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The Round House Primary Academy

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Magpies Wraparound Care at The Round House

Welcome to Magpies at The Round House Primary Academy.


The Round House Primary Academy welcomes school aged children who require wrap around care during term time and the holidays.  We are open Monday to Friday from 7.30am until 6.15pm (excluding bank holidays).  The out of office hours telephone number for Magpies is 07938 556175.


Magpies Before School Club


We open at 7.30am where the children are welcomed with a healthy breakfast toast, cereals, yoghurts, fruit juice, water and milk.  Your child will have the opportunity to play with a wide selection of toys, board games, arts and craft materials or play outside.  Your child will be taken to class at 8.45am to start the school day.


Magpies After School Club


The club starts at 3.15pm.  You can collect your child any time between 3.15pm and 6.15pm.  Please ensure that you inform the office when booking if your child/children require tea.  A healthy snack or tea will be provided each afternoon for all the children to enjoy.  We encourage the children to help organise tea time by assisting with preparing the food, laying the table and serving each other.


There are lots of exciting activities on offer, from computers, books, games, construction, arts and crafts etc.  We will also be going outside when the weather is good.


Magpies Holiday Clubs


Club is open from 7.30am until 6.15pm during school holidays (dates vary, see individual booking forms for more information).


Please note that Magpies will be closed during the Summer Holidays 2024 during the weeks commencing Monday 5th and Monday 12th August.

Magpies have their own email address - which will need to be used for all bookings, amendments and matters relating to Magpies.  Please be aware that this email address is not always monitored out of office hours and during holiday periods.  Please call the Magpies telephone number for urgent changes.