating the area of parallelograms and in Creative you will be considering the importance of the invention of the aeroplane.
I hope you have enjoyed these lessons. Even though they are not what you are used to, you have completed some fantastic work and have really impressed us so please do keep going today and Monday and Tuesday!
Have a fantastic day and enjoy the weekend.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Please find the work for today (week beginning 13th July) below:
Thursday 16th July
Good morning Chaffinches,
Welcome to your penultimate day of English and Maths lessons on the Diamond online site. Tomorrow will be the last day of full English and Maths lessons with Monday and Tuesday's work being more practical creative tasks provided via a newsletter.
However, today's lessons continue to look at finding the area of Triangles in Maths, investigating how the size of paper influences the flight of a plane and in English, you will be looking at Haiku poems. I would also recommend continuing to look at the Transition work set.
There were some fantastic Limericks sent in yesterday so please do continue to share your work and let me know how you have got on.
Keep safe and enjoy your work.
Mr Hills
Wednesday 15th July
Good morning Chaffinches,
I hope you are all well and enjoying this week's work.
For today's Maths, you will be calculating area and perimeter and in Creative you are looking at the history and development of planes. In English, you are continuing to focus on poetry and specifically for today, limericks.
Good luck with your work and please do get in touch via the blog to say hello or if you have any problems.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Tuesday 14th July
Good morning Chaffinches,
I hope you are all well and enjoying the work set this week.
Today's work includes a reading comprehension based around poems for English, looking at converting between miles and kilometres in Maths and thinking about your transition into next year in Creative.
Good luck and keep safe,
Mr Hills
Monday 13th July
Good morning Chaffinches,
Welcome to your last full week of home learning and the last full week of your term. I hope you managed to enjoy the return of the good weather and enjoy it in a balanced way alongside your work this week.
This week's English work has a poetry focus and today we start off by looking at a s election of fantastic poems by a three fantastic poets. In Maths, your focus is converting between different units of measure in Creative your work as a focus on Planes today but there will also be transition work set (via the Transition button) that will help you think about your transition into Year 7.
Good luck with your work. As ever, please keep in touch via the blog and let me know how you are getting on.
Keep safe and good luck!
Mr Hills
Friday 10th July
Good morning Chaffinches,
Happy Friday! I hope you have enjoyed the work this week and are managing to find the right balance between work and breaks.
Today's activities in Maths are based around finding pairs of values to satisfy mathematical expressions. Whilst in English, you are going to be focusing on identifying the subject, verb and object of a sentence. In Creative, your work is going to look at some artwork by an Impressionist painter who often included bridges within their work.
Good luck with your work today and I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Please find today's work at the link below (for week beginning 6th July):
Thursday 9th July
Good morning Chaffinches,
I hope you are all well and are keeping safe despite the miserable weather. The sun will be returning next week (we hope!).
Today's work finishes off looking at colons and semi-colons in English, looks at solving multi-step equations in Maths and includes making your own bridge!
Good luck and please stay in touch - it would be great to see some of your work today!
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Wednesday 8th July
Hello home-schoolers,
I hope you are well and getting on alright with the work this week.
Today's English is looking at colons and semi-colons in the context of volcanoes, Maths looks at solving one-step equations and Creative is continuing to look at different types of bridge.
Make sure you have a go at the quizzes we have set up online and are still reading everyday; it would be great to hear about what you are reading at the moment and whether you would recommend anything!
Good luck and keep safe,
Mr Hills
Tuesday 7th July
Good morning Chaffinches,
I hope you are all well and enjoying the return of the sunshine.
Your work today includes finding fractions of amounts, looking at word types and thinking about responsibility.
There is also a Transition button which includes some work that will help you start to think about your transition to secondary school.
Keep up the great work that you have been doing and remember to stay in touch via the blog.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Monday 6th July
Good morning Chaffinches,
I hope you are all well and had an enjoyable weekend. Welcome to another week of home learning.
The link for this week's lessons has been copied below. In Maths, you are looking at algebra, in Creative you are learning about bridges, and this week's English has a SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) focus with the first lesson looking at word type.
Remember to stay in contact via the blog and to let me know if you have an questions or problems.
Good luck,
Mr Hills
Friday 3rd July
Good morning Chaffinches,
Happy Friday! Another week of home learning almost done so make sure you keep up the effort and good work today.
You will be writing your explanation texts in English today, so make sure you have a quick recap on the things we have covered this week. In Maths, you are looking at function machines and in creative you are continuing to think about hygiene and the invention of antibiotics.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and the sun comes out again for you.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Please follow the link below to access this week's work (week beginning 29th June):
As the year is coming to an end and Year 6 are reaching the end to their time at The Round House, the children currently in school are learning a selection of songs: The Leavers’ Song, A Million Dreams and Times Like These (Stay at Home). We would love it if the Year 6 children who are at home would be able to learn these songs as well.
We will also be creating a leavers’ video alongside the song Times Like These (Live Lounge All Stars version). This will be in a similar style to the video previously made by the teachers. Obviously, we would like the children at home to be part of this as they are just as much a part of both Year 6 and The Round House as a whole as those who are in school.
If your child would like to be part of this video and be given a line to lip sync, please get in touch via email ( by Thursday 2nd July (3pm). By requesting a line, you will be giving consent to your child’s video being posted on The Round House YouTube channel.
Miss Swinburne, Mr Clipsham and Mr Anns
Thursday 2nd July
Hello Chaffinches,
Good morning and welcome to another day of home learning. I hope you are well and managing OK even in this mix of weathers we are having.
Today's work which you can access below includes: subtracting mixed numbers in Maths; planning your explanation writing in English and an investigation into the best way of washing your hands in Creative.
It has been great to hear from some of you about what you are reading and recommending for others; remember to make sure you are reading every day and getting through a range of different types of books if possible!
Do get in touch via the blog and remember to keep safe and active when you can.
Keep up the great work.
Mr Hills
Wednesday 1st July
Good morning Chaffinches,
Welcome to July! I can''t believe it has come round so quickly. I hope you are all well and your work this week is going well.
Today's work, which can be accessed via the link below includes: adding mixed numbers in Maths, explaining author choice in English and learning about Microorganisms in Science.
Please keep sharing your work and using the blog to get in touch, it is always great to hear from you.
Good luck with the work today and stay safe,
Mr Hills
Tuesday 30th July
Good morning home-schoolers,
I hope you are well and yesterday's work went alright. Remember, all of the chapters of The Adventures of Odysseus are now on YouTube so make sure you have listened to those and then completed an AR quiz on this. The link to all the chapters, I have copied below:
Please follow the link below to find today's work. In Creative, you are looking at internet safety whilst in Maths you are looking at improper fractions and mixed numbers. For today's English, you are focusing on some of the features of an explanation text.
Good luck with today's work. Remember to stay in touch via the blog and keep safe.
Mr Hills
Monday 29th June
Good morning Chaffinches,
Welcome to another week of home learning! I hope you are all well and you enjoyed your weekend.
This week in Maths you are returning to some fraction work and in English you are looking at explanation texts. For Creative today your work focuses on Alexander Fleming.
Please follow the link below to find today's work.
Remember, please do get in touch via the blog and let me know how you are getting on.
Good luck with your work today and remember that even though some of the rules of lock down are easing further in the coming weeks, please be sensible and keep safe when you are out and about and enjoy the return of the good weather.
Mr Hills
The final chapter of The Adventures of Odysseus has arrived on the Round House Storytellers channel!
Watch it and quiz on it!
If you can't remember what happened at the beginning, re-watch the earlier chapters. They are all there in a section on the channel.
Friday 26th June
Happy Friday Chaffinches,
Good morning and well done for almost completing another week of home learning.
I hope you are all well and keeping safe and cool. Remember to make sure you are keeping a balance between work and getting active. If you didn't manage to get as much done yesterday because of the weather, then make sure you get your narratives finished today as you have been building towards these for two weeks and I'd love to see what you have put together.
You can share what you have done on the blog or you can send a copy/photo/attachment to the feedback email address for comments:
Good luck and I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Keep safe and keep in touch,
Mr Hills
Find your work for the week beginning 22/06/20 here:
Thursday 25th June
Good morning Chaffinches,
Welcome to another gloriously sunny day. It's going to be a hot one so please make sure you are being sensible outside (hat, sun cream, lots of water).
Your work for today can be found at the link below. If, like me, when you are online you are working in a small room inside, be doubly aware of how hot it is and how much time you are spending today in one room in front of a screen. Because today's English task in particular is an extended writing one, you might want to break this up into lots of little writing sessions (although this is then quite difficult to get in the flow) or you might want to do it in one go but first thing this morning or later on, when it is it cooler. It is completely up to you. You could even take your writing outside and sit in the shade once you have watched the video.
In English, we will be starting to write our narrative and in Maths you are looking at different multiplication methods. Don't forget to have a go at the mental maths starter! In Creative, you are continuing to look at the wheel but please remember if you are struggling with being independent on these creative tasks then why not adapt it to suit you or try something related. You can message me via the blog if you want to check.
Good luck today. I'm really looking forward to hopefully seeing some of the narratives you have been working towards. You can post photos of them on the blog or once finished on Friday, you could email them in to the feedback emails provided at the start of this week.
Keep safe and enjoy,
Mr Hills
Wednesday 24th June
Good morning Chaffinches,
I hope this morning finds you well and safe, and prepared for a day of home learning!
The work for today is available via the link below. In Maths, you are looking at factors, multiples and prime numbers (can you remember what a composite number is?) and in English you will be finishing off your plan for your narrative. The creative lesson has a PSHE focus (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) looking at staying safe.
Remember, when approaching these tasks it is absolutely the right thing to do to ask for a help via the blog or to an adult/someone at home but try to be resilient and independent with your learning. If you don't quite have the tools to complete the task as it specifies, try and find another way of completing it or doing something similar.
I hope you enjoy today's work and please do get in touch via the blog to let me know how you are getting on!
Good luck and keep safe,
Mr Hills
Tuesday 23rd June
Good morning home schoolers!
I hope you are well and got on alright with yesterday's work. The sunshine has definitely made a welcome return so make sure you are getting plenty of time outside and are making the most of this (but again remember your sun cream, hats and to drink plenty of water).
Today's work can be accessed via the link below. In the Creative lesson, you have a Science focus looking at forces. In Maths, you are continuing to look at subtraction and in English you are beginning your plan for your narrative.
Remember, you can access the latest chapter of The Adventures of Odysseus via the Round House Story Tellers channel - all the videos have been collected together in case you missed any:
It is Chapter 13 (of 14) called Springing the Trap. Not long to go for our hero Odysseus!
Good luck with today's work - it would be great to hear how you are getting on.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Monday 22nd June
Good morning Chaffinches,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Welcome to another week of home learning! It looks like the sun is returning this week so make sure you take plenty of breaks and spend some time outside but don't forget your hats, sun cream and drink plenty of water!
The website has been updated with this week's work so please follow the link below to find today's work. In Maths, you are focusing on different mental methods and there is even a short mental maths activity for you to complete before you start today's lesson. You can then watch the lesson and the choose between the support, main and challenge activity. Remember, if you find yourself getting through the questions quickly, then make sure you challenge yourself and try a few from the next set of questions! In English, we are looking at describing a setting as we build towards writing our own narrative at the end of the week. For your Creative lesson, there is a Design and Technology focus for today.
I hope you enjoy today's work. Please do leave me a message on the blog to let me know how you are getting on.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Friday 19th June 2020
The Lockdown Leavers have been working hard this week, continuing with our class book, The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Raúf. We have re-written a scene from the story and had many discussions based on issues raised. Alongside this, we have started some Science work on the circulatory system, identifying parts of the heart and understanding how it works.
Friday 19th June
Good morning Chaffinches,
Happy Friday! And just like that, another week has gone - I hope you have enjoyed the work this week and are settling in to more of a routine.
Please find the link to the work below. In English today, you are looking at different clause structures and in Maths you are looking at written methods for addition and problems around this. In your Creative lesson, you will be looking at putting together a sundial.
Remember, you should also be reading for 20 minutes minimum per day and if you are looking for additional challenges you could have a look at either the enrichment activities link on Diamond Online, under each subject button on the Curriculum pages on the school website or you could try the Science activities that I share with your adults on the Facebook page:
Keep up the good work. It has been great to see more of you sharing what you have been up to on the school blog.
I hope you enjoy today's work and have a lovely weekend.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Access your work for today here:
If you are struggling with how to use the website, watch these videos:
Thursday 18th June
Good morning Chaffinches,
I hope you are all well and didn't get caught in the storm yesterday!
Today's work can be found at the link below. In English, you might find a familiar face talking to you about creating a character. Whilst in Maths, you will be looking at different mental methods. Your Creative task today, continues to think about you theme of light but focuses on the Northern Lights (aka Aurora Borealis) - something that I have always wanted to go and see!
I hope you enjoy your work today and are managing to keep up with your minimum of 20 minutes reading a day.
It would be fantastic to hear from you so please do let me know how you find the work or simply come and say hello via the Blog.
Have a great day and keep safe,
Mr Hills
Wednesday 17th June
Hello Chaffinches!
Good morning and welcome to another day of homeschooling. I hope you are well and are managing your time effectively. Remember to get plenty of breaks throughout the day and get the most out of the sunshine when it is here!
I hope the new way of using videos is working well for you and you are finding the website easier to use. Please remember to let me know how you are getting on as it is through this feedback that we can develop what we are doing to make it the best we can to support you. Feedback can be both what you find difficult and would like changed as well as what is going well and what you like. If you haven't posted in a while, why not make it your challenge today to post in the blog.
Please find the link below for your work today. In Maths, you will be looking at negative numbers in context and in English you will be looking at some of the features of a narrative. The Creative lesson today is around Growth Mindset and will require you to watch the assembly from Monday's lesson. You could also watch Mr Hall's assembly, which you can find on the Round House Story Tellers YouTube channel, that might also help with this work.
If you are struggling to load any of the videos, one tip I have for you is to press play on the video and then leave it. Maybe go away and read or have a break and play outside. It will then load all the way through and if you come back to it later and click back to the start, hopefully it will play smoothly. If you do experience any issues, remember to let me know!
Enjoy your work today.
Mr Hills
Tuesday 16th June
Good morning Chaffinches,
I hope you are all keeping safe and are feeling well. It has been lovely to see some of the work you have been completing recently so please do keep it up.
Today's work can be found at the link below. In Maths you will be looking at rounding and for English you will be looking at the purpose of language within a reading comprehension. Please do let me know how you get on today and if there is anything else you might need to support you in your work.
The next gripping chapter of The Adventures of Odysseus is available on The Round House Storytellers channel. Only 2 to go after this one so it's getting to the climax! We are up to CHAPTER 12, which is called SETTING THE TRAP.
You catch watch it here and catch up on any previous chapters that you missed.
Happy listening!
Good luck and remember to read you book for at least twenty minutes today!
Mr Hills
Monday 15th June
Good morning Chaffinches,
Welcome back to another week of home learning!
I hope you had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to the week, especially as it looks like the sunshine has returned.
Remember you should still be reading on top of the work you complete on Diamond Online and you should then still check to see if the book you have read is on the AR system so you can complete a quiz.
Please follow the link below to find today's work. In Maths, you will be looking at comparing number in different contexts and there are some problems and reasoning questions to really get your brain ticking. In English, we are going to look at Narratives in a bit more detail and over the next two weeks will build to plan and write our own, based upon a common stimulus (idea).
Good luck with today's work. You will notice that this work does not take you to the Oak pages so hopefully navigating the website will become a little easier. As always, contact me on the blog if you have any problems or would like to share your work (or even just say hello!).
All the best,
Mr Hills
Friday 12th June
Good morning Chaffinches,
Happy Friday everyone. And there we have it - another week down. I hope you are all well and settling in to using Diamond Online. It is a very difficult time at the moment and we just wanted to say that all your teachers are very proud of you and the way you are getting on with your learning at home. You are showing tremendous resilience so just remember to tell your self well done and keep on trying to make the best of the situation.
Please follow the link below to find today's work. In Maths, you are looking at subtracting decimals and in English you will be write an alternative ending to a story. For the Creative lesson, you are recapping the water cycle.
Good luck with the work today. Remember to get in contact with me via the blog, not just if there is a problem, but share with me what is going well and how you are doing!
Have a great weekend.
Mr Hills
The Lockdown Leavers have completed another week back in school, working hard on our maths projects. They have created advertisements for their theme parks, using a range of techniques such as alliteration and catchy slogans! As well as this, we have looked at what democracy looked like in Ancient Greece compared to now and how certain parts of our political system are similar or different. I have been hugely impressed by the effort and positive learning attitudes in the class, which has helped with our discussion work on the topics covered.
Thursday 11th June
Good morning all,
I hope you are well and keeping safe and busy inside or maybe you are someone who enjoys the rain? I have to admit, I do enjoy watching it out the window or wrapping myself up and going for a walk in it - just as long as it doesn't stay for too long!
Yesterday seemed to be a smoother day with regards to using the website so I hope your are getting used to it and enjoying the work set. Please click on the links below to access today's work which looks at adding decimals in Maths, speech in English and investigating insulators in Science for Creative.
If you are looking for something a bit different to do today or for the rest of the week then why not check out the list of enrichment websites detailed on the Diamond Online site:
or that are listed under Curriculum on the school's website:
There are some great resources here if you would like something a little extra. You could even try a few minutes of TT Rockstars or Maths Whizz to get your Maths brains firing but remember this would be in addition to the work set today on Diamond Online and is optional.
The Team at Cambridge Science Centre have also published the next version of their Open Up Science Magazine which I have attached below and this week it is all about Flight and includes a range of really interesting activities!
Keep up the good work and remember, please do log on to the blog be it to share something about your work or just to say hello.
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Wednesday 10th June
Hello Chaffinches,
I hope you are all well and keeping safe and getting used to the work set on Diamond Online. I just wanted to say that it has been great to hear from a couple of you via the blog but there are lots of you that I haven't heard from so please do make that your challenge today to send me a message and let me know how you are getting on.
Please follow the link to below to find today's work which continues our work on decimals in Maths and looks at the features of a text in English. Today's creative has a Design and Technology focus where you will be building a boat - I'd love to see some photos of your completed work being tested!
I have been through all the links on the website to double check but if you do find anything please let me know via the blog but remember the blog is still an opportunity to practise your writing. So, please reread your work aloud and check to make sure it makes sense, it is complete, includes correct spellings and punctuation and reads in the same way that you would politely ask a question. I must have seen at least 6 different ways to spell Diamond so far!
Good luck and please do get in contact via the blog to let me know how you are getting on - all your feedback is invaluable!
Keep safe,
Mr Hills
Tuesday 9th June
Good morning home-schoolers!
I hope you are well and managing to find a good balance with the new way of working. Thank you for your patience with regards to the website, especially when you encounter problems, but I hope you are enjoying the videos and the new tasks set. I have looked through today and all seems fine but please do get in contact via the blog if you experience any problems. If you do, be resilient and do your best - get in contact with me and then maybe use that time to have a break, do some exercise or read your book and then check back to see what I've recommended or if the issue has been sorted!
If you are struggling to find new books to read then follow this link below. This is where to find new reading books while you are at home.
Click on the pink “My Class Login” button and you can use the Sparrow details copied below:
Our Class is Sparrow20
Password Sparrow20
Let me know what you have been reading and what you find!
Today's work is accessible below and please do let me know how you get on as your feedback is really helpful and lets us improve the website.
Good luck!
Mr Hills
Mr Smith has uploaded another chapter of Odysseus for you to watch and listen to. If you have been following carefully, you will know who the beggar in the title of this chapter is.
Warning - there is a very sad moment in this chapter! Watch out for the last 3 chapters - they will be recorded very soon!
Monday 8th June
Good morning Chaffinches,
I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to get out and be active even though it was a bit rainy!
Please use the links above to access today’s work! But, remember, you are still expected to be reading for 20minutes today.
This week you will be working towards writing an alternative ending to a traditional tale in English and looking at decimals in Maths. There are also a number of Science, Art, DT and Geography activities based around the Frozen Kingdom and Water theme.
For Maths, there may well be slides and links you have seen before as it is recapping decimals (and it uses some of the White Rose activities you may have looked at before). If this is the case, do not worry. This is a useful topic to go over as it is not one we have covered in class. But, make sure you have a look at the support and challenge activities if you need a little extra help or something to push you on a bit.
For the English, it is important that you watch the video of the main lesson and then when it asks you to pause for the main activity you can either continue with this (if you are finding it OK) or then go back to the Diamond page and access the support or challenge activity. There is also a video to help that will help with the support activity. If you are finding the lesson straight forward, have a go at the Challenge activity.
Please do keep in touch via the blog. At no point should you require a password or need to request to access the work so if the links do not take you straight through to the work then please let me know.
This will still require some adjusting and you may come across issues – please do not worry. Just do your best and make sure you take lots of breaks.
Good luck, enjoy and keep in touch
Mr Hills
(P.S. You do not need to do Spelling Shed, Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars on top of this work but you are very welcome to do these if you would like. You ARE still expected to read for a minimum of 20minutes a day)
Friday 5th June
Happy Friday Chaffinches,
Good morning! I hope you have enjoyed this week's work and are getting used to the idea that it is changing as of Monday. Make sure you try the Diamond Online work today to make sure you are happy with how it looks and works so on Monday it isn't such a big change and you can hit the ground running.
Follow the link below and you will find some activities that concludes the work on volume and instructions. If you missed any of the previous work and would like to give those activities a go (as they all lead to the work today) then by all means have a look back at some of the other days and try those activities.
Remember, if you are having any issues with finding your way around, make sure you watch the videos below - they will definitely help.
You can still complete some of the grid activities and there are some lovely suggestions on there (a very arty day today). So, if you would like to finish off this week by completing the last of the work that we previously set then your day might look like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 5 - Friday Maths Challenge
Indoor Activity 10 – Create your own one-point perspective picture
Outdoor activity 10 – (Not on the grids) Create your own animal pictures only by using things you can find in your garden (leaves work best).
If you have any questions, please let me know via the blog.
Have a good day, enjoy your weekend, keep safe and I look forward to hearing from you.
Mr Hills
Thursday 4th June
Hello Chaffinch class,
I hope your work went well yesterday and you are adjusting to the new website. There is again work set for today on this link that includes some more work on volume, instructions and the second part of a Science lesson. If you missed the first part of this Creative lesson, have a look back at Monday to help. Use the link below to access Diamond Online and head to the learning button on the left-hand side.
If you are having any issues with finding your way around, make sure you watch the videos below - they will definitely help.
There are two days left of completing the previous style of work so if you who would like to continue with the indoor and outdoor grids please see below for my suggestion of what today’s learning might look like but please do have a look at the virtual school link so you can start to adjust to how the work will be set next week.
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 4 - Percentage of an amount (worksheets for activities above)
Indoor activity 9 - Theseus and the Minotaur – create the maze
Outdoor activity 9 – Creating patterns
There is additional information on the grids to help you with these activities so have a look below to find out more or if you would like to try one of the other activities.
Please keep on blogging and letting me know what you are getting up to. If you have not blogged in a while, that is your challenge today.
Have a good day, keep safe and I look forward to hearing from you.
Mr Hills
Hi all,
It's been a long wait but here is chapter 9. What will happen next to Odysseus now he has explained everything to King Alcinous?
Happy listening!
(On behalf of) Mr Smith
Wednesday 3rd June
Good morning Chaffinch class,
We're almost halfway through the week already! I hope you have been keeping busy and enjoying time outside as well as working hard. It doesn't look like its going to be quite as nice today so today might be the day to have a look at the new Diamond Online school link. I have copied it again below.
If you have already tried this and completed some of the activities or looked around or even if you haven't even dared click on it yet, I would suggest that you watch these helpful clips on how to navigate your way round and go through a lesson as there a few times where you will need help knowing where to go for the activity or how to get back to the correct page.
Remember, next week this will be the only option for accessing work so it is worth having a look today and making sure you understand how to use it. Please do let me know how you are finding the virtual school link and if there is anything you need to help with this or could be clearer. There is again work set for today on this link that you can access by heading to the learning button on the left-hand side.
However, if you who would like to continue with the indoor and outdoor grids please see below for my suggestion of what today’s learning might look like but please do have a look at the virtual school link so you get used to what the website looks like.
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 3 - Order Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (worksheets for activities above)
Indoor activity 8 - Theseus and the Minotaur – description
Outdoor activity 8 – Food Chain
There is additional information on the grids to help you with these activities so have a look below to find out more or if you would like to try one of the other activities.
Regardless of which work you are completing today, it is really important that you keep reading. I know you may be running low on books but you could try a different type of book that someone in your family might have, you could read to a sibling, have a look at some completely different books like cook books to see how they differ, it could be a graphic novel or something you have downloaded if you are fortunate to have a kindle. Keep reading and please keep me up to date with what you are doing.
I hope you have a good day and keep safe. Good luck!
Mr Hills
Tuesday 2nd June
Good morning Swallow class,
I hope you enjoyed your first day back of this half term. It was lovely to hear from some of you via the blog so please do log on and let me know how you are getting on. Remember to check back on your post to read my comment!
I would love to know how you are finding the virtual school link and if there is anything you need to help with this. There is again work set for today on this link that you can access below and by heading to the learning button on the left-hand side.
For those of you who would like to continue with the indoor and outdoor grids please see below for my suggestion of what today’s learning might look like but please do have a look at the virtual school link so you get used to what the website looks like.
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 2 - Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages (worksheets for activities above)
Indoor activity 7 - Theseus and the Minotaur – artwork
Outdoor activity 7 – Problem solving
As normal, make sure you look through the grids if you need any extra information about the activities.
Remember, regardless if you are completing the grids or the virtual school work, make sure you have lots of breaks and keep out and active in the sunshine. When was the last time you completed a Joe Wicks exercise class? Why not give it a go today.
I hope you have a good day and keep safe.
Mr Hills
Monday 1st June
Hello Chaffinch Class,
Mr Hills here - welcome to the second half of the Summer Term! I hope you had an enjoyable break and made the most of the sunshine and the easing of some of the lockdown restrictions but are still keeping safe!
There are a few changes as of today - the main one being that Mr Clipsham is now back in school full time. That means he is not as able to respond to your messages on the blog as quickly as he may have previously and won’t be messaging you every day on the website. I will be posting to the class pages on his behalf and will be on hand to answer any of your questions during the day, but don’t fear - if you really need to speak to him, he will be checking the blog.
If you are working from home then the work set will start to become a bit different as well. Your parents should have had an email about this. For this week, you already have work set from before the half term and are able to continue with these activities. I have posted a suggested schedule for today below. However, next week, instead of these grids you will be able to access your work through a virtual school platform that can be found at the following website:
Please note, there is work set for this week on the virtual school link above that you are welcome to try and I would encourage you to look through and give it a go. We would really appreciate any feedback as we completely recognise that as of next week working from home will look quite different and changing the way we set work will require an adjustment for you at home.
You DO NOT need to complete both the suggested work for today (which I will post every day this week) AND this virtual school work, but this week you can choose EITHER.
So, why not start off by just having a look around the website and then for a few days try completing the work on the link to see how it differs and to get used to the way it is structured. A video will be shared shortly that will explain how to use the website and access the work set.
If you would like to follow the suggested schedule for today that works the same way as it did before half term, then your day might look something like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 1 - Fractions to percentages (links to activities below)
Indoor activity 6 - Theseus and the Minotaur
Outdoor activity 6 - Vocabulary Hunt
Remember to have a look at the grids below if you want to know more about these activities or want to choose something else.
If you do choose to give the virtual school activities a go this week, you do not need to make up any time on Maths Whizz, Spelling Shed etc… it would take the place of that day’s activities.
I hope that makes sense but please do get in contact (via the blog is best) and ask me any questions or check what your class mates have to say and I will do my best to help. Do not worry about the changes of stress if you don’t understand, just get in touch.
Most importantly, remember to smile, keep safe and try your best.
Mr Hills
Friday 22nd May
Happy Friday Swallows and Chaffinches!
Another week down and I hope you have enjoyed completing the activities we have been setting.
Remember, next week is half term - during which you are not expected to complete the indoor and outdoor activities but you are expected to read regularly and it would be great if you still completed some Maths Whizz (optional!).
However, your day today might look something like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Friday Maths Challenge
Indoor activity 5 - Sudoku
Outdoor activity 5 - Potato monsters
Remember to have a look at the grids below if you want to know more about these activities or want to choose something else.
Well done, you are all doing a fantastic job and working hard in a difficult time. I am very proud of all of you and want to remind you that you can only do your best so remember to smile and hope you find enjoyment in what we are setting! Keep it up today and I hope you have a safe and enjoyable half term.
Thursday 21st May
Good morning Swallow class and Chaffinch class,
We hope that you are all enjoying the sunshine and are remembering to stay safe (sun cream, sun hats and lots of water!).
Here is a possible time table for today:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose maths - lesson 4 (decimals as fractions)
Indoor activity 4 - Quiz
Outdoor activity 4 - FIT count
Have a lovely day! As always, keep in touch via the blog - I will try to get back to you asap!
Wednesday 20th May
Morning Swallows and Chaffinches!
It's going to be a hot one today so if you are making the most of the sunshine, same message as yesterday - just be careful and make sure you are wearing a hat and drinking lots of water. But importantly, have fun!
Here is how today could look but remember, this is just a suggestion.
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose maths - lesson 3 - Divide decimals by integers (links to activities above)
Indoor activity 3 - What is the question? - try for 3 questions for each answer - make them as different as you can!
Outdoor activity 3 - Capacity challenge - perfect day for it!
As always, keep in touch via the blog - I will try to get back to you asap!
Have a fabulous day
Keep in touch, keep talking and stay safe
Tuesday 19th May
Good morning Swallows and Chaffinches!
I hope you are well! It's looking like it will be another warm sunny day so make sure you are taking lots of breaks and get outside in the sunshine today. Why not choose to do an extra outside activity or take a book/your work outside but remember to drink plenty of water, wear a sunhat and slap on the sun cream!
A suggested timetable for the day is below:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games - new spellings activities available
White Rose Maths - lesson 2 - multiplying decimals by integers (links to activities above)
Indoor activity 2 - Music poster
Outdoor activity 2 - Cloud spotting
Make sure you read through the grids carefully and if you need some help then message me via the blog.
I hope you have a great day!
Keep safe,
Miss Swinburne and Mr Clipsham
Here is the next exciting chapter of The Adventures of Odysseus. His journey continues and he is facing his biggest danger yet!
WARNING! There is an icky bit in this short and not at all sweet chapter!
Monday 18th May
Good morning Chaffinch class!
I hope you had a lovely weekend. Welcome to the last week before half term! The sunshine is returning so make sure you give yourselves lots of breaks to enjoy it but still get cracking through the activities set.
The work attached below is for this week AND the week AFTER half term (half term is next week). You will not be expected to all complete these tasks this week OR during the half term! As with previous work set, please complete this in any order that you wish but we will continue to upload suggestion of how each day could be structured.
Your day today might look like this:
Reading - aim for at least 20 minutes
30 minutes Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars
10 Spelling Shed games
White Rose Maths - Lesson 1 - Multiply by 10, 100, 1000
(worksheets have been uploaded to the website)
Indoor Activity 1 - Floor plan
Outdoor Activity 1 - Snap
Please do send me any questions via the blog and if you have not done so yet/recently, please make it your mission this week to post to share what you have been up to!
I hope you enjoy today's work.
Keep safe!
Friday 15th May 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
Happy Friday!!
Friday Challenge:
See picture above.
Maths Work:
Spelling Work:
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets within your pack.
English Work:
Indoor Activity
Have a go at Task 9 or 10 on your indoor activities grid (or both) – we have an extra activity as there was a bank holiday
Outdoor Activity
Have a go at Task 9 on your outdoor activities grid (outdoor magic number square)
Well done to you all for all of the hard work that you have been putting in at home over the past weeks. We know that it is not always easy but remember, just do what you can!
Thursday 14th May 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Morning Work:
Multiply the following numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
Divide the following numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
Maths Work:
White Rose work sheets will be uploaded to the class page.
Spelling Work:
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets within your pack.
English Work:
Indoor Activity
Have a go at Task 8 on your indoor activities grid (create some Medusa art work)
Outdoor Activity
Have a go at Task 8 on your outdoor activities grid (Nature’s Colour Palette)
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Wednesday 13th May 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Morning Work:
See pictures uploaded above
Maths Work:
White Rose work sheets will be uploaded to the class page.
Spelling Work:
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets within your pack.
English Work:
Indoor Activity
Have a go at Task 7 on your indoor activities grid (read the story of Medusa)
Outdoor Activity
Have a go at Task 7 on your outdoor activities grid (build a maze)
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
For those of you listening to Mr Smith reading The Adventures of Odysseus, here is the latest chapter:
Tuesday 12th May 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Morning Work:
See pictures uploaded above
Maths Work:
White Rose work sheets will be uploaded to the class page.
Spelling Work:
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets within your pack.
English Work:
Indoor Activity
Have a go at Task 6 on your indoor activities grid (design a 3 course meal)
Outdoor Activity
Have a go at Task 6 on your outdoor activities grid (Garden bioblitz)
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Monday 11th May 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
We hope that you have enjoyed your bank holiday weekend and any VE day celebrations that you may have had.
Morning Work:
See pictures uploaded above.
Maths Work:
Spelling Work:
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets within your pack.
English Work:
Indoor Activity
Have a go at Task 5 on your indoor activities grid (create a life cycle)
Outdoor Activity
Have a go at Task 5 on your outdoor activities grid (memory game)
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Thursday 7th May 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Remember to stay safe and take a break from work too!
Morning Work:
2/9 x 4/7
3/9 ÷ 3
654 x 100
4.23 ÷ 10
Maths Work:
Spelling Work:
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets within your pack.
English Work:
Indoor Activity
Have a go at Task 4 on your indoor activities grid (write a postcard or letter to a friend in isolation)
Outdoor Activity
Have a go at Task 4 on your outdoor activities grid (make a magic potion)
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Wednesday 6th May 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Remember to stay safe and take a break from work too!
Morning Work:
3456 – 758
51.24 + 0.824
237 x 34
1352 ÷ 100
Maths Work:
Spelling Work:
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets within your pack.
English Work:
Indoor Activity
Have a go at Task 3 on your indoor activities grid (design a Greek style building)
Outdoor Activity
Have a go at Task 3 on your outdoor activities grid (paper aeroplanes)
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
This is Round House
Tuesday 5th May 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Remember to stay safe and take a break from work too!
Morning Work:
9876 – 8999
1.36 x 100
89.4 ÷ 10
¼ x 2/9
Maths Work:
Spelling Work:
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets within your pack.
English Work:
Indoor Activity
Have a go at Task 2 on your indoor activities grid (writing a 26 word story)
Outdoor Activity
Have a go at Task 2 on your outdoor activities grid (20 something challenge)
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Monday 4th May 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Remember to stay safe and take a break from work too!
Morning Work:
8652 + 4623
62.35 – 15.36
54 x 63
2982 ÷ 14
Maths Work:
Spelling Work:
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets within your pack.
English Work:
Indoor Activity
Have a go at Task 1 on your indoor activities grid (have a go at baking something)
Outdoor Activity
Have a go at Task 1 on your outdoor activities grid (measurement scavenger hunt)
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Wednesday 29th April 2020
Good Morning, Year 6! We hope you have had a great start to the week.
Here is the schedule for the next few days - remember, this is just a suggestion so you can always complete your work in a different order.
Remember, we love hearing from you on the class blog!
The daily schedule for the next three days is as follows:
Wednesday 29th April
Thursday 30th April
Friday 1st May
The link for the White Rose Maths is here:
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete:
All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below:
These are optional so just do what you can!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to post on the blog and we will try to help the best we can.
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Swinburne and Mr Clipsham
Monday 27th April
Good Morning, Year 6! We hope you have had a nice weekend and are looking forward to the week ahead.
Here is the schedule for the next few days - remember, this is just a suggestion so you can always complete your work in a different order.
Remember, we love hearing from you on the class blog!
The daily schedule for the next three days is as follows:
Monday 27th April
Tuesday 28th April
Wednesday 29th April
The link for the White Rose Maths is here:
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete:
All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below:
These are optional so just do what you can!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to post on the blog and we will try to help the best we can.
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Swinburne and Mr Clipsham
Wednesday 22nd April
Good Morning, Year 6! We hope you are starting to adapt well to this new term and this new way of working. We hope that this gives you a little more freedom in the tasks that you choose to complete each day.
Remember, we love hearing from you on the class blog!
The daily schedule for the next three days is as follows:
Wednesday 22nd April
Thursday 23rd April (St George’s Day -
Friday 24th April
The link for the White Rose Maths is here:
If you fancy something different, here are some activities that you may like to also complete:
All the subject leads have updated the curriculum pages on the school website, which give links to the best websites for all subjects. There are some fantastic learning ideas on these links! Here is the website link below:
These are optional so just do what you can!
If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to post on the blog and we will try to help the best we can.
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Swinburne and Mr Clipsham
Monday 20th April 2020
Good morning Swallows and Chaffinches
Welcome back! We hope that you have all had an enjoyable Easter break.
What have you been doing? Have you learnt any new skills? Let us know via the class blog:
Over the next fortnight (two weeks) we would like you to complete the following:
MATHS - This week, you will need to complete ‘Summer Term Week 1’ from .
The Maths tasks this week are based around Angles.
We have uploaded a grid which you may like to use to keep track of your work over the next couple of weeks.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions.
Happy Easter Holidays!
Well done everyone for completing another term in Year 6!
We are very proud of all of the work that you have produced so far this year and are proud to see how well many of you have got on working from home for the past couple of weeks.
For those Harry Potter fans among us (I know there's quite a few), check out, where you can listen to an audio recording of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for free, as well as exploring other activities.
Enjoy your Easter break and we look forward to seeing you soon,
Miss Swinburne and Mr Clipsham
Wednesday 1st April 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
It would be great to hear from some of you via the class blog pages
Please have a look at the uploaded document below.
English Work (optional)
Topic Work:
Build an Anderson Shelter:
See documents uploaded to class page.
We recognise this can be tricky to do at home (due to materials, space etc...) and may take longer than the next few days but give it your best and see how resourceful and resilient you can be!
If you don’t finish before the Easter break, don’t panic – but we would love to see some photos of these at some point!
If you want to delay the making of this until you have gathered the right materials – that is fine but make sure you have an accurate plan in the meantime - could you design this beautifully with colour and annotations?
Additional work (optional):
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Remember to stay safe and take a break from work too!
Morning Work:
45 x 1000 =
4533 x 43 =
¾ x 18 =
4 x (12 + 7) =
Which tense is the following sentence written in?
I am walking to school.
Maths Work:
Spelling Work:
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets.
For today please complete the page titled ‘Units of Measure’.
English Work:
Topic Work:
Build an Anderson Shelter:
See documents uploaded to class page.
We recognise this can be tricky to do at home (due to materials, space etc...) and may take longer than the next few days but give it your best and see how resourceful and resilient you can be!
If you don’t finish before the Easter break, don’t panic – but we would love to see some photos of these at some point!
If you want to delay the making of this until you have gathered the right materials – that is fine but make sure you have an accurate plan in the meantime - could you design this beautifully with colour and annotations?
Revision workbook pages:
Complete the following pages in your SATs books:
Book Two Maths: 41, 47,
Foundation Maths: 49, 57, 70, 71, 77
Standard Maths: 45, 57, 59, 65
Advanced Maths: 45, 47, 56, 63
Book Two English: 38, 39
Standard English: 42, 45, 46
Advanced English: 30, 34, 35
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Monday 30th March 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Remember to stay safe and take a break from work too!
Morning Work:
6.55 ÷ 100 =
1234 x 34 =
1/9 x 5 =
18 ÷ 2 + 7 =
5213 ÷ 10 =
Maths Work:
Spend 30 minutes on Maths Whizz.
Complete the given SATs pages (below)
In your maths pack, complete the task focusing on adding and subtracting fractions
Use the following link to help you if needed:
Spelling Work:
Log onto Spelling Shed and complete the assigned spelling shed task.
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets.
For today please complete the page titled ‘Months of the Year’.
English Work:
Complete the given SATs pages (below)
Make sure you read your book for 30 minutes
Choose a character from your reading book:
Take on the role of ‘Character Profiler’ (from our literature circles):
Write a description of a character from your book
Write some questions you would like to ask them
Explain your opinion of the character
Role: Character Profiler
Your job is to describe one of the characters in the text. If you were to meet them, what questions would you ask them? Do you think you would like to meet them? Give reasons.
Name of character…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Opinion of the character
Revision workbook pages:
Complete the following pages in your SATs books:
Book Two Maths: 51, 38
Foundation Maths: 76, 85, 87, 42, 44
Standard Maths: 71, 76, 19, 26
Advanced Maths: 73, 79, 19, 39
Book Two English: 50, 55
Standard English: 59, 62, 71
Advanced English: 71, 72
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Friday 27th March 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Remember to stay safe and take a break from work too!
Morning Work:
0.73 ÷ 10 =
8909 x 24 =
4/5 ÷ 6 =
30 – 3 x 8 =
5613 ÷ 1 =
Use the word grip as a noun in a sentence.
Use the word grip as a verb in a sentence.
Maths Work:
· Spend 30 minutes on Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars (or both)
· Complete the given pages of your SATs book (below)
· Find the page titled ‘Decimals’ in your Maths pack – complete both sides of the sheet
The link below can be used to find lots of additional resources all about decimal numbers which can be used to help you complete your sheet (there are some online activities too!): ·
Spelling Work:
· Log onto Spelling Shed and complete the assigned spelling shed task.
· Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets.
For today please complete the page titled ‘Collective Nouns for Animal Groups’.
English Work:
· Complete the given pages of your SATs book (below)
· In your packs, you should find a 10 minute reading test titled Bungee Jumping. Please complete this – you may like to set up a timer for this
· Write a description of a thunderstorm: You could look online at some images to help you create some useful vocabulary.
Dark purple clouds sprawl across the sky, billowing in from the west. The trees, etched different shades of brilliant green against their ever-darkening backdrop, stretch out their leaf-laden branches expectantly. The suffocating, humid air grows heavy; the scent of rain is dark and heady on the stiffening breeze.
The birds fall silent. A stillness descends. For a moment, everything stops…Even the wind holds its breath until a jagged, startling, streak of silver splits the indigo sky.
A deep rumble of thunder growls in the distance like an angry lion announcing its presence. Increasing in intensity, it echoes round the hills, travelling across fields and villages, rattling the rooftops. Heavy drops of rain begin to splatter spasmodically onto the parched ground until, suddenly, the heavens open and the deluge is unleashed.
Revision workbook pages:
Complete the following pages in your SATs books:
Book Two Maths: 44, 45
Foundation Maths: 65, 68, 74, 75
Standard Maths: 55, 61, 63, 69
Advanced Maths: 42, 43, 61, 62
Book Two English: 42, 47
Standard English: 41, 55
Advanced English: 47, 63
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
For those of you who were not in school to hear the ending of Skellig (or just want to hear it again), here is a video link for you to watch!
Thursday 26th March 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Remember to stay safe and take a break from work too!
Morning Work
51.4 x 100
3421 x 16 =
1/10 x 3/12
15 + 12 x 3 =
6234 x 10 =
Add a relative clause into the sentence below.
My brother is very annoying.
Maths Work:
Spend 30 minutes on Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars (you can choose to spend 15 minutes on each instead)
Complete the given pages in your maths SATs books (below)
Watch this video about dividing fractions -
Complete the second side of the first page of the maths booklet within your packs (Year 6 Fractions (X and ÷) - you should have completed the reverse side of the sheet yesterday
Spelling Work:
Log onto Spelling Shed and complete the assigned spelling shed task.
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets.
For today please complete the page titled ‘Idioms’.
English Work:
Complete the given pages of your English SATs books (see below)
Write a letter in the role of an evacuee to their parents in London during the Battle of Britain.
You may like to include: what your journey out of London was like, what your host family are like, what you have been doing since you arrived in the countryside. You may also like to ask your parents questions about what life is like in London now.
Dear Mum and Dad,
We’re missing you lots and lots: it’s so awful being apart from you. I hope you’re well; I hope you’re keeping safe; I hope so much for you all.
Our journey out of London was hectic, to say the least. This large woman - Mrs Medely they call her – herded us onto the train. We were squashed in so tight I could hardly move; I could hardly hear the warden calling over the children in my carriage whimpering. I held back the tears though Mum, like you told me. I acted big and strong Dad, like you said. Tommy didn’t even notice that I was trembling, like I promised myself. That was the worst part – the cramped train. But, as we got further out of London, we couldn’t help but stare out of the windows for miles on end – nothing but green. Green fields. Green trees. Just green. It was beautiful – I hope you'll see it for yourself sometime.
More chaos greeted us as we arrived at the platform and it wasn’t long until we were, once again, being herded left and right. I held Tommy’s hand so tight – like I vowed to.
Before we knew it, we were being shown to our bedroom in Mr and Mrs Fletcher’s house. For once, I’m grateful to be sharing a room with my little brother; I never thought I’d say that. They seem nice though - Mr and Mrs Fletcher, I mean. Kind. Generous. Just like we hoped. Yet it all seems wrong. You guys there and us here.
What’s it like back home? How’s Gramps doing? Are you still working in the factory?
Please write back as soon as you can.
I love you and miss you, endlessly.
Watch Mylene’s Music Klass:
Find out the difference between a quaver, a crotchet, a semi-quaver and a minim?
Can you clap your name? Play your name on an instrument? Draw your name in musical notes?
Topic Work:
Have a look through your knowledge organisers.
Choose from one of the following tasks:
Create a newspaper article based around some of your topic learning
Create a poster based around some of your topic learning
Revision workbook pages:
Complete the following pages in your SATs books:
Book Two Maths: 43, 49
Foundation Maths: 86, 35, 55, 62
Standard Maths: 64, 73, 9, 42
Advanced Maths: 77, 81, 15, 41
Book Two English: 56, 57
Standard English: 66, 72
Advanced English: 70, 24, 25
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Remember to stay safe and take a break from work too!
Morning Work:
104.43 – 79.32 =
25 x 54 =
½ x 68 =
25 – (20 ÷ 4) =
62346 x 0 =
Label the word class of each word in the following sentence:
Unfortunately, it rained so heavily that she could attend the show.
Maths Work:
Spend 30 minutes on Maths Whizz or TT Rockstars (you can choose to spend 15 minutes on each instead)
Complete the given pages in your maths SATs books (below)
Watch this video about multiplying fractions -
Complete the first page of the maths booklet within your packs (Year 6 Fractions (X and ÷) - you only need to do the first side of the sheet (5 questions focusing on multiplying fractions)
Spelling Work:
Log onto Spelling Shed and complete the assigned spelling shed task.
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets.
For today please complete the page titled ‘Proverbs’.
English Work:
Complete the given pages in your English SATs books (below)
Click the following link to watch a video all about semi-colons and colons.
Remember: semi-colons are used to replaced co-ordinating conjunctions and colons are used to replace subordinating conjunctions.
You will also find quizzes and activities available once you have watched the video.
We are aware that the espresso website has been slow this week – if you are struggling to load the website, here are some alternatives:
Log onto - please complete the assigned task all about semi-colons and colons
Additional extension: complete the ‘KS2 SAT Grammar Test’ on
Topic Work:
Have a look through your knowledge organisers.
Choose from one of the following tasks:
Create a newspaper article based around some of your topic learning
Create a poster based around some of your topic learning
Write a diary in the role of a woman who has been recruited to work during WW2
Write a diary in the role of a child who has been evacuated during WW2
Revision workbook pages:
Complete the following pages in your SATs books:
Book Two Maths: 26, 42
Foundation Maths: 60, 63, 64, 84,
Standard Maths: 47, 56, 60, 62
Advanced Maths: 57, 58, 59, 71
Book Two English: 51, 52
Standard English: 21, 53, 57
Advanced English: 56, 64
If you find that you have already completed the given pages, don't worry. You could try solving some of your own questions on the same concept.
Additional work:
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Remember to stay safe and take a break from work too!
Morning Work
572,512 – 23,523 =
56 x 435 =
¼ x ¾ =
(18 ÷ 3) + 15 =
5361 x 1 =
Change the following sentence into the past progressive tense:
She walks the dog.
Maths Work:
Spend 30 minutes on Maths Whizz.
Remember, you can boost your class score on TT Rockstars by logging on and playing in studio mode.
Complete the given pages in your maths SATs books (below).
Spelling Work:
Log onto Spelling Shed and complete the assigned spelling shed task.
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets.
For today please complete the page titled ‘Alliteration Sentences’.
English Work
Complete the given pages in your English SATs book (below).
Write a diary entry in the role of Mina, following the point in the story that you have read up to.
Think about her emotions (FANTASTICs)
Have a look through the information on this website about evolution. There are quizzes to complete on the website too.
Create a poster/information booklet all about what you have learnt about evolution so far.
Remember to be active while you are not in school. You may like to check out the Joe Wicks workouts!
Revision workbook pages
Complete the following pages in your SATs books:
Book Two Maths: 34, 35
Foundation Maths: 54, 17, 26, 59
Standard Maths: 46, 8, 30, 31
Advanced Maths: 48, 37, 44, 46
Book Two English: 53, 54
Standard English: 35, 50, 68
Advanced English: 57, 66, 20
Additional work
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
Monday 23rd March 2020
Good morning Swallows/Chaffinches!
Welcome to your first day of virtual learning.
If you have any problems or questions, please let us know via the class blog and we will do our best to answer them.
Remember to stay safe and take a break from work too!
Morning Work:
786 x 56 =
2 x (17 – 6) =
2795 ÷ 43 =
2/3 ÷ 3 =
9 x 2 ¼
Change the following sentence into the passive voice:
The boy completed all of his work at home.
Maths Work:
Spend 30 minutes on Maths Whizz.
Complete the maths pages from your SATs book (pages below)
English Work:
Log onto AR: - take a quiz on ‘Skellig’
Write a book review of Skellig (or another book you have read recently if you have not read Skellig)
Make sure you read for at least 30 minutes!
Complete the English pages from your SATs book (pages below)
Spelling Work:
Log onto Spelling Shed and complete the assigned spelling shed task.
Key Words:
Practise the first 10 key words from the Key Stage 2 Word List 1 (address to decide).
If you are very confident and can spell these words, try the first 10 words from the Key Stage 2 Word List 2.
Practise means you know the definitions and you can use them within a sentence. Why not try: look/say/cover/write/check, creating a word search using the words, using drawings to help you.
Spend 15-20 minutes on the handwriting sheets.
For today please complete Tongue Twisters: 1
Revision workbook pages:
Complete the following pages in your SATs books:
Book Two Maths: 32, 33
Foundation Maths: 25, 29, 48, 51
Standard Maths: 12, 17, 21, 32
Advanced Maths: 11, 13, 22, 35
Book Two English: 48, 49
Standard English: 24, 25
Advanced English: 26, 27, 48
Additional work (optional):
As always, the following websites are offering either free resources and/or free membership for the duration of any school closures so have a look: (home learning packs) (free resources and video content)
Espresso ( )- selection of learning resources and videos, including books with comprehension activities.
In Year 6, in English, the children have been writing letters inspired by the book, ‘The Day the Crayons Quit.’ The children have written in the role of a classroom object, writing both informal and formal letters where they focused on altering their language choice accordingly.
In maths, we have been converting between different units of measure. The children have worked hard to solve problems in context as well as practicing arithmetic style questions.
In Science, the children have started their new topic: Evolution and Inheritance. The children have enthusiastically discussed how physical characteristics are passed on to offspring and are looking forward to learning about how species have evolved throughout time.
Year 6 have been composing news stories based on their key text, 'Skellig'. The have been focusing on using a clear structure, a formal tone and an extensive vocabulary. Unfortunately, the video files are too large to upload to the website although they are available on our Facebook page!
Year 6 have begun their new class text, ‘Skellig’, and having been analysing the descriptive writing that the author, David Almond, uses in the text and written their own descriptions of ‘the garage’, which is ones of the scenes early on in the book. The children have also started to empathise with the main character, Michael, writing in the role and mapping out his emotions and feelings towards himself and others as the narrative progresses.
In Mathematics, the children have been focusing on fractions and being able to compare them, looking at different ways of doing this and giving mathematical proof to back up their reasoning.
Year 6 have come to an emotional end to their journey with Bradley Chalkers in their class text, ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’. After rewriting one of the scenes, building tension and reflecting the mood of characters in their actions, they signed off from the book by writing a letter to Carla- one of the main characters.
In Maths, Year 6 have been calculating fractions of amounts and shapes, applying this to different contexts, having to work backwards and solve problems with multiple steps.
Year 6 have also been making volcanoes in groups to ‘erupt’ next week!
Chaffinch and Swallow classes enjoyed their trips to the library, meeting the staff and learning about the facilities there.
A reminder that all children in year 6 will need a packed lunch for the trip to the opera on Tuesday and will need to be in school at 8.30.
Mr Clipsham and Mr Anns.
Year 6 (and Year 5) we’re lucky enough to have the brilliant David Duker come and talk to them about ’The Battle of Britain’ as a follow up to one of last year’s topics. The children heard some of the truly inspirational stories from the war that had been passed onto Mr Duker first hand by the pilot’s themselves. The children were also able to touch and try on some of the artefacts from the war itself.
In English, Year 6 have continued with their work around their key text, ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’, and, after writing a persuasive text, have been writing in the role of different characters, trying to empathise with how they feel about different scenarios and using different punctuation effectively to showcase this.
In Maths, Year 6 have been working on their multiplication and division written methods. They have been applying their times tables and place value knowledge whilst explaining the reasoning behind the methods and how they work.
In English, we have been continuing with our book, ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’. The children have been debating whether the main character, Bradley, has a positive or negative personality. They found evidence within the text and then discussed their opinions.
In Maths, the children have been looking at formal written methods of calculation. We have just finished subtraction and are moving on to multiplication. The children have been able to show their understanding and fluency in a range of ways before solving problems involving both addition and subtraction.
In English, Year 6 have started their key text, ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’. The children have now met the key characters and have been writing in the role of them. They are already hooked and are looking forward to joining Bradley and Jeff on their journey through school life.
In Maths, Year 6 have been recapping their knowledge of place value, ensuring that they are confident with the value of different digits within numbers, rounding and solving problems with negative numbers. The children have also reasoned with their knowledge of these concepts and explained the reasons behind their workings and thought processes.
With the end of year production on the horizon, children will need to start learning their lines and the words to the songs. Alongside this, we have created a list of ‘home learning’ activities for the children to complete as many of as they can:
We hope that you have a great half term. We are very proud of all the hard work that everyone has put in over the year so far.
Happy Half Term!
Good luck to all of Year 6 next week! They are all going to be amazing and show everyone how hard they have worked and how brilliant they are! They have the whole school behind them and nothing to worry about.
I will be getting a good night's sleep on Sunday- I recommend it to everyone (a good night's sleep and breakfast is the secret weapon).
Year 6 have been looking at documentary-style, information texts, using the work of David Attenborough as a stimulus. As well as focusing on lions, we have also written ‘A day in the life of a primary school child’ in the same style. The children have enjoyed getting into the role of David Attenborough themselves and utilising all of the grammatical skills and varied vocabulary that they have learnt throughout the year.
Year 6 have been learning about a range of mathematical concepts since the start of term, from interpreting statistics and graphs, to plotting and reading co-ordinates, through to converting and using different measures in different contexts.
The children are working really hard at the moment and this is showing in the work that they are producing!
Chaffinch Class won again in the spelling this week, extending their lead. In the arithmetic, Chaffinches won last week but Swallow Class brought it back to win on Wednesday although both it should be noted that both classes have made huge improvements!
In spelling for the next two weeks, we will be revising all of the spelling rules that have been taught throughout the year(s) alongside some 'tricky' words too.
As well as looking at the different prefixes and suffixes that can we added to root words, we will be looking at the 'word family' that it is from (along with finding other words from it- eg. bicycle, cyclone and recycle).
Good luck!
The Year 6 spellings for over the Easter break will be based around the -ible/-able suffix (as well as a revision of all other spellings/spelling rules taught).
An example of some of the -ible/-able spellings are:
Remember to think about the different suffixes and prefixes that could be added/taken off each of the words. Also, have a think about their meanings, linking to synonyms and antonyms for each of them.
Well done to Chaffinch this week who won the spelling with the last word! It was extremely close.
It was even closer in the arithmetic and ended in a dead heat!
The spellings this week are homophones so children will need to think about the meaning of each word and the contexts in which they could be used.
Good luck!
Year 6 have hit the ground running this half term. In Maths, they have started by recapping on their knowledge of fractions and applying it to different contexts. They have also begun to look at percentages and will be moving on to their equivalences to decimals and fractions and also, applying them to different contexts.
In English, the children have continued with their class text, ‘Skellig’, using it as a stimulus to write in the role of different characters with a focus on adapting the formality of a text for different purposes. They have also looked at employing different cohesive devices.
A double win for Swallow Class today has put them ahead in the arithmetic and only one behind in the spelling. Well done to all of those that worked hard on the spellings as it was very evident and will help them with their writing too!
The next spellings will be based around the -tion, -sion, -ssion, -cian suffix. Remember to think about the root words and how other prefixes and suffixes can be added.
Good luck!
The spelling focus for Year 6 will remain the same for this week.
Chaffinch Class extended their lead in the spelling quiz.
Swallow Class drew level in the arithmetic with a win this week.
Well done to Chaffinch Class for clinching both arithmetic and spelling wins this week. Time for a comeback by Swallow Class next week!
The new spellings are based around the -cious/-tious rules:
Remember to think about the root word and any suffixes and prefixes that could be added.
Welcome back to Year 6! We have begun our new topic, The Battle of Britain, by looking at the timeline of events that led up to it. Next week, we will be starting our new class book and recapping our knowledge of decimals before linking it to fractions. With Young Voices coming up at the beginning of February, we have been learning the set list (as well as growing in excitement for it).
As the end of the term is approaching, we have finished our key text, There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’. After our rollercoaster ride with Bradley Chalkers, the main character, we have finally left him to continue his life without us. The children have written their own emotional goodbye letters to one of the other characters and although this is the end for our adventure with Bradley, it is the merely the beginning of our adventures across the different books that we plan on sharing together this year.
Chaffinch won this week's spelling quiz to draw the scores for the term level at 4-4.
The new spellings are:
Remember to think about the different prefixes and suffixes that can be added to each of the words too!
This week, Year 6 have written their own balanced arguments based around their key text and one of the main characters in it. They have been using a range of adverbs and conjunctions to both evidence and counter different arguments. The children have been looking at using paragraphs appropriately to show when there is a change in subject.
In Maths, Year 6 have started to look into fractions and how these can be shown in different forms and representations.
Year 6 have also been writing a diary in the role of a water drop in relation to our topic about rivers.
Year 6 have been busy this week. In English, we have been writing persuasive letters to one of the teachers in our key text, ensuring that we provide evidence for points that we make and linking the points and evidence with a range of adverbials and conjunctions. We have also concentrated on using formal language appropriately in this context.
In Maths, we have been applying our knowledge of the four operations and applying them to different contexts, using what information we know to find out parts that we don’t.
Last week, we represented the school brilliantly at the Winhills Multi-Sport Event.
Swallows took the lead in both Maths and Spelling quizzes this week.
Here are the spellings for next week-
Year 6 will be taking part in the Sports Event at Winhills on Monday morning so will need correct PE kit (tracksuit bottoms might be better than shorts with the weather), a water bottle and a coat (for the walk).
In English, we have been continuing with our key test, ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’ and focusing on specific characters and how they would interpret different scenarios. We have also used this as a stimulus for some group performance poetry, making use of figurative language to hone in on both how characters feel and how they are perceived by others.
In Maths, we have been looking into division and the different methods that can be used to calculate problems involving it. We have also been problem solving by working backwards and then having to explain the reasoning behind our methods.
We have had a comeback by both classes in the week's quizzes. Chaffinch have brought the Maths back to 1-1 and Swallows made it 2-2 in the spelling.
This weeks words are:
Have a good half term!
In relation conjunction with our key text, Year 6 have been looking at how to structure persuasive texts towards the end of this week and will be continuing with this on Monday. We have been looking at how to link points to evidence and discredit counter arguments.
In Maths, we have been looking at addition and subtraction, something that all children have shown good progress in since the start of the week. We will be moving onto multiplication next week, using aspects of what we have learnt already this term to help us.
A huge well done to the Year 6 English team who won their round of the English challenge last week and will now represent the school at Ely Cathedral in the county finals!
Year 6 will be focusing on sentence punctuation this week in English, thinking about when sentences end and how to add different openers and conjunctions to them appropriately.
In Maths, they will be looking at column addition and reasoning with problems involving the method.
Chaffinch won the first spelling quiz of the year (hopefully, Swallows will make a comeback this week though).
The words for the week are:
Make sure that you think about possible suffixes and prefixes for each word too!
Year 6 have had a hard-working start to the week. They have been looking into place value in Maths, explaining their reasoning when deciding on the value of different numbers, integers and decimals.
In English, they have been dissecting sentences into phrases, main clauses and subordinate clauses- something that will help them to improve their writing over the year.
We have had a big whole-school push on handwriting to start the year and the children have been putting a lot of effort into the formation of their letters.
Year 6 have been helping out with Maths Day as well as taking part in it themselves. They showed great leadership when working with the younger children!
The beginning of a new year! Welcome back to all everyone. Year 6 have started their topic, 'Go with the Flow', about rivers, maps and the local area. We have been looking at the rivers of the world and at the counties of England. We were lucky enough to have a visitor from Anglia Water yesterday who told us all about water efficiency.
Year 6 have also started the year with a focus on handwriting- already showing large improvements in this area!
Year 6 have been using their design and technology skills to create their own coins from Ernest Shackleton’s era out of clay. They have also brought the story of his adventure to a close.
The Year 5/6 production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a huge success. All that came to watch have commented on what a great and professional job that the children did; it is a performance that will stay with us for a long time!
The mural created by Year 6 alongside Mr Cornell is now complete and looks fantastic in the courtyard.
Alongside Year 5, Year 6 performed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to Year 1 today- showcasing their acting and singing skills very well. The show is nearly ready for its grand opening to parents next week so make sure that you have got your tickets!
Many of Year 6 will be enjoying the first of their two transition days at either Longsands Academy or Ernulf Academy tomorrow so we wish them the best of luck (not that they will need it)!
They will need to remember to take their 'All About Me' booklets with them to the days.
Year 6 have begun their transition work for secondary school this week. We have been learning about different types of spirals and looking at descriptions of islands.
We have also started rehearsing for our end of year production.
A reminder that children need to bring back their Hilltop forms as soon as possible.
Year 6 have continued with the development of their theme park this week.
Children have been writing in the role of their characters on their adventure in Antarctica with Ernest Shackleton. They have also written persuasive brochures for Loves Farm and a holiday destination of their choice. Along with this, they have written their own scary stories, using the wide range of descriptive skills that they have been learning throughout the year.
Year 6 have begun creating a theme park in their mathematical project.
Children have taken on the role of different crew members aboard Shackleton’s ship, The Endurance. In these roles, they have had to apply for different positions- something that they have then used to apply for a job that they may want in the future.
Year 6 have been exploring the circulatory system. They have annotated and examined diagrams, acting it out as well before taking on the role of a red blood cell to write a diary.
A reminder that children sun hats
A reminder that Year 6 will be attending the DLPT Sport Festival at Winhills on Monday (15th) morning. We will be back in time for lunch but children will need to remember their full PE kit, a water bottle, a sun hat and (sadly/possibly) a coat for the walk.
Year 6 have been revising what they have learnt throughout the year and going over key concepts and skills to help in their SATs next week.
A reminder for children to have their PE kit in everyday next week and to return their forms for the SATs breakfast- I would highly recommend that all children come along (plus, Mr Hall and I might get to eat more...).
If anyone has any questions at all about the process that weren't outlined in the letter sent out last week, please come and ask.
Year 6 have been looking at drawing/measuring angles using a protractor, timetables and co-ordinates in Maths this week. We are also looking over the children's knowledge of the key operations during arithmetic on Friday.
In English, we have introduced the book, Shackleton's Journey. They are being teased through the book, identifying the traits of the characters and we will be writing in the role of them.
A reminder that homework in Year 6 is continuing this week with pages from their revision books being handed out on Thursday and 40 minutes of Maths Whizz should be completed each week.
Welcome back! The children have hit the ground running in Year 6 and have been looking into 2D shapes in Maths. We have also been looking back over some of the grammar techniques and skills that we have been learning throughout the year.
A big well done to those that did extra Maths Whizz over the Easter break!
A reminder that homework in Year 6 is continuing this week with pages from their revision books being handed out on Thursday and 40 minutes of Maths Whizz should be completed each week.
In the last week, Year 6 have begun writing in the style of a documentary, using the work of David Attenborough as a stimulus. In this, we have the opportunity to show off the complex sentence structures that we have learnt throughout the year.
In Maths, we have worked on algebra (and realised that it isn’t actually as hard as we first thought). We have since moved on from this to focus on ratio.
We have been looking into evolution within our science topic too.
Recently, Year 6 have been using their knowledge of space and measure to calculate and solve problems involving perimeter, area and volume. We have also briefly recapped on fractions and percentages.
In English, we have continued our work on newspaper reports and will be using these skills in our topic work too.
We really enjoyed World Book Day and creating our own evolved creatures- linking to our science- and then creating a written text of our choice to go with it (a narrative, newspaper, information text or poem).
Year 6 have been looking at different measurements since just before half term. We have looked at the different ways in which capacity, length and mass can be measured and when would be most suitable to use each unit of measure. Alongside this, we have been converting between units.
In English, we have begun our focus on newspaper reports and are looking at writing more formally, using the passive voice and subjunctive form effectively to do this.
Year 6 Homework
Dear Parents,
In order maximise the impact of homework on the children’s learning, we are revising the balance of homework in Year 6.
Over half term, children will need to complete (to the best of their ability as we will go over each problem in class) pages 23, 38, 50 and 79.
After half term, children will be given 2 pages from their books each week to complete but will also be expected to complete 40 minutes of Maths Whizz as this will give children a good balance of the curriculum and also target each individual’s specific gaps. This should take the children an hour in total and so is no different from the usual homework allowance.
We very much encourage children to complete Maths Whizz over half term too.
Over half term, children will need to complete (to the best of their ability as we will go over each problem in class) pages 7, 8, 17 and 23.
There will be no change to this after half term, as, each week, page numbers/activities will be set and given out.
Children are still expected to read for an average of at least 15 minutes five times a week. This is an invaluable habit that positively impacts on all areas of learning.
We thank you in advance for your continued support.
The Year 6 Team
Year 6 have been looking deeper into fractions by studying their equivalences with percentages and decimals. We have also revised our key operations with fractions, including relating it to buying items in a shop.
In English, after writing our own version of ‘Escape from Pompeii’ and looking into the links that appear across the narrative, we have begun to write one with a similar structure.
We have also started looking into earthquakes and how to try stay safe during one.
Here are some photos from our 'once in a lifetime' Young Voices 2017 school trip to the O2:
Year 6 have continued their work on fractions that started before Christmas. We have moved on from simplifying, adding/subtracting and ordering fractions to calculating fractions of shapes and quantities.
In English, we have been looking at the structure of narratives. To do this, we have been studying the story ‘Escape from Pompeii’- which links to our current topic- ‘Life on the Fault Line’.
Young Voices is in 2 days!!!
Young Voices reminders:
Children will need 2 meals (lunch and dinner).
Children will need several drinks for the day.
Children will need a coat.
T-shirts will be handed out on the day. If children have not ordered one, they should come in a white T-shirt/polo shirt.
Please ensure that all medication (including cough sweets/car sickness tablets) are with the office before the morning of departure.
Last week, we had the pleasure of working with the author James Campbell. He spoke to us about his books and inspired us to write our own, talking to us about ideas and about how we are all storytellers.
We came to the end of our journey with Bradley Chalkers this week. We have written an emotional letter on behalf of the main character to the counsellor that helped him turn his life around. It is safe to say that the children are now just annoyed that the book has ended!
We have been practising for the Christmas Extravaganza next week, perfecting our singing and dancing for you.
Year 6 have been learning about different methods of division and representing problems in various ways. We will be using these skills alongside the other operations that we have been learning so far in the year.
In English, we have continued following the journey of Bradley Chalkers in the book, ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’. We have also looked deeper into specific word classes by reasoning with different types of noun.
We have been lucky enough to work alongside resident artist, Mr Cornell, last week too!
Year 6 have been working really hard this week.
We have been experimenting with different conjunctions in English and continuing with our book, ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’, and have been enjoying following the journey of Bradley Chalkers and his classmates.
In Maths, we have begun working on rounding numbers and playing some different games that involve reasoning with this.
Although it may seem early, we have applied our artistic skills to decorating Christmas cards that will be sent off and available to order later in the year.
Our Indian drumming started this week and will be continuing for the rest of the half term too.
We have been have a really busy time in Year 6!!
This week 12 children attended the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Challenge at Ernulf where they competed against lots of different school from St Neots. The children did fantastically and even came second in the maths round!
Last week, the whole year group travelled to Winhills to compete in the DLPT intertrust sports games. We are delighted to say that we won the overall competition by one point!! Well done!
Rehearsals have now started for our end of year play, Alice in Wonderland, and we are all very started to show you the finished product in the coming weeks!
SATs are over and everyone has worked extremely hard! Well done to all of Year 6!
We now have lots of exciting things to look forward to this term: next week we will be starting swimming lessons, and on Tuesday we have our topic trip to the Imperial War Museum at Duxford.
Back in class, we are going to be continuing to look at our topic on the Second World War, and will be writing some fantastic pieces of writing from this. After half term, we will be looking at the Greeks, including looking at the Olympics, as we move towards the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
We also have our end of year play to cast, prepare, rehearse and perform!! But what could the play be?......Watch this space!
And of course, we have a trip to Hilltop at the very end of the year to look forward to....are you excited?
Year 6 have had a great past week and have been working extremely hard! In maths, we have focussed on problem solving, and have spent time this week looking into the different skills needed to solve problems, including working backwards, working systematically, trial and error and conjecturing and convincing. The children really enjoyed playing a version of Nim, where they needed to find a pattern and rule in order to beat the computer, and be the first person to reach 23 - try it for yourself here
In English, we have been writing some cross curricular (science) information reports about Neanderthals, and some of the work that has been produced has been fantastic! Well done all of you!
The children in Year 6 have been working really hard in class this week. In English, we have been continuing to read our class book, There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom, and the children have been exploring the characters and themes through drama and writing: in order to decide if the main character is a badly behaved person, we created a conscience alley, before writing discussion texts on the issue. In Maths, we have been working on measurements, looking at area and perimeter, and have been converting between imperial and metric systems for measure. We have also been discussed The Theory of Evolution in Science, and have looked at the work of Charles Darwin.
A good start to the term in Year 6. We have been continuing our English unit following the book 'There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom', and the children have been captivated by the story of Bradley Chalkers; the children are still unsure whether they love or hate the main character!!
In Maths, we have started to look at units of measure, and have been exploring the difference between metric and imperial units of measure.
We will be starting our new topic unit on The Battle of Britain later in the week, and I hope the children are excited to find out about it (as I know myself and Mr Anns are!!).
Year 6 have been sharpening up on their vocal skills, readying themselves for the Young Voices concert as well as the much anticipated Christmas Extravaganza. Our classrooms are now looking beautifully Christmassy.
In English, we have begun our new text, The Boy In The Girls' Bathroom, and have been looking into the character of Bradley Chalkers, trying to make up our minds as to what type of person he is.
Mathematically, we are entering the world of fractions and will be investigating them in many different contexts, making conjectures and explaining our reasoning as we go.
In Year 6 we have now finished our unit on Floodland, and it was clear that although everyone loved the story, there were a few mixed reactions with the ending (we will soon add some book reviews to show you why!). We are now looking forward to starting our new novel of The Boy in the Girls' Bathroom.
In maths, we have been working hard on shape, including 2D and 3D shapes, angles, properties of shapes and classification. From next week we will be looking at fractions.
Rehearsals for our Christmas extravaganza are underway, and we are all excited about thrilling you with our singing and dancing! Don't forget to get your tickets ordered!
This week we have been working really hard in Chaffinch class, and have been learning some fantastic things across the curriculum. In English, we are continuing to work through our unit on Floodland, although we are nearly finished! We have written some excellent information reports on the setting, Eels Island, and are looking forward to finding out if our main character, Zoe, can escape from the dreadful island.
In Maths, we have been working really hard on problem solving using written and mental methods for all operations, and are starting to look at shape.
Young Voices 2016
Here are the songs we will be singing at the O2 in London in January. If you want these songs on a disk, bring a blank one in for Mr Gross or Mr Anns and we will put the songs on for you.
October 2015
What a great few weeks we've had! As a class, we are really enjoying our topic, and have written some excellent pieces on the watercycle (in the role of a water droplet!). In English, our Floodland work has really come to life, and the children are desperate to read to the end without stopping!! We have been writing a range of pieces linked to the book, and have even been acting in role and debating key aspects of the book! Will Zoe ever get off Eels island????
Write a blog with your opinion!
Last week we got to work with Jack Cornell, and he has given us some excellent tips for drawing/painting water. The children really enjoyed working with him, and completed some excellent pieces of work....stay tuned for some photos!
Young Voices - the new songs have been released! Hopefully we can upload them here, but if you just cant wait, you can download the songs (to listen at home) here...
and the dance moves can be accessed here...
Creative week!!
We have had a great start to the new term in Year 6. The children have spent the first week exploring our new 'Go with the flow' geography topic, where we have started to look closely at our local area, including our town and county, and why people live in St Neots. Over the past two days the children have been looking at Ordnance Survey maps, and have started to take 4 and 6 figure grid references for different parts of our county. Today they have started creating their very own OS maps, and they look incredible! (pictures to follow)
Welcome to Year 6 Chaffinch class page!
Welcome to the Chaffinch class page, and welcome to Year 6 for 2015-6. Chaffinch are a Year 6 class who are taught by Mr Gross, with Ms Whitney as our Teaching Assistant. Over the year we will be learning lots of different things, whilst working really hard in the build up to our SATS. We have lots of interesting topics, lessons and trips planning, and know this is going to be an amazing year at school!!
Over the year we will regularly update this page with news, information, photos and even videos to show what we have been doing in school. Keep your eyes on the blogs as we will be adding lots of new information their too!
So, what are we going to be learning this year?
Literacy: We will be studying a range of units this term, including looking at mystery stories, information texts, free verse poetry and a novel as a theme. We will begin by looking at a unit of work based on the novel Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick. This will link closely to our 'Go with the Flow' topic, and will see us writing a range of pieces and styles linked to the book.
Numeracy: There will be a lot of learning happening this term! We will begin by looking at the ‘difference’ between numbers, number sequences, rounding, place value (including decimals) and mental calculations. We will be revising and extending our calculation methods; each child has a carefully selected method and this will be shared with parents in the next few weeks. As the term progresses, we will continue to cover the Year 6 curriculum, including data handling, shape and space, problem solving, fractions, percentages and reasoning.
Mental mathematics is incredibly important and the children will be having a test every two weeks in preparation for their SATs. The results of these tests will be recorded in their homework diaries. It is essential that the children know their multiplication tables inside out and back to front (e.g. 8 x 4 = 32// 32 ÷ 8 = 4// ⅛of 32 = 4 …), so please encourage your child to practise these at home regularly.
Science: Our first topic is Living Things and their Habitats. We will learn about micro-organisms, and the identification and classification of different animals and plants. After half term we will then move on to look at Evolution.
Topic (History and Geography):
In this geography topic, we will look at our local area, from town, up to our country and beyond. We will focus on rivers, waterways, and how these impact the lives of those living close to them.
ICT: This term the children will be using ICT across a range of lessons. They will be carrying out research for our topic and looking at using multimedia presentations in science.
PE: This term we are going to be very active in Year 6. In our outdoor lessons we will begin with a focus on athletics, enabling the children to develop the vital skills of running, jumping and throwing. We will also be looking at invasions games, including football and tag rugby. We will focus on the fundamentals of ABC (agility, balance, coordination), as well as team work and spatial awareness. Later in the term the children will be having dance lessons every week, where they will learn about movement, rhythm and the fundamentals of street dance.
Year 6 will have PE sessions every Monday afternoon (both indoors and outdoors). Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school at all times, and are prepared for the unpredictable autumn weather.
Each Key Stage Two class will now be handing out Literacy homework on a Thursday and it will need to be returned by the following Tuesday. Children need to remember to return their homework on time, as failure to do so could impact on their end of term reward day. We expect the children to spend one hour on each piece of homework, to ensure it is completed to a good standard. Homework books must be handed in every week, and not at the end of each term.
For their numeracy homework, the children will be using Maths Whizz ( ), an online maths education website that is tailored to each individual child. The children are required to complete one hour of maths whizz per week. Maths Whizz will start each Monday, and one hour must be completed by each Sunday evening. If your child has no access to the internet, there are several homework clubs after school where they can complete their maths whizz homework (please refer to after school club letter for dates and times).
In Year 6, children need to read for the equivalent of at least 15 minutes every school night (it might be that some nights they read more than other nights). They need to complete their reading record each time they read. We would very much appreciate you listening to your child’s reading /discussing their book with them and request that you sign your child’s reading record book and, if possible, add a comment. This will really help your child to progress in reading and writing. Every morning reading records will be checked, so we value any feedback you can provide us with.
In addition, children are required to practise multiplication tables and division facts to aid rapid recall. Every week there will be an informal check as part of the maths lesson. Your child may bring their times table sheet home to practise.
As you can see, we have a great deal of exciting learning ahead of us. Keep checking back for updates, plus examples of our work!
In the meantime, why not check out some of the sites below?
Play Maths, Literacy and Science games to help you to prepare for SATS!
Cool Maths games to practise maths skills at any level. Try some of the numbers games to revise skills learnt in school. Have fun!
Woodlands junior is a great site and this link takes you to lots of interactive Literacy games and activities.
The Science Museum in London is a great day out, but here are lots of fun interactive activities and games for you to try; all with a scientific theme. Enjoy!
This is one for the parents, or for you Swallows if you want to print some worksheets to practise your skills! The maths ones are especially good since you can change the numbers to make them easier or harder.
A website to help you practise your tables with different games to play. Give it a try!
Get ready for SATS and have a go at these quizzes. You choose the area you want to practice and it gives you some questions to answer. It keeps your score and your time to try to beat each time. Brilliant for SATS practise! If you find Year 6 a bit hard try Year 4 or 5. Maybe you might even want to have a go at Year 7 quizzes and see how you do!
Really good stuff to practise! Games and activities to practise your skills.
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!