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Blackbird's Class Page 2023-2024



Class Teacher: Miss Leonard

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Stockley


Welcome to Blackbird's class page! 


PE day is on a Thursday- pleasure ensure children have their PE kits in school on Monday 

Children should be accessing Spelling Shed and Numbots- please ask if you need help with this!


As the days are getting warmer, please ensure your child brings a sun hat to school and applies sun cream in the morning.  


All the best, 


Miss Leonard and Mrs Stockley 




w/c: 20th May 2024

Please can you ensure your child brings their Top 100 Book back to school by Friday (24th May). 

Thank you! 

Miss Leonard 


W.C. 29.4.24

This week in Music, Year 1 have been looking at Rhythm. We started clapping the rhythm of our names and seeing how many syllables there were.

Then, using the story of the Three Little Pigs, we chose sentences and clapped the rhythm of them! For example: "The big bad wolf" and "run little pig".

The children were excellent at ensuring that they clapped the correct amount of syllables in each word!

w/c: 15th April 2024

It has been lovely welcoming the children back after the Easter Holiday! They have all come back with a positive attitude towards their learning, with lots of exciting stories about their Easter. 


This week, we have looked at our new book in English 'One Day On Our Blue Planet in The Savannah'. This story is all about a lioness and her cub who live in the African Savannah. The children created their own African animal scene using powder paints and silhouettes. We also looked at a picture from the book and came up with some sentences to describe what the animals were doing using prepositions. 


We have started counting in 2s, 5s and 10s in Maths. 


For Outdoor Learning, the children played a game of 'Tree Bingo' and then used their knowledge of the parts of tree to create their own tree people. 

W.c. 5th February 2024

We have had another fantastic week in Blackbird Class. In English, we wrote instructions for 'How to Make Wombat Stew'. The highlight of the week was the children using their instructions to create their very own version of Wombat Stew. It was so much fun and the children really got stuck in!

NSPCC Number Day- Friday 2nd February 2024

W/c: 29th January 2024

We have had a fantastic week this week filled with lots of fun and exciting activities. The children have been learning all about the number bonds to 20 and how we can use number bonds to 10 to help with our understanding. In English, they have been looking at describing the thoughts of a character, using freeze frames to support with this. The children have taken part in NSPCC Number Day, where they created repeating patterns and shapes using natural objects, as well as seeing if they could use natural objects to represent different number bonds to 20. Finally, in Science, they were 'material detectives' who had to hunt around the playground to see which materials they could find. 


Well done for a fabulous week Blackbirds!

W/c: 15th January 2024


This week has been a fantastic week! The children have been practising their estimating skills in Maths and were very successful when placing numbers on the number line. It has been amazing to have Mrs Stockley back with the team and the children. We have started our new book 'Wombat Stew' and the children created their own character descriptions of 'Dingo'. 



  • PE day is Thursday- please ensure children have their PE kits in school on Monday
  • Please ensure children are reading at least 5 times per week and accessing Spelling Shed and Numbots

W/C: 31st October 2023

It was lovely to welcome the children back after half term! 


In English, we have started our new book, ' Rapunzel'. The book is written by Bethan Woollvin and is a twist on the original tale.  The children started their learning this week by looking at the original traditional tale so that they can compare the two stories later. They also learnt about the use of a question mark and wrote appropriate questions that they had regarding the story. 


In Maths, the children have consolidated their understanding of number bonds. This will help them progress with their next addition steps including addition fact families.


In Science, the children looked at land and sea animals. They looked at their different features and how these help them to adapt to their habitats. 

Week Commencing 21st November:


We have had an exciting week! We went on a visit to the local library and found out lots of important information about borrowing books and how the library works! The children showed excellent listening skills and asked some brilliant questions. We are preparing for our Christmas performance and have been practicing the songs and our very own dance routine! Information regarding the performance will be sent out soon! In maths, we have been working on subtraction and looking at different subtraction stories and in science, we have been looking at the diets of different animals. 




Week Commencing 19th September 2022

Blackbirds have had a fantastic week this week. In English we have continued to read our class text 'How to Find Gold', which has stimulated a range of discussions and viewpoints. Furthermore, we have created our own maps to find gold and the children wrote their own labels and instructions for them. 


In Maths, the children have been working on their number fluency, using number tracks to support their counting. We have used lots of practical resources which has supported in cementing their understanding. In Science, we are looking at Animals including Humans. Lessons have consisted of labelling the human body, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of the five senses. 


We have continued our learning of castles in History. The children have explored the different types of castles and they have had a go at drawing a Motte and Bailey, Square Keep and Concentric Castle. 


Finally, please ensure that you are reading with your children everyday for at least 10 minutes! It really supports with their learning in class. Please can you also ensure that all of your children's school uniform is labelled. We have had lots of items appearing with no names which makes it difficult to return!


Thank you for a great week Blackbirds, looking forward to the next!


Miss Leonard



September 2022


Our PE day is on Thursday. Children are welcome to leave their PE kit at school or take it home each week. Please ensure your children have the correct PE kit on this day. 


As the weather is getting colder, please ensure that your child has a raincoat in school each day. They are welcome to bring hats and gloves. 


Outdoor learning has begun which is very exciting and an activity that the children love. Please ensure that the children have a pair of wellies in school, particularly as the weather worsens. If there are any issues with this then  please do get in contact and we will see what we can do!



Whilst we are not currently setting any formal homework, children are expected to read 5 times per week for 10 minutes each day. This should be recorded in their reading records. Children will be sent home with a phonics reading book, along with their reading records on Tuesday 13th September. 


This book has been carefully matched to your child’s current reading level. If your child is reading it with little help, please don’t worry that it’s too easy – your child needs to develop fluency and confidence in reading.

Listen to them read the book. Remember to give them lots of praise – celebrate their success!

If they can’t read a word, read it to them. After they have finished, talk about the book together to further develop their comprehension!


It is important to share books together and engage in discussion around what has been read. 


The link below has some ideas for Year 1 books for shared reading:

Year 1 Reading List




In English this term we will be looking at the book 'Wombat Stew'.



Children should engage with the Numbots website on a weekly basis.

I will be sending out login information again to ensure that you have this for them to login.



In PSHE this term we have been looking at Relationships, in particular friends. We have been learning about what makes a good friend and how to make new friends. We have also been thinking about what to do when we need help and who to ask for help.

After half term we will be learning about Changing Me. This will involve looking at life cycles, changes since being a baby, differences, growing and learning, coping with change and transition.

Knowledge Organisers

Please find subject knowledge organisers below:

















Please see some useful phonics resources below. Our new phonics scheme is Little Wandle. It is important that all resources used to support the learning of phonics are from the Little Wandle scheme. 

Year 1- Autumn Sounds

Grow the Code Grapheme Mat

Little Wandle- Year 1 Phonics Home Learning

Online Login Information

Your child's login information for Numbots and Spelling Shed can be found in their reading records. 

Please ignore the information past this point. 


On the website today, are some fun and creative activities for you to do. Go to the website to have a look at these. Well done for all your fantastic hard work whilst you have been at home! Have lots of fun!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words ending in ‘ee’ sound using the letter ‘y’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To write a story.

Maths – Go on NumBots or TT Rockstars.

DT – To make a puppet.

Outside – How about the ‘Water Balloon Pinata’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words ending in ‘ee’ sound using the letter ‘y’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To write for a purpose.

Maths – To compare durations of time.

PSHE – To create a jar full of things you are looking forward to in the future.

Outside – How about the ‘Sports Day’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words ending in ‘ee’ sound using the letter ‘y’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To use descriptive vocabulary.

Maths – To find durations of time.

Art & Design – To draw an observational drawing of a natural object.

Outside – How about the ‘Super Shoes’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words ending in ‘ee’ sound using the letter ‘y’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To create and design magic shoes.

Maths – To tell the time in 15 minute intervals (quarter to and quarter past).

Topic – To know how significant people help us.

Outside – How about the ‘Art in the style of Van Gough’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words ending in ‘ee’ sound using the letter ‘y’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To discuss events in a story.

Maths – To tell the time to the hour and to half the hour.

Science – To explain the life cycle of a plant and what plants need to grow.

Outside – How about the ‘Water Xylophone’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!


Good Morning! Go directly to the website to access your work for today

Here is an outline of today’s learning activities: -

Phonics – To spell words with the ‘v’ sound using the letters ‘ve’

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To write a fact file.

Maths – Go on to NumBots or TTRockstars

DT – To design a puppet

Outside – How about the ‘Card Making’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a great day!



Good Morning! Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work.

 Here is an outline of today’s work.

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘v’ sound using the letters ‘ve’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To research a topic.

Maths – To name and describe 3D shapes.

PSHE – To understand how to keep ourselves safe.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Vegetable Superhero’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a fantastic day!



Good Morning! Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work.

 Here is an outline of today’s work.

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘v’ sound using the letters ‘ve’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To describe a character.

Maths – To recognise the lines of symmetry in 2D shapes.

Art & Design – To create shadow art.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Rainbow Bubble Snakes’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a fantastic day!


Good Morning! Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work.

Here is an outline of today’s work.

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘v’ sound using the letters ‘ve’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To create a character.

Maths – To describe and create shape patterns.

Topic – To know how significant people help us.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Shadow Drawing’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a fantastic day!



We hope you all had a lovely weekend. Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work.

 Here is an outline of today’s work.

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘v’ sound using the letters ‘ve’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To answer questions about a text.

Maths – To identify shapes by the number of sides and vertices.

Science – To name, identify and explain the function of parts of a plant.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Bug Hotel’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a fantastic day!



We hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Go directly to the Diamond Online website to access the work.

 Here is an outline of today’s work.

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘ch’ sound using the letters ‘tch’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Write a story about a superhero.

Maths – Go onto NumBots or TT Rockstars.

Computing – To know how to keep safe online.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Mud’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a fantastic day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘ch’ sound using the letters ‘tch’

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –To write an exciting story.

Maths – To rotate shapes.

PSHE – To know how to make healthy choices.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Giant Bubbles’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘ch’ sound using the letters ‘tch’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Gather ideas for writing.

Maths – To use the language of rotation.

Art & Design – To make insects using natural materials.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Kim’s Game’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘ch’ sound using the letters ‘tch’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –To describe a character using adjectives.

Maths – To be able to give directions.

Topic – To research the life of a significant person.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Cloud Watching’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – To spell words with the ‘ch’ sound using the letters ‘tch’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –To become familiar with a story.

Maths – To describe the position of an object.

Science – To name and identify common plants and trees.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Picture Making’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Rules for plural nouns.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Writing a fact file about lighthouses.

Maths – Go on Numbots or TT Rockstars.

Computing – To know what code and algorithms are.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Picnic lunch’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Rules for plural nouns.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –To research all about lighthouses.

Maths – Finding different combinations of coins that equal the same amount.

PSHE – Understanding how to stay safe at the seaside.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Seaside Scene’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Rules for plural nouns.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Writing instructions.

Maths – Recognising and knowing the value of coins.

Art & Design – Creating a textured landscape.

Outdoor – How about the ’Make some Binoculars’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Rules for plural nous.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Collect ideas for making a picnic lunch.

Maths – Using standard units to measure volume and capacity.

Topic – Compare seaside holidays from the past with ones of today.

Outdoor – How about the ’10 Green Bottles’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Rules for plural nous.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Answering questions about a text.

Maths – Compare and order volume and capacity.

Science – Plastic pollution.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Snails’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Writing a story.

Maths – Go onto Numbots or TT Rockstars.

Music – Making music from everyday objects.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Sensory Ice Play’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English –Retelling part of a story.

Maths – Ordering and comparing mass/weight.

PSHE: Relationships

Outdoor – How about the ‘Camping’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Planning the retell of the ending of the story.

Maths – Estimate and measure in mass/weight.

Art & Design: Texture hunt.

Outdoor – How about the ‘Making a Paintbrush’ activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! Go straight to the website to access the work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Book Review.

Maths – Ordering and comparing lengths and height.

Geography: Features of a coastline.

Outdoor – How about the Ruler of the Garden activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!


Good Morning! We hope you all had a great weekend! Go straight to the website to access your work. Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – adding the suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing’.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Becoming familiar with a new story.

Maths – Estimating and measuring length and height.

Science: Designing and making a boat that will float.

Outdoor – How about the Garden Pictures activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a lovely day!

WC 8.6.20 Diamond Online Digital Newsletter


Good Morning! Here is an outline of your activities for today:-

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Use descriptive language in a story.

Maths – Go onto Numbots or TT Rockstars

PSE: Listening and responding to music.

Outdoor – How about the Pebble Toss activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Please remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! Have a fantastic day and have a lovely weekend!



We hope you all had a great day yesterday. Here is an outline of today’s work.


Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To write facts based on research.

Maths – Writing numbers in numerals and words.

PSE: To talk confidently about talents.

Outdoor – How about the Instruments activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a fantastic day!



We hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Here is an outline of today’s work.


Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – To research a chosen topic.

Maths – Following number sequences.

Art – Investigating colour.

Outdoor – How about the Tree Leaves activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a fantastic day!



We hope you all had a great day yesterday and enjoyed the learning using the online website. Here is an outline of today’s work. Take your time using the website as this is a different way of learning.


Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading.

English – Using descriptive language to describe a beach.

Maths – Ordering objects and numbers to 100.

History – Comparing past and present beaches.

Outdoor – How about the Stone Keeper activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!


Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a fantastic day!



We hope you all had a fantastic weekend! This week, you will be carrying out your learning using the work set on the ‘Diamond Online’. There are two options for how you can access the work for this week. There is the digital newsletter, which has been uploaded up onto the class pages, or you can now start to use the website which has gone live for Year 1 and 2 this week. Here is the link You will need to click on the ‘Learning’ tab on the left of the website to access your work. Using the website may take some getting use to! Please take your time and have an explore of it with an adult. The digital newsletter is there for you this week if you feel using the website is a little tricky. If you click on the ‘How to use the Online School’ tab on the left, there are videos to help show you how it all works, and you can watch these with an adult. Here is an outline of the work for today: -


Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ee’ alternative sound.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – Answering questions about the story.

Maths – Comparing objects and numbers to 100.

Science- Identifying properties of materials

Outdoor – How about the Natural Rubbings Activity? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!

WC 1.6.20 Diamond Online digital newsletter Year 1 and 2


Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!

Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – Writing your own story about a mermaid.

Maths – Go on Numbots or TT Rockstars

Music- Make an instrument ready for next week’s assembly. If you have already made one, you could practise playing it.

Outdoor – How about making a minibeast hunt? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day  and enjoy the weekend!


Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!

Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – Writing a description about the mermaid you drew yesterday.

Maths – Focusing on 1 more or 1 less

PSE- drawing a picture about a time you have found something tricky and worked at worked hard at trying to overcome it.

Outdoor – How about making a kite? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!




Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!

Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – You will be drawing a picture of the mermaid and using exciting vocabulary to describe her.

Maths – Focusing on tens and ones using addition.

Art  - mark making

Outdoor – How about making a stone tower? Or pick whichever activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!


Good Morning! We hope you had a lovely day yesterday!


Here is an outline of today’s work for the Diamond Online digital newsletter: -

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – You will continue to look at the book ‘The Singing Mermaid’ and writing some questions that you would like to ask. What do you need to remember when writing questions?

Maths – You will be looking at the value of a 2-digit number.

Geography  - Looking at the human and physical features of a beach.

Outdoor - How about making a collage with garden materials? Or pick whichever outdoor activity you like!

Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog. Have a great day!

Good Morning Blackbirds!


We hope you have all had a lovely half term! The Diamond Online digital newsletter is above this post. It contains a series of lessons each day. Towards the bottom of the newsletter, there are additional activities that can be done during the week which include an assembly link and a link to Springwatch live wildlife cam! 


Please refer to the Diamond digital newsletter for today’s work. Here is an outline of today’s work: -

Spelling – Focusing on the ‘ai’ alternative sound. Follow the link on the newsletter.

Reading – 20 minutes of reading

English – You will be looking at a lovely book called ‘The Singing Mermaid’ by Julia Donaldson (link on the newsletter). As you are listening to the story, think about what your favourite part is.

Maths – Focusing on place value of numbers. What could you draw to help you?

Science  - looking at different materials that you can find around your house. Think about their names and the different ways you could group these materials.

Outdoor activity - How about playing a game of noughts and crosses using sticks and stones? Or pick whichever outdoor activity you like! 


Remember to share what you have been doing on the blog! As many of the Class Teachers are now in school, they may not be able to respond straight away to your blog posts, but they will do as soon as they can. 

Friday 22nd May 2020 


Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/ Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 5 

Indoor Activity - Activity 5 – Write 5 questions 

Outdoor Activity – Activity 5 – Blindfold safari 

Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Thursday 21st May 2020 


Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/ Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 4 

Indoor Activity - Activity 4 – How many ways can you make and show the number 16? 

Outdoor Activity – Activity 4 – Ball run challenge 

Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Topic - Introduction to Grace Darling Video 


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Wednesday 20th May 2020


Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/ Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 3 

Indoor Activity- Activity 3 – Design your own Joe Wicks workout 

Outdoor Activity - Activity 3 – Create an obstacle course 

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Vocabulary Ninja - compass – Draw a picture of a compass (2) 


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Tuesday 19th May 2020 


Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/Maths Shed – 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 2 

Indoor Activity - Activity 2 – Write an acrostic poem 

Outdoor Activity- Activity 2 – Cardboard foot 

Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Good Morning. Please find attached a suggested set of activities for the day. If you would prefer to choose your own, then this is fine. Please find the following documents underneath: Vocabulary Ninja, Maths and Spelling Activities and Indoor and Outdoor Activity Home Learning Grids. Please share what you have been up to on the blog. 


Monday 18th May 2020 


Reading - 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/Maths Shed – 30 minutes 

White Rose – Summer Week 3 (w/c 4th May)- Day 1 

Indoor Activity - Activity 1 – Write a fact sheet about an animal 

Outdoor Activity - Activity 1 – Observational drawing 

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Vocabulary Ninja- compass – write a sentence using this word (1) 

Friday 15th May


Good morning everyone!


Reading- 10 minutes of reading

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes

Numbots/ Maths Shed - 30 minutes

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 5

Indoor Activity - Activity 9 or 10 – Hot seating or create your own game

Outdoor Activity – Activity 9 or 10 – Ice escape or shadow pictures

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join.

Thursday 14th May 2020


Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 15 minutes
Numbots/ Maths Shed - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 4
Indoor Activity - Activity 8 – Indoor camping
Outdoor Activity- Activity 8 – Create your own museum of natural treasures
Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
Topic - Lucy and Tom at the Seaside story…/g…/module1067404/index.html
Activity to go with Lucy and Tom at the Seaside…/g…/module1067404/index.html


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.

Wednesday 13th May 2020


Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 15 minutes
Numbots/ Maths Shed - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 3
Indoor Activity - Activity 7 – Learn your full name, your birthday and your address
Outdoor Activity – Activity – Magic wands
Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
Vocabulary Ninja- erosion – Draw a picture to represent the word erosion (2)


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.

Tuesday 12th May 2020


Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 15 minutes
Numbots/ Maths Shed - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 2
Indoor Activity - Activity 6 – Make your own musical instrument
Outdoor Activity- Activity 6 – Build a mini den for a bear
Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join.


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.

Monday 11th May 2020 


Welcome back to home schooling after a long weekend with mixed weather - I hope you all made the most of it!


Today's suggested work is as follows...

Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/Maths Shed  - 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 2 (w/c 27th April) - Day 1 

Indoor Activity- Activity 5 – Write a story 

Outdoor Activity- Activity 5 – Mini beast hunt 

Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Vocabulary Ninja- erosion – write a sentence using this word (1) 


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Thursday 7th May 2020 - The final set of activities for the week.


Reading- 10 minutes of reading
Spelling Shed – 15 minutes
Numbots/ Maths Shed - 30 minutes
White Rose Maths - Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 3
Indoor Activity - Activity 4 – How many ways can you make and show the number 12?
Outdoor Activity – Activity 4 – What’s this critter thinking?
Letter join - Spend 15 minutes on letter join.
Topic - Beach Vocabulary…/item1067…/grade1/index.html
Activity to go with Beach Vocabulary…/g…/module1067404/index.html


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.

Enjoy VE Day however you choose to spend it!

Wednesday 6th May 2020 -


It was lovely to be able to chat to so many of you yesterday. It was great to hear some of your stories about what you have been doing and how hard you have been working. Remember you can always get hold of us if you need anything.


Today's suggested activities.


Reading- 10 minutes of reading

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes

Numbots/ Maths Shed - 30 minutes

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 3

Indoor Activity- Activity 3 – Design your own perfect cupcake

Outdoor Activity - Activity 3 – Outdoor masterpieces

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join.

Vocabulary Ninja - pier – Draw a picture of a pier (2)


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.

Tuesday 5th May 2020 


Good morning, Blackbirds!


Here is your suggested work for today.


Reading- 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/Maths Shed – 30 minutes 

White Rose Maths - Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 2 

Indoor Activity - Activity 2 - Seasons 

Outdoor Activity- Activity 2 – Explore and make a map 

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog.   

Monday 4th May 2020 


Good Morning. Please find attached a suggested set of activities for the day. If you would prefer to choose your own, then this is fine. Please find the following documents above: Vocabulary Ninja, Maths and Spelling Activities and Indoor and Outdoor Activity Home Learning Grids.


Please share what you have been up to on the blog. 


Reading - 10 minutes of reading 

Spelling Shed – 15 minutes 

Numbots/Maths Shed – 30 minutes 

White Rose – Summer Week 1 (w/c 20th April) - Day 1 

Indoor Activity - Activity 1 – Create your own animal 

Outdoor Activity - Activity 1 – Sensory and texture walk 

Letter join- Spend 15 minutes on letter join. 

Vocabulary Ninja- pier – write a sentence using this word (1) 


Wednesday 29th April


Good Morning! We hope you’ve enjoyed the activities so far this week! It's a shame about the current weather but hopefully it will improve again soon.


Thank you for sharing on the blog what you have been up to. You can continue with the same structure for your child, as outlined on Monday, if this is working for your child. Please keep sharing on the blog! We love to see what you have been doing.

Monday 27th April


Good Morning! We hope that you’ve had a good weekend and enjoyed the sunny weather.


The activity sheets remain the same as last week. You may continue to choose one activity from each section if you wish to. Why don’t you have a look at, ‘The Beach – Magic Grandad,’ to discover more about the Seaside. Please keep sharing what you have been up to on the blog. We love to see this.


If you are practising your handwriting please take a look at the Letterjoin website to make sure you are forming your letters correctly and remember in Year 1 we don't join our letters.

The website is 

user name: roundhouse_2 

password: letterjoin

Wednesday 22nd April

Good Morning! We hope you’ve enjoyed the activities so far this week! Thank you for sharing on the blog what you have been up to. You can continue with the same structure for your child, as outlined on Monday, if this is working for your child. If you would like, you can continue your trip to the Seaside and take a look at, ‘Seaside Entertainment – Magic Grandad.’ Please keep sharing on the blog! We love to see what you have been doing.

Monday 20th April

Good Morning! We hope that you all had a lovely Easter break.


Please have a look at the Maths and Spelling Activities Monday 20th April to Friday 1st May task sheet (posted below) as well as the indoor and outdoor learning activities. If you want some structure for your child, then you can choose one task per day from the indoor and outdoor activity sheets as well as completing one Maths activity and one phonics activity. There are also some topic introduction links. If you would like, have a look at the first link to start the Seaside topic ‘Barnaby Goes to the Seaside’ We would love to see what you have been doing so please share what you have been up to on the blog. If you are not able to access Numbots, please let your class teacher know. This is a fantastic resource for the children to use independently.


Today is Reward Day

Congratulations on your Spring Term full of learning, fabulous behaviour and hard work ... both at school and at home. We are incredibly proud of you and your families.

Today is a day filled with some magic and fun .... enjoy !!


Magician Nick Barnes has recorded a special magic show to watch while we are staying safe at home ...


Here it is -


If you want to learn some fun magic tricks to perform for your family ... here are some ideas


Have a great day and Happy Easter Holidays!

Date - Tuesday 31st March 

Good Morning everyone! Happy Tuesday!


Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 


Spelling Shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task. 


Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled ’Nouns’ and practice reading and writing your word walls. 


Maths - Adding and subtraction up to 10 - 

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 


Please have a look through your Knowledge Organisers and write down some facts about Neil Armstrong. Try to make it look exciting – can you add pictures around your facts? 


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog. Let us know how you are getting with Numbots. (


Miss King and Mrs Gregorious 

Date - Monday 30th March  

Good Morning! We hope you had a great weekend.


Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 


Spelling Shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task. 


Handwriting – Please complete the sheet entitled ‘Add the Capital Letters 2’. 


Practice reading and writing your word walls. 


Maths - Unknown numbers up to 10 - 


Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 


We have set another Kahoot quiz for you to do, this time it’s about Christopher Columbus. Follow the link below or got to Kahoot and use the code 0144146 


This week the Art in The Windows theme is the sunshine so if you get a moment for some art try to create a beautiful sun to put with your rainbow in your window. Try to use different materials if you can. 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks.

Please share what you have been doing on the blog, remember not to post photos with you in them, we may not be able to approve them. 


Finally, a message from Mr Hall -  

I have set up usernames and passwords for TT Rockstars and Numbots for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. They are the same for both apps.  

Their username is the first 2 letters of their forename and the first 2 letters of their surname. eg. Joe Bloggs username is 'jobl' 

Password: abc 

Please encourage children to play Numbots on this website 


Any questions we are checking our emails and Facebook every day.  


Miss King and Mrs Gregorious ðŸ˜€  

Date – Friday 27th March 


Good Morning to you all!


Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 

Spelling Shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task. 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled Crossword Puzzles. 

Practice reading and writing your word walls. 

Maths - Addition facts up to 20 - 

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 


Please have a look through your Knowledge Organisers and design a poster about the life of Sir Robert Falcon Scott. 


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog. 


Miss King, Mrs Gregorious, Miss Cooper and Miss Blyth 

Date – Thursday 26th March 2020 


Good Morning Blackbirds!


Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 

Spelling Shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task - 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled Add the Capital Letters: 1  

Practice reading and writing your first word wall. Can you write 5 sentences using different words from your word wall? Remember your capital letters and full stops. 

Maths - More than, less than - 


Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 

How many star jumps can you do in 30 seconds? How many times can you write your name in 30 seconds? How many times can you jump up and down in 30 seconds?  


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on your blog but remember no personal information. 


Love Miss King, Mrs Gregorious, Miss Cooper and Miss Blyth 


Date – Wednesday 25th April 


Good Morning!  Here is your work for today...

Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 

Spelling Shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task - Phonics Phase 4 CVCC words using Phase 3 graphemes 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet starting at ‘their’ and finishing with ‘into’. 

Practice reading and writing your word wall 1 and write sentences using 5 of the words. 

Maths - Lotto addition and subtraction to 10 - 

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 

As an extra challenge try the Kahoot quiz on Amelia Earhart. Follow the link below or go to and select PLAY from the top right corner, you will then be prompted for a code - 0266614 

We are hoping to do more of these if it works – you have until Friday evening to take part in this challenge! 


We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog. 


Miss King, Mrs Gregorious, Miss Cooper and Miss Blyth 

Date – Tuesday 24th March  

Good Morning!  Welcome to Day 2! Your tasks for the day are...


Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 

Spelling shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task. Phonics phase 4 CVCC words. 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled high frequency words starting with ‘be’ ending with ‘which 

Maths - Darts total to 20 - 

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 

Please have a look through your knowledge organisers and write 5 facts about Christopher Columbus. 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on the blog. We’ve enjoyed seeing the completed tasks from Monday. 


Miss King, Mrs Gregorious, Miss Cooper and Miss Blyth 

Date – Monday 23rd March 2020 

Good Morning! Happy Monday. Hope you enjoy your first day at home.  

Reading – Please ensure that you are reading for 20 – 30 minutes 

Spelling shed – Please go onto your spelling shed and complete the set daily task - Phonics Phase 4 CVCC words 

Handwriting – Please complete the sheet titled High Frequency Words starting with ‘the’ ending with ‘at’ 

Practice reading and writing your first word wall. Can you write 5 sentences using different words from your word wall? Remember your capital letters and full stops. 

Maths - Using Mathematical Symbols - 

Maths Shed – Enjoy playing for 30 minutes. 

Can you create your own rainbow and display it in your windows at home for others to see. Remember to use your colour mixing skills if you are painting to make different colours. Try and create your rainbow using different materials. Have fun! 

We look forward to seeing your completed tasks. Please share what you have been doing on your blog. We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful creations around Loves Farm!  

Love Miss King, Mrs Gregorious, Miss Cooper and Miss Blyth 

Welcome to our Blackbird Class pages - this is where all you will find our work for when you are not at school. Use this along with the Blog pages to send us messages.



On Friday we read the story of The Stay Home Superheroes to all the Year 1 children still at school to help them understand the importance of staying at home over the next few weeks. You will find it here and on the facebook page for anyone who was not at school and for everyone else to read and share.


Also, don't forget to join the spread of rainbows across the country by creating a rainbow in your front window, in whatever media you choose to use.

The Stay Home Superheroes



Every day your work will be set on this page for you all to see. There will be links to Espresso and things to do on Spelling Shed and Maths Shed.

w/b 14.1.19


Please be on the look out for a boys 12 F shoe that has gone missing after PE. If you locate it please let us know and return it on Monday!
This week we have been learning about Australian animals by reading Possum Magic and Wombat Divine. We have found out some really interesting facts and used these to describe our animals using 2 A sentences.
In Maths we have begun to add using number lines.

In English, the children have finished their book ‘How to find Gold.’ We discussed our favourite parts of the story and wrote them down on strips of paper. We then used these to create poems as a group.

In Maths, the children have been continuing their learning about place value. The children have been looking at ordering and comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal too. They were applying this new maths vocabulary in solving some problems.

 In Science, we have continued our topic of Seasonal change. The children were looking at how animals adapt in different seasons. They were learning about which animals hibernate.


W/b 15/10/18


First we must apologise for not keeping you up to date - sometimes I just run out of time!
We have been very busy over the last few weeks. We have been making numbers using objects and representing numbers on bead strings. Then we used our whole-part models to show number sentences. We used the Mighty Writer to help us compose sentences that we then attempted to write. We also had an Art Day with Mr Cornell where we learnt about colour mixing and sketching.
This week we have been making numbers outside with Cuckoo Class.

W/B 3/9/18


Welcome back to all Year 1 children.
We have had a very busy start to the term. So far we have been doing colour mixing to make rainbows, choosing a character from the Wizard of Oz, creating class birds ( in Blackbirds we did amazing collage) and starting our ICE Zone topic of Castles. We designed shields to show our personalities and used castles as a base for some Maths. This afternoon we became detectives to find out who had left their things on the school field (pictures to follow).
We have all worked really hard.
Please remember PE is every Friday.
Finally in Year 1 we try to encourage the children to be independent by signing up for their dinners and changing their own reading books. Books can be changed every day and we encourage you to read with your child every day for around 10 minutes. Reading diaries are checked and if a book is finished your child will be encouraged to go and change it. If you want to keep a book and read it again please make a note in the diary. We work towards reading certificates for 25, 50, 75 and 100 reads over a term (only 1 read a day will be counted) and have a progress chart in the classroom for the children to see how they are getting on. Please remember to write in the diary so we can see that they are reading.

W/b 19/2/18


What a busy first week back! To start the week we finished off our book Wombat Stew by making Wombat Stew. It tasted yummy and didn't poison us like it did dingo.

In Maths we were trying to use division to share objects between 2 people. We found this quite tricky.

In Science we started our new topic of Materials by searching in the playground for objects and trying to identify what material they were made out of.

In RE we learned about Lent and how Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the desert. We also found out about his temptations.

We also walked into town to visit the church.

W/b 2.10.17

What a busy week again.

In English the children have been designing and describing new pants for the aliens to stop them coming back! We also used the Mighty Writer to write sentences for the end of the story.

In Maths we have been working on place value and trying to represent the number in using dienes. We have also been practicing writing numbers in words.

in Science we have been looking at our sense of touch. We explored different items in a box and tried to describe them to the rest of the class.

We finished of the week with a bit of Cosmic Kids stretching and yoga style exercise.

Week beginning 5/2/18

For the past couple of weeks we have been learning about multiplication in Maths. Many of use have found this quite tricky to understand. We started off with repeated addition and then counted the number of times we added the number. Then we used the x to write multiplic number sentences.

In English we have continued to read Wombat Stew. We have made story maps and written our own stories. We also added the ingredients and wrote instructions for someone else to make Wombat Stew.

In Science we have continued to find out about animal.This week we looked at classification. We sorted animals into family groups - birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians, fish and insects.

We also had an arty afternoon on Wednesday to help us lear all about Claude Monet.

Please remember that we all need to bring our reading diaries to school every day and that PE kits should be in school all week. Homework must come back on a Tuesday.

Have a great half term and see you all in a week!

W/b 16.10.17
In Maths this week we have continued to work on whole-part models and showing these as a written number sentence. 
In English used the Mighty Writer to rewrite the story of Aliens love Underpants. Then we used our story pictures to write the story ourselves.
In Science we used our sense of smell and taste to identify smells we liked and taste sour, bitter, sweet and salty tastes. We were all very brave tasting things we didn't usually taste!

W/B 25/09/2017


Busy couple of weeks in Blackbirds.
We have been getting to know our story, Aliens love Underpants, through drama and writing. We have described the aliens and the settings.
In Maths we have been getting to grips with place value and tens and ones. We have used dienes to show different numbers.
In Science we have been learning about the senses and how difficult it is to be blind!
This afternoon we did some Cosmic Kids yoga as part of PE, the children's were all brilliant at listening and taking part.

Week starting 15th May

Despite all the rain this week, we managed to have the best afternoon ever on Thursday. This was part of National Outdoor Day.  Huge thanks to Miss Alison Abbott who planned amazing, creative activities for all of Key Stage 1.  The teachers were so impressed with the children - everyone was busy, busy learning for the whole time !!  We made butterfly feeders, bug hotels, wood louse mazes, insect traps, walking trail cards and lots more.  

Week Starting 8th May

This week in English we have been continuing to observe and describe the animals of the Savannah, and finished with writing some really beautiful poems. In Maths we have been getting really great at knowing one more and one less than a number to 100, and also looking at the patterns in the 100 square to see 10 more and 10 less than a number. The funny photos are the children making the answers to number sentences (7+4 and 9+5 I think!) I am so impressed with the children's efforts to learn their cursive writing - it is amazing to see.

Week starting May 1st

A shorter but just as busy week in Blackbirds full of good news. Firstly we had 2 staff members comment on the excellent presentation, neatness and handwriting in the books of the children in Year 1 - fantastic news. I have also been so impressed with the mature learning behaviours shown by the class. We are keeping on task for increasing periods of time when reading, writing and doing maths, and producing some amazing work. This week we have been researching "Lions" and learning to write extended sentences by joining 2 ideas using "and" In maths we have been recording the tens and units in numbers up to 100 using both equipment and written methods.

Week starting April 17th

Welcome back to the busy Summer term. This week we have been exploring our new topic Africa, looking at a special picture from our new book, sorting animals from the Savannah, researching animals and making some super animals for our reading corner.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle every day plus a sunhat and a coat for outdoor learning as the weather is still very changeable. Many thanks

Week Starting March 27th

What a brilliant day in KS1 today. We have celebrated all the fantastic home reading this term.  Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate. Miss Childs has set a challenge that for the end of the summer term EVERYONE in KS1 earns a certificate !   I'm confident Blackbirds can achieve this ;)  We also had the most wonderful banquet this afternoon to finish our Castles topic.  The children feasted on gingerbread and apple pies that they had cooked in the Ice Zone, and were entertained by jugglers, singers, dancers and joke tellers. 

Week Starting 20th March

Firstly thank you for the 50p donations today for Red Nose Day.  This week in Maths we have been discovering how to share a set of objects into equal groups, which is the beginning of understanding division.  In English we have read 2 fantastic poems - The Ning Nang Nong  and The Sound Collector.  We went on a walk around school to collect some sounds for our own poems next week. We heard Simba snoozing, some amazing typing, humming computers, birds and house alarms outside and plenty of whirring, banging and clanging in the kitchen :)

Week Starting 13th March

I have been very proud this week watching the children working during lessons.  We have been learning about multiplication arrays, and making these with cereal !  Tongue twisters were fun to write in English, as we continue our Poetry topic.  We also had three special treats during the week - a super morning visit to the woods, a lesson of Indian dancing and clothes, and being invited to the Year 3-4 dress rehearsal - what a fantastic show, and a superb end to a busy week :)

Week starting March 6th

This week has been a little different as we have been assessing the children's learning in Reading, Maths, Science, Writing, Spelling and Grammar ! Phew ! I am very proud of all the progress being made and the fabulous attitude Blackbirds show towards their learning - well done. Congratulations to our Golden pupils this week. Our Show and Tell was also a little different - it was my turn :)

Week starting February 27th

The busiest week ever in Blackbirds ! We have started our new English topic, looking at Poetry.  We have had fun exploring Spaghetti, describing it, reading a poem about it, and writing our own favourite food poem.  In Maths we have been learning about multiplication, and how to show this with equipment.  The highlight of the week was the school World Book Day.  The costumes were fantastic, and we enjoyed reading books, the  Book Swop, and exploring Dr Suess The Cat in the Hat .  We have been really enjoying Friday Show and Tell when we get to know more about our classmates, and their interests.  This week we had a whole solar system modelled from Fimo clay ! Thank you for all the help at home with our learning :)

Week starting 20 February

Welcome back after half term.  We have had a busy first week back in Blackbirds. In English we wrote instructions to make our own Wombat Stew after going on a hunt outside to find our ingredients. This was the last lesson about Wombat Stew - it has certainly been a favourite with everyone in Year 1 !

In Maths we have studied height and length, and how to measure this using different units. We also had a lesson learning our doubles facts, and making sure we know them accurately and quickly. In Science we went on a Minibeast hunt and found out lots of facts about our Minibeasts

Both Year 1 classes will be enjoying Dr Seuss activities on Thursday. If you have a Dr Seuss book at home, could you please pop your name in it and bring it in to school to share on Thursday ? Thank you to the children bringing in a book or two for the Book Swop. This will happen on Thursday as part of our World Book Day activities. We are looking after the books in class until then, and the children will get their "Book Swop Tokens" (1 per book), on the day.

Week Starting February 13th

Happy Half term Blackbirds !!   

Enjoy your week off school - have lots of fun, and keep safe too. 

I look forward to hearing your news on our class blog page ;)

Week starting February 6th

Congratulations to all the Blackbird children achieving an award to day - thank you to all the adults at home helping with this important learning :) This week we have written from the point of view of a character in our Wombat Stew story (the wombat wanting to escape, and the dingo after he tasted the stew and realised he had been tricked ) In maths we have been adding and subtracting, and learning when to add or subtract when the problem is a presented as a story.   Have a lovely half term, keep safe, warm and cosy in the winter weather !  

Week starting 30th January

This week in English we have written instructions about how to make a Wombat Stew, then actually made some to eat ! In Maths we have looked at numbers less than and more than a number, then worked on finding out the missing part when you know the whole number and only one of the parts.
Congratulations to our Golden pupils this week for fabulous ICE zone work, writing, behaviour and attitudes to learning.
Please pop into the cloakroom next week to check your child has a pair of wellies at school for their outdoor learning times. Thanks

Week starting 23rd January

A super week in Blackbirds. I am so pleased with the fantastic writing the children are doing - telling the story of Wombat Stew. We have been looking at larger numbers in maths, counting forwards and backwards and finding out about the tens and units in numbers greater than 10. Science was huge fun this week, planning and making a team structure using raw spaghetti and marshmallows ! We have started Indian dancing and it is not as easy as it looks :) Congratulations to more busy learners gaining their Word Wall badges this week.

And ...Even more super Blackbirds achieving maths and reading awards this week - well done to you all.  The passwords for your blog log-in came home on Friday and I see we already have 9 very creative  Blackbird weemee characters and blogs on the school website  class page :)


Week Beginning 16th January

This half term Blackbirds have Netball skills on a Tuesday, and Indian drumming and dance for their PE sessions.  There were lots of smiles as they enjoyed the first Indian drumming lesson this week.

In English we have read most of the story of Wombat Stew, but not the ending.  I was so impressed with the thinking, talking and writing of really imaginative predictions for the story ending.   Next wee k we find out what actually happened !

We have continued learning about Time in maths, including reading a clock face for hour, and half hour times, and also being able to make / show these times on a clock face.

There were more predictions is Science as the children tested different materials to see if they were absorbent / waterproof / bendy and flexible / transparent or Opaque.

We have several children with chicken pox this week - we wish you a quick recovery, and look forward to you being well enough to return to school.   Please follow your doctor's advice about this.

Week Beginning 9th January

This week we have started our new Science topic about Materials.  In this week's lesson we were learning the difference between an object and a material, and thinking about where materials come from, and what they are called.

Maths lessons have been about Time - knowing the o'clock and half past times, matching clock faces tot eh correct time, and solving simple problems involving time.

We also explored at a picture of a naughty looking dingo holding a pot with some kind of animal in it.  The next day we discovered it was our new book "Wombat Stew"  We have made predictions about the story and thought of questions we want to know about the story, writing them down with correct punctuation.

The most exciting day of this week was Thursday when we all arrived at school dressed up for a day in a medieval castle.  We made pots, candles, pies, ink for writing our names with feathers, weaving, leather work and how to use a bow (and imaginary arrow) The afternoon involved a wonderful feast complete with entertainment from dancers, singers, actors and knights.


Happy New Year  from Blackbird Class

Blackbirds have been on a quick trip to Australia today.  Hopefully they can tell you the story of Possum magic, using the illustrations posted from the book.  They might also be talking about possums, echidna, emu, kangaroos, koalas, dingo, kookaburra, wombats, vegemite sandwiches, pavlova and lamingtons !! ... Some fabulous learning ahead of next week's new English topic. Well done to these artists who can draw a great Australian animal, too.   ( PS Brilliant turn out of warm hats today - thank you !!)

A reminder that PE days are Tuesday and Friday this term - thank you in advance for removing earrings on these days .



Week Starting 31st October

Welcome back after half term. We have had a great first week in which we have started exploring a new book in our English lessons. It is a non-fiction book about looking after planet Earth.  We created a mind map of ideas, and wrote excellent questions about what we wanted to find out about.   In Maths we have been using the language of position (above, below, top, middle, bottom, next to, between) and discussing shapes.

On Thursdays we have a PE coach teaching us new skills, mostly outdoors, so make sure you have a cosy tracksuit top and bottoms to wear.   As the weather is now quite cold, all children need a warm hat and coat every day, for break times and daily outdoor learning times.

We have started a new Science topic about the weather and seasonal change.


Week starting 19th September

Week starting 12th September

Another busy, different week as we start our timetable lessons, and the ICE Zone gets underway.  In English we are exploring a new book "Aliens in Underpants" looking at the front cover and asking lots of interesting questions.  In Maths we have started number work, remembering more than/ less than and doing plenty of accurate counting. Our Science topic for this half term has also started as we labelled body parts and checked we know where all those tricky body labels belonged.   On Thursday afternoon  we enjoyed lots of new reading games - making cooked breakfasts, having reading picnics, baking and hunting for word bugs !



Week starting 5th September

This has been Creative Week in school and we have been super busy making Blackbirds for our classroom door, chanting and making some magic butter (it takes a lot of shaking and chanting to get it to happen !) We also drew fabulous self portraits and  got to know where everything lives in our new classroom.  Thank you for bringing in PE kits and water bottles. It is great to see everything clearly named so we can always return it to the right owner ! 




Welcome to Blackbird class 2016 / 2017

​This page will show the learning Blackbirds are doing in Year1 this year.   Our teachers in Blackbirds are Mrs Rodriguez (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Miss Knox (Thursday and Friday)

Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday this term so please remove earrings before school on those days.  Homework books come home on Thursdays, please return them on Monday for marking :)


Week starting  May 2nd

The children seemed to have really enjoyed an extra long weekend and came back to school full of energy !

In maths the children enjoyed exploring volume and capacity, with water races outdoors which didn't seem fair when each team had a different sized container to transfer the water.  It created a great discussion about capacity and volume !

Our science lesson involved learning to sort animals in a new way - which group do they belong to , and why ?Reptiles, fish, mammals, birds etc

The children have created their zigzag book about looking after the world, with some excellent, mature ideas.

We have an enormous amount of lost property at the moment, all un-named - please look through it, before it is donated to charity.




Week starting April 25th

This week in numeracy we have been re-visiting fractions, in lots of interesting ways. The children drew on the square paving slabs to make half and quarter (in different ways) and also had to cut jam sandwiches into half and quarter shapes.

Our non-fiction literacy learning continues with dramatizing the ideas in the book, and planning a zig-zag book about how to look after our world.   In science we gathered information and data to make a block graph of the pets we have n Blackbird class.  The children found it interesting to see how this information could be displayed as a graph.

Thank you for sending along sunhats every day, regardless of the weather ! The children are learning to look after themselves while outside in the warmer weather

Week Starting 18th April

This week Blackbirds have started a new non-fiction literacy topic. We have been discussing what it means to recycle things, what can be recycled, and why we do this. Today we wrote questions about looking after our world, after reading our special book. The children might be asking about turning off lights in empty rooms, and turning off the tap while brushing their teeth :) In maths we have been solving word problems, and learning different ways to record tens and units/ones in larger numbers. Our new Science topic is about Animals. Please make sure your child has their PE kit back in school - many thanks

Week starting 7th March

This week in Blackbirds we have started a Poetry topic in Literacy. We read a fantastic poem about Spaghetti, and while exploring an enormous mound of wriggly pasta thought of a huge bank of super words and phrases (my favourite one being "its like a volcano of noodles !") We have written our own poems about a favourite food, and started making Poetry books. In Maths we have explored addition and subtraction, reading word problems and having to decide if we need to add or subtract the numbers involved, and then write the number sentence with the correct symbols eg If there were 8 cars in the car park and 5 drove away, how many would be left? This can be quite a tricky skill, and a good one to try at home ... The children are thoroughly enjoying Indian drumming lessons, too.

Week starting 29th February

Thursday of this week was World Book Day ..the whole school became a sea of book Characters, and the children visited different classrooms in KS1 to enjoy activities about different books.


Week Starting 22nd February

This week was Book Week in school and it was packed with brilliant book related activities - Book Swops, come in and read afternoons and a visit from an African story teller, too Blackbirds enjoyed Handa's Surprise as our book of the week.  Some new experiences as we tasted the fruits from our Book Week story "Handa's Surprise" Most interesting was the inside of the passionfruit... and most of the following unusual expressions were from the avocado, pineapple and mango !

Week starting January 25th

This week Blackbirds have been in the pet shop enjoying using coins to add prices, and finding different ways to make the same total - this is a great home activity if you have lots of 1p 2p and 5p pieces. In Literacy we have made story maps of our Wombat Stew book. We then used these maps to write the story over a couple of days. Our football and netball lessons continue (Tuesdays and Fridays PE - please could children wearing earrings not wear them these days, or be able to remove them for PE ? ). In Science we are learning about Materials - what things are made of (eg fabric, wood, metal, plastic, glass etc) and is something in the environment man-made, or a natural feature ? We have been very busy !!

Brilliant Blackbirds this week no  I think Mrs Bryden is a little worried about her stock of stickers and badges ! Congratulations from Mrs Rodriguez and Miss Knox on your amazing maths, reading and spelling skills - keep up all this fabulous learning Blackbirds smiley

Week starting January 18th

In maths lessons this week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  We have been naming and describing circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, octagons, pentagons, cubes, spheres, pyramids and cones. We found out the name of our book - Wombat Stew - and predicted the ending.  On Thursday we read the final part of the story and enjoyed acting it out.   In PE we have started football on Fridays.

Week Starting Monday 11th January

This week Blackbirds have been looking closely at some book illustrations ( we don't know the name of the book yet ) and writing super thought bubbles for this cheeky dingo. We also wrote loads of questions about the illustrations as there is A LOT that we want to find out .... Last Friday we also enjoyed a visit from our artist Jack Cornell who talked about Monet's style of painting, his paintings of London scenes and how the children can create some similar effects in their ICE Zone art this term.

We have started our new Science topic about "Materials" and have been working with weights in maths, comparing heavier, lighter, heaviest and lightest.

Thank you for all the homework books coming in, and getting back to the daily routine of reading after the holidays.


HAPPY NEW YEAR and Welcome to the Spring Term

Week starting Monday 4th January

Welcome back to an exciting first week at school.  Wednesday saw us, back in time, to London in 1666 when The Great Fire of London happened.  We had an amazing day learning about this event. History of the Page was fantastic.....the fire had started, we were busy making bread, clay pots, ink, candles, perfume, herbal remedies, stitching, weaving, visiting the "doctor" and helping draw water from the well to put the fire out !! We found out about the rats and the plague, where the fire started and how it was finally put out.
The children tried their hands at different jobs of the time - barber surgeon, baker, apothecary, perfumer, baker, shoe maker, weaver, metal worker and writer.

If Blackbirds have come home talking about wombats, kangaroos, numbats and a's because we are exploring some fantastic story books from Australia, filled with unusual animals. Our new Australian-outback -bush book corner is looking good, but we would welcome the loan of any of the following - a few small logs for our campfire, some large leafy potted house plants, and any Australian animal soft toys (eg koala, emu, lizard, snakes etc !) Many thanks in advance if you can help.


Week Starting 14th December

This week we have celebrated lots of fabulous learning and hard work in Blackbird class.  Children have received certificates for spelling, reading word walls, number formation, and home reading.   We celebrated completing all our homework, with a fantastic Reward day on Thursday, complete with a delicious Christmas lunch.  The highlight of Reward Day was a very funny and entertaining  Magic Show.   Well done to Lcsas with the winning Year 1 Christmas tree decoration. On Friday we had a special assembly with Mrs Tame about the meaning of Christmas, the visitors Jesus had, and the gifts they brought to him.
Wishing all the Blackbird children and their families a wonderful Christmas holiday time, and best wishes for 2016.

We return to school on TUESDAY January 4th.

Week Starting 7th December

This weeks' highlight was definitely the two performances of our KS1 Nativity play.  We were so proud of all the children - speaking, acting and singing with such confidence and enthusiasm.  I enjoyed looking at the audience and seeing how much you enjoyed the performance as well.

We have started writing our own version of "Peace At Last" where Miss Knox is looking around the school trying to find a quiet place to work. The children have thought of lots of interesting noises to interrupt her work !


Week Starting 30th November

Blackbirds kept Mrs Bryden busy this week, as I had to go and visit her with LOTS of children who had achieved their Word Wall reading, number awards and Spelling awards.  Well done !

In literacy the children are enjoying creating a new version of the Peace at Last story - Miss Knox is moving to different spots in the school trying to find a quiet place to work - but lots of noises keep disturbing her !

Our final rehearsals are underway, and we look forward to seeing you next week at the Christmas show.

Week starting 23rd November

This week has been a little different in the classroom.  We have started our rehearsals for the KS1 Christmas show which involves learning some fun songs and putting together a "Snowflake Dance" for Blackbirds.

Well done this week to our Golden Pupils who both showed great skill in understanding and explaining fractions in maths lessons.

Lots of the children had their Flu vaccine on Friday and brought home a letter from the nurse explaining this.

We have been doing a few quizzes and activities to see what we have already learned in Year 1, in maths and literacy.  The poster shows our Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation learning in Year 1. we have lots of special terms to learn, like singular, plural, question mark, exclamation mark, and more.


Week starting 16th November

This week we received a letter from Mr Bear needing some help to get to sleep. We have written letters back to him, and to Baby Bear, telling him how to get to sleep too.   In Maths we have been exploring volume and capacity.  The children really enjoyed predicting if one container of water would fill another different shaped container. They also tried estimating, or making a 'clever guess' as to how many objects could fill a container. During our reading time we enjoyed "buddy reading" with lots of lovely listening, chatting, and enjoying a book with a friend.    Our science topic on Seasonal change continues, and we are getting ready for our Christmas show.


Week starting 9th November

Well done to our Golden pupils this week for their super work in literacy.   We have been learning about "time connectives" - words which tell you when something is happening, like then, next, after that, in the end, finally and eventually.    Maths was fun this week when we explored fractions. We made giant half and half pizza making sure each half had exactly the same "food" .  We explored cutting bread shapes in half, and knowing which "half" needed some chocolate spread at the end of the lesson !

Welcome back after Half Term - Week Starting 2nd November

This week we starting exploring the book "Peace At Last" by Jill Murphy by looking closely at the illustrations.  We made questions about what we could see, using lots of different starter - Who ?  Where?  why? how? when?  We are now writing these questions using the correct punctuation.  In Maths we have been sorting and sequencing, making repeating patterns and counting in 2s and 5s. This is a great skill to keep practising at home, too.

Our new Science topic is about the seasonal changes we see during a year, particularly looking at the changes between Autumn and Winter.

Also to let you know that our PE days have changed to Monday (gymnastics) and Friday (Netball)




Week starting 19th October

A fantastic end to our first half term with a Celebration Assembly, seeing lots of children achieve awards both in Literacy and Maths.    Keep doing a few minutes each day on your Word Walls - both reading and writing the words as this is a huge help in so many key learning areas.

Have a fabulous safe, and restful half term - see you all back on TUESDAY 3rd November after the Training Day.


Week starting 12th October

Congratulations to our first "25 reads" children - Fantastic effort at home smiley thank you grown ups !! Blackbirds are having a turn each to bring in their favourite book from home... Today we enjoyed a non-fiction book about Science facts, a delightful cosy bedtime story and, a VERY popular book about a Dinosaur. It might be interesting to ask one of the Blackbirds to tell you about it !!   What great concentration this week in maths .... adding numbers and recording the number sentence, looking very grown up indeed. (but we still enjoyed tossing packets of Haribos, because I couldn't find my beanbags !!)

Year 1 were getting very skilled with rugby balls in our Tag Rugby PE lessons - a new experience for many of the children, but a great attitude to an odd shaped ball ! I did have to explain just a very little about the Rugby World Cup teams.... my duty as a New Zealander I guess smiley

Week Starting October 5th


Clever Blackbirds this week - love the smiles and proud faces achieving badges stickers and "Well Done" for some fab learning... and to our Golden pupils this week. Keep up the great work, learning your Words Walls and Numbers.

Maths got really interesting today while we learning about "one more than a number" and "one less than" I have to say we all knew the answers to "one more than" when the sweets came out smiley "How many sweets exactly do you need ?" And some brilliant ordering of numbers all by ourselves.

In Science we learned about the sense of Hearing, and our Literacy continues with more Alien stories and writing about characters and events in the story.



Week starting 28th September

The highlight of our week was definitely the walk to the woods....A perfect day to go EXPLORING in the wonderful woods ..identifying leaves, collecting acorns, twigs and other treasures of nature, making some sculptures and just checking out how strong Blackbirds really are smiley Thank you to all our lovely TAs who went to the woods many times today with the Year 1 and 2 classes !

Lots of the children didn't have any welly boots in school .... Please send a pair in, with your child's name written clearly on them so they can continue outdoor learning as the weather becomes cooler (and wetter !) Many thanks

In maths this week we have been learning about length  ...longer / shorter / shortest / longer than.  And learning  about the unit of measure  ... the metre.  Can your child find things around the house which are longer than or shorted than one metre ?

Week starting 21st September

This week we have enjoyed designing and writing about new and improved Alien Underpants ! Our Exciting Writing on Friday was so great we had to show Mrs Bryden some of it . Thank you for continuing with the home reading every day - lots of the children have achieved their 10 Reads today which is fantastic.

Congratulations on the BRILLIANT homework we saw this week - I'm sure the class set a new World record for "The most homework books brought in by a Year 1 class (94% of them!!) "- all with fantastic homework.

We also made our Christmas cards this week, which was loads of fun.  The order forms will be coming home next week.

Please remember to bring your PE kit in on Monday if it is at home after this week's clubs.



Week starting September 14th


WOW !! How much can a Blackbird read ? Quite a lot by the look of our Reading display - if the children are talking about "getting onto a carrot" this is what they mean ! Huge thank you to all the mums, dads, grandparents, childminders and other adults helping Blackbirds get going with their reading this year - we really appreciate your support

We have super Golden Pupils this week - well done on your work and attitude to learning.   Homework books came home this week - please use pencils only in these books, use one page per piece of homework and if adults could date and title the homework at the top of the page that would be a huge help.  Please come and ask if you are unsure of any of the homework activities.



Week starting September 7th

This week we thoroughly enjoyed our Creative activities.  Blackbird class looked at The Wizard of Oz story, and then colour-mixed painted rainbows, made favourite characters, wrote stories and also character descriptions.

We have started our daily  'One mile Walk' and drawn fabulous self portraits.

We finished the week looking again at the book "The Sandwich that Max Made", this time making the real sandwich, not the paper craft ones of last week.

Congratulations to 2 of our class who completed 5 reads at home this week - they are on our first "carrot" which I will explain next time - keep reading until then :)



Welcome to Year 1 and Blackbird Class

What a great start to school it has been this week - such a lovely enthusiastic, polite and happy group of children in Blackbird class.  We have made butter this week - LOTS of shaking and chanting made it happen, and it tasted great ! We have super Blackbirds on our class door, an d have made paper craft sandwiches of "The Sandwich That Max made"

Please remember to bring your book bag back to school as we have started reading books today.  We also need PE kits, water bottles and welly boots.  All with names on please please please !!


Cricket game and outdoor numeracy - April 2015

April 2015

Welcome back to the summer term and I hope you all had a lovely break over Easter. This term we will be learning about Africa in the ICE Zone.  We had a lovely end to the term in March, when we were able to enjoy an adventure on a climbing wall on our treat day!  We also made some bird feeders in Science as part of our topic where we learned about helping the world. 


We have already had a busy start to the term.  The children have had a cricket taster lesson to help raise their interest in this sport.   We have been enjoying the lovely weather also by doing some numeracy outdoors.  Lets hope this lovely weather continues. 

March 2015

Hi everyone, I have just gotten around to updating our blackbird class page.  Sorry for the delay, there's been lots to learn as a new teacher but I hope to keep you updated regularly on what we are doing in class!

We have been really busy this term learning about our world in literacy.  We have been studying an excellent non-fiction book called '10 Things I can do to help my world.'  I hope your children have been telling you all about the importance of recycling and being energy efficient.

We also really enjoyed world book day recently, I loved everyone's costumes and I hope you have been enjoying your new books as part of the book swap!

We also have red nose day coming up soon as well as treat day at the end of term, so a busy month in Year 1!


World Book day - sorry I didn't take more photos!

Can you spot the difference?

Week ending 12th December

It has been a very busy week for Blackbird class children.  We have taken part in the KS1 nativity of The Grumpy Sheep.  All children performed the angel dance beautifully and I have received many positive comments from both teachers and parents.

In Literacy we have looked at Aliens Love Panta Claus and children have generated story maps to help retell the story, making possible changes for our upcoming writing week.  As Christmas is getting closer, we all made elf hats for our Christmas Lunch.

Next week is the final week of term and we ask all children and parents to ensure that our cloakrooms and classes are clear of personal items (e.g. coats, hats, scarves, PE kits) to ensure that nothing gets lost or misplaced for the new year.

Week Ending 5th December

We have completed our assessment weeks and are now focused on our nativity The Grumpy Sheep.  Performances are soon and our children have been working hard to learn dance movements and lyrics to songs.

With Christmas approaching fast we are creating festive themed head wear for our Christmas Lunch and festive treats which can be taken home at the end of the Autumn Term.

Christmas Fayre (5th December). Face painting.

Christmas Nativity Costume Letter

Auntie's Wood Trip (21st November)

Still image for this video
This video captures some of the excitment of the visit to the wood.

Trip to Auntie's Wood (21st November)

Start of Autumn 2 Term - Current Displays in class

Week Ending 7th November

Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn Term.

In literacy our children have been introduced to a story from another culture "Handa's Surprise".  This story features lots of repetition to help children write their own sentences.  We will be focusing on sentence construction and sequencing of events.  In maths we are looking at data handling, sorting information into groups and constructing simple bar charts.  In science we have started a new topic "Seasonal Change".  Our children will be investigating how the weather changes over the year.

The whole of KS1 had a very special visitor in our Key Stage Assembly this week - Pudsey!!


Celebration of work in Year One (Autumn 1) - Displayed on windows for children and parents

Week Ending 24th October

To finish our first half term in Year One, children wrote their own instructions in literacy. Worked with 2D (flat) shapes in maths, looking at properties of shape and shape patterns. We concluded our five senses in science looking at taste. The main focus within the ICE Zone this week was celebrating the Hindu New Year Festival of Divali (the festival of lights). Children became familiar with traditional Hindu stories, made candle holders, created rangoli patterns within the courtyard, made traditional food and drew henna designs.

Week Ending 17th October

This week we have been working on problem solving in maths.  Children have been looking at number bonds up to 20.  They have used numicon and counting cubes to help solve calculations.  We have recorded our work in the form of number sentences.

In literacy we have moved onto verbs and their function in sentences.  Once this type of word was identified in sentences we started to look at imperative verbs within instructional texts.

This week in science we have looked at hearing.  Children identified different sounds that they hear at school and sounds they hear throughout the day.  We completed games matching sounds to different objects.

Week Ending 10th October

Our children have continued to find out information on our senses in Science.  This week we looked at smell.  We used familiar smells from the home and children tried to identify these and order them according to preference.

In Literacy we have continued our work on Aliens Love Underpants, focusing on sentence construction and retelling the story through drama.

Maths has focused on subtraction of small numbers, using practical resources making our learning as visual as possible.  Children have also had the exposure of writing number sentences, sharing their findings.

Week Ending 3rd October

This week in Literacy we have looked at Aliens Love Underpants.  The children have become familiar with this text, sequencing events and writing sentences based on the story.

In Maths we have continued looking at addition of single digit numbers and started to investigate sequencing of number and how numbers are related to one another.

Looking at our senses has continued in Science and we investigated the sense of touch.  Children completed practical tasks focusing on the importance of touch and how messages are sent to the brain to identify objects that are not seen.

Week Ending 26th September 2014

In Literacy children predicted future events for our Superdog hero in Underpants Wonderpants.  We looked at how he saved people and animals in peril, used these rescues as prompts for our predictions.

In our Maths sessions children have been working on single digit addition, using numicon.  We have started to document our calculations using number sentences using correct mathematical symbols.

In Science we have been introduced to the five senses, focusing on sight.  We completed different activities with and without sight and have thought about the ways that people need to adapt to complete tasks.

Our children have had the privilege of working alongside our artist in residence in the ICE Zone, as well as completing a number of other tasks covering the foundation subjects.



It has been a great start to the Autumn Term for Year 1.  We have completed many different activities in our Creative Weeks - ranging from colour mixing paints, predicting stories, creating life-size puppets and counting tasks.


We are now into our normal timetable using our ICE Zone to support learning within the classroom.  Our children are enjoying the range of different activities for them.

